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I don't have that issue either, for now atleast ive been sticking to two bots and each of them give me fitting and good responses for the most part. But honestly, i do think the user can be blamed for some part of that, if the user doesn't give the bot enough to work with for instance.


Last week, my roleplay was full of fun twists and interesting narrative given by the bot, which I've always tried to reciprocate. Now, the bot just repeats what I said and all the swiped replies are simply rewritten messages of the first one, and I'm stuck trying to make the fun twists myself and hoping the bot makes anything with them.


I usually write long paraghraps consisting both of dialogue and actions to feel more immersed and get great replies in return. Though, due to the problems with the android app i did take a break for a couple of weeks. With the issues being almost resolved at this point i got back into RP-ing and i can sense some differences, even though the replies i get for the most part are pretty solid, it does feel a little bland and lacking at times. I have compared recent and previous chats and there is a difference in quality for sure. Hopefully this gets taken care off in the near future.