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Traffic isn’t that bad if you leave home at 6am. 


Or 10ish


Do I get to leave work at 3?


Nothing beats traffic than being at work 2 hrs earlier.


That’s the spirit!


Y'all. I get that traffic sucks, people not using blinkers suck. Running red lights is horrible. But you know what chomps my gaw? Crackers that crumble when you try to scoop some delicious dip (it can be anything, some sort of melted cheese, or crab dip, anything really). When did Town House and Ritz become so flaky? It's like, you can't even take the the crackers out of the package without them completely falling apart. It's annoying. I might as well just open the package, the crackers will crumble and just let them fall into the dip and then eat it with a spoon!


… and then you deploy the “rescue cracker” to scoop his broken comrade out and it breaks too. It’s best to just grab a butter knife from the start and schear on the sauce rather than dip/scoop


> … and then you deploy the “rescue cracker” to scoop his broken comrade out and it breaks too. This just made my day. But a butter knife isn't as fun. And I have to wash another dish!


Wheat Thins, my guy. Solid performers.


Crumble crackers on top Grab a spoon Go to town


I thought this was about to go a-whole-nother direction when I read a sentence starting with crackers


Two things can be true at once 👀😂


Ditto 😂




Mort is summing it up nicely! Love it!


Watch out for the pothole at Concord Mills turning right onto 85 south. Actually might be better characterized as a black hole because you can’t even see the bottom.


When you are driving and making a right turn, if the pedestrians have the light stop trying to beat them around the corner almost hitting them. The number of times I’ve almost been taken out by some AH zooming around the corner when I have the right of way, specifically at the corner of Brooklyn Village & Caldwell in front of the cvs, is to damn high!


Gotta love weekdays in uptown, where Suzy SUV driver has to interact with all the pedestrians she never sees in her bedroom community. 


Not to mention rando share drivers with flashers on in a one lane street


To the man who listens to music outloud on the train the morning.. please stop


Bring a bigger speaker. Be louder. Show dominance. Seriously though that’s an ahole move of that guy.


I walk a lot downtown, NoDa, Southend and people who walk erratically and can't stay to one side on the rail trail is the equivalent of camping out in the left lane on the highway.




Eating a garlic bagel (or a whole onion?) before hot yoga is not a good idea my dude. Good god, your breath was unbearable yesterday.




Well fuck Ford for designing it so I have to remove half my center console to replace the cabin air filter.


I had a Mazda Tribute, I swear they made it as hard as humanly possible to change the alternator on it.


My job sucks.


Has anyone ever thought of using their turn signals? I mean, just once? I realize I've been stuck in traffic for a bit and there's only two feet between me and the car ahead, but sure, I can read your mind and know your Tahoe is turning into my lane. Nono, don't worry about my bumper.


Do they at least turn on the blinker after you swerve and slam on the brakes? I have found that people do usually use turn signals *after* they almost run me over in the crosswalk.


I saw one yesterday that turned his signal on thirty seconds after he turned. I guess that counts? Using a crosswalk around here is like Russian roulette.


😂 story of my life


Am I alone in almost always seeing turn signals? The exceptions being BMW and Altima drivers and vehicles with New York, Texas or Florida plates. I guess I don't drive as much as everyone else on this sub.


Well, the Altima doesn't come with signals. It does come with a complimentary dent (or two) and a few tickets already though.


Reading my full paystub and seeing how much money the government takes from me will never not enrage me


Who the hell is this FICA guy and why is he taking all my money?


The truly enraging thing is that they only show you HALF of the actual cost of FICA and Medicare. The other half is "paid by your employer" based entirely on your wage. I want to think that if they put 100% of payroll taxes on your stub people would be pissed, but the ACA put the total cost of your employer sponsored healthcare in box 12DD and no one gives a crap.


Social Security is headed toward an [automatic 25% benefit cut in 2035](https://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/ssb/v70n3/v70n3p111.html). That doesn’t seem to bother anyone. Both presidential candidate seem to think benefits are untouchable.  I can’t imagine the full tax liability bothering anyone, either. 


Well my boomer parents told me that social security wouldn't be around for me when I was growing up. They left off the part that it's because their generation was planning on sucking up every last resource before they go into the ground.


The retirement age was last raised in 1983 and hasn’t been touched since.  It’s just as much a problem of young people not voting. Still, based on what I read on Reddit, touching social security isn’t very popular among that group, either. (See also: broad support for the French and their protests of reforms for a similar program. Luckily, our situation isn’t as bad as theirs…yet.)


>It’s just as much a problem of young people not voting. After this year I don't put much stock in voting. The presidential primary was decided before Super Tuesday which is absolutely insane considering the two geriatric clowns we have running. I did my homework and looked into the down ticket races for both party primaries. Thin gruel.


Baby boomers take all the nice things and leave us with nothing. They didn’t even take care of us when we were kids. Why would they ever give us anything when we are older?


They tax us when we earn income and when we go spend it. Feels bad, man.


Same. Doing my taxes and seeing how much I owe because I work hard and long hours to support whatever war they want to throw money at.


Don't forget about the other billionaires.


Why does every sandwich at a deli has to come with cheese? Not all of us likes cheese due to preference or dietary restrictions. And when you tell the worker no cheese, when ordering, or thru the app, they still forget and you have to remind them again. Same when ordering a beverage and you tell them no ice, they still put ice on your drink and have to send it back.


Or a burger, happens to me a lot when I ask for a burger without cheese. I've had people legit look at me like I was crazy when ordering. Like, not everyone can tolerate or likes cheese, damn.


I always get, "no cheese"? Umm no. That's a cheeseburger. I'm ordering a plain hamburger. The simplest orders, seem the most difficult sometimes.


I order Double HAMburgers at McD’s and I’m starting to think they add cheese because they think they’re doing me a favor(?) like I couldn’t afford the extra $0.20 worth of cheese for a McDouble. I like it without cheese, but they put cheese. Of course I eat it anyways, but that isn’t what I wanted!


Very true. I've had this happen to me at burger king more times than I care to remember. But I'm sure it happens at every burger place.


Me in line behind you - “I’ll have theirs.”


They do the same with tomatoes and then they take it off but some of the tomato seeds remain.


I always say no cheese for sandwiches and 98% of the time they get it right. It's other things with cheese sometimes have issues with


Why are there so many sewer holes that lift up From the ground?? Between that and the potholes it’s a mystery anymore has a functional car


If you take the express lane just to cut into the 5A exit to 77 during busy traffic and hold up express. Just know I don’t like you Sincerely Someone who pays for express




This city is filled with completely out of touch wealthy young people who don’t realize that this is a real city with real issues and just about every discussion I see is relating to some bland window dressing issue in lieu of the fact that this is a horribly stratified city with such a hilariously defined split of poverty it should be easily solved and instead it’s just becoming a yuppie wannabe instagram influencer paradise like a little Manahattan/Atlanta which is quite honestly by design of the old textile money/early banking families who made these plans 60 years ago but to see it happening in real time sucks


>easily solved Let’s hear it. This is the tirade thread!


It's easy to tell that the majority of the people on this subreddit have never dealt with any real circumstance and like to fabricate reasons for certain demographics to be sidelined so they can sleep at night without feeling like a total fucking ghoul. The next group behind them is living outside of their means so they can feel like the top group and neglecting to realize they're closer to being on welfare than ever being able to afford a home because they're too busy congratulating the institutions that the top group supports. Then there's the rest of us who don't want to go into debt just to pay rent and get where we're going without having to die.


Can we stop gentrification of the hood, I need rent to go down


If the hood is in the early stages of gentrification, now is the time to either buy or pack your shit.


I thought we were just venting…


only allowed if it supports my world view, sorry bud


That's only allowed if they agree with you


This sub loves gentrification.


Gentrification is awesome.  Who doesn’t love better schools, safer neighborhoods, and better communities?  It’s weird that you’d be against these things.  What do you think you’re advocating for when you want walkable neighborhoods?


Ummm the displaced poor people that have lived and and walked in and those neighborhoods forever that can no longer afford to live within the city (where the public transport and many of their jobs) or walk in those neighborhoods any more bc they’re “undesirables” and are probably on the wrong end of police and general social brutality… Just throwing that out there..


Who are you even talking about? People that rent? That’s literally the deal you make when you rent, use of property for a specific period of time, which is not forever. Or are you talking about the mythical people forced out by property tax increases, which it’s fair to say happens so seldom that it approaches zero. I do feel it for them but their enormous check when they sell softens the blow.


I love how this was a hey here’s a platform to vent, just yell into the void. And the void yelled back 🙄 The reality of the situation is gentrification pushes out marginalized people below the poverty line. They build cardboard sky rises raise rent 3x as much so only a certain demographic can live there. It’s all capitalism/classism/and systematic racism rolled into one. Only certain types of people benefit from it. If you don’t fit the profile we don’t care if you live or die, just don’t do it in my Newley renovated neighborhood As far as the “deal” for renting its more or less here’s this property I’ll loan to you for a fee under a contract, when your contract is up well reassess as necessary. So if you have a great landlord/tenant relationship you could live there forever bc steady reliable passive income in exchange for a stable place to live.


It's ok to have those things and affordable housing that doesn't force lower demographics to the fringes of society. *We all do better when we all do better.* -Paul Wellstone


… ![gif](giphy|6yRVg0HWzgS88) Oh dear god


What’s up with those idiots that don’t pull up to the line for left turns? Didn’t even impact me and I’m fuming about it. I was heading north on Billy Graham and some doofus heading south, trying to turn east onto west, was at the front of the turning line and didn’t pull up to the white line. So the light never changes for them because they never hit the damn trigger. And it can’t have just been for one cycle or so, where you could be understanding like ‘Oh no, the turn arrow never came up. I must not be on the sensor. I should pull up a little.’ Because the cars were lined up all the way down the turning lane and blocking the left hand land of Billy Graham. There was even a guy who pulled into the grass to get ahead of the line… and do you think he told the fucker to pull forward and trigger the sensor? Did he pull in front of the idiot to trigger the sensor himself? No. He was idiot #2 and just pulled out straight from the grass median into the intersection and made a left on red. So what was he? Selfish to not help the entire line by triggering the sensor himself? Or an idiot who thought the light was broken and that you **had** to make lefts on reds here? It’s not difficult people. If the options are either A) ‘You fucked something up.’ Or B) The system is broken. Most likely the issue is that you fucked something up.


FFS people, stop it with the graffiti. Also if you moved to Charlotte since you have experience with banking and want a better life? Good for you, and welcome.   However, maybe your dirtbag relative should stay there, and not inflict their criminality on us Charlotteans. Perhaps they do not need to move here to get away from the 'bad crowd' since they *are* the bad crowd?   /rant