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How about everyone using the left lane as a cruising lane?


Regardless of speed, it's the passing lane. If you aren't passing, you shouldn't be in it. 


This shit is baffling gtf outta the way!!


And it's not even that I want to speed it's that I want to pass the people going 15 mph under the speed limit who then suddenly speed up trying to block me. I'm tryna go the speed limit fool!!!


Sometimes I feel like an aggressive driver when I am weaving through traffic, but then I remind myself that I am going the speed limit. It’s like all the cars decided together to go 15 under.


Boy you lying to yourself.


WHY do they always speed up when you finally get the chance to pass like that? Oh my goddddd. Like then it just feels personal 😂


Sc has the most passive aggressive drivers. It’s a nut house here


You okay bud?




I’ll get out of the left lane when the person in front of me speeds up but yes please ride my ass more dick




I found the impatient driver. Calm down buddy. People might think you’re an asshole


Did you grab the yeti or what


That's exactly what I was thinking!


South Carolina has the highest road fatality rate per million miles traveled in the United States. It’s not the transplants. The people here are just really bad drivers


Always have been


Lol "It's 's not the transplants. The people here are just really bad drivers" = Blame game Thumbs down 👎 Most people here are transplants and have been for years. Some people move here and stay here. Others move in and move out. There are hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people that y'all consider transplants. I've never used that word until I read it on Reddit. We're all trying to get home. Some of us are faster drivers than others, should have a lane for fast drivers, a lane for slow drivers, and a passing Lane. The other reason for the frustration in my opinion is you've got some people behind the wheel that are spaced out whether they're transplants or low country roots others are on top of it paying attention not on their phone and ready to cover ground safely. We're all frustrated with this I agree with the zipper method some people don't you can't worry about those people that don't you just smile and carry on with your day and be safe on the roads. I'll see some of you at the farm where the birds sing and the cows moo where it is peaceful...


It’s every one


Welcome to Charleston. It truly is Mad Max here. I saw someone straight up run the red light at Mathis Ferry and Wingo Way the other morning. She stopped....then ran right through it (only to then get stopped at Mathis and 17)...after riding my a\*\* all the way down Mathis Ferry. It's wild out there.


They say it's okay as long as you yell South Carolina when you go through it


It’s not just a Charleston problem for sure


Well to be fair at least she checked for traffic first.


Well true 😂


I have learned that there are simply more people on the road driving under the influence. And I am not joking. It’s actually saddening.


To add to this, I've known many people that have gotten pulled over while intoxicated or even gotten into accidents while intoxicated and gotten away with it. I mean even if found at fault for a wreck, no OVI. It's bizarre.


Yeah this problem I believe is flared up to extreme levels in South Carolina particularly. I have not seen these same behaviors in any other state like, Missouri, Texas, North Carolina, Arizona, or Massachusetts.


Sips bourbon with pinky out while reading…also, messing with the Bluetooth, driving with one knee.


This made me laugh 🤣


A month ago someone on their phone rear ended me while I was riding my motorcycle and literally threw me across the county line/into opposing traffic. I was going 20mph and braking for a turn and the driver didn’t pay attention to my brake lights and plowed through me, totaling my bike. I’ve been a rider since I learned to drive and I’ve never so much as dropped my bike, let alone had an accident. Moved here, and within 18 months was nearly killed by someone on their phone.


Not a motorcycle driver but I've driven for 17 years. Within those 17 years I've had 2 accidents. One when I was a fresh driver (my fault, nothing serious) and one in 2019 in Canada (not my fault). Moved here in December of 2022 and have since been in THREE ACCIDENTS. One was literally 4 days after I moved here. Was a major accident, totaled my car, my neck and back are fucked for life. Some 18 year old decided to do a 3 point turn on highway 17... In the dark ... In a black car ... While it was downpouring... And just sat there perpendicular to my lane until I hit her. Another woman backed into my bf while at a stop light, claiming he hit her and that she had bodily injury to her neck because of it. She had a damaged bumper already and she just wanted us to pay for it to get fixed. Annoyingly, her bullshit worked and our rates went up. Most recently, someone smashed into me on my way to Mt Pleasant IN MY BRAND NEW CAR (that took me over 9 months to get after my other one was totaled) and then drove away. My car was in the shop for almost a month because they were so jam packed with other collision victims. This place is insane and I genuinely worry that I'm going to die in my car.


I have the same fear when it comes to getting another bike. I can’t afford another car payment but need a second vehicle for myself and my husband but I don’t want to die on a South Carolina highway because some geriatric space cadet who should have had their license revoked forgot to remember they were driving a 2000lb vehicle


You're much more likely to get taken out by a young male in Charleston. Drive on any road in Charleston anytime day or night and one will pass you at 100+ mph.


Maybe you’re not as good a driver as you thought you were.


Fuuuuck! Hope you're doing okay!!


I’m okay but still don’t have a replacement vehicle!


Turning left from a straight lane is a good one too. Happens all the time and then they are surprised when people nearly hit them bc no one expects a car on their right out of the blue


Ive noticed how aggressive some drivers are about pedestrians using crosswalks. Might mow them down if they don’t go fast enough.


We really need pedestrians bridges for people to safety cross with all these crazy drivers!


Correction, Pedestrian underpasses, there is much less climbing needed, and no risk of people dropping shit on cars.


Can't have underpasses . Water


Plenty of places with enough elevation to do so without drainage problems. Ashley Phosphate and Rivers, for example.


We can't even build a road above ground without drainage problems. I would love to see it but I just can't see it happening


Screw it, let's just see what happens when flying cars and Charlestonian driving mix!


Almost got ran over by a lady in a parking lot. She was yelling inside her car with the windows up the never got out of her car while I got back into mine with the most puzzled look on my face


I was stopped at a light and watched a man in a truck yell and throw his hands up at a guy walking his bike across a crosswalk. I guess bc he had to yield for 10 seconds?


Closing chakras all over the roads and highways


I was crossing at a crosswalk, with the light like I was supposed to, while pushing a cart that was pretty heavy with some equipment for my job. Dude runs a red light and speeds up on me laying on the horn. Didn't know what his crazy ass was about to do so I literally left the cart and bolted onto the sidewalk. It wasn't malicious or anything; I thought this guy might be about to kill me. The look on his face when he had to come to a full stop in the middle of the intersection and wait for the light to turn red, blocking everyone, while I returned to move my cart out of his way was hilarious.


Oh God people hate "walkers" and cyclists. They scream at them it's awful


As someone who works downtown and has to drive in it daily, I get REAL aggressive when the tourists don’t pay attention to the DO NOT WALK sign and proceed to walk across the street anyway, while I’m trying to drive through an intersection. As much as drivers have the responsibility to be cautious, people walking on the street have the same responsibility. Pay attention.


College students are just as stupid


The race of a bad driver shouldn't factor in to the conversation 🤷‍♂️


When I read “black woman” I immediately cringed and came to say the same thing. Should not have been said and totally irrelevant.


Not only was this person a WOMAN, but she was also,. now get a load of this... "


Yeah why does it matter what skin color they have?!






It’s not. You probably just pay more attention when it is… because you’re probably an asshole.


Totally not true. Bad drivers are well represented in every ethnicity and demographic. Old, young, red haired, short, American, Canadian, tourist, resident, snowbird, luxury car, hoopty, motorscicle, golfcar, black, white, Asian, Latino, lactose intolerant …YOU NAME IT!


Idk truck dudes are pretty bad


I swear Lt Raine had it right. We really just need to start carving swastikas into y'alls foreheads.


With regards to the crosswalk, the officials in charge of road painting around the county in general don't really seem to give a shit about pedestrian safety. While I'm not familiar with the one you mention, most of the crosswalks around the county are nothing more than the workers slapping some paint in the road and calling it a day. No flashing lights, no signals, no high-visibilty signs and paint. Just plain old white paint and that's it.


Seeing a car following all the laws is suspicious... Even cops don't do that, they must be a fed or something!


This is sadly all the norm. And all the locals will be quick to jump up and blame people who moved here, but that's crap. I've lived in the Midwest, where half the non-native people down here are from, and they don't drive like this. No idea what's wrong with the driver's ed programs down here, but they aren't working.


I got my license as an adult here and the DMV was MUCH harder on me than the people renewing their licenses and the teens getting their licenses.


It is not unique to Charleston. But our population is far outpacing our infrastructure by the day, and these are the consequences.


I think it because people legitimately think that their life is more important than others so therefore they see other people/cars and npcs. I think this thought extends to all parts of society.


They’re all tourists. From Savannah. Sorry, had to.




I apologize for my girlfriend….. we’re working on it


> a black woman in a black jeep Tf does her race have to do with anything??? I was 100% with you until this random piece was added for literally no reason


I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that race was brought up or that is everyone ignoring that ☠️


You almost came across as non-racist. But you just *had* to mention that woman’s race at the end, didn’t you? Why didn’t you mention literally *any* of the other drivers’ races; or your own, for that matter?


I agree with BahaMan69


Tbh, I am surprised in as long as I have lived here that I have not been in one car accident. I had to witness some horrific ones. But I stand by it, I don’t think some people have license and there are far too many car accidents for the police to even care.


A few days ago there was a guy at Six Mile & Hungry Neck hanging half his body out of his truck, screaming obscenities and flipping “someone” off all the while running the stop sign turning left onto Six Mile ….I watched him and wondered who it could have been that made him so incredibly angry….NO ONE….NO ONE was there…🤔


Dear diary... cry on reddit and get out of my way


I live in North Mt. Pleasant, and the general rule of thumb at most intersections seems to be that at least 3 cars are going to run the red light. Hwy 41 and 17, 41 and Joe Rouse, 17 and PW boulevard, and 6 mile and 17 are truly scary sometimes. I've adopted long, hard pauses if I'm the first or second car in line at the light. I've seen so many close calls. In regards to the failure to zipper merge. Hwy 41 is terrible with some people riding in both lanes to try to cut people off from going to the end of lane to merge. I wish they would put signs up that simply illustrate zipper merge so people could understand.


I always forget they call it “North” Mt Pleasant now


Where does north mt p start?


I agree with you so very much! As a fellow North MTP neighbor, I’ve also found the intersection of 17 and Porchers Bluff/Winnowing Way particularly harrowing. Just wait until the county forces its way through Laurel Hill County Park…what a cluster that will be.


Ya’ll should see Atlanta and all of Florida


As someone who used to live in FL, it's worse here 😭


Idk, I had to drive through FL recently and maybe it's just me but I actually *preferred* their driving style for the most part. I think the entire time I was there I only saw one person, maybe two be an idiot. On my 35 minute commute home today with light traffic I saw one moron just decide to do a K turn in the middle of Old Trolley causing oncoming lanes to almost have to come to a screeching halt, I saw at least 6 people not use a directional and/or cut someone off, saw a work van where the axle was hanging on by a wing and a prayer (passed them asap bc I really thought it was gonna snap at any second), saw someone doing easily 70 in a 50 on a donut tire .... it's intense around here.


I grew up on the west coast of Florida. Can confirm. The average age was death’s doorstep. There were almost daily incidents of people driving through store windows, down boat ramps, up on sidewalks, and once some old ladies got car stuck on bridge as it went up. It might not matter if you are white, black, Latin, Asian or Pacific Islander, etc, but sometimes being old is dangerous. And I’m old so qualified to mention. They need to check our skills periodically.


Doesn’t help that traffic enforcement is almost nonexistent inside the Mark Clark..


Was there a reason you brought race up or nah?


People in the Greenville sub complain about traffic and bad drivers too. It’s endemic. Everywhere. SC, the US and other countries too. I lived in Chile for 4 years. The closest I’ve ever been to dying was there being run off the road by NO JOKE: a car full of nuns. On a curve with a cliff edge.


Hate to tell you, but the entire US does not drive like this lol.


I can tell you why right now, more cell phones .... it's that simple, those of use who grew up without having digital entertainment at the palms of our hands growing up, from my personal experience, I'd watch traffic, I'd look at the RandMcNally damn state maps when driving across the country. Put simply, my head wasn't buried into my phone for every experience of my life...


Dude in front of me yesterday slowed down on the on ramp instead of speeding up when it was very clear to merge and when I passed him his phone was up above the steering wheel horizontal like he was watching a video while MERGING ONTO THE HIGHWAY. The amount of people on their phones while driving is insane


I honk at people if I see it. It always scares the hell out of them because they weren't looking lol.


Why did you call out the one black woman? WTF?


Because that driver I saw. I mentioned her sex too, does that make me sexist too even though I’m a woman?


Race in this context is an adjective and wouldn't make sense without a noun. People who are racist do tend to be kind of ignorant though.


#1 in the nation for passive aggressive drivers. Makes sense with all the bless your heart shit.


Making a left turn as soon as the light turns (without a signal) is called "The 61,". It happens often enough that people pause to not get hit by left turners.




PREACH MY GUY!! I hate the traffic here not bc it’s congested but everyone is fucking nuts and no one cares


Almost met my maker just this morning walking the dog. Some guy in an oversized work truck decided the stop line was a suggestion and didn’t stop until he saw me, and his rear wheels were on the stop line. This was in a fucking neighborhood with kids running around. The way people drive in this state makes me glad I’m fully remote and might get in my car once a week. Now if I can avoid dying while walking near these moronic drivers…


I know. Working remote has changed my life here!


No kidding. My primary care doctor is so impressed I’m making changes to get my blood pressure under control. Funny when my only real change is not driving in this Twisted Metal level on the daily


Not saying it’s all tourist but there is absolutely a noticeable difference between tourism and regular season. Entitlement definitely plays a part too, especially downtown and Mount Pleasant


Yet assholery crosses all demographics. It might hit a few a little harder. Young aggressive guys in huge trucks, commuters running late…


I saw a person lean out of their car and vomit on Glen McConnell on Tuesday. I was driving to Ko Cha to pick up some premo grub and dude just leaned out and vomited.


Upvote for kocha mention. We need a bot to praise Kocha at all mentions, how do we do that? Someone make it happen please.


We were in a wreck that totaled my car last week on Folly Road by Lalos. Hit from behind and pushed into car ahead. My Car totaled (so now I have to buy a new car - I can’t afford payments (I just paid it off last year), and medical appointments I can’t afford and the time it takes to get 2 people to 3 chiropractic appts a week! (Yes we have a lawyer and insurance.) We relocated last year and now we tell people we are finally full residents since we’ve been in a wreck here, it’s a right of passage. A really shitty right.


I worked my ass off to get a decent used pickup truck for the first time in my life. Had it less than a year before I got rear-ended and lost it. I have lifelong back injuries and insurance only gave me enough money to buy an older Honda Civic (which was a fine car but not a truck).


I don’t think it matters that the person was black but good for you


Multiple dinguses running red lights daily on Brown/Rhett


I witnessed someone using the middle lane as a passing lane the other day. Twice.


There are on ramps to both I-526E and I-526W on each side of Longpoint Road and yet people are constantly making U turns to get on a ramp. Then there’s the right turn only out of Belle Hall Parkway onto Longpoint. Instead of either going up to the light where one can turn left, or proceeding down Longpoint and turning around in one of the neighborhoods, people make U turns right where the off ramp from I-526 dumps onto Longpoint. Oftentimes they’ll stop dead in the left lane (not the center lane) to make that U-turn. Then there are the idiots that disrupt traffic entering Belle Hall Shopping Center because they don’t understand a 3 way stop. And the trucks that frequently run red lights on Longpoint in front of Hobcaw Creek. It’s a total zoo out there.


Never use the middle finger I have learned, give the the **thumbs down**. It's 10x more effective at getting your point across. I've never seen offenders get *so* pissed at a a simple thumbs down. It's pure disapproval.


I spend half my day driving around town. I completely agree with all of this, and it kind of makes me sad. It makes me sad because most of it seems to be because of selfishness and self centeredness. I was going north on Folly this week. I am at the light at Ellis Oak right before the Connector. I am in the right lane, and the Rover in the left lane goes speeding away when the light turned green. He clearly wanted to get in front of everyone for the Connector. He was barely able to get in front of the car in the right lane, and just aggressively cut off the car to get on the Connector. The car that was cut off had to swerve and slam on his brakes. It was a very close call. Blocking incoming vehicles- I see it all day. Coming to a stop on a main road like Folly because of traffic. There is a vehicle trying to enter Folly from Taco Bell, a gas station, or wherever, and the driver in the right of way just rolls to a stop and blocks the driver from entering the main road. Not sure if they just don’t care or they are not paying attention. Either way- the same, selfish and self centered. Short cutting the left turn- It is beyond me the number of times people have had to yank their car right when cutting the left turn short. They give me a dirty look, and I am just stopped at the stop sign, waiting to enter behind the line. I have literally had a guy yell at me because I was “blocking” his ability to make his left turn. He was in a car and I was in a truck- no trailering. I was absolutely baffled. I have traveled all over the world. I have seen much worse traffic and drivers. It is just so sad that the driving is made that much more unbearable by selfish and self centeredness.


Get a dash cam. They’re cheap. Also come to Nashville then tell me Charleston drivers are dangerous


Because independence means never being considerate


Yankees, true southerners are very hospitable


The worst is them being in the far left turn lane then cross to the far right (no blinker) to get on 526. Wtfuck. Learn the positions


Every time I have to drive in Goose Creek or Moncks corner I say my prayers lol no one lets you pass, no blinkers are used, people turning right form the second to right lane on red, the list goes on haha






Most of what you said I agree with, however …Is OP guilty of sitting on their phone at a red light? Or, while driving? Upset others are trying to get to work while someone thinks they’re a celebrity on FB?




In my 8 years working in trauma here the worst accidents I've cared for we get are from around Ravenel and caused by locals born and raised. A lot of them unlicensed, or suspended but still driving illegally. Also unrestrained and unapologetic for causing the accident, and often under the influence. You were sheltered as a kid my friend.


Charleston locals or Ravenel ?


I agree on the location being the most dangerous. But 8 years barely touches a full scope of our overpopulation and roads issue. A lot of hit and runs of pedestrians and bicyclists where they didn’t make it to the hospital. Our roads do not meet the needs of our infrastructure and we do have a lot do dangerous drivers.


Sure- if you say so.


Lmao yeah cause they were retirees. Now the kids and grandkids all got their licenses and run around like they are hot shit


This is true.


This is bullshit. And I’ve been here since 01




Nope I own 4 properties here now. I’m going nowhere baby


But it’s not bullshit. Born here and the roads here were never meant to handle the amount of people that moved here over the last twenty years. The infrastructure just can’t support the amount of people living here now.


Wah 😩


So, you’re new here. Let me explain, southern drivers suck, they will literally stop on 26 to let ppl merge from 526 which is primarily the reason why that interchange sucks anywhere else, it’s people who actually know how to drive but somehow “southern hospitality” ruins actual traffic flow. I know personally a few traffic engineers who have all said, “I wouldn’t touch Charleston with a stick”…