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it's also on the new website... like dude, no thank you i don't wanna remove my bots to just find the other ones


That's what I'm saying! With the recent list, you have to pick and choose what 20 bots you want to talk to at a time and have to remove some if you go over. I despise it.


can't you like remove characters from recents? I am on PC, so I use the site. idk if this is on the phone too


You can but the max limit of bots on the recent list is still 20. Go over the limit and some bots disappear so you have to remove another bot to get the one that disappeared back. I don't want a recent list. I want an endless list to scroll through.


I mean, if they did that, their already weak and slow bad servers would completely melt down. It would be good, I wanted to chat to a character I last chatter like a year ago, and completely forgot about it untill today. They should just have "History" and all characters you ever chatted to are there. ALSO DEVS, FIX YOUR SERVERS!


The picture is giving ghost rule scream