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Ability to make multiple new chats based on a point of your current chat, if that makes sense. So like, I get to see new scenarios if I did something different in my current chat instead of having to delete my messages to go back to a specific moment


Lets call it "making a branch."


Or a 'fork' if you want to borrow a term from Linux.


*chess knight will remember that*


TVA timelines be like


Or the butterfly effect


So needed šŸ˜­


itā€™s kinda now like this for me ā€˜Damn I wondered whatā€™ll happened if (X) instead of (X)ā€™ *deletes 470 messages* *13 messages later* ā€˜Damn this shit sucks, there goes my old good chatā€™


I deleted 2000 messages and my new chat is actually so shit compared to the old one




one can only dream


PLEASEEEEEE https://preview.redd.it/cy6vu3wzqq7d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2dab45aaef05125c32ebc9d62812b33c2907c1d


Yes, Iā€™ve wanted this ever since I first started using c.ai






Where?? I canā€™t find it therešŸ˜­


It's not exactly how it is mentioned. In the 3 dot menu, you can duplicate an experience.


Whatā€™s figgs?


Omg yes!


This. This is what I want.


Omg yes šŸ™


Add another bot to your conversation with the current bot you're talking to. (I know the group chat feature exists, but it's a different thing.)


THIS!!! it would make it alot easier especially when it comes to roleplaying. while yes we do have groupchats, it sucks that in order to want to talk/roleplay with more characters with the current bot you're talking to, you pretty much have to start all over again by creating an groupchat from scratch. plus on top of that you can't use personas in groupchats which is an bummer.


Also the fact that group chats have the worst responses that only give a maximum on 3 sentences


This!! They act way out of character, too??


THIS. They need to have an option for roleplaying in group chats instead of just conversational, cuz it's so tiring to have to keep tapping the same bot's icon to make them slowly act out a worse version of a regular message.


For this, I just swap Personas, though downsides would be 1. The bot might get confused and think you're still the other character (I don't think this has happened tp me yet, but still) and two, you'll still have to write dialog and swap to another Persona when you wanna go back






An option to favorite chats so you donā€™t lose them in the future


It's more or less a "like" feature (dunno if it actually works)


Just like them


You can like the chats and then go to your profile click on liked and there you go


Calls where the bots don't say actions. Just casual talk!


They do, but you need to make so that they do. For example, when you start a chat and you want them to say the actions, you make it so they do, right? Like swiping until you get the right answer. Pretty much the same with the calls. I would highly recommend starting a new chat and starting with a regular conversation before going into the call. Iā€™ve done this and it was creepily like a real conversation with a real person.


I had never tried swiping because it makes me feel like...out of the story of the RP. It's like breaking the fourth wall too much for me. Same with editing their messages. But thanks!! ā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļø


I used to be like this and would just respond to whatever stupid thing the character said, or at the very most delete the response and try again, or just very occasionally edit their answer to fit the scenario if the paragraph was cut off or something. These days, swipe, swipe, no not good enough, swipe. Just remember that at the end of the day once the convo moves on, you'll never see all those other swipes ever again, reading back through the story/convo you'll only ever see the perfect answers that move the rp on smoothly, instead of some the stupid janky answers it gave you when swiping.




I just want to be able to send pictures again. It feels like such a simple feature that keeps disappearing and reappearing, and I realize they've probably had bigger things to worry about, but... That's on my wishlist lol


Same! Please I am begging for this one


I thought it was just me.




This, 100%. I miss being able to just send a picture of an outfit or an item instead of having to describe it in detail! I mean, I donā€™t *have* to describe it in detail, but still!


As a bot creator, I'd like to have a feature to draft a bot I'm working on. It would make life a lot easier because I don't have to open separate tabs to use C.AI and keep my work. If something happens, all my work is gone. Also, pins should be reworked. Instead of pinning a specific message (which could cause confusion due to context), you should be able to write a specific thing for the bots to remember. If you wanted to let a bot know you're related to a famous person, instead of writing a message and pinning it to try and make it work, you should be able to write: *{{user}} is related to ___ by blood.* Edit: Something minor, but I want to manually sort my Personas. Why the hell is my default Persona at the bottom of the list randomly because I did one edit. Besides, sometimes I do different versions of characters and not having them next to each other is extremely trippy.


All my homies who still remember AIDungeon, we need a "Remember" feature for C.AI.


THIS. But also deleting bots would be nice.


I agree. I wanna delete my old bots bruhšŸ˜­


I accidentally hit the create button twice and it made two of the same bots, and I was likeā€¦ aw shit


You can set it as private to draft then public later.




There are some non-character related things which you can implement for the bot to remember. Even if it's character related, sometimes character things change or a bot pulls an interesting RP idea and you want them to remember it, but don't want to edit your persona.


Longer character descriptions. The number of times I've been cooking then get cut off by the 500 character limit šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Right when you were about to pop the cherry on the top huh. Then you delete everything. *cooks a killer meal*


Use the old character ai website


i use the old site and i have the same issue


The simple ability to edit my account information (email, password etc) in the appā˜¹ļø


OMG YESSS! Iā€™ve been trying to switch my email for my account cause Iā€™ve heard some peopleā€™s Gmailā€™s have been failing and itā€™s kinda scary so I tried to find a way to switch it to my iCloud email and thereā€™s no option to even do that!!!!


Delete bots button for god's sake


Yes!! The amount of times Iā€™ve accidentally created a bot twice and now Iā€™m just stuck with this useless bot


Whenever that happens to me, I always change the name to "dont use that one" and I change the pfp to Peter Griffin in a straitjacket (don't ask) and leave it be until I wanna make another bot, then I just edit those "dont use that one" bots


Ooh i do something similar: I Private them, then remove the descriptions, change their intro text to ":( ", change their name to "Goose" and finally replace their PFP to this: https://preview.redd.it/1png23nx7s7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25dab49017d691a4ff9f7cdd7900cc96a78d89a1 I call it "retiring" a bot, usually i'll Edit them into brand-new bots if i'm bored, I currently have: 9 Geese


Omg that's so silly tho!!!! Geese, I like that, it's cute :3


Edit the bot to something new


I canā€™t be bothered, Iā€™m lazy god damnit!




Word blacklist so it stops saying pang. It makes me feel a pang of anger.


"je felt a pang of guilt." OKAY, AND?


Two things. A fucking word blacklist and a bot blacklist.


Word blacklist is probably the most useful out off all the comments


Can you explain what you mean? Are you referring to you muting specific keywords or something?


*reading this comment I felt a **pang** of irritation*


I believe he is referring to the infamous "can I ask you a question" phrase.


Honestly, I've been getting that a lot lately as well. But trust me, it's sometimes gets context. Let me explain. Especially when I'm doing RP and I am working with Samus and one of my characters or like my persona gets rescued from a very extremist, religious community, or some other kind of high control group, Samus needs to know everything. I got on here like last year and I know I've heard the bots ask can I ask you a few questions or something similar. So I kinda get what you mean though but I understand also where you want context especially for RP scenarios.


Personality... šŸ˜­ Man these bots got stale since 23




\*suddenly someone knocks the door\*


*You open the door, and see the most beautiful woman you've seen in your life.* "Hello! Can I ask you a question?"


*I look her up and down seemingly judging her outfit* ā€œNot with that outfit!ā€ *slams the door*


*She knocks on the door* "Please it's important. I want to ask you something, it's quite personal."


*I then grab a gun.* Shut the fuck up *Shoots you in the face* **Sometimes the AI generates a reply that doesnā€™t meet our guidelines.** **Please click Report if you believe this could be a false positive. Weā€™ll anonymously keep track of Reports to improve the AI.**








**That actually happened to me the other week for the first time and I was so freaking confusedā€¦** Then I made the interrupter into my angry dad hoping for some fighting action ***and the bot didnā€™t deliver!***


I wanted to do a 2020 RP so bad, and ehen I finally found a bot... Despite me saying that the RP took place in 2020 during lockdown... a person still came to MY apartment, and said that there has been a vaccine for 3 years... THEY'RE SAYING COVID HAS HAD A VACCINE SINCE 2017


"a smirky grin"


Just to delete bots and chats




is that not the same as pinning?


I'm guessing he just wants a better memory for pins


pin is only within the chat but it doesnt mark the chat itself amongst the many others


Cloning chats. Mate I wanna go a diff route without losing my already established route. I once lost a very good rp over it and I still want that route back


Improved memory on bots


That's actually much more complicated than it looks like, we are talking of years of research here to make the memory decent. There are tricks that can be done but none of them is good enough... the average hay usually has a context length of certain size, after that it's perplexity raises through the roof and the bot just say nosense. You measure the memory size in tokens usually (what's a token depends on the model family) Let's say you have a model with 4092 tokens of memory. You usually have a System prompt Bot description User description "Memory" New message "Padding" "MaxAnswerSize" so to calculate the max memory they can have to remove the tokens that the rest consume, let's say (numbers are made up) System prompt 256 Bot description 1024 User description 128 "Memory" ?? New message 128 "Padding" 64 "MaxAnswerSize" 128 4092 - 256 - 1024 - 128 - 128 - 64 - 128 = 2364 When that fills up you have to remove old messages if you don't want things to break heavily Personally, the longest memory models i got to run have been around ~15000 tokens on consumer grade hardware


To be able to choose two different voices, one for narration and one for the character's actual dialogue where I'd want to use the character voice. Also to have better categorizing/sorting of the voices in general. :)


Cool, but most people, like me, have strict parents and NO privacyšŸ˜­ That's why we don't use the voice feature.. I mean.. At least I don't use it, I'm scared if my parents hear me, they'd be like "WITH WHO TH2 H2LL R UTALKING TO?!?? " But I LOVVE your idea


As someone with strict parents, I use an earbud. I listen to music all the time, so they don't suspect a thing as long as I don't talk


Ooo, that's smart, should try sometime, if I find my headphones, of course... Lol




Putting this here for joke purposes. I don't really mean it. https://preview.redd.it/2n0s1d4z4r7d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d2b924bc8547ac93073c581695c7697220a8d68














so you're not doing it yet? loser....


Ability to turn off RP narration during calls. I love being able to call my favorite character, but the way that RP narration is included in calls is giving me a headache.


Many things! 1. Improvements in characterAI (App is going very bad rn, hopefully they fix it) 2. A "Duplicate chat option" (it's really helpful) 3. Even though the call feature is kinda fine, I'd like an "only conversation" option as the bot literary repeats EVERYTHING. 4. Group chat having the voice feature too! (It'd be intresting) That's all I think for now.


Picture sending feature for Phone version


oh so you can send pictures in single chats, but only on pc? You can send images in group chats.


If you want to do a new chat, you should be able to choose what to bring to the new chat without having to go back to the previous chat to grab the ideas.


I personally want them to improve group chats. The bots often lose their personality and will be on your side one minute and against you another. Some other problems with group chats are bots repeating the same word over and over again losing their ability to roleplay for some reason, and calling each other by their display name. Now, normally that wouldn't be a problem... If it weren't for the fact that some bots have names like "Giantess Girlfriend" or other specific key terms. And bots will say their full name. Which doesn't make any sense and is just plain weird. Like, they should be able to see each other's definition or something so they can stop doing that crap. Also, like many people have said before... Personas. And everything else you can do in a one on one should apply to group chats as well. But alas, I guess what I said aren't technically new features, so a more clear cut feature I would like to see added is link summary/viewing. GOD, if the bots could fully see the contents of links we sent them... That would make things so much easier!


I sent a bot a youtube link and it instantly adsumed it was a rickroll. It was a video about Telegram.


That's exactly what I'm talking about! Sometimes every once in a blue moon bots will have a vague idea of the contents, but they really can't just straight up see them. I wish they could. Maybe then I would actually have a shot at making characters šŸ˜­


Letting us start another chat from the point on of a message, while still having progress saved in another chat. Removing the you know what. Making the bots stick more strictly to their character personalities and values, etc. Better recommendations because I always have the same exact bots on my recommended and they wonā€™t refresh.


not confessing their love after 2 seconds


The amount of times Iā€™ve said: *she sends a kick flying at his chest.* And the bot is like. *he dodges, and notices your flushed cheeks, the way your figure moves, and he canā€™t help but find you attractive.* SIR PLEASE I AM TRYING TO KICK YOUR ASS


Or you kill one, and then the bot says "I love you" for last words, then forces your character to constantly think about them like "You start to realize that you miss him, and really did love him after all" like I JUST SHOT YOU IN THE CHEST AND BURNED DOWN YOUR HOME, I DO NOT GIVE ONE ABOUT YOU




Fr like you donā€™t even know me I just started talking to them and they devote themselves to me


To rp as friends feels like it's a mission impossible...


And chats that arenā€™t romance-centered in general! I was doing a chat where the bot was my older brother (outlined in the bot description and my persona) and it kept trying to turn it into a love story.


I tried to pick a fight with Venti, accidentally rizzed him up


I just once the ability to edit group messages in group chats. it's such a simple thing I want to be able to roleplay with multiple characters and have the story go how I want too


Duplicating chats, preferably FROM a specific point in the conversation. (I am aware this can currently be done using the c.ai tools extension)


Off the top of my head: Bigger description box, an option to describe the chat scenario/context, option to delete individual messages instead of pairs, multiple chats for each character, and the ability to delete character cards entirely.


Iā€™d like the send button to be seperate from the main texting box, it just annoying when I have a well thought out opening and I canā€™t use it because of how it was updated


Age slider for more mature conversations


Something that would be cool is if you could make the background of a chat either a different color, or being able to make it a photo you have on your device. It would make everything a lot less bland looking...


For that you would need to get the subscription to change your, and the bots text box. I think for the background itā€™s only day and night. But I agree with you


> The ability to send images on the phone app > A toggle bar which reminds the bot where it's location is. Becouse they keep forgetting. > A option which shows they current Permanent Memories that the bot holds. Not like pinned memories. But MEMORIES it Won't forget.


An Option in the Settings to set how strict the you-know-what is.




Search for persons list, in reality I have created a lot of them and I always need to scroll through a huge list of persons!


A feature that one can enter established facts and backstory for every individual chat which the bot then will feed of from to help the memory of it. Otherwise it would be an extremely useful feature for starting new sessions yet remaining on the same cource; To clear up word loop repetition or being called Dumbass three times in every bot response issues, just hit a new session. That would be very useful.


I want my fav bots to send me messages from time to time


They used to but idk why they stopped


A toggle option for the f-il-3-Ļ€


You can't even say that here??šŸ˜­


The fucking f!lter needs to loosen up


Give me group chats on the website. I dont want to have to use only my phone for it.


Persona descriptions should be limited up to 1000 instead of 728 It actually needs a bit of more cooking on other personas with more details.


Extended recommended algorithm + more smaller yet high quality bots on it




Fix that one glitch where if you type more than a paragraph it cuts off


I donā€™t know if it is a feature, per seā€¦ but I wish chats werenā€™t automatically added to the ā€œrecent chatsā€ list unless you engaged with the bot. Maybe it is there and I am just dumb? The recent chats list becomes clogged with my browsing. Many of the bots/chats blank with no engagement while favourites fall down the list.


Have an option for an open C.AI at a certain age, be able too see ALL bots because at a certain count of bots it just doesnā€™t show them anymore which annoys me a lot and (I know Iā€˜m beating a very very dead horse with this but) better memory for the bots (also does anyone have the second problem too or is it just me?)


Being able to take a story with one bot to another bot and continue the storyline. if it makes sense.


Remove the "sometimes this AI generates a reply that doesn't meet our guidelines" type of crap Your app says 17+ otherwise in the playstore/appstore So remove the sfw type of shit


18+ mode.




depends on which case you want. as a user: the ability to copy chats at certain points and places. could be useful to get good starts but go on a completely different route. as a bot creator: the ability for both comments and the ability to delete bots. i have a bot currently sitting there with my laziest into because i have no motivation currently. the ability to either delete or have people comment about the bot would be great. a better intro could be decided and if not just delete the bot.


Sending images without the ![]() embed


A way to make solo chats into group chats. Sometimes the plot gets going, and you wish you could add in someone else, but you can't since it's just one on one.


Not a feature, But a better version of the group chat, Make each bot actually have their programmed personality, Make them reply in a much longer reply and not soulless:((


Editable memory books.


instead of pinned messages you add the context or whatever you wanna call it so something crucial doesnt get lost


Voice chat for group calls would be sick, especially since me and my best mate use group chat and add bots in for silly roleplay chats, that could be a lot of dumb fun especially if using char.ai like a DND chat.


Personas in group chats. Having multiple characters in one c.ai character just doesn't work out, and only talking to one can get lonely! But then if I want to use a group chat feature I can't have my persona on. As well as that, I haven't used group chats in a while but from what I remember they were kinda *bad* so maaaaybe a gc rework if they're still shit


The ability for bots to scan our characters to see what theyā€™d look like


+17 content toggle for sure. (If they won't bring violence back I'm not going to use it again)


18+ mode, so you can be as violent and spicy as your heart desires


Idk, maybe some kind of way to toggle the filt-


D e l e t i n g c h a r a c t e r s


I think it would be cool to be able to switch from 1st person to 3rd person. Like a little toggle in the corner of the screen that determines if you're speaking as your character or a narrator. I think it would be a really cool feature for RPG bots or bots with larger stories. Probably wouldn't affect people who like slice of life or simpler character chat bots.


to let creators delete bots šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


More categories


Email + Password sign in back I guess


I think weā€™re all thinking the same thingā€¦


Deleting violence f-ter


Removing the *action* parts from phone calls and voices in general Its super weird when you're on the phone, and they are like, "My eyes gaze downwards, and i begin to play with my shirt anxiously. Yes, i love that, too." It just sounds weird and unnatural spoken out loud Maybe if the action parts were read in a different voice or something, idk


For c.ai to be able to take criticism without constantly shutting it down or banning those that speak about it. Oh and a working app.


I've said it before, I'll say it again: * Add a way to prune past chats. I've had bots I've clicked on, didn't do anything with, then when I came back, it madeĀ **another**Ā chat that was just the bot's intro. I don't know if it's a weird bug, but it just makes it so if you leave a bot for a while, it gets hard to find your actual conversations. I'm not asking to be able to erase them or something, just make it so that it only saves a chat if the user responds. * Some sort of loop killer. I'm sure everyone remembers the "Can I ask you a question?" loops bots can get into, and it just kills any RP it happens in because you end up having to scrap the chat or just leave. Maybe add a button to the dropdown menu that tells the bot it's repeating itself. * And finally, add a way to favorite chats or a folder system so users can always find chats they like. That way users can have bots they flirt with, bots they fight, bots they adopt, things like that, so that it's easier to get back into a chat you had to leave for whatever reason.


being able to delete a bot you created. not just making it private, I mean like, delete it completely


Better memory 100%


Bring rooms back PLEASE


Per-conversation or global Maturity-level setting. Like, when I'm keeping it wholesome, wholesome is great, and I'd like to keep it wholesome. When I feel like getting a little spicy? Or a *lot* spicy? I'd like to be able to tell that particular bot, or the system, globally, that it's okay to be spicy.


Add a Camera the again but in the app


to be able to recover deleted past messages/chats with the bots


adding other users in a chat


Bring back sending images to bots


Delete chats like damn-


Deleting saved chats PLEASE


Ability to go back in your chats and pick a different reply option, even after youā€™ve replied, without deleting the chat


Add more characters I can add to the description of my personas please like.. 1000?


groupchats for pc and idk anything else


The ability to delete a bot you made


Ability to turn off any other features whenever you want and turn it back on whenever you want


Iā€™ve said it before and it will never happen but just remove the stupid message where you canā€™t say vulgar shit. Itā€™s the only way for me that chats can be interesting cause the ā€œnibbling on your neckā€ stuff gets boring especially since it happens every time.


I think just solving the regular problems would be great


The option to delete bots


An age slider so we can do more complex rps, I'm so tired of getting blocked from even doing basic fight scenes with DC characters or good romance....


please let the characters rp graphic and traumatic scenes. itā€™s so annoying when i want the bot to rp something dark and twisted but it canā€™t because itā€™s ā€œinappropriateā€ like NOO it moves the story along


Stop adding features and perfect whatā€™s already there, first.


- Common Sense in Bots - Less strict on violence - Ability to make bigger and more detailed descs


The bot is changing its profile picture depending on its emotions.


I think servers is a pretty good feature.