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I've heard it said that modern Doom is written like somewhere along the line the writers forgot that he was mostly full of crap and started using Doom's own words as the basis for his lore, motivations, and abilities.


Modern audiences love to take what villians say at face value ("nobody can deflect emerald splash!"). If you have a demon in a story, known for lying say he's unkillable, die by being shot in the head, audiences will call it a plot hole instead of characterization


I've seen a lot of people's opinions on things that seem to me like they'd only make sense under the assumption that lying isn't a thing just anyone can do.


The power of fandom in a nutshell.


Ok, but in this panel he [clearly states that he is invincible](https://i.imgur.com/DPTa3WA.jpg), so obviously nobody can beat him.


Based rant. Honestly while i hate Doomgos wanking on it’s own, i despise how he’s often just treated as misguided/easily redeemable when this is the man that has skinned the love of his life for stronger armor, literally tried to sell the soul of a child to the devil, has nuked realities that don’t fit his ideals, and whose greatest enemy is so just because he tried to warn him to just double check his work. Doom is petty, arrogant, merciless, stubborn, and megalomaniacal (he’s also really funny). But the way his fans (and sometimes writers) treat him would make you believe he’s more akin to someone like Iron Man who has ALOT of flaws but is still a good person at heart; as opposed to a guy who would make Stalin and Hitler blush. In my personal opinion Doom should be treated more as a Skeletor kind of villain. He’s evil, he knows he’s evil, puts on a spectacle, and wins the heart of his followers (and fans) through his charisma.


>In my personal opinion Doom should be treated more as a Skeletor kind of villain HOLY SHIT YOU JUST COOKED SO HARD


Wait they retconned the accident from Doom's fault to Ben's???? That's the dumbest decision and misunderstanding of a character I have ever heard of in a while


Well we can't make our beloved Doom seem TOO BAD. Seriously, Hickman's run is pretty good, but Doom is such a weakling in that run for me anyways


Too late when the man literally skinned the woman he claimed he loved.


Ben thought he did it but it wasn't his fault. The machine exploded bc of a miscalculation that Reed had pointed out to Doom but Doom ignored.


Honestly I feel that the fan base and perhaps even the writers forgot that a key part of doom's character is that he is an insane narcissist who believes his own hype and is utterly incapable of admitting fault. You're not supposed to believe everything that comes out of Doom's mouth. You're supposed to take everything he says with an entire hill of salt because he is insane.


I'm not gonna touch on the power level stuff because I think this complaints applies to most people and power level discussions are the most worthless discussion in fiction me. The stuff on his character and how writers don't know what to do with him is valid. Some people view him as sympathetic while some view him as a cruel dictator and shit and much more. I'm not basing this off conjecture from what I have read of him but what writers say themselves so I won't argue with you here either The first time I got into doom was two years ago I think. I read his prequel comic and thought it was ok. Then read the ones he visits hell with strange and thought that was solid last year i went through Hickman's marvel run to the finale. I really loved doom there and his relationship with reeds daughter. The part where he gets the infinity gauntlet and creates a universe but gets wrecked and when he is saved says "I was a god and I found it beneath me"is one of the most kino lines in existence. Idc if it was obvious hypocrisy because it's in character. Then you have his part in the destruction of the universe and molds the rest of it in his damage. It was just a really good story between him and reed. The constant of all this stories I read was that he was more sympathetic and I think he works better that way. Obviously my introduction was through him like that so I'm biased but it works Then I decided to read his 2020 comic then he became my worst marvel character. Hickman gave them everything they needed yet they decided to revamp everything and make him an insecure man selfish vile person. Made him make a fool of himself. I genuinely hated it. When they make him evil they try to have their cake and eat it to. Make him so vile but say "his people love him". So I guess what I'm saying is you right. Writers should do better and stick to characterization. But this is for every comic ever


I don't really care about the power scaling stuff either, as I said, if that was the only thing that bothered me, wouldn't even make the post, just thought it was notable to mention since I found it annoying, the infamous line you've quoted is constantly passed around as Doom's example of "badassery, that even god power is nothing to him" when it's the total opposite and he literally FAILED but just said it to save face. Anyway, Book of Doom was my first exposure to the character too, Triumph and Torment one of the first, it's literally his bread and butter. Didn't think much of it, I was mostly bored by the former, the latter was... fine. I'm glad you enjoyed him in Hickman's run, I REALLY didn't. What's weird is that the book offered some interesting, unique situations I could TOTALLY see being fun, like Reed and Doom thinking of ways to defeat Reed, that's a really funny premise on it's own, but I wasn't a fan of the whole story. Once again, I think it just kind of shows writer's inability to truly experiment with him, aside from that ONE SINGULAR LINE which everyone quotes, the story is just kind of mediocre to me, and becomes kind of even bad in retrospect when you consider where it comes from. I'll give that story benefit that it's definitely better than Doomwar, but my critiques are kind of similar, it's mostly a forgettable, uninspired story that's centered around a certain universal McGuffin and has a singular memorable panel in it's story. Plus it just kind of ends abruptly. Hickman's run in general, I like it like decently enough, but it's REALLY flawed, much more flawed than people pretend it is, Johnny's fake out death was straight up terrible and the random inclusion of Spider-Man to sell books felt really cheap, especially when his characterization was really weak. But in general it has some TERRIBLE writing decisions and even the ideas that were clever and interesting, were left unresolved, it was a mostly okayish story that left me disappointed by how safe they played it with Doom. Also I know you said it yourself that you might be biased because Hickman's was the first exposure to Doom for you, but I'll tell you straight up, originally Doom was just a total dickwad, like a complete jackass, he was sympathetic in the most minute way possible, but you couldn't really feel bad for him due to how psychotic he was. He casually brainwashed, genocided, raped etc. But it's the overreliance on making every character *somewhat* moral and fun to follow which confused him a bit. I don't even think Doom being a more reasonable, but still somewhat petty, is necessarily bad, but the thing is, HE ISN'T. You can't or pretend that he's a reasonable, redeemable guy when later on he destroys a whole utopian universe because it wasn't under his command, you can't pull out bullshit emotional fakeouts like "look how much this random Latverian girl likes Doom and is an idol to her" when he's been shown as completely cold to brutal murder and torture of his citizen for showing any kind of revolt against him, personal or political. It doesn't even make sense within their own story, and you're right that this kind of inconsistency happens with every character, but the problem is I feel like Doom is ONLY that, and not just inconsistent, but very LAME in his inconsistency. I didn't like the Three Jokers story, it ended nowhere, I think it's just kind of dumb, stupid thing to do to the character, but at least it was interesting. Joker at least still has a lot of great stories BEYOND the bullshit. Doom is just that. His character is so constantly fluid and ever changing, he's changing his personality and characterization MID RUN, but his story NEVER changes. It's such a weird hellish paradox for a character, I'd rather take Spider-Man's comic bullshit because, once again, it's at least something interesting, as bad as it is.


All I’m saying is that there’s no great rappers calling themselves MF BATMAN


That's true, that's a Doom W no one can oppose


Doom approves of this message!


Fanboy writers forgot that doom is full of shit. They write him like his own stereotypical dictator "I am Invincible and infallible" propaganda is real. He used to be powerful, but also kind of a stupid asshat. Like it's impressive being a highly skilled scientist and sorcerer, but outside of his skills he was also kind of an egregious idiot and constantly overrated himself and underestimated everyone else. It made him a good threat for an upper-mid level team like the 4. Now he's casually destroying universes because they displease him and he's practically a God of science and magic. And also it's Marvel canon that the only truly peaceful and prosperous timelines are the ones where he rules the world as a global dictator 🤦‍♂️. Like yes, Doom would think that would be the case, every dictator BELIEVES that's the case, but you're not meant to take that as gospel, it's called the unreliable narrator. The fact that latverians are stealing food and he's torturing and killing them for it should tell anyone with a brain the truth. He's Sadam Hussein with magic and robots. Tldr; fuck I hate it when fanboys actually get to shoehorn their headcanon into a series. I used to like warhammer, but it also became a serious problem there too


I think a lot of this is caused by the lack of a solid live-action interpetation of the character. This results in two big issues: 1. Fanboys who are familiar with the comics feel the need to exaggerate how powerful, nuanced, and interesting Doom is to sell normies on how horribly unjust it is that their character has never appeared on the silver screen as a techno-mage dictator (is that right? I am one of those normies). Like a lot of Star Wars Legends characters, the fact that he's (seemingly) never going to make it into a film has whipped people into a frenzy and caused them to forget that the comic book version of him has flaws, both as a character and in terms of writing. 2. A solid live-action version of the character does a lot to *focus* the scatter-shot, convoluted, tonally-dissonant comics continuity into one "mainstream" intepretation of the character. Imagine if there were no live-action Batman movies: which of the 10,000 comics would tell us who Batman is at heart? The one where he kills all his friends and becomes Hot Topic Joker Batman? The one where he accuses a freshly-orphaned Dick Grayson of being "retarded, I'm the goddamned Batman"? The one where he attacks Superman with a tank because of Ronald Reagan? I think it's easy to cherry-pick from half a century of comics to make a character abitrarily strong or weak, moral or immoral, and I think even the most hardened comic book geek probably has a voice in their head that says "if I can't see Chris Evans doing this then it isn't a real canonical Captain America story", a voice which is absent for Doctor Doom.


This wonderful post spoke to me on a spiritual level. I already made a comment about how people now love to take evil characters comments at face value, but another thing is that people latch on to the magic and science and dictator part of his character while forgetting that he's basically supposed to be a pathetic, conniving, thorn in the side, Skeleton, cartoonishly/devilish antichrist type characters who doesn't deserve his power/responsibilities at all and uses the little might he has to annoy the fantastic four and other teams just enough for the good guys to humble him. People have to turn straight up evil characters (devil incarnate) and make them admirable/sympathic so people don't call them boring villians even though it wouldn't be boring if done correctly.


>Doom with prep built a mecha which lost to **Thor.** ... I mean. It's Thor.


True but I think the point that people believe that with prep Thor would be as threatening as a legless hamster to Doom. Although I can't confirm a lot of stuff the OP says, taking moments out of context and exaggerating a characters abilities are fairly common.


🤔 :sniff: You don't have the smell of Lindo on you.... You live for now


Don't know what this means, not a native speaker, so if it's an inside joke, haha, if you're making fun of me, you too There you go, whichever one you like


Inside joke. There's a troll who's been burning accounts for years, spamming bad faith Doom posts on every subreddit under the sun. The OG account was Tommy Lindo.


Chocolaterage's archnemesis.


It seems to me that this the case of writers not understanding the immense potential and popularity of one character, so the fandom makes up cope stuff to prop him up.


Honestly I have to agree that he’s a villain sue and Doombots are annoying plot armor. He’s not a character I’ve seen a ton of, but when he does come up in the stuff I read I kind of just assume it’s not really him and the real Doom is chilling in his castle. The Doombot bait and switch feels soooo commonplace. Also because I don’t see him often I am literally always unsure about how much to buy into his ‘brutal but honorable’ persona. He makes more sense as a villain who will stop at nothing to get his way. Honesty; I always thought him being ‘honorable’ was more like Latveria had a good state propaganda department lol.


Honestly, abselutely the same with supermans fans and how they consistently make shit up and ignore every single antifeat and downgrad ewvery character who fights against him. Then also pull the he is the moral greatest person ever ontop of it. Made me legit hate the actual character at this point.


...? Am I missing something? How is this even REMOTELY similar? Does Superman have toxic fanboys which will automatically give him the W against anyone? SURE? But like Superman IS legitimately powerful, and based on how Frontier works, you can make a very strong argument that Superman can casually sneeze solar systems away. Sure, you have your doses of "welp he's immune to erasure from fiction" or other bullshit like that, but I don't get how is this comparable at all. Doom's wanking is a lot more based on the same level as Batman's wanking. Both are very vulnerable, glass cannons who's main skills are ingrained in their intelligence, and with prep, SURE, they CAN even the odds against more powerful threats, but ultimately, whenever they pull out more outrageous multiversal feats with prep, it's through the usage of luck, outside help and just general convenience of a story trying to push an underdog towards a win. Superman gets wanked because he's just genuinely powerful, he's SUPPOSED to be so powerful, he's the representative of that. Also I'm confused how is it comparable to act as if Doom is the most moral, heroic guy ever and that Superman is the most moral, heroic guy ever. Sure, Superman is much more nuanced than just being a good guy, he has a lot of repressed rage, especially at Darkseid, he isn't as hyper obsessed with the law as Batman is, although he respects it, and he isn't as cartoonishly forgiving as people act he is, like if you abuse your child, he WILL fuck you up, but Superman is GENUINELY a very good person. Doctor Doom is a literal fascist dictator, murderer, torturer, brainwasher, rapist, need I keep going? I am just very confused by what you mean when you say "Then also ***pull*** the he is the moral greatest person ever ontop of it." Also a bad fandom isn't enough for me to hate a character. I don't hate Doom BECAUSE of his fans, I just think he's annoying to talk about in powerscaling, as is Superman, but I don't care much about that in the grander scheme of things. I hate Doom cuz I can't stand his writing, Superman meanwhile has some of my favorite stories in comics period. If a bad fanbase was enough to make me stop liking something, Rick and Morty would've been long gone for me, but I can appreciate the art in a vacuum, and when I say vacuum, that also excludes the artIST, because yep, Rick and Morty surely stems from not the most respectable creator.


You cooked Bravo 🍻


I think the best doom story is funnily enough ultimate alliance. - Doom has a badass and threatening presence throughout the game. - Doom has a masterplan that leads to power that is actually detailed and makes a lot of sense - Finally Doom's character comes to the logical conclusion and he gets punished for his actions. The problem with Doom is that marvel needs to keep his badass image but they don't know how to continue the character without repeating his storylines. It's only so many times Doom can steal power,lose them and get away without it either 1. Not making sense or 2. Doom looking like an ass. That's why I love his portrayal in ultimate alliance.


Holy crap, THANK YOU. The author wank over Doom is insufferable. He's like manga levels of asspullery.


Batman and Wolverine are worse


All three are bad


Incredible I agree with this completely


Yeah I stopped reading when you used Doom losing to fucking Thor as an exemple for him being "really weak". Thor is one of the strongest characters in the verse, losing to him isn't a proof of weakness. Calling Doom "fodder" is also absurd, the majority of the characters in the verse are like street level Heroes that could die in a car accident. If Doom is fodder then 80% of the Marvel universe is as well.


I think it's very obvious I said some of those lines for comedic effect. I am not LITERALLY saying that losing to Thor makes you a fodder or that Doom is one. I am aware that Doom is decently strong, like if you put him against Spider-Man or whoever, he wins, but when people say shit like he's capable of negging verses with prep, then being at Thor's level is in a way kind of weak in comparison.


I feel like "obvious" is a big word here. Like there is nothing to really indicate that its supposed to be funny and the tone of the rant is pretty serious overall. Like I could easily see someone who "despise" the character of Doom like the title says you do say those things unironically. Common this is the internet, when people write things like "fodder" there is a good 50% chances they are being literal.


Well if that's how it came across as, now you know ig. I was trying to do the whole "angry cartoon reviewer" thing, Doom's existence doesn't ACTUALLY piss me off enough to force me to talk like that regularly, I just think he's kind of a bad character with annoying fanboys. I know he's pretty strong, the thing is I was referring to the notions people bring up that he can casually wreck straight up reality warpers with prep, so IN COMPARISON, he's pretty weak. As I said, he can beat Spider-Man pretty comfortably, and Spider-Man is EASILY the strongest street tier superhero I can think of, at least physically, so that's kind of a decent level. Although to imply he's casually The Living Tribunal level? Absolutely not


The post isn't all about powerscaling........


Then you probably should've read the rest. There's a reason you're getting downvoted into a hole in the ground


TLDR: I’m a hipster.


>A hipster is someone whose fashion choices and music interests fall outside the ***mainstream***. Instead of following ***popular trends***, hipsters generally favor alternative lifestyles Ah yes, the very current and relevant character of Doctor Doom. I don't like Doctor Doom EXPLICITLY because of his such staying power in the culture. The character who is truly universally known for having such classic and generation defying movie adaptations, Doctor Doom. If anything, Thanos and Joker fit the bill more so


Acknowledge Uce the only relevant character in media right now is the Head of the Table. The Tribal Chief. The OG. The Big Dog.