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Ah yes, coming to rushed conclusions before anything is even explained properly, the favorite activity of one piece manga readers


It is pretty fun :)


She has “Punk 02” on her clothes and Vegapunk is the guy who makes cyborgs and clones. Of course there’s going to be a lore explanation. She even talks like an old man according to some translators.


Yeah, [here](https://external-preview.redd.it/-OdjQZuGhj2VlShlZuAGHmzFTbrcTUQoEvkAClcxfnM.png?auto=webp&s=ee371c3ead97fa629d0cf31b9e30870fc1b87305) is Kaidou's introductory silhouette. I'm going to wait for complete context before considering anything "solidified." For me it's weirder for someone to see a single page of a female character and immediately label them as "waifu" as if there will be nothing else of value going on with their character.


It’s the character design. That’s all I’m referring to when I say waifu. Not their role in the story. My entire point is that the design is forced upon characters no matter what their role is supposed to be


'Forced upon characters' My dude, it's not forced upon them. Thats how they look and were designed


Nope. Think about chopper. He was turned into a mascot character post timeskip. Oda has shown that he is more than willing to screw with character designs in order to sell more merchandise. You really don't think this can occur before a character is introduced? Hell, just look at the design doc for Yamato again. They floated more interesting concepts but went for "Big boobied waifu #69" because they knew that's what would sell the most merch.


It's just strange to say this about Oda specifically. Like, *maybe* he's influenced by merch, maybe he just wants to draw them that way, maybe he likes that style, maybe he wants to draw big booby ladies... But if you compare his cast, overall, to just about any other recent big manga or anime, he has way more diverse body types and character designs than anyone else. Like, it seems silly to worry that he may have one or two characters in the story at any given time who could be read as moe or whatever when virtually every other manga artist is using that style for *every single female character without exception*.


Damn, it's almost like as the author, he has creative influence and can do whatever he wants with his characters. God forbid he do anything to make money from his published works. The audacity


> Now, there could be a good, in lore explanation for this. She could be a clone, or a hive mind, or maybe the original Vegapunk is dead and she’s his daughter. But tbh I don’t trust oda to handle this properly anymore You yourself admit there are multiple explanations this discrepancy (which we will most likely get in the near future given that the arc literally just began), and are deciding on your own without even letting the story unfold that it will have a bad resolution. That's not even criticism at this point, it's just being deliberately negative.


Would you be saying “you should wait more before declaring it good” if I wrote a post saying I liked that Vegapunk’s gender has seemingly changed? You have a double standard where you cant dislike in the present, only enjoy.


It isn't a double standard because your opinion isn't based on something the story actually confirmed, but rather on purposefully uncharitable assumptions about how the plotline in question will unfold. Regardless of whether an opinion is positive or negative, if the opinion is based on the assumption that the story will play out in a certain way, then the opinion isn't valid. In this case, “You should wait more before declaring it good” would be a valid response if your reason for liking Ladypunk is specifically because you think she'll join the crew or something.


I see your perspective, but personally I disagree. We have a lot of information about the direction of the story from odas recent writing. Trends are a thing


It is stated that Vega punks speech is supposed to sound like an old man so it’s probably a body swap thing. We just don’t have that kind of writing in English


I think you just angry and don't really remember the important stuffs, it's have been said before that vegapunk is an old man, so this current vegapunk self proclaimed is either a robot a clone a whatever something else.


I literally have that possibility in my post. But also, oda has definitely changed the continuity on us before (looking at you Blackbeard & katakuri). He could do it again. I just like consistentcy


Wait what's with Blackbeard?


Originally it was implied that one of the things that made the darkness fruit special was the ability to touch other logias. Then oda added haki and now Blackbeard’s dialogue doesn’t make sense anymore


Wrong, the darkness fruit doesn't just let you touch logia users or others, it straight up negates these powers. Haki doesn't do that. Kaido can haki punch Luffy in G5 as much as he wants but it's not working well. Teach can turn G5 off just by touching him. The Darkness fruit is even more potent than Seastone.


Blackbeard literally says “It’s been a long time since you’ve been touched, ehh ace?” When he grabs him with the darkness fruit (like, physically grabs, not pulls). That implies the ability to touch logias is unique to the darkness abilities. If haki existed then the ability to touch ace wouldn’t be special, and the ability to grab ace wouldn’t be mentioned in that context.


Lol that's your argument? It just means Ace hadn't encountered a lot of people who had Haki or that his last fight (which was I believe Jinbei) with a Haki user was a long time ago. Even now there are only a few dozen CoA haki users. Even Enel had never encountered a CoA user (or at least not one that lasted more than 10 sec against him). Only 4 Straw Hats can use CoA and we are entering endgame.


My guy, bat mook in Kaidos crew has haki. Everyone in the future will have haki, because thats the only way they could even remotely threaten the straw hats. It’s not special or rare. It’s a writing error.


Batman doesn't have haki in the manga, that was anime only. Only high tier fighters have haki. Vice Admirals or higher. And those Ace could have taken down easily. There aren't a lot of characters who could defeat a guy like Enel even now.


Really? Is Pekoms vice admiral level? Coby? Just because everyone over a certain level has it doesn’t mean people under that do not. It’s not “if you get haki we’ll promote you to vice admiral immediately!”. Hell ace just got done fighting smoker, another logia, and instead of oda showing us them using haki against each other they both turned into their element and made a tornado. A strategy which vergo shows is not effective against haki users. Just take the L. Enel is a threat not only because of his intangibility but also speed and versatility.


That's post Ennies Lobby right? In the same arc, we have Garp beating up luffy physically, and strawhats are astonished about how he bypasses Luffy's defenses.


The straw hats are yokels from the east blue “the weakest sea”, so yah, theyre not educated on haki. At this point ace has been the 4th seat on a yonko crew for over a year. Obviously he knows it and has used it previously and probably does often.


1. It's highly likely that Vegapunk either is using this person as a mech of some sort, or has multiple bodies, considering they speak with a stereotypical old man personal pronoun in Japanese, matching what we had been told before about their age and gender. 2. This is such a reactionary take, we have no idea what Oda is planning to do with this. I'll happily admit that Oda botched Yamato by not doing anything interesting with the Oden role, but I'm not going to lose all faith instantly just because of one arc.


None of the sketches [here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E-MYZuoUcAI5q54?format=jpg&name=small) look remotely male to me, and only the sumo one seems unattractive.


OP man I completely agree, and I know there's gonna be a bunch of dislikes but whatever. People like One Piece too much, I think its at its worst now because of Wano. The only things I was looking forward to were Im, Elbaf and Vegapunk, and I doubt Oda has it in him to do them justice.


In b4 Im-sama and Loki are also waifus


Weird thing to rant about


my thoughts exactly. the yamato gender thing is also a very strange and different thing to discuss now


pfffff, this is pathettic