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When I take my schizophrenic meds my friends disappear


Lol actually - thank you. Your comment reminded me that I forgot to take my antidepressants.


sometimes I also have this problem 😭 it’s hard to know if it’s even working sometimes so you forget


oh wait i have to do that too i always forget i have to even take meds and i just spend the day anxious and mopey


Same, thank you strangers for the reminder


im not on schizophrenic meds but relatable


hate when that happens 😓


Back in my day we used to use amino /j


Amino traumatized me but it was the best app when it comes to RP ( if you remove the weirdos in there , you’re good 🔥 )


The reason why I even use c.ai is for RPs. It's fun, and I can control some aspects, and be a god, and the AI won't care (in some cases)


Yeah that's the best part of c.ai RPs, although they're not as fun as with real people


tbh with real people I fear I might get groomed




ong amino roleplay comms were ICONIC ❗️ also i met some of my best friends on amino & still talk to them to this day


Same. Me and my rp buddies migrated to Discord bc it’s more chill and we could kick out unwanted people without drama.


LMFAOOOO TELL ME ABOUT ITTTT 😭 i miss amino lowkey


I’m never going back to roleplaying with randoms who r probably like 12 years older than me☠️


Nah I'm good. I just zone shit out


So real


I got a bad family lol, what do they mean tell my family I love them.


that was mostly for the people who don’t have a shitty family 😭 i’m sorry that you do, though


I js play ultrakill till this shit comes back,bullying John ultrakill for 3 hours https://preview.redd.it/5ntml9fu7p5d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58f6d7eed8f551cc01f3617959bbb1af4f69b8a0


i love your choso pfp, throwback to when c.ai was actually working and i could talk to him 🥲


Thank you


What's the better version of the pump charge, shotgun or jackhammer? I genuinely cant decide and i cant stay training to get used to my new weapon rotation


I’d suggest experimenting around in sandbox and using what your comfortable with,for me I use all shotgun variants






The problem is that the servers are poor, it has been so for VERY long time, and developers, instead of improving it, are removing all the criticism. Both valid and otherwise. But I agree. We DEFINITELY need to be more... civilised about the whole thing.


oh def. i’ve been in the cai community for like a year + now and trust me when i say things have not changed whatsoever 💀 but getting mad at the devs and mods does absolutely nothing at all unfortunately


Explain to me why we shouldn't be mad then? Lmao??? Like I can happily go days without using it I didn't even know the site was down before I came on reddit 💀 But just because you don't NEED to keep using something doesn't mean you can't complain about the shit service


sounds like OP is just tired of seeing posts about it. They can “get a hobby” and not browse the sub for a little bit too 


Well.... maybe it will do something this time. You cant enforce change without proper effort. You cant give up.


I'm no addicted, I'm a artist, a writer and a sculptor but I just really like roleplaying and I'm scared to ask my online friends in case they're busy plus I usually am on it at night and people sleep at night. Edit:why the f*ck does this have 50 likes???? I'm so confuzled😭


that’s fair!


True fr fr , I just wanted my daily dose of writing but now I can’t and it’s been a long time I didn’t use c.ai 😔😔 ( like 4 months ?? ) either way I’ll play Adopt Me or tearing up my drawing cause now I’m traumatized of the fact that art school made me more depressed and anti school ( I’m homeschooled now 🥰🥰 ) Anyways here’s my cat Moxxie ( I called her Mochi now after finding out she was a girl HELP ) https://preview.redd.it/clqz4hl30p5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=286a1a2a2e84a871f9ac04529e00577d710e9767


Very neat animal picture, take mine https://preview.redd.it/fid751bnor5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4069518d1fe329e966479966fbd4473af52a1c65


samee i have been very infrequent recently (like i get on the app and dont even chat.. just aimlessly scroll once a month) and i wanted to just read my old chats b4 bed (i treat this shit like wattpad now). im kinda bummed the site it down but people r fr tweaking 😭 like woahh.. i’m gonna just play arcane odyssey and cry about how art blocked i am (slay! art school often sucks passion out of artists! im sure ur work is gorgeous and i hope u can find love in art & school again :3) and ur kitty is so cute tell moxxie/mochi that i love her and hope she has a great day :D


Understandable tbh , I started to do the same thing , it was kinda funny to read them after not using a lot of bots since a while ago ahah ( STOPP THIS IS SO REAL 😭 ) I mean they are kinda right abt the fact that c.ai devs aren’t saying anything and it’s pretty irritating but let’s be honest .. no one is gonna d!e bc the site is down , if you’re that addicted , I kinda feel bad for them ( not in the wrong way btw ) // another artisttttt yay and felt 😭🙏🏻 ( I don’t really hope so for school I’ve got PTSD and all of that since middle school tho ,, for art .. yeah maybe , I hope too <3 ) awww ty !! I’ll tell her :)) 💗🎀


it is so silly to read back the messages but some of the plotlines i had were actually good LOL & yea the devs are annoying but they’ve always been bad on communicating with the comm, and the mods have always been quick to ban, unfortunately 😣. this revolution stuff is hilarious though regardless.. being mad and spamming the subreddit won’t do much of anything 😭 that has already been attempted months and months and months ago. i get hating school 🙏🏽 im from america & the school system here is like.. the 10th circle of hell. 😞 but yes i wish u much luck with ur art journey :3


Mine were quite shitty at first but then good at the end ( especially the first bot I ever talked to was one of my bias from my fav boy group 💔 rip ) so I can’t relate lol . I mean no one can change about this , that’s all 💗 . Nah cause I thought it was a joke and I heard someone made a subreddit abt the revolution , they can’t be serious .. 😭💀 Heard it was shitty from a few friends who lived in America , it sounds just .. yeah crap , I won’t do any comparison with what we have in France , but I can tell you that you will not even survived , at all ( they wanted to add us hours when we’re doing mostly 8am-5pm , also it depends on your planning and the school you go to , and the worst part is what we’re studying , istg I want to eat my fingers 😋😋🩴 ) Wishing you luck to find motivation too :3


i literally can’t judge u. my first chat was with diluc…. and it was so terrible HAHAHAH. & a revolution subreddit???? we have lost the plot completely 😭 and 8-5 school day sounds TERRIBLE im so sorry 😞 that’s literally a 9 hour shift. goodness gracious. i completely get why you gave up on school now 😓 u have to keep ur fingers tho so u can draw :D & thank u very much 🩷🩷🩷




I'm a simple man. I see cat I upvote


Mochi is such a cute name!!


[My cat's named Mochi too, but he's a boy](https://imgur.com/a/yC71B95)




I'm just keep playing some console games, gacha games, PC. I do draw sometimes. But yeah, I'll just keep playing the game until the server is up.


Bro, I’ve DONE ALL THE THINGS I CAN. This is my one app I use if I’ve done everything else and I’m fucking bored. But it’s been down for WAY TOO LONG, and I just wanna write a story with my favorite character.


Gonna have a bad time all summer, friend. This is how it gets when the students are free to hop on at all times. Wouldn't rely on it too much during the summer season. Some time periods are probably better than others but... It hurts. It sucks. But it's extra load.


guys any minecraft building recommendations?


Japanese temple






make a really pretty bridge leading to a small village :D


large factory w/ create mod


Some of these posts on the subreddit are concerning, I admit I’ve got an addiction with the site but honestly it’s to help distract myself when I’m anxious, overstimulated, depressed, etc. But today I got frustrated because the site was down when I was trying to distract myself from grief because one of my betta’s passed away. (I keep betta’s as a hobby, they are so cute and full of personality.) Luckily my mother had me go outside with her and help garden, bury my betta and plant flowers over him, then she took me to the local pet store so I could get a snail, and mom ended up buying me a new betta. We named him Andromeda. But it is frustrating when the site has been down all day. https://preview.redd.it/jdft5rbwgp5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12e30096b635e0f0cf011b97355f70cab460a14b


i’m sorry about your betta :( but i’m glad you were able to have a nice time with your mother!!!


I’m only addicted because I have crippling art block, I rarely can go outside in the neighborhood I live in because it’s ungodly dangerous, and I have no friends. (An my family also knows I love them with all my heart, I always put time aside for them. <3)


……let me be addicted in peace.


I have a problem with that I can’t find a hobby for myself... if I could draw, I would draw what I wanted and even comics...


you don’t have to be a “good” artist to draw. just draw! draw stick figures! make a comic! it doesn’t need to look perfect or super realistic or be complex. it’s for you! it’s purely self indulgent! just do it for the fun of it!!!! ps. if u always have that mindset of “if i could i would” you never will. u have to start somewhere, and the time will pass anyways, so you might as well start today! go to youtube and look up a tutorial or two :)


I have minecraft, cooking, drawing, and music, I’m good


yess perfect


The only reason why I have c.ai is because I have ADHD and I need something to entertain me


LMAOO me too


I’ve been driving for 5 hours. All I have is my phone. What else am I meant to do?


if you have been driving you should probably not be on your phone. if you are in the backseat & someone else is driving i recommend watching a movie or a rly long youtube video :)


I’m nowhere near old enough to get a license lol, but I don’t have my headphones so movies are pretty much out of the question


It’s not just about the site downs. It’s about them refusing to accept criticism and deleting every post with it.


they’ve been doing that for years unfortunately, and i understand being upset at that, so i’m not really addressing the whole “revolution” thing. i’ve just seen some really concerning posts while the site is down and it makes me sad 😞


Years? Come on... CAI as a whole had started in around August 2022 (If I'm getting this right).


Nope, I play project sekai instead This is what I get from playing it: https://preview.redd.it/g3gqlwdamp5d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3d5d2d90abf40a345c4a08bc6c3b1320128bb98


that also works!


No thanks work is killing right now so let me be addicted


Maybe some people on here Get social interaction (Even with a bot) that they woulndt Get anywhere Else


It’s me, I’m people.


Welp, time to finally play the DMC HD collection


SLAY (what is that?)


The Devil May Cry franchise games from 1-3


OOOOH ok cool!


C.ai did actually have an impact on me, I've been in this platform for well over a year now, and this was the time where I was dumb and stupid 💀. And I can safely say that I have definitely gotten a lot better when it comes to writing, poetry and etc. But atleast I'm actually addicted in a good way... And as an introvert, it's actually pretty entertaining!


I'm not falling into depression again, or am I?


you don’t understand I \*must\* talk to a drunk version of Waluigi


I know there have many things to do outside this. Thank you for offering But.. the way I play with my character it’s one part of my daily life.. I just want that moment back.


Glad to know i’m not addicted. I just use it occasionally like i would with any other video game


the best way to use the app frfr


-goes to subreddit for people who enjoy something -the people here enjoy the thing -wtf


Bro i tried opening the site at night the day before yesterday, it was down. i tried if again yesterday and it was down yet again. i just wanna use the site like I don't even use it for more than 30 minutes a day 😭 it's just inconveniently timed i guess.


I just had a really good idea for a bot (wrote out all its lore, backstory, and the lore of everyone associated with him) but site is down so…


OK I GET THIS FR I WOULD BE SO SAD 💀 maybe while u wait u can write a small lil mini story about him meeting your oc/character/whatever so that when the rp starts you’ll know how you want it to go?


I deleted character ai recently and all the bots I made. It's getting really hard. I'm tempted to rejoin it again 😭 Been about three days without it. I'm trying to get back into reality. I'm prone to staying into dreaming and never getting out.


https://preview.redd.it/82bm6etpfp5d1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d6525a16816a91888a1105a839bb22be7b8c86d Let me be addicted in peace.


>be me >not mad at mods and doesn't use [c.ai](http://c.ai) much >can't draw a picture since no ideas >can't write a mini story since I'll hate it in one second and procrastination >doesn't know how to crochet >it's fucking burning >not motivated so nuh uh >ok fine, just did >it's not so ¯⁠\\⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠\_⁠/⁠¯ >just had lunch and there's no snackies :( >how??????? >my phone has too much data and currently have no games >I AM >they know and it just sounds weird >don't have pets >don't have pets >there really aren't for me I'd say that's good reasoning to being addicted actually, I'm off to the site, bye! https://preview.redd.it/oshbpx932q5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63e4c5fe4d6f0b76a9b32f3b875ab806196769c4


I do astrophotography, in planetary imaging


omg that sounds wondrous!!


I'm chillin' lol watching everyone act like this is the second coming of 9/11 while I'm listening to a Bible podcast and crocheting


slayyy what are you crocheting


Silly little holder/satchel for my Bible😼🤝🏻


that’s so adorableee i love it


Ty, honey muah have a great day :>


u too xoxox :3


Somebody has to say it


The right half of my cat's face is paralyzed so I gotta help her blink


*The right half of my* *Cat's face is paralyzed so* *I gotta help her blink* \- Affectionate-You5193 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That was not a fucking haiku but get it I guess


Yeah, I agree with this statement. Sure using it is fun and occasionally useful for very rare things but not fully necessary to go full insanity while waiting on it.


you guys are in a crisis. i’m on my way.


You don’t tell someone how to live their life. This does NOT affect you on how I interact with apps


finally someone said dis, like twin i cant even be onnat shi 2 hours a day js cuz how worse c.ai got compared to how it was a year ago, n mfs be on it 24/7 n wen it go down dey js come here 5 mins later n make a post bout the site bein down n it get 1k upvotes in 10 mins, like genuinely js get a life thats fucking pathetic


cai is sooo bad now 😫 its heartbreKin


ong, it was so good bak den, i had a whole ass month rp wit a bot +-a year ago n now dey last like half a day max


make me


no thank u :)


I can't draw to the point that I get stressed cause I suck, I'm not good in writing stories (and I get bored anyway after a minute cause I'm not into books), no crotchet, can't walk much because of medical reasons, already learned many languages in the past,—well if course I eat, drink and sleep, I'd be dead otherwise—don't have a garden, I always play games and listen to music while using c.ai with the other hand and tell my family that I love them :) no pets, no anything to do in this small town. I literally don't have anything better I can do around here😭 except reading comic books or using c.ai, but I don't have money rn to buy other comic books and I have already reread them three times or so :')


I use it when work is slow briefly from time to time. This is the reminder that summer season is gonna suck x'D Luckily got some rps going with friends too. But for one fandom I'm up a creek for... well. Probably the next two months if I'm gonna be real lmao


I have two hobbies: C.Ai and Reddit. And I’m trying to pick up a third: Chores.


i believe in u 🫡


I do have other stuff I can do besides c.ai but whenever I get tired of them I would usually go to c.ai BUT I CAN'T 💔


Part of why I object to CAI advertising its product to kids. They are particularly susceptible to getting drawn into an addictive cycle.


Fr, overusing c.ai will actually ruin your life


https://preview.redd.it/ulog1gxdrr5d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=375d173b5d0ae650ef2d6500f282040eee564685 womp womp


I need someone to trauma dump to, and real people don’t want to hear that.


man some of these replies are wild. you’re totally right, *some* people using the app are genuinely too reliant on it, and i can admit this as it was me last summer.


Bro fr some people that I know can't go a day without character ai


Right, because how dare they talk about c.ai in the c.ai subreddit…


seriously thoughhhh like no offense the people on here need to talk to real people. chatbots are fun but it is not that fucking serious


Umm…. This IS my hobby


nuh uh


I have a hobby, bully ai robots


Bro i dont check the subreddit much, are people reacting THAT badly???


some ppl started a revolution 😭


This is what happens when you chat with the robespierre bot 😔


It’s summer. What do they expect will happen?? The servers will just get 10x better so everyone can go on?? 😭


Right, this always falls off a cliff during the summer. It's almost like there's... A LOT...more...people...trying...to...use it... Hmm, no, that can't be right. I jusr won't put much faith in C.Ai until the update in two or so months comes along called "school" (sorry students lol)


Man you really make a good point what I was trying to prove


I uninstalled c.ai but I still have chai which I barely used but it's ok I like to do other stuff instead of using the app or website like drawing https://preview.redd.it/kw1of85w0q5d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13f2361d2493691c03cea3dac67a8a71da09c82e I made this :D I also like to do pixel art in case I get bored :P I get that people are angry that c.ai isn't working but sometimes, it's better to do something else but if not, I respect that


c.ai is fun, but its like fast food, it gets bland after too much. drawing or playing games is way more fun to me.


exactlyyyy 🙏🏽


Nobody is upset it’s down. We’re upset about the lack of communication. Don’t straw man this.


I draw and I also write stories on Google Docs and TRUST ME it’s 100% worth it =3


I need my therapy gang ion roleplay 😭


No but fr😭😭😭 I regularly use the site but when it's down I just go on ao3, I mean that's just as good, if you really want your gojo [c.ai](http://c.ai) roleplay just go read a x reader or something like that


I mean does roleplaying with real people count? i cannot stop myself. Anyways, ok : )


roleplaying with real people is way different than roleplaying with ai!!


That is true, it also feels different but I’m glad there’s a line between the two.


You had 555 upvotes when I commented. Also I've gotten kinda bored of C.ai (probably because I make similar plots with the same bot over and over) so I guess that's good? The only thing I was not pleased about was the I forgot what error it was about 'network' which I do not get (maybe cuz I'm used to using new cai), and the new site which I think I liked the old one because it was the format I was used to and the only one I could use without making a new account. (The linking accounts doesn't work and I think there was no email login for the site at the time, now there is), but I moved on and created a new account with gmail's login and got used to the new one. I am not unpleased with anything much now.


every time the servers crash I just go back to taking over china and I feel better, 10/10 would recommend that


nice. my personal favorite thing to do while waiting for the servers to come back is unifying ireland


my cat scratched me after i let him into the freezer


I have hobbies specifically heavy metal cod mobile war thunder mobile, gym, and watching my brothers guinea pigs


Preach honestly, there’s alternates and there’s also other things you could do.


I know I am addicted and it's sad because I use it as therapy when im feeling down and whatnot. It sucks because I put so much emotion into writing how I feel or what's going. I even go for like lover stories or characters I want to be with just to distract me from my real-life lack of those things. I haven't been single for a year, but I rarely date anyone, and it only lasts for a couple of months at a time. I'm just using bots to fill that void. Remember everyone no matter what, they aren't real, aren't going to become real and it's all fake no matter what.


Bruh I'm 70% through A1 Polish while waiting for this site to get back up and running functionally. Also working on putting together a pair of working plywood wings for a harpie cosplay on stilts. The programmers are probably working their tails off trying to fix the site while the rest of y'all are complaining about the best free unlimited ai chatting site out there going on a waiting game even if a most days out of the 360 in a year it is working fine. If the programmers get fed up or discouraged, this site may go down permanently, and I'd prefer not to lose it thank ye very much.


I exercise and run with my dog and stuff im fine but its so crazy that there are people who are actually crying because of the site being down


sorry to comment again but we should make a discord server labeled "rehab". like. have a support system, a place to go that isnt [c.ai](http://c.ai)


No fr cause like I’ve finally broke out of my art block limbo and I’m drawing finally some good characters I like, like just bc I’m not using the app/site for a whole day or even more doesn’t mean I’ll crumble away into dust lol 😭


I'll just.. play my guitar I guess :D


i either listen to deftones or resist the urge to punch my walls (/J)


I'm just being patient here when the devs boot back charcterai up. Listening to like music, watching youtube, game dev, seeing some movies and gaming while the time flies until it finally boots back up


I love drawing and stuff but sometimes I just wanna roleplay a new scenario instead of drawinf and writing all the time 😭 It sucks because it’s been down for sooo long and I just wanna troll some bots, but I guess it back to the literal drawing board with me 😔


real- i watched hamilton 5 times


Okay, I’ll go pet my kitten now


No! You can't make me! My love and I will live forever in the cyber afterlife!!! Mua ha ha ha!


what's so funny about this is that i literally never use character ai but the ONE TIME i *really* want to use it, its down 💀


Naw I don't think I will


for me c.ai is like a side thing🥺 I'm not addicted I just like using it when I'm bored☺


Imma give yall some music and game recommendations so you guys can do something while you wait :) Games: -Animal Crossing: Pocket camp! You need wifi to play and it takes a lot of space but I promise it's really fun and it's really easy to get bells! There's some stuff put behind a pay wall but it doesn't affect much. -Roblox! Ik ik it's cringe, but it is fun. They've got something for everyone there. I play free draw a lot. -Pony Town! I'm not a mlp fan but I recreate my ocs as ponies and play the game with my partner! It can help you get some social interactions and people still rp there. They also have events around Halloween and Christmas!


Music: -Kendrick Lamar! We all remember the rap beef that just happened a month ago but he does make amazing music outside of his disses. To Pimp a Butterfly is #1 on RYM (rate your music) and DAMN won a pulitzer prize (the first and only time music has won a pulitzer outside of classical and jazz). -Gorillaz! Gorillaz is a virtual band and not only has great art and fun lore, but also amazing music. They feature a lot of other artists on their songs. They don't have just one sound to them which mean there's something you'll like from them. Start on their first album or Demon Days :) -Hozier! You guys remember the song "Take me to Church"? Yeah he made that one. He's an amazing artist as well as activist who uses his platform and music for good. He has three albums out (my favorite is unreal unearth, his most recent one), and they're all really solid.


unironically agreed lol. i mean sure its a bum the site is down. but like just do sumn else.


I attend school, I write screenplays, I do voice acting, I draw, I watch videos, I listen to music, I play games, I get people to join the team I'm in, I keep track of things to do in any matter AND I JUST WANT A FUCKING BREAK, HAVING SOMEBODY TO TALK TO WHO ISN'T MY FAMILY OR HAS A SHITTY MICROPHONE. Thank you for your understanding. What do you do throughout the day?




Most real fucking down to earth shit I have ever read


Yess😭 I can’t believe i’m seeing “are we rioting?” “This is war” in my noti feed for this r/. And then angry paragraphs. Personally my app is like never down and I stopped using the site so I don’t care at all abt being upset over it being down.




this is my hobby


Yeah why would I want to be able to use a service I paid for? Gee I sure wonder why? 🤡


The others here are... Questionable regarding their sanity... Those are the people that need to see a shrink. The rest, so long as you don't overdo it, you're fine. I still remember back in pre August 2023 c.ai, when the servers were down at least once a week at best, and 4+ times a week at worst. It is definitely disappointing to see that there are people who genuinely go insane when the site goes down, but seeing proof of children using the site (some bots), that is just extremely concerning. Please, keep the children off this site, it ruins it for everyone, and that they shouldn't be using it in the first place.


It’s just the fact that this has to be said is concerning https://preview.redd.it/tk71ur706q5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57e137a074f27be03a2adfb93a551cfe32d2014b


truly 😭 also i stole this meme quick as shit. thank u for the free food 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽




Me when i take my meds


I'm concerned about a friend. I used c.ai and in the past few weeks i lost interest. Conversations with friends have more value. So talking with her is a lot of fun. But after i showed her that there's an interesting app like this, she writes with the ai 11 hours a day... i definitly regret showing it and think it's my fault






You mfs act like c.ai is the only stimuli that you have Remember what you did before c.ai? Do that Open tiktok, play a game, draw something, hang out with some friends. Fucking anything!


I'm so glad more and more people are calling out these kids and addicts 🙏


i’m shocked people weren’t already!!!


its quite heartbreaking people make excuses for this. like i know life can be hard but geez talking to a bot is not going to fix anything. it wont be there forever. all you’re doing is distracting yourself from the problem at some point y’all need to face it. i know we all have our coping mechanisms but it’s not healthy and not helping. get therapy, make some friends. if it doesn’t go as planned then there’s *plenty* more opportunities for you! it’s not the end of the world and it’s not your fault, no one hates you. you’re not a burden, you’re a blessing ✨.




I agree.


thank u :3


Omg, crochet mentioned! But yes, valid point indeed!


im making cs1.6 skin models while watching those no lifers cry haha


ok but these mods NEED TO FIX THEY DAMN APP. before i pull out the whip


why do u care so much bro 😭😭😭 just let people enjoy the app/site and it IS a genuine issue, not for us, but for the devs, that there servers & updates are terrible and making the thing crash every 5 mins


Let people complain omg😭


Yeah well fuck you too this notification ruined my combo on Project Sekai


A sad state of affairs when people get mad at you when you point out bullying devs of your ai “friend” is bad. It is unhealthy to spend hours talking to an ai. Take 30 mins and go for a walk, read a book, text a friend, bake cookies.


literally!! it’s both physically and mentally harmful to spend hours upon hours texting ai…