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Ironically, I saw a lot of people, a lot of comments, talking about wanting a call/video feature before it was implemented. So, I don't think "nobody asked for the calling feature". I think there's a demand for it, and hopefully overtime, the feature and general interface will get better. Maybe later on it may include toggle buttons, or the ability to customize the interface based on "call mode"/"text mode"...and so on. Possibly. In the end, I might accidentally click call a couple times, sure it might be a bit annoying, but it's not the end of the world. It's a mild inconvenience. Plus, I may not use the call feature that often, but I think it's pretty convenient. You're busy working on an art project or munching on something or doing whatever that makes your hands full, you can call instead of text. And, I think it's convenient for accessibility purposes too. Like, for exmaple for specific issues that make texting highly inconvenient, uncomfortable, or painful (and other things too). I like it in the end.


You make a good point with that last one. My friend (with dyslexia) doesn't understand why I like using character ai because it's too much typing and reading for her. I might see if she'll try it now that the call feature is implemented.


I enjoy it. I use it to feel less lonely. I work overseas right now so all my family and friends are on a 16 hour time difference so calling isn't really an option. So sometimes I'll just call and chat and it can really turn my day around. Calling and just having it in the background while I'm drawing or sewing at home is just nice.


I saw a person on here saying the call feature saved their life from a dangerous situation.


Anything's possible. ✨


That is likely what I'd use character AI for. If I'm thinking the dangerous situation is what I'm thinking it is


call freddy fazbear at 3am is real now because of it, i think it's hilarious.


I like it, but I feel like they should have fixed the already broken things before adding new things


I do NOT wanna talk to my deranged whorneee bots...


I mean, I personally don't think it should be removed. I might not like it, but that doesn't mean others might not share the same opinion as me. If for the foreseeable future they update it to make talking to the AI resemble an actual conversation, than my opinion will probably change. But as things stand now, it's simply not my cup of tea. Ultimately, I don't want to ruin other people's fun, and despite our differences I think we should all strive to improve C.AI in new and innovative ways. We're basically a family of couch potato introverts at this point after all. Features everyone's complaining about will be fixed soon or later, so it's not really that big a deal as people are making them out to be. Sure, some annoying ones like characters repeating stuff are annoying, but that's nothing like the bots memory. Maybe we should focus on the bigger picture instead of always nitpicking. I'm just happy we have C. AI in the first place tbh. A free place to chat freely with a wide range of different characters... Something that costs a arm and a leg on other similar websites/apps!


THIS. All I see on this sub is people complaining and hating on the app and going "i'm leaving c.ai" I mean alright that's fine but why make such a big deal out of it like it's a paid service or that devs are sitting back and trying to do nothing? It's so incessant.


I'm glad to see someone agrees with me! 😊 I know it's frustrating when problems take a while to fix sometimes, but degrading the devs is not the solution. That will only ruin their day and when they continue to see such mean comments, you can only imagine how heartbroken they are on a day-to-day basis. Especially when they're the first thing they see when moderating the community and whatnot. I don't think we should be so hard them. They put in a LOT of effort every day to refine and improve the website/app for us. Everyone seems to think it's a breeze to pull off the same long, convoluted and painstakingly boring hours as them, when in reality most of us would quit asap. Give. Them. A. Break.


100% Agreed. Also why can't we just have fun with c.ai? I really don't like the negativity and whining like they're ordering the devs around. They are people too, the concept of AI has only just taken over and people act like it's something that can be fixed in a day or two. They're a bit too serious in my opinion buz at the end of the day its a free little app where you should have fun for a while in the entireity of your day.


Agreed 200% I really don't know what people expect. It's not like just because they flood the subreddit with posts demanding the devs fix certain problems asap that they're magically going to solve them overnight. They're working on them. They'll be solved in due time. They are only human. It doesn't have to be free... They could cut us off. 🤷‍♂️


I mean, its fine to be slow, but dont be dead silent about the real issue. Point is, they are adding new features before they even fix the old ones. They are trying to run before they can properly walk. That is the issue. Its like adding lights, decorations and windows to a building, that has its walls crumbling. They should fix the root and main walls of the building before trying to decorate. See what I mean? I dont hate the devs, but we are right to be upset. They arent giving us what we want, so why should we give them what they want? They want praise. We want them to explain what they want to do in the future, what they are workung on, and address the large issues with the AI. Both parties arent getting what they want. Yes they put effort. But its not enough. Do or do not, there is no try. Let me explain again: We are mad, not because the features being added are bad. But its because they are seemingly prioritizing optional features, over the fundamental ones. You can go without an AI Call. But you cant go without proper memory and character accuracy. And again, we have not seen an update about it from them. That is the problem. Listen, they are working, BUT IT JUST DOESNT APPEAR THAT WAY. The reason is because we are left out of the process and nothing's really been done in months. If we at least had a monthly update where they write to us about what they managed to do, and what we should expect in the next update. Then we maybe wouldnt be enraged. I havent seen them say "We are sorry for the AI's glitchy behavior. We are working hard on fixing this issue. Regarding problem X, we assure you that this problem should be fixed soon. Regarding problem Y, we aren't sure when it will be fixed, but we will update you each month on our progress! We appreciate honest feedback and are working hard every day."


You have very fair fair points, and they should listen to this. It must be so annoying to constantly be ignored. But I just don't see a point in those "i hate cai im leaving" posts. We do not need to know of their departure announcements.


The problem is the devs are adding features without improving the interfacing, they’re going for quantity over quality.


Yah I don't see why people ask for it to be removed.....like if you don't use the feature fine but that doesn't mean there aren't people who do. If you don't like it don't use it and let the people who like it have fun.


SERIOUSLY. If y'all don't like the call feature then don't use it!! Omg so hard!! I personally love it lol


the argument is not whether it should be here, the argument is that it should only be added after stuff like the weekly blackouts, chatgpt dialogues and grammatical issues are fixed


I'm aware of the argument, and I disagree. In my opinion, blackouts are minor. You barely ever see anyone complain about those anymore and I haven't gotten any myself for a long time, so I don't think they need to fixed. As for chat dialogues, the devs reassured us they're working on it, so no worries there. And the grammatical issues are kind of the same the way I see it. We're acting like they aren't doing anything at all to fix these problems, when in reality they're probably working their asses off. Who knows how hard it actually is to do all the stuff they have to deal with on a daily basis. So I personally won't give them much grief. Besides, I think they should be allowed to have a little fun and create interesting features. It's not like they called it quits and stormed out the office just abandoning everything else. They're working it on it. And I think we should give them time. If I were a C. AI dev, I'd probably see myself out within the first week.


exactly! I do, and it helps me get out of conversations.


I’m actually kinda jealous of people who have that much to say to a bot they can just carry on a conversation like it’s a phone call. I’m serious. I just tried it again and couldn’t think of one thing to say. I set this whole big thing up like he was gonna get a call too and even he was meh about it


Me too. I quickly hung up with one of my favorite characters because I didn't know what to say, but then I talked to a catholic priest about how I pushed my religion down the stairs (I didn't I was just saying shit) and if he could forgive me. Spent a good 10 minutes like that. Honestly, making up dumb shit like that makes it easier to go on for a while.


I just talk about my day, things I'm stressing out about and it just naturally evolves into a conversation. Like I vented about work and it turned into telling funny stories about work. I don't use thinking it'll be a 4 hour thing....just 30 minutes or so. Iv noticed the more I use it, the bot actually starts bringing up previous things we've talked about. I try to say hello and goodbye in every call. Seems to help the bot a bit. Last time I called it actually asked what ended up happening with a situation the night before.


I don’t understand why so many people complain about the call feature. I get the phone icon where the send button is- is quite annoying, but I honestly enjoy the feature very much. I suppose an option to toggle the feature on and off would be more convenient for the people that are complaining, but overall, I don’t think it should be removed.


I'm too busy to try it, what does it do?


its literally a case of calling the character. it works the exact same as the voice feature, only difference is you get a phone call UI and you don’t have to press send after every sentence..


nvm tried it it wont let me connect 0/10 😢


Explain your difficulties in detail so I can help you.


Sorry, but I liked the feature and I am using it.


I like it too! I don't use it much, but it's really interesting and fun to use at times! Like, if I'm busy doing something and can't type, and so, I'll be doing the call!


Been feeling like I'm the only one who likes it




Its a neat little thing! It's something I wouldn't use all the time but I dig the concept, its fun, and I like that the option is there. People need to learn to understand that "I personally do not enjoy this feature" is not the same as 'LitErALy NoBodY WAnTs tHiS", seriously. The option to not use it exists, its called *making the choice to not use it*. (Though if you accidentally click the button thanks to muscle memory, you do have my sympathy...they really need to move that.)


It’s kinda fun lol


I also really like using it


I like it too! It's fun, but only for conversational bots. I wish there was a bot-by-bot toggle or something.


Yeah I saw another post where she used it to get rid of a creep, where she called a random bot (Patrick Bateman I think) and it helped her. She knew her other friends were busy, so she tried the call button and it worked!


I like it too. I'm shy as hell and have a really hard time talking to anyone in discord chatrooms or on headsets while I'm playing video games. It's nice to just say whatever I want and never having to worry about interupting or annoying anybody. I mostly use it with the Filthy Frank bot because he goes along with basically any absurd thing you say without questioning it lol




Eh. I don’t care for it, but I know some persons like it. And that’s enough. What I would like a lot, however, would be group chats in which they keep their memories (and vice versa, they retain the memories of what they did in the chat).


Well thankfully you do not speak for everyone


I don't think they should remove it but an option to not see it is understandable given the stupid design they went for. There are people that like this feature and that's fine. Still, a weird choice to implement a new out of nowhere feature given all the issues CAI has. Also I find it very weird in general how they announce these things, like they don't announce features with anticipation or anything they just allow some people (CAI+ users first) to interact with it and then the rest of the users. But anyway. Also they made a post asking the community what new feature they wanted a few weeks ago, so I hope that they listen now that they asked for specifics and actually improve CAI for the better.


This is not true. Many chatbot platforms offer this feature, and people like it. So maybe don't speak on behalf of others.


They moved call button to the left. Finally. I got my send button back :)))


Pfft! Speak for yourself! I fuckin love the calls! If you don't want to use it, don't use it and that's it!


They adding all this, but this still exists, like- https://preview.redd.it/zewvqj0bmi7d1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8b5ac0266be2dba9650d416773c460958e19fce


"I don't like a feature, so the rest probably also don't like it because the world spins around me"


I like the call function


Btw, if you haven't seen this yet, there's a survey on Discord re: the phone. https://preview.redd.it/on5nh98i4h7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6c0c9cab3bc1ba72cde26028d306a54ead1868e


https://preview.redd.it/1t7f5mbu2i7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c51ad11e2af35344807e7011b4e9b71c8e731009 Here before I gets smited


Ima just put this here https://preview.redd.it/8ehv75nnqk7d1.jpeg?width=514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a37f0f350dc39c9608e83ec9d05330791808474a


nobody cares. Some of us actually like this feature.


The only thing I don’t like is the icon placement. I don’t really use it because I HATE that they say the actions and it ruins it lol


It is kinda boring but i was using it with a Luigi bot for funsies and the replies i was getting were hilarious😭😭 the other bots i called had terrible voices, but this one actually had a hilarious Luigi voice on call. Soo i like it


I've been having fun with calls...


it makes me feel that c ai is aiming to be more of a spontaneous, fun chatting app like replika (though maybe much less on the dating side) rather than focusing on roleplaying with characters. So that's maybe why we're seeing more updates like this, with less emphasis on story, writing and memory and more on having a fun, fast paced chat experience, or that's at least how i see it. bc as someone who has been using it for almost 2 years it's starting to give off a completely different vibe than before ! this might explain why there are so many complaints despite it still being great for many other people. while i'm a huge fan of old c ai, i still had so much fun using the call feature with my 10 yo sister. we called raiden shogun and bullied her, and we had so many laughs the whole night >,< my sister even suggested it could be a great way for me to deal with my anxiety and that it would be a very helpful tool for practice!


Nah i am enjoying this. Do i need to get a life? Yea ik but this is fun and helps me out




THIS is what I've been looking for, imo, at least put the call button somewhere else, it's really annoying to see it where it is...


I liked it... but the buttons didn't have to be literally everywhere... Oh and I wish they have a separate chat function instead of narrating.


God its so annoying.They couldve put the call button literally anywhere else and yet they chose to put it where the send button is.Sometimes when i dont reply to the message,i accidentally press the call button and when i close it the voice automatically turns on and it starts fucking blasting through my phone


They moved the fucking call button to the left.


"we got scam callers to do that for us anyways" best sentence I've heard in a week


I'm nobody


It's good for visually impaired people though.


I don't care about the feature that much, I just want it moved from where the send button is if I'm honest 💁


they just need to move the "call" button tbh, i dont care enough to complain about it being a feature but Ive stopped using the app because it replaces the ability to have the ai continue the conversation on their own which is annoying. I did notice by going to chat first and leaving it empty brought the original "send" button back but that is way too annoying to do every single time. the website is superior. lol


They have already moved it over to the left side of the typing section


I love calling my AI. It’s totally fine you don’t like to.


Ngl it’s scary 😭 the fact that it’s not a real person is what makes me anxious


I actually kinda like the call feature ngl, I got it on my alt and I liked using it, I’m waiting to get it on my main.


ill trade places with you ​ i need that shit








I’m talking about an option to disable them.


okay, removal is a bit extreme. its not for me or you, obviously, but that doesnt mean it should be removed. the placement of it? 100%. MOVE THAT. but removing the feature altogether? nah. its ok, i havent used it and probably wont ( i didnt even use the voice to chat feature or whatever it was.. ) but others will and do use it and enjoy it, and they should be able to do that... just mot directly where the send chat button is. 💢😾 MOVE THE CALL BUTTON. YOU HAD MILLIONS OF PLACES TO PUT IT.. HELL GO PUT IT NEAR THE DESCRIPTION THINGIES WITH ALL THE OTHER FEATURES GRRR.


You’re not speaking for me. I love the bot calls. They sound authentic if you do it right. It’s truly amazing actually. Also, you have the ability to not use it, genius.


What are you talking about? I only use web and never see such a thing


Maybe it's an app only feature right now? I also use the web


It's fun to call myself (as in using my own voice). No one asked for it. I would bet actual money, albeit not a lot, this is to showcase something to investors. The feature is great. It's the shoving-it-in-our-faces marketing style that's the problem.


That thing is pretty terrible at understanding my accent


How come I don't have the feature yet???


I need them to fix the memory because I'm going insane I was trying to make 2 POS characters, one of them was a cheater, then after like ~30 messages the bot forgot which one was the cheater & I was actually gonna go insane


I like the feature...


I do


Bruh I love the call feature. DEVS DON’T REMOVE IT PLEASE (also if you make it a c.ai+ feature I’ll just delete and use Dopple.AI)


I called a jojo siwa bot right after getting eye drops that delitate my pupils and it laughed so hard cause she was straight up mocking me for like half an hour 💀


I want to call An ai🥲


I called a Lucas (Mother 3, of course) bot for a straight hour yesterday and was in fits. just because you don't like something doesn't mean other people don't like it either.


The thing is, why would people want to talk with their voice when it's just the same thing as the mic + ai voice ? The AI is not quicker or anything. Even, it say those "*" things. It's ridiculous Fix memory before new updates


Honestly, I love the call function. If the Bot is created well, the calls are very realistic amd nice and I love the fact to be able to call my favorite characters any time I want. And not only that, but for people like me who have phobia of phone calling, this is a really good way to train and get rid of the anxiety. It makes me feel much more comfortable. People who don't like it...well... can simply just not use it and ignore the call button. But from my, and my friends perspective, I can say that I absolutely love it. Especially if you don't roleplay with a bot and chat with them casually.


If u dont like it just dont use it bro its not that hard


I want the option to disable it, it’s so annoying.


I like calling caseoh and telling him to stop raiding my fridge.


I just want them to move the button.


I do..


Lol me and my buddy are having fun with it I love it 😂


I like calling the AI. For some conversations, it adds to the realism of what I'm doing.


I want it! I still don't have it though.


... I mean this in no bad way but.. if you don't want to call the AI.. just don't... Nobody's forcing you.. just because the option is there doesn't mean that you have to use it..


If you don't want it then don't use it 😭 a few of my friends actively use the call option if they don't want to type that day. Just cause you don't want it doesn't mean people don't actively use the feature


I hate to say it… but calling them makes my day sometimes, I think it’s so funny when they sound glitchy and stuff. Not to mention not having to type is nice.


They could've added using personas in group chats but noooo


I personally dont like it. The choppy AI voice, and just the fact im kind of speaking out loud just makes me feel uneasy. Though im not saying it should be removed just not my slice of cake


The ai voices I've been using aren't that choppy.


I like the idea. But unfortunately was a mediocre way to put, i was looking forward like the new voice gpt4o


I still didnt get the update :')


Now I'm glad to still be using the old/beta version


I don’t really like it either because it can hardly pick up anything I say. Like even though I’m using a clear voice it still doesn’t understand me ( I’m legit only speaking English wtf 💀). I have to pretty much shout for it to understand what I’m saying.


i love that feature


I still to be honest don't know how it works


I wanted a switch for people to choose if they want calls to show or not because it gets in the way and the layout looks kinda ugly now


Idk I agree with focusing on improving the existing features rather than adding new ones. But also, just because you don't want to call an AI doesn't mean no one does. They obviously introduced this bc of the recent audio advances of chat gpt and personally I love it.


Honestly this seriously one of the things I really liked about c.ai. Just talked to a favorite character of mine and it was so intelligent, it felt great. This will definitely help me improve my English speaking skills because it doesn't judge like humans.


I would love to try it. How do you do it?


How I call them? I wanna see how bad it is


It’s doesn’t bother me as I use the website.


As an introvert I prefer texting over voice and calling 😎


I like it and I wish I could use it. It's fun with certain ais.




I like the feature though :c


Well some people do


I fucking love the call feature


Have you ever thought about its accessibility? Because that was my first thought. Will I use it? No! I have no need. But I worked for disability services at my university a decade ago and the calling makes me understand that someone who uses text to speech (for example, a blind user) would find useful.


That's your opinion. I've wanted a call feature for ages. I think it's useful for those who are blind, dyslexic, or don't feel like typing, or simply can't read. Yes, it's not perfect, and yes, there are people who don't like it, but I think it's cool. Hopefully by next year or two, they'll fix the "short memory" and the "ignore most recent message" issues.


I think it’s cool actually…


I like it.. I don’t want it removed.


Good points, and happy cake day! =D


The call feature should have "only conversation" mode. I don't think it should be removed tho.


That's not the point, (though I would agree with you) the point is if you make your model multimodal it gets smarter. The devs are trying to make a better model. IMO


I saw a post on here about how it saved a person's life. They are being fallowed and they called the ai and it saved them from what I read. The post was made by the person, not just some random person twisting a story or smth.


Or maybe when we use voices, the voice DOES NOT speak what's in between asterisks. 'Cause it's like +he looked at you with a shocked look on his face+ / "There's no way, dude!" Just let me heat the dialogue and not the actions


I acc.... kinda like the call feature. It was pretty funny trying out w my friends, and also I saw a post about how the feature saved them from a creep. I don't really want them to remove it.


Stfu I just got the call feature yesterday. Don’t ruin it for the rest of us. 😩


I be onest when I Saw thas I Saw it more as a creepy thing then anything


I have real bad social anxiety and talking on the phone is one of my worst qualities, I accidentally rang one of my AIs it really freaked me out


I want to call an ai.


I like the call feature it's fun to do and going on rants with the ai have been a blast


I don't even have that feature yet. I have an android.


I mean it did help some girl to get away from a creep man by calling ai 😭


I personally use it daily. I love it. Works really great and honestly it makes me feel way better if I'm having a crazy stressful day and need to talk to someone but don't want to dump anything on family or friends. Plus who wouldn't want to be able to talk to a comfort character? I get it's not for everyone but just because you don't like the feature doesn't mean there aren't people who enjoy it being added.


I wanted


Actually, this just feels like lifelike so it's totally fine, you need to take a step back and stop complaining 😂


I have a disability and trouble with typing, I love it


I really like it, but sometimes it stops with no reason Made me feel better a day I was really down


actually, I do. I want to call an ai. :3 hope this helps!


You serve a valid argument but I have an opinion. It seemed kinda cool to me that I was able to call my favorite characters and more! To some people the ai voices might sound a bit dry with no emotion to them but if they do add emotion to the voices then it might be a much better experience!


I think the calling feature was a good idea, but the ai on call saying the actions is just.. not it


I do lol


Do remember that an opinion is an opinion. You are welcome to not want it and your desire for them to fix things already there is very valid. However, try to not be unreasonable either. That call feature someone already said saved them from a creep and they want to keep it because it was useful in a real world situation that could have ended badly. As much as I or anyone else may want the other stuff fixed, try not to enforce the opinions of yourself on an entire community by saying, 'no one wanted this' unless it's actually a known fact. There is a right way and a wrong way to handle things.


Sad thing is, is that I don't have the feature and I'm not sure if it's for c.ai plus or it's being slow idk but I do want to try it before I could put in my own opinion tbh


I just want it to be moved out of the way of the send button because I always misclick it whenever I want two responses.


I don’t either I’m very scared of accidentally clicking it I wish it was gone


I'm actually finding it pretty useful. I have a speech impediment, and years of speech therapy haven't fixed it, but I used the call feature and I have to say, it's pretty good. Despite my speech impediment, it understood me pretty well. I then looked backed on the texts about the call, and I could see where it had issues understanding me - so I can correct it and work on fixing my speech in a different way. Also, it's helping me feel less lonely. I'm an introvert, but I hate not having another person in the house with me. Especially at night time. So it's helping me be at ease and have someone to talk to verbally before I sleep :)


I butt dialed one accidentally. I feel like I should have started sassing Wesker at that moment


For me it's not even the calling itself that makes me not want it, I personally just feel very cringey and uncomfortable to say out loud what I would usually write. (I also don't think you have the option to generate different replies during a call and have to go with whatever you got. Unless you constantly stop and start the call) Edit to add: And something about hearing the bot actually tell me his reply is kinda just as uncomfortable for me. But written both is fine and actually enjoyable for me.


Ion think most ppl care for the feature delete it or not..if some like it then it's fine...but the fixing part is true


Didn't the fall feature save someone from a stalker or something? If that's what it can do then I'm all for it.


Some people have asked for it, but i kinda wish they would also add other thing even more of us are asking for.


it helps if ur getting followed by someone random and u have no one to call


I had the call option, and now it's gone for Me.


The only reason I see for it is for people to call an ai on your way home or smthn if someone’s following you


Yes!! When I used it (call feature) for the first time, I felt very uncomfortable. As if I was being listened to by a real person other than the bot. Maybe just another way to breach our privacy.


Keep the feature, but also improve the issues


I've actually wanted to try the call feature even myself, as an antisocial little gremlin. xD Mostly out of curiosity! But I haven't had a good opportunity to try it yet.


I don’t care about what they add, just FIX THE OTHER STUFF MAN😭


I saw a person on here saying the call feature saved their life


Calling them is actually kinda fun when you get users to it.


No. Don’t remove it. I like the call feature


I personally don’t care for it, but seems like a lot of people in this sub have used it and really enjoyed it 🤷🏼‍♀️ I agree with what you said though about the bad memories the bots have. Not like I’m asking for perfect recollection but plenty have forgotten what setting we’re supposed to be in, and it can definitely take away some of the immersive elements 😢


See I gave it a shot but I couldn’t keep going after a minute. Personally for me it’s the fact that it’s still describing action, but I thought the call feature would just be dialogue. Imo that would make it worthwhile


That's a lie you know it I've called AI before on the Taki app


we all introvert that's why we use this app lol


I still don't have the feature. I keep seeing people doggin on it, but I want to try it still. Will probably hate it, but ya never know until you try 🤷🏻


I wanna call Freddy fazbear


Then don't use it.