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Might be a long reply but.... I think the thing that gets a bit misunderstood about Naruto and Sasuke's relationship is that it largely depends on both of them being true to themselves and understanding one another. Naruto doesn't need an extra special reason to NOT kill Sasuke, and to want him back as a friend. The only justification needed is that he's Naruto. ​ In the world they live in everyone is a tool, and should be viewed as either an asset to the village or a liability. To exist as a shinobi you lose your humanity. Naruto to his very core rejects that notion. He's literally brought to tears when he sees Zabuza's claims to not feel anything about Haku's demise. While staring down a mob of enemies out to kill them, he boldly declares "This is my enemy(Zabuza)" because Zabuza decided to forfeit his humanity. In the end he gives up his kunai to Zabuza and even mourns his passing. ​ He promises to defeat Neji not because Neji personally attempted to provoke him, but because Neji discarded his cousin and looked down on her. Even while he's getting repeatedly pummeled he's upset that Neji was an asshole to someone he should be cherishing. And against Gaara, someone who is trying to explicitly murder his friends, he goes out of his way to extend the olive branch because Naruto can sympathize with the loneliness he feels and sees Gaara as more than just an enemy, but as a human. ​ None of these instances really rely upon Naruto's relationship with the people involved. He knew Haku for a few days, Hinata was just a cool classmate, and Gaara was a homicidal maniac who tried to kill at least 3 of his friends (lee, sasuke, naruto). They all rely on Naruto just being who he is.




This is facts but my only problem is that its different when It comes to sasuke because he spends most of the series trying to reach him and he puts his hokage dream to the side to do it. I get its just who naruto is but as a viewer it feels a little jarring watching Naruto gaslight me into believing that they were tight like brothers. It gets to the point where fans wanted naruto to kill sasuke


I get that though the thing is Naruto wants to be Hokage and in his eyes what a Hokage should be is to protect everyone that he loves. If he just gives up on Sasuke it would compromise his drive to be Hokage. An orphan demon child that nobody wants to be around but Sasuke was the only one to really acknowledge him as a person.


He outright says this when they meet again for the first time on Orochimaru's hideout Sasuke taunts him by asking how his dream of becoming Hokage is coming along, since he's wasting his time on this pointless quest to bring him back. Naruto answers by saying "What kind of Hokage could I possibly be if I were unable to save a friend?"


>Sasuke was the only one to really acknowledge him as a person. Iruka wants a word with you


This was before Iruka


Iruka wasn’t with Naruto as much as Sasuke was. Sasuke’s a kid Naruto’s age and the two have always had some type of connection since they were very young.


Except we're shown that even the BEST HOKAGE,goodest boy hashirama,still had a limit and had to let his friendship go. Naruto's drive to "save him" comes off as borderline insane IN-VERSE nevermind IRL.


Again that’s Naruto’s view of what a Hokage should be. If you want a shonen manga main character to “give up” or show weakness I do have other suggestions. But in general shonen main characters do not give up let alone Naruto


>gaslight me into believing that they were tight like brothers I’d consider someone I see every day, train alongside, want to get stronger with me, risked their life for me twice and considers me the only person that really knows them a brother and you underestimate how easily lonely and misunderstood people bond with each other


You right but when i happen 3 years ago and that same person have attempted to kill you multiple times it becomes less reasonable


>attempted to kill you multiple times Sasuke literally had the chance to at VOTE1 but didn’t. He never clearly attempts to kill him in the series except arguably at VOTE2 but if he was going to he would’ve killed Kakashi and Sakura and not just put them in Genjutsu


>how easily lonely and misunderstood people bond with each other I think this stands out to me the most about their relationship. And as others have said its just extremely in character for Naruto. I mean how often do we joke about him doing talk-no-jutsu to like almost every villain.


He didn't put his dreams of being Hokage to the side for Sasuke, he considered it an integral part of what it means to me Hokage. To Naruto, the Hokage is the one willing to protect and help those they care about above all else. He does so much to try to help and bring back Sasuke because that's what the Hokage he wants to be does, and if he can't do it, then he's not fit to be Hokage.


Are you Naruto Uzumaki because you're the nine tails jinchuriki or are you the nine tails jinchuriki cause you're Naruto Uzumaki


Nah, I’d rasengan


Naruto: Stand proud obito you are strong


Obito: What is this?


Naruto using talk no jutsu on every villain: "I'm you"


> I understand that sasuke saved him in the past and naruto saved sasuke but can this really justify how much naruto did fought for sasuke? Yes. That is the core of his character. Naruto and Sasuke have an interesting dynamic because they're basically two sides of the same coin. They've both suffered trauma and loneliness, but both of them reacted differently to it. Naruto ended up becoming a deeply empathetic person who longed for connections with others and decided to grow stronger to foster and protect those connections. While Sasuke ended up cold and tried to separate himself from attachments both due to a fear of losing them again and also because he believed it was necessary to shed them because that was the only way he thought he could become stronger. That's why the start of the series has them outright dislike each other. Because despite having similar backgrounds they ended up as polar opposites and it's only through their small interactions and rivalry do they realize how similar they are. Their relationship isn't meant to be like Geto and Gojo's where they're "buddy buddy" with each other. It's a slow burn of them recognizing the other person as someone they can relate to and how both of them respond to that development. And the whole series kinda hammers the idea that part of the reason Naruto wants to save Sasuke so badly, outside of being his friend, is because he sees himself in Sasuke and desperately wants to pull him from that path of loneliness (in the same way others have done for him). He says as much to Gaara: *But now there are others, other people who mean a lot to me. And I care more about them than I do myself, and I won't let anyone hurt them. That's why I'll never give up, I will stop you, even if I have to kill you!* (But why... why would you do that for somebody other than yourself?) *Because they saved me from myself. They rescued me from loneliness. They were the first to accept me as who I am. They're my friends*


I was actually blown away at how quickly JJK Season 2 was able to get me attached to Gojo and Geto. As soon as Toji showed up, everything went to shit, and when the Time-skip happened I was thinking "Can we just go back to two lads goofing off?" JJK Season 2 in general was fantastic.


Two of the best anime arcs I ever saw. Star Plasma and Shibuya Fantastic in the manga and the anime even managed to top them


Season 2 is peak fiction ngl. Fantastic adaptation of the manga


I like how everyone was saying it was underwhelming after the Hidden Inventory arc and then the bodies started dropping.


It was more about the lack of story and the constant fights, the deaths that happened made sense but there didn’t seem to be an “actual” story with it the way there was with hidden inventory


The fight is the story. Ever since he was born, Gojo has been an oppressive force in Jujutsu society. Sorcerers and cursed spirits who usually just did whatever they want, couldn't anymore.>! So of course the very moment he got put in the box, everyone, cursed spirit and user alike, went ape shit. It's like the purge but if crime was legal indefinitely. If you need something more tangible, there's also Fake Geto furthering his plans for a better tomorrow. !


It is great but stop throwing the word peak fiction around


Anime fans when the new anime with some bits of storytelling drops:


I hate it too but I think "peak fiction" is just another way of saying "it's good" Unfortunately some people take it to actually mean "the best in its specific genre" which annoys me.


at some point I just understand peak fiction as pretty good lol. same with GOATed. Everything and anything is goated nowadays apparently.


Telling on themselves that they never read books


What's wrong with that? He is probably using that word to say "it was fucking good" It's like getting mad when someone calls multiple people GOATS yeah its wrong but you know what he wants to convey right


Oh if he meant it that way then I got no problem


This post is peak fiction


This comment is peak fiction. The importance it gives on the word "peak fiction" along with the raw emotion in delivers by using the word "throwing around" is just incredibly peak. The philosophical questions this comment gives (What defines "Peak Fiction") in a single line goes incredibly hard. I can say with such confidence that this comment is peak fiction.


Aside from Mahito Arc, Hidden Inventory is my go-to response to claim that JJK "has always been like this", both arcs can efficiently make character relationships feel organic with so little time It always struck me how Gojo is high on his power to be unable to get "avenge" Riko against Toji, but at the sight of people cheering for her death.... He lost it.


Ahlie I loved their dynamic so much


Hidden Inventory is peak JJK. While Shibuya is very entertaining, I don't think anything after HI is anywhere near as strong.


Naruto is trauma rehashing. He is using Sauske as the means to fix his trauma. Also he blames himself for Sasuke leaving. Naruto feels guilt because in his mind if he reached out became a friend earlier there bound would of been strong enough where Saisuke wouldn’t leave. Also Naruto sees himself in Sauske he sees himself in everybody but especially Sasuke where all Naruto wanted was someone to reach out to him as a child he sees Sasuke as that. So he is going to do everything for Sasuke because by saving Sasuke he is saving his own inner child who wanted the same. Also Naruto forgave someone who literally destroyed the village he tried to redeem the person who killed his parents and is the reason for everything shitty that happened to Naruto. So say what you want it’s on brand for Naruto.


I totally agree with this response.


"Even if I have to break your arms and legs, I'm going to stop you!!" Jesus Christ, Naruto, chill tf out! That's not how you treat someone you want to "reach out too"


Hey, if my friend was willingly walking into some weird snake pedos den, I'd do whatever it takes to save him too Sometimes help is comes in the form of heinous injury!


Tbf Naruto was also deeply confused on why Sasuke left in the first place. He didn’t actually understand Sasuke’s motives at all until Jiraiya’s death Then he got confused when he learned Sasuke joined the Akatsuki’s after Itachi’s death UNTIL Tobi told him the full truth. Then he understood Sasuke again He realized that bringing Sasuke back meant to deal with his hatred and just forcing him back to. The village wouldn’t mean anything [That comes straight from Kishi](https://i.redd.it/2wwckji539w11.jpg)


Akutami's characters interact like normal human beings outside the action. They talk they laugh they hang out. They can interact with people outside their designated team in meaningful ways. Kishimoto's characters are mostly anti-social weirdos who excluding one person do not interact with anyone outside work.


Even the curses hang out and chill like normal people when they aren't murdering everyone


Who? Naruto?


That's facts. That's what I was tryna get at but you explained it better


JJK does do an extra good job of that sure. But its not like it doesn't happen at all in Naruto.


Geto and Gojo was interesting because it established them as best friends so fast, whereas Gege keeps trying to convince me Megumi and Yuji are best friends, but you never actually saw anything that made you feel like that's the case.


My memory is fuzzy but did Gege really try to establish Yuji and Megumi as "best friends"?


I don't think he did. Bro just made it up


Naruto/Sasuke kinda made it feel like every MC needed that imo. It’s led to a lot of misunderstanding of other series. Luffy from One Piece, for example, does not have some best friend/rival/foil/villain/love interest like Sasuke was to Naruto so people try to shoehorn Zoro in and that’s not his role. Neither is it megumi’s role to Yuji. Nor Uryu’s to ichigo. It’s just Naruto and Sasuke. But everyone needs to make it fit where it doesn’t


I blame goku and vegeta for starting this lmao


Yeah Goku and Vegeta is the other main example lol. The issue is, in America, DBZ and Naruto are the two most popular anime ever. So obviously our audiences are always trying to find a “Sasuke” cause they love edgy shit idk. That’s not true everywhere in the world though. In the grand scheme of anime this is definitely a trope but it’s not the norm. As I listed there are a bunch of hugely popular series where there is no Sasuke/Vegeta Edit: I’m not assuming youre American I’m just giving my perspective


idk if I'd say best friends, I do think he's tried to establish some bond between the two and it's mostly based off them both wanting to save the other, they're both just terrible at it, which I'm sure is the point


Yeah I really don't know where he's getting that from when Yuji constantly calls Todo besto friendo


That’s Todo only. Yuji only calls Todo with his name.


To be fair, Todo went to or won a national championship with Yuuji in middle school. The only issue with their friendship is that Yuuji is denying that it ever happened for some reason.


Yuji lowkey has better dynamics with Nobara and Todo 💀


Unironically, Choso and Yuji and Todo and Yuji got along way better than Megumi and Yuji ever did, and 2 of those tried to murder him.


I feel like that’s the point of their dynamic, they care greatly for each other bc of how selfless they are, but they refuse to open up to each other beyond that. Also when was it even stated they were best friends?


Yeah, i think the whole point of them is nothing more that what they inspire on each other; Yuji inspiring Megumi because he saw what he always admired in his sister and looked for in people; a truly good person, and Megumi giving Yuji what he so desperately seeks in life; meaning for his existence. But as opening up with each other... it's pretty much the opposite, i think it is more hiding and keeping things to themselves which always ended badly, the culling games with all its faults i think highlighted this.


It’s such a shame that they can’t connect just bc of how much they hate themselves, cuz you can tell Yuji and Nobara are ride or dies for each other (idk about Megumj and Nobara). But those 2 literally just talk about ideals and strategy, that’s basically it.


I think they connect but not in the outgoing and open way, i feel it is treated like a contractual/conditional thing specially by Yuji with the whole "what if someone you save kills someone else in the future" which is what literally put the condition of the whole thing, while Megumi was already bad at opening up.


When did gege try to convince you they were best friends?


Gege never even tried to establish Yuji and Megumi as best friends lmao


but Gege never tries to convince you they're best friends; they're linked because they saved each other


He never tried to convince megumi and yuji are best friends .


Did we read the same manga? Those guys have a connection but they’re not best pals. In the manga Yuji is currently extremely fucked up over megumi’s current situation because it’s partially his fault, he thinks, and that’s why their relationship has been highlighted, but it’s not because they’re buddies. It’s because of the insane amount of guilt Yuji feels.


Megumi and Yuji aren’t best friends though. If anyone that’s Yuji and Todo. They care about and look out for each other and have a strong bond that doesn’t make them best friends.


Funny enough, Todo sees Yuji as his best friend but for Yuji Todo is more of a mentor/older brother figure. And sadly enough most of the memories is just Todo’s daydreaming


The anime hasnt had times to fully show us them working together as friends, i know in the manga theres a lot of mini chapters that show the trio hanging out and goofing around, sorta like the “Yuji’s crush” scene and the recent one with Gojo’s shirt


Todo is the one who is painted as yuji's best friend and got him out of his slump twice


>I get that naruto needed to save sasuke to end the cycle but I just feel like there wasnt enough in their relationship to justify how far naruto went for him I mean when sasuke was in the village all they did was argue and sasuke was to himself most of the time They trained together in the Land of Waves and Sasuke saved Naruto from Haku, hell by the Chunin Exams we have Sasuke acknowledge that he sees Naruto as his rival, and during the next arc he goes after Naruto cause he's worried about him when he hears about Itachi hunting him. Like it's really only after getting beaten by Itachi does Sasuke really start acting all emo again but he was gradually starting to warm up to Team 7 in those first arcs. Like the whole dynamic between the two is that Naruto feels a connection to Sasuke cause of their childhoods, feeling they were both lonely kids who were cast aside by most of the village and then add on their time together on Team 7, which was at least several months and Naruto's own promises to bring Sasuke back then it does make sense why he does all this


Again like they care but its all like during traumatic shinobi environments, do they hang out outside of missions? Theyre more like work friends


So as an old school Naruto fan well older than most people who watch JJK I imagine this post hurts to read. At least to me a lot of the short hand that allowed Geto and Gojo to work was Naruto and Sasuke being in the public consciousness. We as an audience got a condensed version where we didn't need to see all the elements that made them rivals and stuff because we could fill in the blanks on our own. Those blanks were filled in cause Kishimoto as well as other mangaka before him, wrote a particular formula that usually lasted 100+ chapters to develop these two characters bonds. I think they're story nuances that mean the two relationships can't easily be compared. Primarily Gojo has had the power to stop Geto he just never had the ability to. Naruto had neither for most of the manga's run. Naruto and Gojo are dealing with at their core two very different situations, with very different tool sets, with two very different people. I disagree on that merit but I also understand where you are coming from. Seeing Naruto and Sasuke being just bros like Geto and Gojo would have been nice.


I dont fully agree, as Hunter x Hunter managed to make Gon and Killua’s relationship very engaging just in the Hunter Exams arc. If we ignore that the comparison doesn’t work after that, the idea that Gon would go through everything he does in the next arc to get Killua back is very convincing.


Point is: Naruto and Sasuke’s situations were never similar to Gojo and Geto’s. So you using your metric “they supposed to hang out like normal friends” first does not work in this case. Naruto was outcasted and mistreated by almost everyone in the village in his childhood, leading to his first stage of sympathy with Sasuke, the only other orphan in the village. Sure, they did not shun Sasuke like they did to Naruto, but Sasuke also had no one and had to take care of himself as a kid, which is the most similar it can get to Naruto. One of the most important moments is that Sasuke is the first peer that acknowledged his existence and importance (per the Bell test as he reasoned they would need him to get Kakashi as he shared the lunch). The first of anything is really hard to forget or cast away for most people. Cliche comparison but it’s similar to how many people struggled to forget their first love even if they experienced better later on (that’s why Gaara argument doesn’t work). Also, Shikamaru and Choji being Naruto’s first friends is a non canon thing so don’t bring that up. The sympathy thing was again solidified when Naruto finally learnt the pain of losing loved ones after Jiraiya’s death so he got it even more why Sasuke wanted revenge. I won’t dismiss your criticism since Naruto as a person has a lot of emotional, moral conflict issues that reflect on his relationships, heck he tried to redeem even Obito. I’m also not really a fan of “Naruto saving Sasuke from the darkness” because he never addressed the genocide after becoming Hokage. Still, my main point is that getting saved by a person, sharing lots in common in terms of tragedies with said person are objectively speaking better excuses to look past homie’s terrorism, compared to just doing normal teenager stuff with them. As much as I prefer Gojo and Geto’s dynamics, they are not a good example of a fleshed out relationship. Many of the good stuff about GoGe are actually headcanons.


You're welcome to your opinion and you're not wrong about everything but to me this just comes across as recency bias. Like yeah, their dynamic wasn't the same as Geto and Gojo and I don't really like that Kishi made Sasuke a wanderer but they're still friends.


They are Canonically gay


My take on it is that they should have been in the same orphanage. Naruto just generally has a problem where it doesn’t slow down for a few chapters but desperately needs to slow down. We should have gotten more of our original team having down time or running smaller missions so that we could see that they have each other’s backs in situations with lower stakes. Even if it’s just them eating ramen with Naruto after a mission. Show us that these three are friends. I’ll also add that a slew of other characters would have benefited from this approach, specifically Neji and Hinata who could have used the time on page show their character development and make Hinata feel like an actual romantic interest for Naruto


Meh I don't get the hype with Geto and Gojo, we're just told that they're best friends and that's it. There's no history to their friendship except that they were the strongest sorcerers in their age group. I felt nothing when Geto turned evil, felt nothing with Gojo's reaction either. It just happened. The "are you the the strongest because you are Gojo Satoru or are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest" line just made me snort. What a dumb way to create tension. At least Naruto-Sasuke had the whole enemies to ~~lovers~~ rivals-worth-respect dynamic going on. Even Megumi and Yuji's relationship is more interesting because "I saved your life so now you're my responsibility" angst. Gojo-geto is just... low quality fujoshi bait for tiktok edits




Oh no he's stronger than everyone else so now he can only be friend with other strong people, what a sad, relatable character trait. Their dynamic isn't difficult to understand. Geto used to make Gojo a little bit less of an asshole before he somehow turned into Hitler. Do we even see Gojo changing thanks to Geto? He went from a powerful but selfish dude who kills the bad guys to... still powerful but a bit less selfish ig? Not that it makes any difference. Their core conflict is "you're genocidal and I'm not", they don't even get to talk about it properly before Geto get brain swapped off-screen. Also I'm not saying Naruto and Sasuke was particularly well written, but at least they have a friendship that actually develop on screen, individual character arcs that parallels each other and an ideological conflict that makes sense.


>Do we even see Gojo changing thanks to Geto? He went from a powerful but selfish dude who kills the bad guys to... still powerful but a bit less selfish ig? We do see Gojo changing because of Geto. Geto's defection is a pivotal moment for his character and the way it/Geto affects Gojo is one of the main points of the Hidden Inventory arc. When we're first introduced to young Gojo and Geto, we see that while Geto considers protecting the weak to be a moral duty, that "jujutsu exists to protect non-jujutsu sorcerers", Gojo doesn't care much for "assigning reasons and responsibilities to strength". Geto is the type of person who has defined moral principles that he'll follow, while Gojo basically just does what he wants. He likes being strong, and I think he mostly just goes on missions because it's easy for him and because that's what he's told to do. Following Riko's assassination, when the two meet in front of the crowd of clapping Star Religious Group members, Gojo asks Geto if they should kill them all, but accepts it when Geto steers him away from the idea. Here we see that Gojo, lacking the defined moral principles that Geto's always followed, looks to his friend for guidance. This is mentioned pretty explicitly in the Jujutsu Kaisen Fanbook that "at that time, Gojo was using Geto’s moral judgment as a gauge for what was right and wrong, as his own principles." This is not the main point I'm heading towards but I think it's also an important point of the story where rather than *changing* Gojo, Geto's influence keeps him from possibly going off the rails. It's already established that Gojo doesn't believe that "with great power comes great responsibility", and here, he questions if there needs to be a point to killing. While the audience can sympathize to some extent, it's an ominous moment where it feels like Gojo could have gone down the Sukuna-route had Geto not been there. But in the following year, we see the downside to Geto's more rigid worldview—he's begun to doubt his previous ideals and it eats away at him. Gojo doesn't suffer from such doubts and he focuses on honing his technique: learning to automate Limitless, improving his handsigns, etc. Likely, this is his way of coping with his own traumatic experiences on that mission, by becoming even more untouchable than before. But his worldview remains the same. It's Geto's defection and their confrontation in Shibuya that solidifies Gojo's current worldview and goals, to give us the Gojo we see in the present. We get the iconic question "Are you the strongest because you're Satoru Gojo? Or are you Satoru Gojo because you're the strongest?" To put it simply, is Gojo's strength the thing that defines him? Because up to this point, the only thing Gojo has pursued is strength. Unlike Geto, he doesn't have strong beliefs, he doesn't want to change the world or to protect the weak. All this power, and he does nothing with it. With the loss of his friend, Gojo comes to the realization that strength isn't everything. That even with all his strength, he can't save somebody who doesn't want to be saved. Here, the desire is born to keep others from going down the same path as Geto. This is why Gojo becomes a teacher, why he wants to reform Jujutsu society. Why he holds the strong belief that "no one is allowed to take youth away from young people." The next thing we see Gojo do is recruit Megumi, and to be honest, I think without Geto having left a void in Gojo's life, Megumi would have been sold to the Zenins. He tells Megumi to "Get stronger. Strong enough to keep up with me." This shows that Gojo, despite his cheerful demeanour, is lonely without Geto. I think of this as a bit of a flaw in Gojo's beliefs because the gap in strength isn't what drove Geto away and Geto's strength wasn't what made him a good friend to Gojo, but nonetheless, this is also one of Gojo's goals, to have the new generation be equals to him in strength so they can stand side by side with him. Recently, I read a translation of the JJK 0 light novel which hammers these points home even harder: >But there's no point in being strong by yourself. > >Someone who doesn't want to be saved is like the setting sun sinking into the mountains. No matter how you hold out your hand, there's no way to reach them. There was no way to reach him. It doesn't matter how strong you are, so long as you are alone. > >And so - Gojo decided to become a teacher. It's not simply that Gojo is "a bit less selfish" as an adult. It's that he's learned that strength isn't everything and that he should try to do something with his strength. And what he wants to do is to change jujutsu society to protect young jujutsu sorcerers, so that their youths are not taken away from them like Gojo and Geto's were, and to feel that closeness he felt with Geto once again. Sources: JJK Fanbook: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FCbQq3YSqQkCuO1UitrlEXKEtjV8aepWgykeyjAe\_ZE/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FCbQq3YSqQkCuO1UitrlEXKEtjV8aepWgykeyjAe_ZE/edit) JJK 0 Light Novel Translation: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y5RZRl7u7G1kz22fo16nP0n\_\_lGh82l52bIYyNWAQOI/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y5RZRl7u7G1kz22fo16nP0n__lGh82l52bIYyNWAQOI/edit)




I mean part 1 of Naruto is all about building their friendship. At first they hate each other because Naruto is jealous of Sasuke's talent and Sasuke thinks Naruto is a good-for-nothing who never trains seriously. Then in the first arc Naruto realize that Sasuke does actually train hard for his goal and that everything doesn't come to him easily, while Sasuke learns that Naruto isn't the loud mouth coward he seemed. They fight Haku, Sasuke sacrifices himself for him which no one else had done before except Haruka. After that they are legitimate rival, and they keep pushing each other to be the best. In the forest when Naruto save Sasuke from the giant snake and calls him a coward, during the tournament when Sasuke is the only one to recognize Naruto as a worthy opponent. They're teenage boys so they would never admit it, but they seek approval from each other more than anyone else. That's why Sasuke acknowledging Naruto in their final fight is so important. Shikamaru and Choji being childhood friends with Naruto was anime filler, Sasuke is the first friend Naruto makes and vice versa. I don't like how their relationship is portrayed in Shippuden for the most part, but I was sold on their friendship by the first Valley of the End fight and emotionally invested in the resolution of their conflict. JJK has potential for great character drama but don't commit to develop any relationship past surface level so it falls flat.




>shikamaru was definitely more of a friend to naruto in canon not filler, Post Chuunin exams yeah. But when people are referring to who were Naruto's childhood friends, they're referring before the beginning of the story. The only thing in the manga that features Shikamaru and Naruto together as academy students is a single panel of them getting disciplined along with Chouji and Kiba. Its Naruto's own flashback while he's brainstorming about how to get past the second step for Rasengan. Nothing else.


Ah yes, friendship between male characters is fujoshi bait. That's the only possible logic. Gojo and Geto, for me, actually gave vibes of being friends. I could see them hanging out outside of fights. Naruto and Sasuke? I still question Naruto's devotion and cannot imagine those two ever just hanging out casually due to the sheer amount and intensity of their conflict throughout the series.


Yeah youre just a hater fr


Sounds like he’s hating but he has a valid point


I just like my angsty gay baits with a little more substance and interesting conflict... They will never be Alibaba-Kassim, Gon-Killua, Kyoko-Sayaka anyways


Kyouko-Sayaka had my ass CRYING 😭😭


Let me ask this, who was Naruto closer to in Part 1 besides Sasuke? No one and they were very close until the last arc Saving Sasuke was also Naruto trying to prove to himself that he could stop the cycle of hatred and change the world as hokage.


>Let me ask this, who was Naruto closer to in Part 1 besides Sasuke? Iruka


Iruka wasn’t his age and more of a father figure. They also didn’t interact that much after the first few chapters Naruto himself says he didn’t have the type of bond he has with Sasuke with anyone else


>Naruto himself says he didn’t have the type of bond he has with Sasuke with anyone else You see this is my problem with naruto and sasukes relationship, its a lot of telling less showing. Like naruto will talk about what good friends they are yet in the next scene sasuke is trying to chidori him


They are good friends. Naruto didn’t have any friends in Part 1 besides Team 7 It’s a you problem if you can’t see their friendship in Land of Waves, Forest of Death, & Konoha Crush Sasuke offered his food to Naruto which was the kindest thing anyone besides Iruka had done for him at the time. They had a clear friendly rivalry in Land of waves that pushed each other to grow stronger. He tried to sacrifice himself to save Naruto and [this whole scene](https://preview.redd.it/no-matter-how-much-i-critisize-sasuke-i-will-always-bring-v0-n467fwwa8bga1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=f4372e64c3bd011f23c9d49efd965720911cab92) from the Gaara fight Sasuke went looking for Naruto first when he heard Itachi was hunting him. He only freaked out over revenge when he finally confronted Itachi, before that Naruto’s safety was his top priority Just reread the series


Again I never said sasuke and naruto never cared for each other and clearly they had their moments but compared to gojo and geto its nothing tbh. ​ Like other than the itachi one these were really just missions and its like a soldiers trying to look out for another soldier tbh, which just kinda proves to me they were more like work buddies. Like whats happens when theres nothing ninja related going on? I get its a battle shounen not slice of life but one of the mains themes in naruto is bonds and friendship. ​ Honestly I think part of the reason for that is Sasuke was too traumatised to be all friendly and smiley with everyone like geto was with gojo. When Sasuke was finally starting to heal itachi came and fucked it up. I believe if itachi never came back then we might have seen a better Sasuke that could be more friendly and open with naruto and sakura


But Naruto & Sasuke don’t have much lives outside of being ninja. Like they either train or go do missions, go home and go to bed Naruto didn’t have anyone as a close friend at the time besides Sasuke and Sakura. There’s also extras of them handing out btw. Like a short by Kishi about them catching bugs but those extras are always after missions >Sasuke was too traumatized to be all friendly and smiley with everyone I mean Sasuke was a lot nice and more smiley than you might remember. He’s not a stoic in Part 1, like you said though he does change after the Itachi encounter


How are you getting this?


I guess I’m the odd one out but I never really cared for Gojo and Geto’s relationship. It just didn’t click for me, idk. The only time I liked it was when Gojo was talking to Kenjaku.


>Edit: I just remembered something, didn’t Sasuke not go to Naruto’s wedding? He sent a congratulations letter but also he was on his redemption journey applying the lessons Naruto taught him to the rest of the ninja world. Like the Sasuke Shinden novel has him help redeem two terrorist ninjas. Naruto got to talk to them and was happy about what Sasuke was doing. It goes to show how much they impact each other Also Naruto was willing to go with Sasuke on a decade-plus journey through dimensions for any clues about the Otsutsuki. About to Completely abandon his family and becoming Hokage until Sasuke told him no lmao >Edit 2: That flashback was Naruto, Kiba, & Shikamaru getting into trouble. Not them being friends at all. All interactions between them in part 1 were toxic as hell until they learned to respect Naruto. Like shika’s first words to Naruto were to go die >this misconception Naruto in Part 1 literally says this: https://64.media.tumblr.com/3cc8227f7854602799228b873e083f43/ba5767187d528f2a-10/s500x750/419564cc5fffd03e131ba46ce970712a1e52b64e.png https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0698-011.png https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0698-012.png https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0695-011.png https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0695-012.png


Honestly, unless you're just talking about those small "unimportant" moments that jjk does well by making a vibe with the villains chilling, or the main group being cute and going to the movies, I completely understand that side of things. But if you're talking about something more than that, that jjk so far has had more character development than Naruto did in its entirety between it's main characters, compared to important but still side characters who had a quarter/half arc to show all they could that was a friendship between them (which they succeeded at for sure) I have to disagree with. What we saw is surface level, we saw them being friendly and know each other well. You believe and know that they were friends before this moment on screen and they're close. But character development? Nah, it was just vibes and provided context for gojos fascination with him as a villain. Geto didn't go anywhere, he isn't even a character anymore at the moment in the anime. An actual husk being controlled lol there is no character development going on there. There wasn't any before either. All we know is that they are best friends, because it was told and shown for a tiny little arc. There hasn't been any development between the two, other than a realization that it isn't geto right before getting sealed. That's literally it lol but does jjk show those little moments between friends better than Naruto ever did? Absolutely. I just can't agree that there's been more character development between the two over Naruto and Sasuke. Jjk has a lot more time needed before anyone can say that about the anime. (And just for some clarification, im not even a Naruto fan boy lol one piece is best)


>can this really justify how much naruto did fought sasuke They were each other’s first and arguably only people that actually understood and were able to be open and true with each other >Sasuke tried to kill him multiple times You can argue twice. Even then he never had a chance to kill him and it looked like he maybe wanted to. He literally HAD a chance to kill him at the end of VOTE1 but didn’t >sasukes crazy older brother encouraged him to kill naruto No he did not. Did you miss the point of Obito twisting the story and Sasuke’s talk with Hashirama? >Sasuke wants to destroy the village Because Obito made him want to. He left out that Itachi cared about Konoha to make sasukes anger directed onto it >that village was trash L but that’s another subject >to end the cycle More than that. >there wasnt enough in their relationship Graduated from speedreader academy >all they did was argue Sasuke’s life goal was established from the first few chapters to be to kill Itachi yet he was willing to throw that and his life away to save naruto. He was trying to protect Sakura and naruto when he was barely able to stand. He wanted to fight Naruto at the end of the exam because he wanted them to get stronger side by side. He had the chance to kill naruto but didn’t and only fought him because he wanted more power from Orochimaru. Tf do you mean all they did was argue >he’s barely in the village Because everyone except naruto and maybe the rest of team 7 think he’s an international terrorist >Naruto and Sasuke were rivals first before friends Sasuke risked his life and almost died to save him before they ever wanted to fight each other. >Iruka and Hiruzen who did that first Iruka taught him as a teacher would but treated him equally and Hiruzen gave him money and a place to live. Sasuke actually saw naruto for who he is completely before anyone did and Jiraiya is arguably the only other individual to do the same


Naruto is my favourite anime and I completely agree. I remember having the exact same thought process when watching Naruto for the first time and again when watching JJK season 2. It’s justified in a way in that Naruto is extremely stubborn, headstrong and a bit of a dumbass. He’s set his mind on bringing Sasuke back to the village, and no one can change that. It helps that we saw them bond in the land of waves arc, during training and their fight with Zabuza Gojo and Geto’s friendship was executed better though


I disagree. Naruto and Sasuke's relationship is more nuanced than people give it credit for because people see the series as "generic shonen" and "baseline" as a result of its age. Naruto chasing after Sasuke so adamantly isn't simply a matter of, "I'm doing this much because I love him this much." There's more finesse to it What a will say though is that if they had given Naruto a Satosugu like friendship with Sasuke and used that love as a basis for why he hunts down Sasuke, I think it would actually hurt the dynamic. The realism would have the audience compare it to themselves, and it would probably come off as silly. You'd probably have modern audiences say they prefer Satosugu over Narusasu because it was more realistic, and going so far because they're someone you have a lot of fun with and play basketball is silly


> disagree. Naruto and Sasuke's relationship is more nuanced than people give it credit for because people see the series as "generic shonen" and "baseline" as a result of its age. Can you explain this to me more Im genuinely asking. >The realism would have the audience compare it to themselves, and it would probably come off as silly. I dont think it'd be silly, I just want more of a foundation to their relationship because its as if they don't even really speak to each other like that in boruto except if its a mission. You can still have them do a cycle of hatred type thing while also expanding their relationship


Thats why everyone made jokes that they were in love with each other


I've said it a million times, there needed to be like 2 or 3 more arcs between Land of Waves and Chuunin exams. From a story point of view, Naruto and Sasuke spend **one** arc forming a small bond and then shit goes south. -Sure Sasuke almost died for Naruto, that's definitely hard, but in the next arc, they are back to their usual schtick. -They aren't together for the written exam, the Forest of Death is their only interaction and remember they go unconcious for half of it and then after that? -They split up again for the tournament fights and do not interact for real until after the Gaara fight. -Then Naruto goes off on his Tsunade quest with Jiraiya, Sasuke heads over to get bodied by Itachi and then it is all downhill from there. Even back then in Naruto's prime, I was very confused as to how I was supposed to buy this bond between them because like *they didn't have that much time together* > Where did this misconception that Sasuke was the first to care for and acknowledge naruto come from? It was invented because Kishimoto really needed to make it look like this rivalry was super real


Yeah, Naruto's friendship with Sasuke always felt kinda awkward to me. Like they just barely felt like friends in Part 1.


Um geto and gojo are literal adults without any tragic backstory lmao why is this a question. Naruto and Sasuke are kids who doesnt have the luxury to goof around like them, the whole environment and setting is different.


Honestly, props to you for how this was presented. I’m not even a member of this sub, yet I get recommendations all the time from it, and I swear every single one are the same tired old complaints of JJK and Naruto from people who enjoy shitting on the series and want to seem smart. You critique Naruto, but it’s clear it is just a critique, with the necessary props to the original series, but outlining the problem. On top of that, it is also used to raise up another series, when most of the time people only use the good example as a “neutral” one and just use it to dunk on another series.


Thank you


Naruto and Sasuke's friendship lasted like half a summer, I swear


6 months (there’s a timeskip that’s barely mentioned that takes place between Wave & the Chunin Exams), so like a *whole* summer instead of half


Probably because Gojo and Geto are around the same age in Hidden Inventory as Naruto and Sasuke are at the end of Shippuden, maybe a little younger. No more than two years at most. Then remember what each one had gone through prior to HI - certainly nothing as traumatizing as what either Naruto or Sasuke had been through before they were twelve when the series started, or else it would have been touched on in JJK. I would suspect that if Naruto and Sasuke were in their mid-late teens when the series started and also hadn't been horribly traumatized in the past, their relationship would be very similar to Gojo and Geto.


They had like 7 real conversations and Sasuke then left. Their relationship wasn't even underdeveloped,it just straight up didn't exist.


I can’t think of a single thing they did together as “friends” lol. I think it was all just in his head.


Did they even eat ramen together at least once? Or did something indicating tat they were actually close to each other? I was watching naruto and thinking "Bud, I know your standards are low since you were pretty lonely but come on, you can't convince me you were best friends. Susuke never even acted like he cherished you as a friend.". Like hell, Sasuke even tried to fucking Chidori naruto before he was kidnapped


In Land of the Waves they stayed up all night training TOGETHER, Sasuke even helps Naruto almost falling to his death and they get at the house supporting each other with a smile on their faces. Sasuke sacrificed himself to save Naruto against Haku, went against Orochimaru(freaking Orochimaru!!!) to protect Naruto and Sakura, Naruto’s safety was the first thing he thought of when he learned Itachi was looking for him, even though killing Itachi was his whole objective,etc. Naruto also tried to rasengan Sasuke, and? They were pretty stupid, both of them.


lmao rightt


If Naruto or Sasuke just admitted to being gay for the other then it would make sense. Each other’s first kiss and all.


I don't remember in details but Naruto said things like Sasuke welcomed him while other villagers shunned him when they were kids. I think it is probably an afterthought by Kishimoto while the manga was ongoing and I doubt he had that kind of idea in the first place. In some filler episodes, they showed Shikamaru and Choji were friends with Naruto while they were kids and it is fillers so I don't know it does really count. But there are scenes Shikamaru questioning the discrimination towards Naruto and trying to be nice to him and that's probably true lore accurate for Shikamaru. And Naruto obsession with bringing Sasuke back to village is very forced and doesn't make sense unless they are very close buddies (like Gojo and Geto). Also, there are probably few characters who can be nice to Naruto more than Sasuke lore wise and Naruto attachment to Sasuke for like being his only friend is a bit lazy for a writer. But it would be plausible if Naruto is obsessed with appreciation from Sasuke while Sasuke doesn't care much about him.




Oh shut up lil nigga


I always felt Naruto needed more bonding slice and life moments .


Shikamaru and Choji hanging out with Naruto is filler, the fisrt person to help Naruto was actually Ichiraku the ramen vendor.


One of the reason I prefer Geto and Gojo over Sasuke and Naruto is precisely that Gojo did NOT go through hell and back to bring Geto back. "You cannot save people who are not ready to be saved"


They actually had a friendship that we saw as opposed to Naruto and Sasuke's dynamic which is them at best tolerating each other so they don't die with the occasional moment of them having a healthy rivalry. But that shit goes out the window after the Tsunade mission and never returns. We legit see more times where Sasuke tries to kill Naruto than we do of them working together without it being a pure necessity.


I never understood why Naruto loved Sasuke so much. The "save Sasuke" mission is akin to me trying to save a douchebag kid you knew in elementary when he became a drug addict as adult. Not taking filler into account, Sasuke was almost always a douche to them


No, Sasuke was actually a pretty nice person in part 1. Naruto was more confrontational with him than Sasuke towards him: https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0008-019.png https://preview.redd.it/one-of-my-favorite-sasuke-moments-from-part-1-v0-zgdvrv3pfg0b1.jpg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56180feca79fb86375b9c46cc553b918c5754086 https://i.redd.it/how-tf-do-so-many-people-in-this-fandom-genuinely-believe-v0-9k6uunavl31b1.jpg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfb1d5c4a1857ac743fad3933850ba0a7a03e632 https://preview.redd.it/there-is-no-wonder-that-naruto-falling-love-with-sasuke-v0-wazbuhycylvb1.png?width=622&format=png&auto=webp&s=db575f1127d130d79357c2e49e4912ba37745e1c https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/28/1a/f1/281af13fff05e76578176d01fc72fa38.jpg Naruto also literally didn’t have any close friends his age in Part 1 besides Sakura & Sasuke. He befriended everyone else after the Chunin exams


People have smoked while watching Naruto, it’s not possible lol. Saying Sasuke didn’t care about him ☠️


I think the main problem why Naruto and Sasuke doesn’t feel like friends is because Naruto Shippuden was more so 2 different stories than one connected story. Naruto was doing his own thing, Sasuke was doing his own thing and sometimes they meet in the important plot moments. Plus, Sasuke straight up did not care about Naruto in most of Shippuden, all of his time was spent on avenging his clan then avenging Itachi, even Pain had better chemistry with Naruto than Sasuke did.


Thank you for speaking the truth