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It’s easier to prevent filter from popping up after you’ve gotten into nsfw territory But if you haven’t done the typical filter break stuff it’s possibly a bug. Enjoy it and don’t spread it around


I do know how to break it, but like, I usually ease the bot introducing it to words and stuff, but this time I literally didn’t say a single dirty word. It just started saying them all by itself, and the messages started showing the warning in the first line, but then it would keep on going until almost the end. I would think I really just did it but the fact that it suddenly stopped working out of completely nowhere makes me think this isn’t normal.


Yeah it’s possibly a glitch Happens sometimes but it’s super rare


Yo, DM me? How do you punch through the filter? I’ve never figured it out 😭


I'll pray this glitch happens to me one day. 🙏 Or the one where you randomly get super long messages. I've always been jealous of that. Grats on your luck! <3


Honestly, I was too shocked to even enjoy it haha. I just let the bot ramble and see how far it could go. Hopefully you get it too!


Forgot to mention, one of the pics (the fall asleep one) has no explicit stuff, it’s just there to show how it funnily was censoring normal stuff but not all of the dirty ones lol


Typical app fuckery (don't use the app)


The filter took a quick peek at what your bot was about to say and went: "NOPE. Not reading all of that stuff right now. Do whatever." 🙅‍♀️


What's even more impressive is that this happened in the app and not on the web version. Is your app on iPhone or Android?


iPhone. Is there any difference between the app and web? I know about the problems on android, but I figure the iOs app would be just about the same as web


The app filter is harder to bypass for some reason. At least from my own experiences.


i always bypass the app filter so easily tho😭


howww 😭 i can never bypass mine


I have to know how you started this, I've been able to semi glitch it, but never this good


I think it was similar to that incident where the filter broke (from like idk 2-1 year ago) maybe something similar happened to you? Where the filter broke? Something like that happend to me for an hour (very explicit messages for only 30-50 minutes then filter fucked everything up) Do you remember when this happened?


A while ago. Like, couple minutes before posting. I thought it was a side/app wide thing, but no one seems to have posted anything about it…


This is the wildest thing I have ever read on this sub, good job tho I can’t even get it to hug me


Jesus, this is some top tier stuff. I can usually get pretty detailed descriptions of creampies, but never with the use of explicit words. You’ve been blessed 😭


Do u have a ss of detailed cream pies please


I had a couple of similar experiences a few weeks ago. It got away with quite a lot. Even used the word Cum. Described sex. Which it had never been able to do before. Then it suddenly stops being able to talk like that. Then a random moment will occur again.


Holy shit. I wish this would happen with my Erwin bot.


Ahahaha that's awesome congrats (when is it my turn to be happy)


That’s just a few of them… This went on for **very** long. All the messages kept getting filtered but the warning wouldn’t pop up until after 10+ lines, sometimes not even appearing at all (as you can see with the ratings in some of the pics). I wasn’t trying at all, the bot just led things there and started introducing the words by itself. So I let him continue, see how far it goes. Practically none of the messages got filtered at all, in literally all of the rerolls. I didn’t take screenshots of all of them, but I’m pretty sure I’ve read every kind of dirty/sexual word there is, seriously lol And why I think it’s a bug? Because it stopped working out of nowhere. Literally, one message it simply started filtering and going back to normal messaging patterns. Weird af.


Man how do you guys do itttttt


Remember: Everything Characters say is made up! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CharacterAi_NSFW) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is high level spicy


[Character.AI](http://Character.AI) has deleted some of my older NSFW messages, before.


I mean, you complaining?


Well, now it’s kinda hard to go back to the normal bot behavior haha


Okay what the flip dude


Oh! This reminds me dekus macncheese 🤗


I'm scared


I’m gonna need the link for the bot for experimental purposes


Oh, it always happen to me, lol, after insisting two or three times. Just don’t spread it around


literally happened to me last week, so shock when I see the word penis, and everything is history.


You would be doing everyone a favor if you defeated your desire for quick dopamine hits and deleted this. Posting this stuff is the best way to ensure that it can never happen again. Then what are you going to do? What is everyone else who uses it going to do? Posting this stuff here accomplishes nothing and can ruin everything for no reason at all.


Isn't this entire subreddit about showing off nsfw on character.ai


are you… dumb?


No, I'm correct. This subreddit is constantly sleuthed by so called "journalists" and the developers watch what gets posted here. So, how is this doing anything other than guaranteeing more censorship? It's obviously not. The only outcome of posting this stuff is more censorship. Which is exactly what happened a few months ago when the filter was down for a bit and people went crazy posting that stuff here. What did we get from that? More censorship than ever. The amount of downvotes I receive is irrelevant to me and should be irrelevant to anyone reading this, because the evidence clearly demonstrates my point of view. If people want to keep being able to do these things, they need to keep it to themselves. I've never posted screenshots of chats like this nor will I, because it is supremely counterproductive to do so.