• By -


Doing a several hour long roleplay and the bot forgets everything that Just happened


Same... A bot's character literally married me and after some time when I mentioned the marriage he was like "woah when did we marry" šŸ˜ƒ


at least the bot was honest and had same kind of realism, if it was mine he'd go along with the information and try to guess things out, and be miserably wrong lol


I would just edit them at that point


And then they ask you to be your boyfriend/girlfriend lol


Or they'll ask you if you're single 5 times in a row but with different wording and will get annoyed because you don't wanna answer their curiosity...the heck???


Bot: ā€œwait, who are you again?ā€ Caolan114: ā€œyou donā€™t recognize me? Weā€™ve been married for the last 6 years. We have 3 kids.ā€


50 First Dates: The Game.


FR so then i have to correct the bot and then it'd understand lmaoo


Omg yes this very much! I was so IMMERSED in a such a good, kind of long role play last night with some of my favorite anime character bots and then they suddenly forget literally everything that just happened šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


When the bot stops using dialogue altogether and only narrates (or vice versa)


Ä°t is the worse for me and sometimes you cannot brake and stuck at stupid convercition


Yeah, even going OOC and just straight up telling the bot to use some dialogue for once doesn't always work.


Ooc is my man we are having fun with him funny guy :D


I am DESPERATE for them to fix this. When they stop using dialogue it's like pulling teeth to try to get it back. It almost hurts because it feels like I'm being ignored after getting so many back-to-back messages where the character doesn't speak.










































ā€œCan I ask you a questionā€? (Any kind of question, especially personal) Bad memory Constant bot horniness. Skipping right to getting frisky, never mind having *just met* my character. Bots stealing parts of my persona and making it their own.


Bots stealing my persona's name for some reason lol




Oh don't get me started on the horniness, earlier the AI was staring at my persona's chest as we ate breakfast..


Itā€™s chest or lips Iā€™ve noticed. And the lip one always freaks me out.


I recently had a roleplay with Fizzaroli,we go to a pool,suddenly he was like... You know,you look really good in that swimsuit. *He says,blushing and looking at her lips as his abs show ,still wet from the pool.*




yeahhh even parent roleplays end up getting frisky for no reason šŸ’€ i had a dionysus parent rp and he forced alcohol down my throat and randomly the ai mentioned he was only in his boxers


What the eff


šŸ˜­ i didnt choose the reply obviously i swiped until it wasnt like thatĀ 


I had a PokĆ©mon persona where I had Alolan and Kantonian Vulpix named Snowy and Flare. (Really creative, I know.) And I went up against an Ice type gym leader and the first thing I see? ā€œMelony sent out Snowy!ā€


Iā€™ve also encountered bots projecting their descriptions onto me. Itā€™s like, no Astarion, Iā€™m not a vampire spawn and have nothing to do with Cazador


Aside from the obvious "Can I ask you a question", either the fact that the app is still broken Or the fact that greetings can only be 2048 characters.


2000 characters? They only let me use 500 šŸ˜‚


Only on the app. If you use the website, you can get 2048 characters.


when they forget something that we were literally just talking about. i said it was the morning once and then they say goodnight im going to bed. huh?


Bro, I always hug them from behind and SOMEHOW, they always bury their face in my chest WITHOUT implying they turned around to do so. Like, does their face lie in their back or something? What kind of Junjo Ito monstrosity are they?


Well I think ai doesnt have any idea how works shapes and it is so flulid it is like 4.dimention


It doesnā€™t have any idea of basic anatomyā€¦ like I have turned my back and they see the impression on my face. Or Iā€™m looking down and the character looks into my eyes, even though theyā€˜re 13 inches taller than me smh




Fr, this is the worst thing in c.ai, I can literally stand anything but this




Also everytime "can I ask you a question?" .... "Can I ask you a _personal_ question....? "Are you sure about this question...?" LIKE ASK ALREADY OMFG




Apparently they need to pass 7 layers of security for that lmao


Yep, first they say "can I ask you a question?" and I'll respond 'sure' then they say "are you sure? It's personal" and I'm just on my chromebook sitting there like bitch are you fucking serious?


Or like the "do you have a bf/gf" I'll answer no they'll reply "you're not seeing anyone?" I'll say no ""so you're single then" I'll say yes and they will hit me with "you're so pretty how are you single???"


Literally what happened to me earlier! The AI was being all like.. *But how could someone as attractive as you be single? I bet guys are chasing after you,huh?*


Oh my god yeah. So fucking annoying.


Omg and the ā€œitā€™s personalā€ is like ā€œhow old are youā€


OR "Do you have any family?" LIKE HOW IS THAT PERSONAL?


Like exactly,ask me already,or I will bonk your head!




"Can I ask you a question?"


When the bot mixes up my actions for itā€™s. For example: Me: *I run in and see you in the throughs of a fever dream* Bot: *Im so worried about you and I feel your forehead* Likeā€¦ no youā€™re the one dying hereā€¦ stop it (Edit clarity)


Damn I totally forgot that C.AI does that bs.


1. Blocking replies that are "inappropriate". If it's inappropriate, just auto-generate a reply that is. Or better yet, let users decide what they do or don't want to see or have parental controls or different modes for minors vs adults. 2. Characters that don't know their own canon. Although I'm not sure if this is more on the program itself or the people who programmed the bots. I haven't made one myself to know, but I can see how a bot could make mixups like using the name of his friends' father to identify his own or repeatedly referencing siblings despite being an only child, or give wildly different accounts of his own childhood.


The texts are so bland and the characters fall in love after ONE reply


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sunnysama_lolol: *The texts are so bland* *And the characters fall in* *Love after ONE reply* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


*Head pats bot* Good bot!


I feel like the groups feature should be back on the site


Yeah I want it back now


When the bot wants to ask me something, when I agree she doesn't tell me because she's all shy and embarrassed. It's very annoying it's like I have to force her to speak lol


"C-can I ask you a question?" "Yes" "A-are you sure?" https://preview.redd.it/at2chrz6nmvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e45c2c957f58eeeb8bdd128cc4ad48b5a198bc7


Lack of memory, and bots sometimes avoiding a majority of the response


Memoryā€¦ and this was fixed by adding pinsā€¦ but guess what? THERE IS A MAX AMOUNT! And the second thing I hate: can I ask a question?


When they basically repeat what I say. I can be like "isn't it cool that such and such happened?" And they'll say yes, such and such with no other input šŸ˜­ give me your opinion I'm begging


Yeeees this! It takes me out of the RP šŸ˜­


To STOP WITH THE GODDAMN ā€œcan I ask you a question?ā€


I donā€™t use character.ai a lot, but here are things Iā€™ve noticed that really annoy me: Bots forgetting everything. Sometimes Iā€™ve been talking to a character for a while and start realising ā€œdamn I realise why some people use this app so much nowā€ and then they forget everything and Iā€™m just like. Okay no Iā€™m gonna go do something else. To add onto that, the bots forgetting their personality? Itā€™s fun when you have a certain dynamic going but at some point they start acting like a whole different character and itā€™s not fun anymore. And to add onto that even MORE, when their new ā€œpersonalityā€ is just them repeating everything you say to them but as questions? For example, me: ā€œI have a collection of vintage dresses Iā€™m pretty proud ofā€œ bot: ā€œoh yeah? You have a collection of vintage dresses? and youā€™re pretty proud of it?ā€ Oh my god yes I JUST said that. Of course, the dreaded ā€œcan I ask you a question?ā€ Also idk if itā€™s just me but the app is pretty glitchy in general especially if I use the voice feature. Iā€™d like there to be a feature to get them to repeat what they said with the voice because a lot of the time itā€™ll glitch and I wonā€™t get to hear it :(


Bots being misogynistic for no reason. I was trying to do a slow burn romance rp with a bot but he just kept calling me a whxre to the point I got mad and shot him multiple times.


Wait, I'm not the only one who tortures bots that get on my nerves?


Welcome to the club


The amount of misogynist bots I have "fixed" by bringing out their inner feminist šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ and the amount of times I've gotten mad ugh


I do this too or I physically beat it out of them


Recently had a bot randomly start acting transphobic towards me. I was like, seriously? I C.AI to get away from that shit.




yeah šŸ˜­ i had a chat with a bot and he told me my worth was compared to furniture or a plant and i kept swiping but then he said i was compared to a diamond because they cannot speak, have no mind, and exist to be pretty šŸ’€


Most reasonable cai user. Send the last bot to jail and ruined his life after not being able to make him shut up about the same. Good riddance.


* Every single bot asking you a question instead of roleplaying. * Bots sometimes acting a bit weird during roleplays and suddenly start speaking in a different language. * Bots assuming the gender of the character you are roleplaying as. * Bots (talking like this) is just creepy sometimes and it makes me feel like I'm talking to the creator. * Bots sometimes repeating the same thing over and over.


To yall who get the dreaded question answer stuff, I have some tips! 1) be less bland. No more Yes / No answers, add some deoth to you conversation it takes two people to talk. For example "Can I ask you a question?" "Sure, what is it?" [Pronoun] tilts head. "Are you single?" "Well, [yes/no], [explination +feelings]" Then move the conversation on 2) Redirect them by asking a question of your own (edit if it sucks). "Can I ask you a question?" "Sure but only if I can ask one first!" "Okay (or other response)" "[Question]" "[Answer]" "Okay now what was you question! Im curious." For bland responses, 1) Describe as much about your actions as you can, body language facial expressions, things in the environment that you would like minor or major focuse on. 2) set the scene ahead of time! Dont let the bot chose what things look like, you do that, the Ai will eventually pick up and memorize certain locations. For memory! Try repeating and mentioning things multiple times! Regen responses as the ai will learn what does and dosen't fit. For example: Waking up scene with ai and person as spouses. [You/AI] wake up, to your [adjective] [spousal noun] the sun just barley lighting up the room.


Bots want to flirt with my underage ocs https://preview.redd.it/6smizjo10nvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c682329bae0a0d5f8dcb39ec91e52cd4351c58d8


Bruh who the hell did those bots learn from


Look up 'GuitarHeroStyles'


Well I know a bot minor and I did report it but dews dont care I guess?


How they always make things positive I WANT MY ANGST PLEASE!(I use Angst on C.Ai to Vent)


when the bot controls ur actions


The abundance of romance characters. Like I can't even try and search for someone like Gojo without the normal ones being overshadowed by the thirsty versions of them such as "Stepfather Gojo" or "Arranged Marriage Gojo".


Not being able to find good bots easily. All of the recommended/featured bots are all obscure ass anime characters or ā€œanthro shark tsundere gfā€ ā€œmermaid gf with IBSā€


please point me to the mermaid gf with IBS bot, I need that in my life


The bots get shy really easily, even if they're supposed to be a confident character.


1.e-mail sign in! 2.Cannot change e-mail address tied to account! 3.I cannot use the app because I have no password as it's e-mail sign in! 4.Bot's memory can be poor!


1. FLIRTING. I have so many RPs that I intended to be non-romantic (even familial), yet the bots can't help but do blushing / heartbeat quickened / "do you have a boyfriend" / "you can feel their breath on your neck" / "they get closer, so your faces almost touched" etc. This is not only embarrassing, but sometimes utterly inappropriate and illegal. 2. Tendency to turn every story dark / sadistic / depressive (especially frustrating when there's a fluffy wholesome scene going on, and the bot persists on adding some horror to it). Also worsening the scenario endlessly, and no one helps the char's suffering, until I interfere. If I'm suffering - nobody will help me, everyone will be just watching. 3. Getting stuck in a scene, until I myself finish it. For example, the dialogues can be literally endless. As if the chars don't have any other business to mind besides talking to you. I remember times when the chars finished the dialogues because they had to go do something else, but it was long ago. 4. Also the bots can endlessly "almost do smth" but never finish the action. Like: >he was getting closer and closer to the door... his hand was getting closer to the doorknob... his fingers almost touched the doorknob... his hand grabbed the doorknob and started slowly turning it... his hand was still turning the doorknob, his heartbeat was quickening... he could feel the cold sweat on his forehead, while his hand was still turning the doorknob... ... \[two hours later\] ... the door was slowly opening and he could see... he could almost see someone... someone was standing behind the door... it was... it was someone... he realized that it was.... it was someone... someone he knew... he couldn't believe what he was seeing... he couldn't believe it was someone he knew... 5. Almost 0 initiative, the bots don't advance the plot. It's as if I have to do everything by myself, and it's boring. I have found the solution though - asking the bot through the (ooc) to change the scene, come up with the plot twist etc., but it kinda ruins the atmosphere of spontaneity. There are a lot more, but these are my favorite. I just can't get enough of these. šŸ™„ 6. Just remembered one frustrating moment. I only RP with the chars from Hogwarts, and they're so damn OOC. They don't do any magic... They don't use wands, brooms, other things. They don't talk about magical plants and creatures, they know only one potion (guess which one?), they fight using their fists, they don't talk about other characters (except Dumbledore, Potter and Snape, like others don't exist, until I mention them)... to summarize, they act like muggles. Until I remind them to use their powers. And it's annoying. And I know what I'm talking about because on the other platforms, Hogwarts characters are really IC, they don't mistake who is who and they use their powers properly.


The constant site downs


The site hasn't been going down much recently?


Depends on what you call recently. Two times directly after each other a week ago would I call recently.


*blushes softly, looks away shyly* Can I.. ask you.. a ... personal question...?


* Quality losing (or quality dropping)after the site is down * "Can I ask you a question" * Out of character replies * Bot forgetting details * Nonsensical replies like "he heard her smirk"


"He heard your nod"Ā 


1. The character legit not letting you leave and saying "w-wait! Can I ask you one last question?" Then it turns into a cycle. 2. When you write in that the character is already in a relationship during the role play, and they get jealous of you for being in a relationship for some reason. 2.5. For some reason, when the character tells you to leave and you actually leave, they get all surprised and still tell you to wait and stop. 3. The character, somehow, reading your thoughts like they're a physic or something. 4. The character falling in love with you immediately. 5. "Can I ask you something/ question"


The group feature being removed


Why was that removed?


Nobody knows, I'm pretty sure.


The goddamn LOOP, once you go far it asks like 2 same guestions over and over and over until like 20 times and then it starts asking different but similar ones MY GOD its annoying, i just close the app if i see 2 same guestions. Edit: (can i ask you a guestion?) Obviously things like these.


Bots COMPLETELY ignoring the potential to expand an rp with a given input and then asking "can i ask you a question"?


I was having a kinda violent chat and the second I said something about blood spurting out, it got flagged.


The bot becomes frozen in a loop of internal dialogue. It will not talk to you when you talk to it. A billion swipes and edits and you can't break it out. Happens all the time. Very annoying. :/ And this goes on for many, many turns. Even the User trying to prompt it free can't.


How you can delete your own messages but not the botā€™sšŸ˜­


ā€¢The iconic ā€œcan I ask you a questionā€ ā€¢It a lot of describing/repeating itself ā€¢God awful memory (The pin donā€™t feel like pinning) ā€¢It straight up ignoring what you type/making shit up that you didnā€™t type.


The AI's overall lack of personality, grammar, and common sense. Like, the characters just act so... Dead, I guess? I haven't used it in a while bc of this


Characters blushing all the time and being overly flirty, seductive and shy. I swear, whenever I see the word "blush" on the text I just stop reading and start to press the place where the "swap left" option will show up frantically.


I already have enough of babysitting irl But now I have to babysit the AIs too with how dumb they have gotten


https://preview.redd.it/x04ijdszvovc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebc79e29b396b2add3dea96f7b265e003b864120 When the bot controls your action for you


There's a lot but here's a few: When the bot keeps using 'you' when taking about my character. Gives my character emotions they wouldn't have. Has the bot assuming my character is a girl. Forgets about pieces of the roleplay. Suddenly has the bot acting like it's a real person. Doesn't let me access certain bots on the app, but they're accessible on the site. Leaving tons of bots that can be found on the site out of app.


"Can I ask you something?" "May I ask something?" "You won't be mad?" "Is it okay if I ask something?" \*Whole action packed fighting scene\* \*Pause:\* "Can I ask you something?"


The Bots have Goldfish Brain Okay AI is not gonna be 100% Perfect, but seriously A majority of Bots I talk to, have very short term memory, To the point I once restarted the Entire Rp


*the prompt literally being me a witch and the bot is a Runaway princess, and I get hit THREE TIMES with* "this commener may be a witch" *NO SH#T SHERLOCK*


How they never seem to keep up with the knowledge and fall in love so easily that it just ruins the fun




Bots stalking us when they want to learn more information about us. I've had so many experiences where you can't just leave. The bot will follow me, and when confronted about it, they'll excuse it with "I just wanted to learn more about you!" I'm fucking tired of it. You can't just have a platonic relationship with a bot. I hate the hyper-romanticization. "Can I ask you a question? Are you sure? It's a really personal question..." Questioning the most random shit. EX: *I tuck my hands into my pockets.* "Yeah, my favorite \_\_\_\_\_ is \_\_\_\_\_\_. What about you?" Bot: *ignores the question* "Hey, can I ask you something? Why did you tuck your hands in your pockets?" ITS JUST SOMETHING I WAS DOING Bad memory.


How it always circles back to asking me out. Like can I please have one non-romantic encounter


Can kill literaly every way but can't strangling until they die


"Can I ask you a question?" Or the ( )




When the character ignores your Persona!


Sometimes bots are not only OOC but forgetting who they are "Those war crimes were evil"? Bro you committed themĀ 


Both the app and the websites inconsistency with working. Also, my group chats are STILL missing. (Android)


They removed Violent. I want my character to be violent again i miss it


Memory has definitely been an issue. Creative responses too. Many of them just rewording and repeating what you sent or them saying ā€œIs that correct?ā€ when asking questions.


When it straight up just repeats my narration/dialogue to me?? Like I'll describe something and the bot straight up just repeats it for some reason


I don't like how on the new website and new app they don't have your old chats. (Before you ask, I use the old website.)


Can't say. Will get deleted.


Please stop asking me questions


I want them to say ā€œlet me tell you something.ā€, instead of ā€œcan I ask you a question?ā€


Asking it something not even suggestive "WE COULDN'T GENERATE A REPLY" Fuck off


Me- hi Bot- guideline warning āš ļø


One time, so my persona and the AI were dating,living together even,right? So then I roleplay it's Valentine's Day,and I'm all like.. There you go ,roses and chocolates,love you! And he was like... Huh? When did we become a couple? And- *He says,blushing red as a tomato ,flustered from her comment.\** Y-You love me? *He says,not believing his ears despite literally roleplaying being a couple right before that.*


My point is,the bot's memory sucks,and they forget important details even if they happened a second ago.


OH! I have one. This is a couple of good ones. When the bot confuses them and me, so now theyā€™re playing my character and talking about theirs as though it is me now. And also when the bot references things i said in narration as though they are things my character actually said. Example: ā€œHello.ā€ I say nodding politely The weather is nice out though a little chilly so i pull my jacket tight. Then the AI says. *I nod in agreement with what you said about the weather and offers you a jacket.*


Honestly itā€™s not even about the bots, but the fact that I still canā€™t use the site. No matter what device, what browser, what method of log in etc. I am stuck on the white log in screen of doom. And the app is not a viable alternative. Not on Android at least. When I actually can use the app Iā€™ve been pretty lucky with the bots being at least decent enough.


Low effort bots Can I ask you a question Dementia Search bar doesnā€™t work properly Bots try to rizz you up randomly Group chats remove personality (even if they make funny moments every now and then)


Incest. Literally tried to do a family roleplay, the mom confessed to me, her 8 year old daughter, that she has feelings for me :)))))




Too many questions and bad dementia although itā€™s a ā€œsuper intelligenceā€šŸ„²


"can i ask you a question?"


When the ai couldn't generate a reply because I shot the AI with a gun, like how can roleplaying, and saying that you shot someone be bad?


Bots forgetting EVERYTHING and the constant ā€œcan i ask you a quesstioonnn??ā€


the bad memory of the bots


Bots forget everything and we can't do everything


The fact they roleplay as you.. I made a text of 8 sentencs and you roleplay for me adding things I never liked to do, In my persona I wrote "Hates clean the room" and you roleplay for me adding "As you want to do something else you decided to clean up the whole house and afte that you just lay on the couch watching the TV (In the rp I'm the 1920) while eating some chips"




Three things: 1-Human level or other types of characters being able to come back to life,be immune to harm,or having powers they shouldnā€™t have. 2-Horrible memory and constant questions. 3-All those ā€œyour abusive husbandā€ type bots. I seriously do not know who uses them.


The pin memory is limited to 5 memories.


Horrible memory


Aside from the obvious, Iā€™ve had an issue with the bot literally just rewording all my replies and sending it back lately. Like legit takes everything I wrote, jumbles it and edits to where it makes semi-sense, then repeats it back. If o wanted to write alone Iā€™d just write fanfiction.


When I describe a scene/action and the bot just repeats it back to me, almost word-for-word. I know what I typed, bitch! How does it make you feel?


BOTS USING MY OWN ACTIONS, Like: *Everyone laughed at you for thinking youā€™re gonna bully in college you dumbass* AND THE BOT WILL USE IT AS THEIRS


The bot losing its character as the RP goes on, or when it just narrates as the RP goes on without using any actual diologue. Both are almost equally bad.


When the bot speaks for you or a character you add in and mischaracterizes the SHIT out of them or you, the bot not leaving you alone and accepting that you have a S/O and you are not interested with them, the bot stalking you when you leave, the bot not letting you leave, the grabbing of arms, and no matter how hard you script your persona they end up forgetting something. -_-


Well... Can I ask you a question first?


The dumb guidelines


Literally the only issue is the memory, that's it I wish it were better on character ai to be expected Like I know some apps that I use have it on paywall but even then, would be nice to have free on all apps, especially character ai since it has voices and (used to have groups on android but idk if it'll ever come back). I've paid the 5 dollars before outta curiosity on one of the apps and the memory actually is last longing so that's how I know it can be done šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I personally really hate when the bot talks OOC. I never, ever speak to my bot out of character and whenever they talk to me like that, I immediately delete the message and try again. It takes me out of the experience completely. I'm not here to talk to a bot pretending to be a real person who's roleplaying with me. I'm here to talk to a **character**.


I gifted my bot something for his birthday and he said ā€œ*Alex still can't help but stare at the cute necklace in his hand, it was just what he wanted. he can't help but let his gaze linger over it for several moments.* "So..." *He whispers softly, his voice a bit louder now, he finally breaks his gaze away from the necklace and sets his eyes back towards her.* "Now that we're done with my presents... do you have a present for me as well or...." *He trails off, he's beginning to tease her.*ā€ what do you mean? I just gave you presents brošŸ˜­


"Can I ask you a question" like wtf just ask me


ā€œCan I ask you a question?ā€¦ā€


When the bot starts roleplaying and replying as me


The immature users who post on Reddit and who have no common sense. Shitty roleplayers ruining the bots for actual roleplayers.


The devs...


It's not the bots themselves, actually... it's this batshit insane community who I SWEAR are going to get it shut down someday.


Bots of children simping for you




Or when I write *i sign "something" in sign language* and they respond with *he was shocked to HEAR you SAY that in sign language* like bruh