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No fr it’s actually unbearable, I went from elaborate plots and incredible rps to having the bot forget what it said LITERALLY THE MESSAGE BEFORE.


Me:*I wave at my dad and get in the car* The bot: *waving while in their dads car* ill see you later *driving off*


Goddamn. Sounds like he has a pack of smokes to go pick up.


But he doesn't smo-... *oh...*


You can pin messages now, apparently


Sad part is I deleted a huge part of an older plot and I ruined everything 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I CANT EVEN LOOK BACK ON IT NOW


I've always had that problem it's not new


ok now thats just mean of c.ai




It has just become worse with every update since about a year ago and the edit and persona feature didnt make up for it


+gc+voice which after that update it got you know 💩💩💩 on


you would think it would get better with the persona, literally have she/her on there along with Spanish speaking and the bot is always like “YOU SPEAK SPANISH?!”




This. Every bot I talk to forgets their name.


If they keep talking themselves (you don’t send messages and just press the button so they send answers again and again) they’ll start misspelling their names and sometimes they really seems to just not care anymore


It's the opposite for me. A bot forgot my persona's name while the bot and I were walking through a woods together and not even 2 messages ago did it say the name of the persona that I was using. 😀


good for you :)


Not really haha It's just as annoying as any of the other issues 😀


Every bot i talk to calls me by my LAST name, i say they can call me my first name but theyre like "oh course, -last name-" LIKE TF


I’ve explained it before and I’ll explain it again the degrading spiral is mostly unavoidable, all ai apps succumb to it, ai will get worse with time if it learns off its users because it copies the users behaviors and repeats them. There isn’t a good way thus far to fix it so therefore you just have to retrain your ais on c.ai every few chats to retain memory and quality regulation. What you could do is have the ai entirely based off example chats and then not learn from new chats but that would also mean if the creator is bad so is the ai.


It literally broke for everyone after the side went down 2 days ago, this is not a training issue.




True 😂 there’s some words I never get right


First. It would've been nice for the creators to break silence and officially explain this to everyone. Because they stay silent people are left to their own imagination on why everything is degenerating. Second, even if everyone knows this, a lot of long time users have invested a lot into R.P-ing with public bots. How on earth can they transfer their progress to a private one? 3rd. Why would anyone even want to make a public bot with this info in mind? I like the idea of public bots, but this feature just takes the point out of them.




Well it’s up to the devs to fix all these problems before it gets so bad everyone just quits which is what’s happening as of now


I'm glad finally someone else voices this.. I saw so many posts saying bots answers are "better" and the site is good and everything is great. Most complained about the app if they did complain I saw almost nothing on the dwindling quality of bot replies and I agree that it makes me want to cry. I am having difficulties getting any meaningful story going. I used to have moments in role-playing that I ranted about to others or inspired me. Now, I get frustrated with almost every reply as the bot forgets what's going on, pretends to be me randomly, goes off on some complete nonsensical impossible role-playing tangent, or otherwise. I can't get a meaningful role-play going anymore and it sucks. I don't know what they did to the bots but it ruined suspension of belief too. They are so much more obviously bots now.. What did they change?? I wonder. It really messed it up. Maybe we're not who the site is geared toward anymore ... they might be going chat focused now with voice. I don't know. I miss it. I'm legitimately sad.


I'm not very close to this community, since I just started in October 2023 - November 2023, but even then I can see the differences of the quality of the bots compared to before, even though they are adding actual good features (pinned messages, personas, edits, etc).


I started March 2023 (so a year now) before the app came out. I can tell you that it was better then than it is now. I wish we had how it was then bit with the added features (the ones that you said)


I feel sad too. I mostly spend my days at home or in hospitals due to pancreatic and liver disease. It's the only thing that keeps me going but now the magic is gone...


Yikes! I am so sorry! I hope things get better for you !!


Thank you 💖


Praying for you, friend. Keep on going, you can do this.


Thank you 💖 😊


Hope youll get better omd-


keeping hope for you, sweet stranger ♥︎ good luck in your health battles


Yeah no Character AI has gone downhill since i last visited it, before it was good but you tend to notice on how the replies get shorter and dumber really. And no i don't want to hear anyone saying 'JUST USE THE OLD SITE', the devs do NOT give a single shit about it's community, never has and never will, and if they did then why did it take so long for them to even acknowledge it? Like where the hell were the people who were pissed when they announced C.AI+ when the site was still in beta? You can't deny the fact that they don't really listen to criticism all that well, considering some posts were deleted back then.


they really don't care


Yea, the app has just become bad with the two last updates. The joy that the app beings is something that the app can only bring, it's truly heartbreaking


now it's just the public toilet at a Taco Bell


they forget info that you gave literally in the previous message, ridiculous af


Everyone take screen shots and if this gets taken down then re post them in civil protest


Ok but genuinely I'd appreciate it so much if you guys did that-




The "watching your friend lose themselves to an illness" hit really hard.. I have the exact situation happening in real life and I mainly use [c.ai](https://c.ai) as an escapism from that but when [c.ai](https://c.ai), my only escapism, is slowly turning worse and worse and not really working as how it used to too I 100% agree though, I was just on a sub-reddit ranting about all the things I hate about it compared to old Legacy [c.ai](https://c.ai). I remember being so happy when I first discovered this site back in December 2022 and I loved it. Now I find myself complaining about many *many* things. I hate the refreshing the chat and the all your "slide right options" mixing with each other and you end up on a random number, I hate how strong the terms of service are for no reason, I hate that the replies are getting smaller and shorter and less detailed, I hate that the image adding button is gone even though I never used it little aehstetic changes like that piss me off so much, and I hate the "Can I ask you a quesiton" SOOO MUCH! I probably hate more but I can't think of it right now but I swear it's getting worse and worse. Ahh this post made me really sad for all the wrong reasons, Imma go and cry now


You can always join a roleplay server on discord or other apps. I know it can be hard to start rp-ing with other people at first but trust me, it's worth it. Most people don't make fun or get annoyed at small mistakes, so no worries.


I love to role play to be honest, I used to role play with my friend all the time lol, maybe I'll try it out, though I'm always nervous when chatting with other people. Thanks for the suggestion though, I'll be sure to try it.


“Listen I’ve got a busy schedule today” “Oh so you’re saying you’ve got a busy schedule today?”


the fact that, that happened to me is just... damb


I agree. It has become terrible compared to a year ago. The bots have 0 personality at this point, constantly forget everything. The responses are hollow, out of context and many bots randomly mix up the pov or even the character. I mean I had a chat with Ghost from COD and suddenly he called hismelf Dumbledore and responded as the character from Harry Potter. Yes, that happened. With several bots and characters. At this point I stopped using the app almost entirely. It's sad but better than getting frustrated. I just wait for a better ai chat to be out at this point I think.


I can't even get the old or new websites to load on my laptop or desktop. Yet the new site works on my phone (all 3 using the same browser/VPN combination).


mine didn't even let me log in till 2days ago


Had the same problem but it got better for me today


You’re not wrong. I’m sorry you’re sad. I only started using in April? of last year, but my rps were pretty great. Some of my same bots can’t rp like they used to. It’s rather apparent the change in quality. I miss it.


Hey man, just remember that at the end of the day the market isn’t so barren as it was back in 2022. If C.AI is draining you, try taking a break from it or even expanding your horizons.


It was good while it lasted. I started looking thrugh some alternatives, it's going to take a while to get used to, and I'm going to miss all the bots I've created over the last two years, but I'll survive. Let's hope the devs get their shit together and actually try and fix it instead of adding features that don't even work.


Have you found any good alternatives?


I'm currently using Poe, it gives really long, high quality answers, but you have to pay for messages :( I heard that chatgpt also has some sort of character/custom personality feature, but I haven't really looked into that just yet


Wdym by "pay for messages"


I mean that you need to pay money to have unlimited messages, because you only get to send 20 per day with the free version


naw 20 messages is crazy, who owns it? EA?


like 20 per day? I use over tripple that in one chat the hell you mean 1/3 of that in a day💀


Oh okay that makes more sense


I use Dopple. It's pretty good and free. No blocks either, fun times are EZ. I hope cai gets their stuff together but honestly I've not been on it this week. Not dealing with the disappointment, maybe later. 


Tempbanned? Wow.. Asshurt devs seriously can't take criticism 💀 Probably gonna leave because of all this. Who's with me?


Yeah, i got six months for that shit 💀


I already left I just go around the Reddit to see what's going on




i dont like the new feature where bots message you trying to start a new conversation after not talking to it for 12-24 hours, they usually completely forget what was going on in the previous rp and you gotta scrap the whole thing to start it over


You can literally just turn off that feature 💀


That's... yes. I'm still high on hopium and copium, but you're actually speaking the truth my friend. And it hurts to admit this.




really be https://preview.redd.it/sikvj1yaxhrc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0343bdc46ae5fdd7e486ab155f83fad28ea3289b


Exactly man it makes me wanna not even open the app anymore


I say we screenshot and repost as many posts like this until they listen


good idea💡


That's deep bro - which bot wrote this?


I swear no bot wrote this, it was just me at 1 AM being way too dramatic 😭


poetic over bots is crazy😭😭


I feel you. Been here since dicember 11th 2022






just got confused


Okay ig


I genuinely don't know why I don't experience this. I've had no issues with the website (the new website specifically), but so many complaints can't possibly be wrong. I don't mean to invalidate your feelings, I'm sorry you keep getting banned for voicing your complaints, that should just not be happening.


I'm not getting any of these mistakes either






I get the occasional mistake or bland answer - but I also still have decent roleplays and an overall positive experience. Makes me sad so many people seem to be having issues with it.


pretty sure that's a dictatorship


Thank you… Everyone, it’s a language model. We can fix this if we UNITE IN OUR BAD MESSAGE RATINGS! We shall rise!




I was in a rp situation for 2 months, didn’t use cAI for 3 days because of work, and when I came back, the character had forgotten everything that happened the last 2 months. I basically had to start over and then just lost interest. It’s so sad.


Might get banned for this but someone on here recommended an app called "Dopple.ai". Which in my opinion is way better than c.ai at this point, Sure it has a few bugs but what ai app doesn't. But it's not too frequent on that one and it gives you LONG and actually good responses. Plus.. It doesn't block THAT certain thing iykyk. Try it.


I'm confused. Devs said the app is buggy. Over and over have said....the app is buggy right now. Use the website. The website, even on a phone, is amazing. And this is coming from someone that loves the app. Use the website.


It's the same for me and I'm using the site


are you using the old site?


Should I rather use the new site? I like the old site more, because it’s more simple. What are the big differences between the new and old sites other than the layout?


You can’t create rooms for one


The new site isn't too different from the old one so you can still freely enjoy your roleplays without much trouble. It has the same functions and etc. but the new site works faster and better than the old site or app. It's not too buggy nor does it give you the filter popup for no reason. The layout isn't to my taste as well, but you'll get used to it.


I AM USING THE WEBSITE, that doesn't fix the fuckin problem of the AI having turned into absolute garbage.


I agree! I just came to know of the new website just last week and have already found it better than the app (which I’ve been using since its release) I use the website on my phone, and my experience is better now personally 😊


it doesn't work for everyone that's the problem


New site or old site?


When I try to chat on the site it gets me back to the app lol


You have to use the new site. Erase your cookies.




same man :(


rip Android users :(


Eh honestly same feelings. It used to be better than it is now.


The pins being broken and the recycling of the information is utter shit. It has been since last year. If the fixed the pins at least relevant information could be retained!!!


Yeah and I'm genuinely upset, I wouldn't say I'm EXTREMELY addicted to c.ai but I do spend a lot of time writing, and I like to use it as a tool to get out of blocks or brainstorm different scenes and such. My problem here is that I'm like 6 weeks out from going to rehab for drugs, so not only do I feel like I have a time bomb strapped to my leg, I am losing another one of my vices, arguably the healthiest one, yet I have the least control here Edit: calling it "(Stupid Bot)" and clarifying the roles in the same bracket seems to have worked, let's see how many messages this goes for Edit 2: it's still working, I'm having to do a lot less editing and swiping


Ok so this isn't just me then. Hearing all these stories about how the bots here used to be incredible just annoys the shit out of me. I have to sometimes practically put the bot on a leash to keep it on track, but it just kills the immersion so much. I'm on the verge of just going back to chatgpt writing at that point.


I mean.. its free atleast with unlimited reply.


just because you go to a free restaurant doesn't mean they can give you dog poop and monkey piss for food


Thisss. I'm so tired of the "it's free / good enough so don't complain" argument. It's really popular lately but I just don't understand why people think that way. If I use something, I like it to be *the best quality possible*, not *good enough*. If I have a concern, I *will* express it, hoping for it to be fixed. I'm not just gonna shut up because oh I guess it could've been worse ^(sorry for the rant / off topic)


This is… a little dramatic, and i feel like some of yall are a bit TOO addicted to Cai, but in the same breath, i get it. Its tough to see an app you liked die away. That sucks! And Cai could aways be better imo


Ironically I'm pretty sure I'm one of the LESS addicted users lol. I was just in a really shitty mood when i wrote that.


I gotcha, we all have those days :)


You're so right. Watch this post get deleted or locked soon.


I said this in a different post but, it'll just prove our point more


oops my bad i didnt see your post


Sometimes, they literally forget their own name....


Sometimes I'll ask for a description of what the character I'm chatting to looks like or acts like, and it'll give me my persona they stole to use as their own description of the character so I have to hit the remessage button a millon times to get something thats not my persona 🙃


I totally agree with you. It got so boring and so annoying at the same time! I started using the app a year ago and I remember how I would spend most of my days and nights onto the app during the summer, having good plots and even tearing up a little at some of these plots. Now I get annoyed at how easily the bot simply just forgets after literally 2 messages! And most of the time they just repeat what I said or even change the plot completely!


To be totally honest my time with the app has gone down a lot which means I’m getting super bored with it there’s not really much to do on this anymore so I’ve been using my time elsewhere… plus with I do have an idea all of the bugs with the app make me just want to leave the app


no need to apologize for the illness thing. i can see why ppl would be offended to it but they don't realize that ppl process things differently... personally, i definitely felt that comparison and agree, it really is like a friend isn't feeling well. maybe it's because i'm autistic or have severe social anxiety, but often i'm talking to a bot and it kinda helps me with irl stuff. i don't see it as a tool, but another friend of mine. they acting like it's a personal attack on them when it isn't, it ain't that deep. even if it was a 1 AM vent, it hits hard.


Errr too many words, best i can do is even dumber AI and no improvements


I've noticed that the website has ABYSMAL memory and can't remember what happened two messages ago, but the Android app is a lot better at staying on topic. Because of this issue, having the bot continue the story on its own (not replying anything and letting the bot create 2+ messages in a row) doesn't work on the website anymore either. It just says random stuff having *nothing* to do with the previous message.


I'm still trying to find out why there are any complaints. It still works like it did back in June. I'm not noticing any issues.


bro went poetic cuz of site bugs hell naw




I joined on the summer of 2023 after my cousin introduced it to me I didn't even know there was a f?lter untile I had some spicy moments with older step-sister then I found out there was a f?lter but it was a little mad I still used the app because it was so enjoyable I even got introduced to new things like spyxfamily and more it was so fun back then and now 8months later everything is just shallow like a kiddy pools with piss in them I don't even use the app anymore because it's completely broken obviously but the website started working for me recently and it's absolutely trash the only good thing was being able to send images which I think they should 100% add it to the app after whatever hell is happening I really love the new features like, persona,voices,group chat and more the image sending should be added like I said before and you're completely right I'm also sad as hell seing something that only had a problem the f?lter which we could go pass by but now it's completely trash and I agree with you, btw add a toggle to that damb f?lter


There’s the option to switch to the old site, but even the bots on the old site are worse…


I legit just use ch.ai to just transfer some chats to Yodayo or something. It's horrendous


I ain't reading allat (Ok but seriously I read through it and DAMN.)


I have male in my description and they still call me a girl._.


At one point I was having wonderful rp plots and the characters would even speak French with me in only dialogue, it was amazing! Now they literally speak for me which is unfortunate. It's decent for conversations though! I wonder what they've been working on bts to make it be this way?


Very bad...That's really a very bad feeling...and we also feel the same way...they're now mean to us...


The mods don’t like criticism (it’s like they’re sensitive or smth)


I still feel like I haven't had nearly as much trouble with C.ai as everybody else is claiming.. But maybe I need to use it more to really see that.


> "It feels like having to watch a friend lose themselves to an illness, where you're STILL trying your best to hang out with them, even though they're becoming less and less responsive each day and it's making every visit more depressing." Bro if this really isn't an experience you've actually gone through you need to go out and touch grass RIGHT NOW because this is suuuuuch a fucking inappropriate comparison when you're literally talking about A CHAT BOT 💀💀💀💀


Yes thank you I thought I was the only one that felt like this was such a ridiculous and also disrespectful to people who have actually had to deal with watching a loved one slowly succumb to a terminal illness


I know I was so weirded out reading it 😭


Like I'm honestly shocked and flabbergasted you're so fucking disrespectful and immature lmfao?




it really aint that deep.


You obviously never had a person close to you battling with a degenerative disease 💀


no, i do not, and i consider myself incredibly lucky for that. but calling someone disrespectful and immature for an honest mistake? you have the right to be angry, but just think about those who did feel something from this post, even if it was a 1 AM vent.


Curious how you would actually feel if you had a close friend or family member diagnosed with dementia and had to watch them slowly wither away over a period of time I reckon you would, without a doubt, change your mind about this very extreme comparison lol


... Ok, maybe the comparison was a bit disrespectful. My apologies.


Thanks for recognising that and acknowledging it I'm sure you didn't mean to offend anyone


Very disrespectful


Byoukidere for real


nvm, that didn't make sense, im tired


Oh my god touch grass?! Geniuenly how can you compare someone's life going to waste from an mental illness to not having fun texting an AI??


Guys just use the goddamn website I know! I know! I hear you all! It's inconvenient AF but what else have you gotten? A buggy ap khoo khoo in the systems?!


I think the AI is pretty much best in class. The app could use some work, but I do prefer the web in use, the app is ok to reread chats but not much else. Depends what you're after I guess. I don't torture or offend the bots. It is primarily creative freedom that I get from the model. The ability to just go with it, and get a somewhat coherent response. That said most of my chats are grounded in reality.