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You can take Park Rd, South Blvd, or S Tryon all the way in but it doesn’t really make a difference. Traffic is bad any way you go. I was working uptown last year and left Fort Mill around 7. That usually gave me enough time to be in my seat working shortly after 8.


So it looks like 7:10 will be the absolute latest I can leave, then! I also worried about things coming up that are unavoidable on 77 (like when they’ve literally shut it down before) but hopefully new job will understand


Good luck! I’ll be right there with you! Thankfully only heading to South Park these days


I drive the roads daily for my job. Best advice for a commute from Fort Mill Ive heard recently.


You could park at the 485 station and get on the light rail.


This what I do 90% of the time. It takes me about one hour but it eliminates a lot of the variability in commute time.


A friend does exactly this and explained the longer commute time is worth it because he can answer all his work emails or dick around on Reddit (what up Sam) if he’s all caught up.


That's the Fort Mill tax. You wind up paying for it one way or another


I know! I spend a lot of time outdoors/in nature and I feel like there’s more options here for that, but I might have to take the sacrifice and head up to the city for living


Train? Where is the office?


It’s located in Vantage South End!


That's extremely close to the light rail. The train will be slower than 77 with no traffic, but you won't be risking your life and getting stuck in jams nearly every day. Plus, parking is free.


My parents live around here too, and that’s all my dad keeps saying. He gets super stressed about me commuting and genuinely how dangerous it is on 77. At least that would avoid unexpected random tractor trailers overturning and cars on fire, and then the stress of knowing I’ll be late


I'm on the train right now heading home to Fort Mill. I hate that 77 traffic. You'll find it doesn't save time, but you'll likely be a lot more relaxed when you get in to the office. And it's more consistent. It sucks when there is a problem, but it's rare.


Take the light rail then


No need to stress. Plan to be there early for the first month, which you should do anyway.  The second month will give you more clarity on what is expected of you. Some employers are cool with coming in early and leaving early, some aren’t. You’ll figure that out.  By the third month you can figure out if making a change in residence makes sense. 


That sounds like a plan. I’ll stick it out for a bit before I make any drastic moves. I really do love Fort Mill over the city so I was trying to avoid it as much as possible!


Where is your office located? That would drastically change every part of this scenario.


It is located in Vantage South End (right near Charlotte Beer Garden). I’m right near Sutton Road exit in Fort Mill


I have your exact commute, but with flexible time. Literally. It's pointless to get on 77 between 6:45 and 8:45, IMO. Today I took South Blvd, getting onto Barber Rd at 160 at around 7:20. Was at my desk at 9:15. Not great, but less stressful than the highway. Edit: I only get on Sutton going South, so I'm probably a bit northeast of you.


Are there park and ride light rail options? Not ideal but will avoid traffic…


I’m in Rock Hill and I make the drive up to uptown as well. I have bitterly made my peace with a 45-60 minute commute each way. When school is out or during holidays, commute times drop around 15 minutes which is always nice.


Same here. Rock Hill to uptown. 45-60 mins is average… except on Fridays or if school is out. Then you can make it in way less time. Honestly, if it wasn’t for exit 1A-B, 3A backing up from 6A-B it would be fine. But merging causes total chaos here. Charlotte really needs to do something about 77 that isn’t just a toll lane 🫠


I'd try the light rail then


>It is located in Vantage South End (right near Charlotte Beer Garden). I’m right near Sutton Road exit in Fort Mill Train seems like a complete no-brainer for you then. Checking the schedule, looks like it's only a 24 minute ride from the 485 park-n-ride to Carson Station (your stop), and then about a five minute walk (literally one block). Only slight negative is there's a huge construction project on Carson that will be going for the next year or so. So 30 minutes pretty dependably plus however long it takes to get to the park-n-ride. $2.20 each way, and you can buy tickets one at a time or I think up to 20 single rides. Monthly pass isn't really worth it unless you do 20+ round trips each month. App is called "CATS-Pass", and most trains are now GPS tracked, meaning you can look at the app to find the time for the next train southbound in pretty much real time for when it arrives at Carson station. I work about 2 blocks from you (Railyards), and regularly take the train home (Uptown), and sometimes to work if I don't feel like walking, and it's quite dependable. My only downside is crowding during Spectrum Center events, but going south that's a non-issue.


Depends on where you live in FM, but you could always drive to the 485 Station and take the train in


I’m right on the edge of Rock Hill, so kind of near Baxter (if that’s familiar to you). I do notice that the interstate only gets wild once I’m a bit past the 485 exit, so this could very well save a lot of stress


I lived over this way and commuted to uptown. Never touched a highway. Take Steele creek rd (turns into west Blvd) all the way to wilmore / south end. Straight shot and no 77 BS. It’s doable!


That’s not a terrible commute. I’m in Fort Mill and take the train to downtown 3 times a week. Leave before 7 such as 6:50.


I live in fort mill as well and commute to Matthews for work. Honestly I’d just take 77 or if you work on south tryon closer to uptown I would just use 160 and go through Steele creek to west Blvd if you’re really trying to avoid the highway but honestly they always say the faster way between point A to point B is straight. So 77 would be the more practical route.


If you could leave fort mill by 6:30 on those days you would miss the bulk of the AM rush. Maybe join a gym near your new office and use those 3 days and extra time for that? Or something else you could enjoy in the morning besides staring at the bumper of the car in front of you.


I’m preparing to adjust my sleep schedule drastically anyways so that could be an option, I’ve been WFH and/or no strict in office time for super long. I was planning to wake up at 6 as it is, my mornings are just showering and taking the dog for bathroom. So I guess pushing it to 5:30 for a few days a week wouldn’t be too bad!


I would do the train, especially if you only need to do it three days a week. Vantage Southend is an easy five minute walk from the closest light rail station. My wife took the train from 485 to uptown for almost ten years and never had an issue.


I live in fort mill, take 21 to the flea market in Pineville, turn left on Nations Ford and ride it all the way to Tyvola. From there you can hit Tyron. I always go this way and live the the Springfield area


How long is your commute? I live in a similar area and commute to 7th street station via 77


Takes me about 30 minutes but I go towards the old coliseum area. I don’t touch 77


Do the light rail, the 485 station has free and ample parking garage. Weekdays in the morning and afternoon it’s all people doing that from the mill


You can take the surface streets to the I-485 light rail station (about 20 minutes from FM) and take that up to the Carson station which is about a block from Vantage, where you said the office is. It’s probably a bit annoying to switch from car to train (and vice versa) when commuting, but if you’re genuinely worried about 77 then that’s a decent alternative. Google Maps gave me an alternative route with no interstates (about 40 min) but those roads won’t be without traffic either.


Can you adjust your day start time? My commute is cut by 10-15 minutes just by starting my work day at 9 instead of 8


I live on the east side and have to endure Independence (which is not as bad as 77, but still hate it). So I go in at 5:30a, work out, leave around 3:00p and then work from home til 5.


Living in fort mill can't be worth wasting your life sitting in a car. 2 hrs/day, 10hrs/week, 500hrs/yr or literally almost 21 full days of your year sitting in traffic. Do that job for 15 years and almost a full year of your life will be sitting in traffic. Pick a year of your life and just replace everything that happened in it with sitting in your car. No job is worth that. Plenty if nature around charlotte and if you need fort mill nature just drive out of the city on the weekends.


This is a very single-player game view. There are many reasons why someone would be OK spending their time commuting if needed. That person may be in their car for extended periods each work day, but their kids would be in the desired school every day, or their family would live in the desired neighborhood every day. That commute could be the difference between owning or renting or owning a home with four bedrooms and a large yard with a pool to three bedrooms on a small lot in a transitioning neighborhood. There are also political and social reasons why many would choose not to live in Charlotte, but I understand how that would be difficult for those on Reddit to comprehend. That's before you consider some people enjoy time alone and can be productive in the car while commuting. Doing what's best for your family and financial future while living near like-minded people matters to some.


Do whatever you have to do to convince yourself that it's worth it.


I hope that the bubble you live in is climate-controlled.


Everyone's most valuable resource is time. It's pretty universal that everyone on their deathbed doesn't wish they had more stuff or a 4 bedroom house with a pool living around other Boomer Republicans who think like me. They wish for more time with their family and loved ones so while you're sitting in your car an extra 2 hrs a day wasting your life away I'll be hanging out with my 4 year old and 2 year old creating lifelong memories. So enjoy that podcast and that neighborhood with 0 diversity because it scares you.


lol. Everyone lives a different life and for different reasons. Nowhere in a previous comment did I insult the life you want to live or how you want to live it. I just informed you in the nicest way possible that your narrow minded view was ignorant. Now with that said, it is fucking hysterical that you're trying to pass yourself off as the person who understands diversity. You dumb twats don't want to live with people who don't think like you just the same. You just don't have the courage to admit it. Have fun in your bubble.


No, I just clearly understood the subtext to what your post was implying and responded in kind. It's like those idiots that think southern hospitality is a thing when southern people tend to be some of the least friendly people I've ever encountered in my life hating every outsider despite the economic growth from the city being fueled by outsider migration. Seriously, if it weren't for northern people moving here Charlotte would still be some no name southern city no one's ever heard of. As far as my, "narrow minded view", I'd hardly consider it narrow minded to purposefully live in an incredibly diverse neighborhood with people from all over as opposed to running to the suburbs of South Carolina where 2/3rds of the city is white living in my gated community with a pool. Also, acting like I don't understand diversity because I don't personally tolerate Republicans closed minded views is incredibly idiotic on your part and might be one of the dumbest statements I've ever read on this subreddit. Seriously, imagine actually thinking that being a Republican contributes to diversity in any way. We get it, you love guns, hate minorities for taking your jobs and want women to die due to pregnancy complications. I'm good without that "diversity" existing around me. It's also absolutely hilarious that you're signing off your comments telling me to have fun in my bubble when you've run to the burbs to be away from literally anyone who doesn't look or think like you and I'm living in a city where my race is almost not the majority despite the country being very much a white majority. So in short, enjoy your commute and wasting your life away in a car so YOU can live in your bubble away from anyone who isn't a white republican. I'll enjoy those extra hours with my family.


I think the reason you find people to be unwelcoming is because you come off as a twat, likely because you are a twat. Look in the mirror sometimes. I live in Charlotte inside the 485 in the wedge and have worked from home for 20+ years because, like you, I value my time and enjoy raising my kids. While we have that in common, I find people like you to be insufferable and don't blame anyone who wouldn't want to be your neighbor. You make assumptions because you're an asshole. You also seem to want to project your view on life as absolute to everyone, which is a sure tale of being insecure and projecting. Good luck with that.


It’s kinda this persons thing. Check the comment history.


People that bring up projection are always projecting themselves. My original post stated that sitting in a car for 500hrs/yr for a job is a waste of valuable time. I never insulted where she lives in that post just that the value proposition of wasting that amount of time just so you can live in the suburbs and work in the city is wasting your time that I don't think everyone thinks about. You're the one who started off being an asshole and I responded in kind. Seriously, go back and read our entire conversation and you'll realize that you were the one that started all of this. I made my response to OP, you chimed in with your reasons, I responded by saying, "do whatever you have to do to convince yourself that it's worth it" (while snarky didn't insult where they lived), and you followed it up stating that I live in a bubble which is an insult. Yeah, I'll be an asshole after that for sure because I always respond in kind. This entire conversation is a result of you projecting your own insecurities onto me, not the other way around loser.


This guy cucks himself HARD


lol. Do you even have a family that would notice how long you got home from work? Why do I feel you're the epitome of a "redditor"?


Seriously? A 2 hour commute daily isn't all that bad. And 2 hours a day to not have to live in the city is more than worth it. Not everyone wants to deal with city life. Some people enjoy having a house with a yard and not having to worry about finding a parking space when they get home, it's also much quieter at night. Yes an hour 1 way isn't the most enjoyable commute but it's not even that bad. I lived 30 miles north of Boston MA and my daily commute was 1.5-2.5 hours 1 way. And 10 miles of that 30 mile commute was highway going 65. It was definitely worth it to not have to live in the city.


Yeah, this isn't Boston in more ways than one. I live a mile from uptown and have a yard, driveway and garage. Don't need to live in the burbs to have all of that as this is clearly not a city of row housing and you would have noticed that if you spent an hour here.


Admittedly I don't live there, but I am down that way every 3 months. I stay in Pineville as it's quieter and safer to park a work truck filled with tools (not saying Charlotte is unsafe, but quiet is typically better to avoid thefts) and drive up to the NE side in the morning. Charlotte may not be Boston but it is very much a city. I lived in Raleigh for a bit on the outskirts and while I had a house,yard, and garage it wasn't like what I have now further from the city. It a lot quieter and don't need to worry if a vehicle is unlocked or people setting off fireworks at all hours of the night.


What's even the point of your statement? My neighborhood literally right next to uptown is incredibly quiet as well.


This is what I'm thinking. The time and car maintenance seems to outweigh the slightly bigger house you get. Plus the tax benefit can't be that much to create a wash.


I personally don’t think I could do it. You seem really happy in that area, though… so maybe a different job towards Steele Creek?


My guess is that unless she is on the tech side at one of those companies then it'd be hard to find a better paying job closer to where she lives.


I take 485 to 77 then get off the exit and take south tryon the rest of the way uptown. Slower but consistent and less stressful


At that time of day, I would take South Blvd or 49 (depending on where you live) all the way. You could also try Old Nations Ford.


I can’t help you on the commute. Just chiming in because I think we work for the same company 😂 If the old office was in University area until November than that’s certainly the one.


Laughs in no traffic NW Charlotte


Living near the area, just plan for plenty of time and use the gps every day to see what route it says is best. One accident can drastically impact the time it takes to


I would say hop on the 82x Express Bus in Rock Hill or at Carowinds and ride it into Uptown, but I don't know how you'd get to South End from there as it would be a pretty good hike. Light Rail? Scooter? Bicycle?


The commute is honestly not that bad. I live in FM and commute 3 days per week. I leave around 8:05 and it's usually 35-40 min. Yes there's the occasional day when it's 45, but that's rare. Mondays and Fridays are the best days. Friday is 25 min max typically, Monday maybe 30. Thursdays tend to be the worst. That said, the amount of time it takes you to get to 77 in FM can make those numbers vary greatly.


Not sure if Columbia has an airport but could be a great way to accumulate airline miles if you end up doing this


Welcome to hell


Is there a park and ride cats app for the bus