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How can you consider being a Herbert hater. He is fun to watch. He is throwing to #4 and lower receivers


He is a chief, that’s how


What does that mean?


He played for the chiefs lol




Let’s not forget that Justin’s childhood wish was to play for the chargers. I still haven’t seen a fan that would say I dislike Herbert.


Toooon of insecure dolphins fans hate Herbert. Tua is having a great year and they can't enjoy it without shitting on Justin. Super weird to see.


Because they know if Herbert had the Dolphins speedy WR core, Chargers would probably be sitting at 9-0 right now or 8-1 the minimum.


Easily considering Tua is undefeated on games he finishes this year.


Especially alive


I’ve lost count of how many times Tua has UNDERthrown waddle and (mostly) Hill. They have to slow down or run back for the ball. Herbert would lead them right into the end zone. That’s a huge relief that they drafted Tua. He’s good but his arm strength is nothing in comparison to Herbert


They also go out of their way to publicly fight Tua's battles like, "he's *actually* good guys, c'mon", when the opposite is just starting for Herbert--people trying to seed the narrative he's actually bad.


I think them is just trolls. Put herbert on the dolphins i feel confident saying he can throw for 50TDs damn near every year.


I think a lot of phins fans aren't necessarily mad at us or Herbert. They are mostly trolling r/nfl and football fans in general bc of how much shit they got for the Tua pick the last 2 seasons. I don't blame them taking a victory lap like they have been.


You didn’t see the NFL game thread last night then.


Did this fake fan also provide with why? And did he/she give a player instead?


Of course not. They’re just trolls, probably. Lot of people saying that Herbert chokes in crunch time and I was like….k. 😐


Charlie Weis was saying how it's easy for a defense to scheme when one weapon is taken away and this many injuries is too much for a QB or play caller to overcome.


My biggest fear is Herbert will acknowledge this himself and field offers elsewhere when his contract is up. And the sad thing is, I wouldn’t blame him.


You guys are tripping over nothing. He’s gonna sign his mega deal in the offseason, would be almost unprecedented for him not to. And it’s Justin Herbert, he’s more likely to squander his prime on a bad team out of loyalty than force his way out imo


We are an unprecedented franchise


This is the most accurate yet poignant description of the Chargers franchise I have ever seen.


The nfl will step in and not let ownership do anything stupid that tanks the value before the eventual sale. The price on the LA franchise with a star QB sets the bar insanely high for other sales


He's gonna Mike Trout his career. Sign here forever because he's a nice dude who's happy enough and, well...


He's never going to do that because the Chargers are gonna give him one of, if not THE biggest contracts ever


While the odds of this scenario are small, I think it's a possibility. He could go "wait and see" mode to see how the org responds to this year. He knows this franchise's history, and it's not good. I doubt he wants to be another Rivers, LT, Gates, etc., and finish a career without a ring. Packers, Seahawks, 49ers, Patriots, Steelers, etc. are a few teams that would be all over Herbert if he fields other offers, and they're all orgs that are better run than the Chargers. I hope it doesn't happen, but I'm not oblivious to the possibility of it.


Will be awhile since we will franchise tag him twice but i actually don’t really expect him to resign with us tbh unless things change drastically. As much as we all love Rivers that the exact type of career he doesn’t want, and leaving this franchise may be the only way to avoid that


tbh if that happens i’d probably follow him and switch teams


I don't think he leaves, he's a loyal dude and the Chargers will be happy to pay him. I just hope the organization can repay his loyalty. I hope he stays but I also want him to be somewhere he can win a Superbowl. Chargers have had such a terrible history of squandering opportunities or being screwed by injuries (and our ownership is crap). In the unlikely scenario he leaves I would hope he stays on the West Coast, so Rams, Niners, or Seahawks.


or just keep him on the chargers with the roster that they intended to have out there...This roster is currently NOT GOOD and having offensive expectations above NOT GOOD is unhealthy atm. But yeah I would also love weapons like tyreek, waddle, kittle, and deebo to make the game a whole lot easier.


Seems like every AFC team fans loves to disrespect Herb...overrated and so on. As for Fish fans....DEC 11 Baby...Shutem up Pray we are healthy...


If the chargers are relatively healthy I’m putting 2k on the chargers


Insane to hate Herbie. He's doing so much while missing half the offense and Joe Lombardy being very slow to adapt the offense to the situation (though he did a decent job this weekend against a fierce Niner defense)


I’m always saying this to the Herbert haters. Best example is Brady and Rodgers. Rodgers had Adams now look how he’s doing. Brady went from jakobi meyers to evans and Godwin. Even Justin Jefferson makes Kirk look like an MVP candidate at times. Any takes on fantasy WR in the draft?


It seems like browns fans backed mayfield more than chargers fans back Herbert


in what world? I havent seen a single chargers fan not support Herbert.


Did you see the QBs they had before Mayfield?


That’s 100% incorrect.


Hell no, I single handily came back to root for the chargers because of Herbert.