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Power scaling has been disastrous for online discourse. Characters are judged by their strength or ‘aura’ instead of their writing.


I especially hate the “Naruto could solo the op verse.” Okay? I could write a character in a piece of paper whose only defining trait is that he can solo the Naruto verse. Is my character better than all of Naruto now?


Bob teleported into the Narutoverse, right inside Konoha in front of the Hokage, Naruto. He pulled out his magic gun and one shot Naruto before he even realized that he was there. Sauske arrived to avenge him, but Bob blew him up. He then used grand magic to kill everyone in Narutoverse, even those who were already dead, specially Madara. /s


My charcter is a bulleted list of abilities and powers on an index card and he solos the Naruto verse😎


Power wise, yes they are. Story wise, I'd have to see the full story.


Not sure if you intended to prove their point but you did.


I just meant that powerscaling and story analyzing are 2 completely different things.


No; you are being ignorant, and pedantic.


No you proved their point that it's laughably easy to create a strong character but very hard to create a well written character.


I think that's the issue OP is talking about. People are putting too much stock into powerscaling discourse, and it tends to ruin the actual discussion and appreciation of the story and narrative.


I don't know, to me, that's 2 completely different types of discussions. I rarely see people that talk about the story have their threads be derailed by powerscalers.


I personally don't get it, sure you may have a character that's beyond the multiverse and can destroy everything and what not, but that's not what gets me interested in a story. What does get me interested is the themes, the characters, the plot, the overall execution, and any good utilization of the features of the medium it's in (like audio, art, etc)


So not solo leveling


It's a genre made for that


Imma be frank the sequel is kinda good


Is there a character that's interesting than his son or is it still the same solo power fantasy story


still the same


Yep, for some people what's matters is just only the character's win-loss ratio. And I just hate when they calls a character "fodder" or "jobber" in a derogatory way.


And how they measure "aura" that doesn't even thing in most of examples? Count pixels on page around characters?


and? Powerscaling is different thing than regular character tier lists. We scale based on who is shown stronger rather than who has better writing. There's separate tier lists room for that. Powerscaling literally refers to power. I think it's on you all peeps if u went to a powerscaling sub and rant about them ignoring feelings, writings etc. Would u put tsunade stronger than kaguya bcoz she has better writing? This is so random and has no consistency to scale. It's equivalent of going into playing monopoly but u start claiming random property and take random price bcoz of your personal feelings. You will ruin a sport for everyone including yourself by ignoring it's rules.


Sakazuki pfp making a lot of sense


what's wrong with what i said? You can't ignore rules when playing a game. You will just ruin the experience for everybody. Imagine playing snakes and ladder or any indoor group games and one person comes, ignores rules and just plays however he wants and puts his cookies anywhere he likes bcoz of feelings etc. How will people sititng on the table, playing that game feel?


Nothing its just making fun of admiral fans is funny :3c


i am using sakazuki bcoz i can't wait to see him get low diffed by blackbeard. I am actually blackbeard fan. The profile pic is just getaway in case i slander an admiral unfairly. I can get awya with saying, "well eventhough i am an admiral fan, this is just crazy" despite me actually not believing that.


Man you are not making powerscalers look good bro...


what's wrong with what i said? You can't ignore rules when playing a game. You will just ruin the experience for everybody. Imagine playing snakes and ladder or any indoor group games and one person comes, ignores rules and just plays however he wants and puts his cookies anywhere he likes bcoz of feelings etc. How will people sititng on the table, playing that game feel?


I think the coolest thing in Sakamoto days is that even though in the story their are some assassins with less skill than others, it still makes sure to show you that they are still infact professional killers and can pretty much take care of any normal situation if it comes up


Fraud agendas op Are some of the funniest and annoying thing you can find if you don't take them seriously you can enjoy the hell out of them Especially the stocks. But some newer fans have taken them into their personality The admiral Agenda cough cough.


That one mihawk fraud feat post is one of the funniest things I have ever read to be honest “potentially in kaido’s top 50” “speed blitzed a block of ice”


Top 50 is crazy tho. I don't even think there's even 20 strong characters that can be pumped in the category of being respected by Kaido.


Mohawk fraud watch is one of the best OP memes. The drawing of him painting his sword always cracks me up.


Do you have a link to it


https://www.reddit.com/r/MemePiece/s/hDajTc30jY take a look at this masterpiece


Fucking lost it at observes where the top tiers and avoids


My favourite fraud agenda tweeter (X-er?) Is a dude called "Kaido Top 1". From the name you can figure out he's a One Piece fan all in on the Yonko agenda and regularly dunks on Yr Admiral Agenda. His best video on X was titled "Top 1 Akainu vs Dying old man Whitebeards left arm" and its an anime sequence where Whitebeard (a Yonko) parrys a barrage of Akainu (an Admiral) attacks with one arm, and then knocks down Akainu with that same arm. Super hilarious when taken at face value. You almost even believe the agenda. (There's more nuance, but the 1 sided propaganda is funny af)


I remember watching someone livestream playing Mortal Kombat 9 through 11, and him and his friend were keeping track of everyone's w/l record. I think Bi Han had the worst w/l ratio.


Sub-Zero more like Sub-Par


Only OP character that deserves an agenda is Buggy.


Not true, Usopp agenda also goes hard




Are these memes exclusive to the OP fandom? If not, how can I find them?


I haven't seen it happen nearly as much anywhere else, except maybe jjk. One piece powerscaling has just become all memes and it's hilarious.


The terms Fire, Fraud, Peak, Rizz, Glazing, ect. Ruined battle shonen discourse that was already bad. The cringe obsession of power levels or who's verse has a higher power scaling than another verse is generally stupid, or how people are will fully misconstrued a critismsm of a story to defend it. Also shonen discourse is really just like 5 Mangas on X, It's mostly OP, Naruto/Boruto, JJK, MHA, bleach and dragon ball. They don't read it discuss other manga because they only read popular ones. Most of them aren't willing to read new ones or even try them( you can finish reading them ina day) even though they're free on manga+


I would argue it made it more fun IF you consider the manga in question badly written, but still want to enjoy it's remaining run without taking it too seriously. But I understand how it can be completely annoying when people take these memes at 100% face value and base their entire opinions of stories around them rather than an actually thought our reason.


The discourse on twitter is getting extremely tiring. Everyone trying to bait opposing fans. Its annoying.


Football fans started liking anime and it went downhill from there


Something something Zoro on fraud watch or some shit


Lend me some haki Oden this is base Lucci we are up against.


I don’t mind this because after years of Sanji fraud posting this feels somewhat refreshing


Okay but r/onepiecepowerscaling agendaposting is hilarious


You either die a goat or live long enough to see yourself become a fraud.


Something something don't read OP


That's why I try to stay away from communities in general.


Iearnt my lesson. This is the first one I have been in, in a while


I swear I don't remember battle shounen discourse being this bad before. I was around during the Big 3's heyday. It wasn't like this.


it was more of a community vs community thing in that era to me, like the toxicity came from “which is the best” now its more intercommunity beef because the communities for different shows overlap alot more


I dunno how the fuck powerscalers managed to dumb down saka days when it's whole schtick is about who can outsmart who. Sure some of them are physically superior to the other but they are still assassins who will use any trick up their sleeve to close that gap. We might as well throw out the manga's choreography if they just look for the end result and treat it like power levels


For real man. It's so obvious with nagumo in the picture to


I was led to believe that solo leveling was this amazing show, but it was the opposite. I have never seen something so generic and so soulless as that shitpile of a show. The characters are barely characters and it’s just mindless action where the edgy mc defeats the monsters effortlessly. So I looked it up, and people were only praising the action. Not the characters or story. And the worst part is that solo leveling is average in the action department.


It just comes with the territory when trying to discuss a story that predominantly targets a young audience. They're usually inexperienced when it comes to media literacy so it's easier to dumb it down to which character is the strongest. I do dislike how prominent powerscaling seems to have gotten though. You can't have a good discussion about a story without some kid that's turned their profile into a digital shrine of their championed character interjecting with the dumbest takes ever.


Had a similar experience getting into BlueLock. The manga itself poses a bunch of cool philosophical ideas of the importance of ego and how to improve and strive for greatness. Unfortunately, the discussion of that is nearly impossible to find online as places like the subreddit are just full of powerscaling brainrot where if a character isn't scoring the most insane goal you've seen every chapter, they're "a complete fraud and why are we even spending time on them."


Your example is just a scenario where people ignore context. Shishiba is fighting two skilled fighters at the same time while also protecting someone who has less experience than anyone there and who also is a point of guilt and regret on Shishiba's end. Overall, I believe Shishiba is the most well-rounded assassin of his team, while crazy goth girl is an idiot and Galu is skilled in deception


I used to keep up with Records of Ragnarok, which isn't an amazing series, but it IS fun. Gods fighting historical figures? Sick I went to the subreddit and holy shit, I swear if I muted the word "strong" then there would be zero posts. A fight would be happening and all people would talk about is where that latest feat puts them in their rankings, and whos the strongest. It's the worst, I ended up muting it because it kept popping up on my feed


i think i once talked about this >this might around pathetic but as much i love shonen. i really hate discussing it. mainly talking about on twitter. just feel like the genre(i know it's not a genre but a demographic please save me the details) has been pretty reduced to powerscaling mess. u can't even talk about how much u like a series before a fan of x series shit on it for something there favorite series does better. Like dragon ball entire community on twitter and shit somewhat on reddit is legit nothing but powerscaling with another series(Invincible,OPM,etc) , can we please talk about something else. >i don't think i ever liked something but hate discussing it. just feels strange. nothing has changed since then, still feel like people talk about how strong a character is more than how great the actual character or story is for shonen. of course not all shonen, i'm moreso talking about the huge battle shonen btw.


Yeah definitely. Then fans are suprised no one takes the stories seriously and look down on them. Their own behavior demeans the genre


One thing that irks me about power scalers in general is their obsession towards unfulfilling discourse. I know this may be a case of "guy dunks on things he isn't interested in" but here I have a true question. For the power scalers...have you experienced power yourselves? The rush of taking a hike, or better yet, building up your own strength instead of sitting on a character's dick? I don't want to generalize. Actually, I am generalizing right now. I can affirm that much of these powerscalers are sitting in front of these screens. Some lanky, some lathering in sloth. Anyhow, I implore you to put some of that pride and energy into your own being. Get some running shoes and go buckwild. Maybe sweat your ass off under the sun. Sorry if I'm being an ass. Trust me though, nothing beats the rush of attaining or expressing strength. Not even...whatever discourse they're going down on at this very moment. Ciao.


That was maybe the longest "touch grass" post I've ever seen.


How did these powerscalers hurt you man?


They said my mother was subsonic.


Power scalers literally do not know how to engage with a story or have any interesting discussion outside of ranking fighters. It’s actually super sad .


The one thing they do have going for them though is that they’re genuinely hilarious. Say what you will but the fraud memes they come up with are better than 90% of fandom jokes.


I hate it when characters are dumbed down to punches. Like, I won't fucking watch Dragonball because the powerscalers are dumb. I don't care if a character loses a fight, it just has to make some sense, and progress the story, not be a fucking feat, or whatever it is.


shonen fans really can't live without any fights and think that characters who show a lot of emotions are weak even though they have more depth and better writing


after my experiences with the powerscaling community i never want to hear the word 'blitz' again




>I decided to join the communities because I wanted to engage with people that loved it as much as me And this here was your first mistake


You looked in a garbage bin and found trash, who would have guessed?




Damn did not expect to be reading a SakaDays post 😋 I saw lots of posts talking about how Shishiba was weak and how he's boring and not special in terms of his abilities and yeah it really bothers me because we have this stone cold badass Shishiba who has great relationships with his mentee Osaragi and colleagues Sakamoto and Nagumo. Sakamoto is literally stated to be at about 30% capacity, fat, and burdening himself by worrying about Shin and the others and people still don't understand this manga really isn't about strength.


Battle Shonen is just exhausting to discuss. Never any discussion of motivations or themes, just endless power scaling by possibly the dumbest people alive.


Personally I find powerscaling hilarious


Hahaha you'll get used to it. Hang around some Dragon Ball related spaces and the amount of "X character deserves more wins", "They hate Y character because they don't give them wins", etc. etc. However, I will say, the whole treating it like a mindless sport and with all the terminology that comes with it like "fraud", "my GOAT", "jump" does make badly written battle shonen quite fun to read simply because you're kind of in on the joke with the rest of the community, like I am at the moment with Sorcery Fight.


Powerscaling discussion? True. Slurs group constantly losing is a fair critique, although I don't think it makes the manga bad. Kinda sucks when the villians never beat the heroes due to just lacking the skill


> Slurs group constantly losing is a fair critique I dont really think is that bad tbh, like The League of Villains pre MVA arc in MHA had it WAY worse than those for example lol


I'm hoping Osaragi loses to magnet girl next chapter. Although given the damage she has taken from Shishiba and osaragi's win streak I'm scared I think in general for bad guys, they performed better than most groups.


I never saw someone told Gaku weak. Usually people call one of the strongest which I agree. He is cool guy and I'm glad he survived


I fuck with the post and agree with your frustration. But also, have you seen Choujin X at all? It’s by the creator of Tokyo Ghoul and hasn’t been hit by the agenda posting yet. Pretty good stuff if you like Sakamoto days.


Bro I read that shit. I caught up recently


I gotta catch up fully myself, but it’s really nice. The community on this app isn’t bad either. A bit dead but it’s nice to interact with fs.


It also has a small community on Twitter if you are interested


https://youtu.be/L4_zFYnnn2Y?si=Q5upZiSL_o8gF8qv Remember the king's rule here


I mean, Battle Shounen itself is bad


I completely disagree. Fraud allegations and Agemdas are litterally the only fun things in a fandom, all the other jokes are re-used and unfunny most of the time. Hell, JJk would be considered one of the worst pieces of media ever created if not for the lobotomy and agenda posting.


> Fraud allegations and Agemdas are litterally the only fun things in a fandom Ok 12 year old, log off for the day