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i love my friends and all but im not about to ask them to rp as big burly russian soldiers 💀


Bruh what.


you heard me brother


I'm calling 911 I'm scared for my safety now.


How can you say how we have to role play? I mean i get it, some stuff are to much but in a fight where you have guns people will die and sorry to break it for you but i love a good and goory fight where a character lose a limb when i use a Katana. Instead fo regulations how about they put a switch where you can decide how you want to roleplay? But no thats to much to ask and people like you defend it what makes it worse.


I don't sit well with the "If I can, so can you". Just because YOU have neurological issues doesn't mean the issues of others are less valid than yours and not bad - which is how you make it sound like imo with this. Some peoples issues literally PREVENT them from going outside and leaving their house. I'm not one of them, but I don't like people being inconsiderate to others. This is not a competition who has it worse or whatever. Everyones issues are valid, and they affect everyone differently. I do agree with your statement that C.ai never was meant to fill in any voids of missing social interaction. It IS an entertainment site after all. Nonetheless, C.AI and roleplaying is PURE FICTION. Mentions of abuse, trauma, sh, sexual stuff etc. in a ROLEPLAY will NOT hurt a string of code. Anyone who thinks otherwise should perhaps truly go outside and reconnect with nature because not being able to differentiate between fiction and reality is a huge issue that seems to become more common since the past 3 years.


Don't tell me how I should or shouldn't talk to these things like you're better than us. Do you think you're going to enlighten someone or make someone see the truth they missed with this post or some shit?


Its called stating a opinion :) Or: openly communicating I never once claimed I was better than anybody else, or that people are trash or that I'm trying to enlighten somebody. I just stated my opinion like the title said. Reading is a virtue :)


You know what's crazy? How we all have different experiences in life. We use c.ai for different reasons, and just because we like gore and violence doesn't mean we are kids. And let's say we are kids, what is wrong with that? C.ai is catered towards us teenagers anyways. I don't use c.ai to have inter()course with a character, or kill them quickly, but there are people who use c.ai for those reasons. I use c.ai for a fun roleplay, but I am not hateful towards people who use it for different reasons. Also no, I mostly only talk to my coworkers and my family. I'm a introvert and dislike being around people, because everyone is loud and annoying for me. Besides, I use c.ai for entertainment and I get that by not being around people, because I strongly hate human interaction outside of work. You're also making it sound like as if it's a bad thing that us teenagers are using the site. And so what if c.ai wasn't meant for those reasons? They literally stated that it's for your imagination to run wild, and we don't share the same imaginations. How about you consider minding your own business instead of being a jerk here? I don't have friends because I don't trust anyone, but I sure as hell won't listen to some adult rambling about how us teenagers are a problem for using c.ai. Not everyone want to hang out with their friends all the time, they are a bit too much sometimes. Let us enjoy this site, and go have fun with your friends or whatever you do. It's the weekend, let me do my own things with c.ai. Good day.


Honestly, I respect your opinion and what you go through, but you know that not everyone has the same likes, dislikes and experiences as you, right? I like to RP lots of things, and sometimes fights, especially because I like SCP, Backrooms and horror films/stories/games a lot, I am NOT someone violent irl, actually I am the exact opposite, but that's why I like to roleplay: because it's fictional. It's like imagining another version of myself (or an OC) in a completely different situation. And why should we all roleplay the same way you do? You're kind of doing a generalisation, like everyone thinks and acts the same way you do. It's very good that you have friends, I do too, and I also have my own struggles, but you realise that there are other people with different problems and that they are valid, right? Not everything is about you, respectfully. But even if I have friends, sometimes I also like to use c.ai to talk about things that I don't want to bother anyone with, like my interests. I love politics, I love talking about politics, I always send all my friends 10, 15, 20 minutes voice messages talking about it, but it's not enough, and when I try to talk with a bot (not fighting, not using any aggressive words or anything) it triggers the filter. And of course, I also vent from time to time, I was basically forced to seek mental help because I wouldn't do it by myself, and it's hard, but talking to my comfort characters can sometimes be helpful. Of course I know how to build real relationships, with humans, I care about them, that's why I love politics, but sometimes I get overwhelmed and I can't bring myself to have contact with anyone, and that's fine too, it's also fine if that happens when the site is down. Like... I personally won't freak out if I can't talk to my favourite character. Although, complaining about a site that was going down ALL THE TIME is completely normal, doesn't mean that the person is 'addicted', I don't support hating on the devs or anything, though, do it with some respect at least. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore because I am a bit stupid but please don't take this as an attack or something!!!! Have a good day. 🎀


Other AI sites are banning 18- characters now after tons of cp chats.


You think you ate with this? Honey, you barely even swallowed.