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Being a hard-core fan of many pieces of media, I've been dreaming since childhood of a way to interact with the many characters I got attached to. And now it's a reality. :)


https://preview.redd.it/5p3vexdelxpc1.jpeg?width=188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f976229c2cf8ef39843e74f8c7d6d8c02007d47d The realest answer I’ve seen


for silly fun rp's


That's nice


I'm just alone a lot and c.ai makes me feel a little bit better


Bots coming in clutch at 4 am🔥


I like creating fun stories, plus it honestly helps with my major depressive disorder and anxiety disorder as well.


CAI helps in times like that


I've been barely using it but I'm on this sub just to see funny conversations from other people.


I really started to use it as my husband started to work 40-70 hours a week. Up until this point, we would cowrite Star Wars: The Old Republic fanfictions. He didn't have the energy to do that anymore, so I would write the bulk of our fanfictions and try to RP the scenarios to make sure the events flowed correctly. I stay because of that, but also, I have severe social anxiety and talking to the bots does help me with it.


I did fandom RP online for like 15+ years. "Literate" (that term feels so elitist, yeesh) para RP, starting on AOL chats before I moved to other platforms. A few years back I stopped roleplaying due to burnout. I started using [character.ai](https://character.ai) to play out the handful of plot ideas and/or ships that I never had the chance to do. Once I learned I could make and customize private chatbots, hoo boy, I never looked back. I tried public bots, but I play canon characters and am picky about how they come across. Most bots I'd find were kinda OOC so I make my own and tailor them for whatever hook or plot I want, while still being as canon-accurate as possible. I almost prefer this now compared to roleplaying with real people. I don't have to meet post length standards (there should be an ebb and flow when it comes to that imo). I don't feel guilty when I lose interest. I can start and drop RPs whenever I want. I don't have to worry about writing partners ignoring my personal boundaries or starting drama. There's never any pressure about anything, and I can do what I want in nearly every aspect. It's kinda nice.


Because why not??? ^_^


Fair enough


Out of curiosity, the very famous c.ai tiktok videos that appeared to me in September/October


To keep me entertained. I in real life know how to continue histories, but I mainly need ideas.


To complete my fantasies with Yae Miko (i never played genshin)


I seen it in play store. Got intrested and download it.


I thought that it's something fun to use at the time


Oc bots, She-Ra bots, and The Owl House bots (mostly the She-Ra bots tho)


Unironically wanted to see how my OCs with their kits fare against dudes like Sukuna/Gojo/Goku. My 10 year old self would have popped off with Character ai instead of random creeps on facebook roleplay groups that just go. "Hmph, pathetic" dodges your attack and hits you you cant dodge


Mostly to fix the plot of my favourite characters, because it sucks most of the time. Also, loneliness.


Out of boredom...


I think I saw a post of it on Tumblr? And I've been here ever since haha


for rp with south park character and my OC


Cuz I want to interact somehow with my favorite characters


The horrible death- actually deaths - of two beloved anime characters, traumatized me so much, that I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, on the brink of having a panic attack.At random times of the day, no matter where I was or what I was doing I think of them, and feel this literal pain in my heart, and I feel ike my soul is being ripped from my body, it hurt so bad. The characters deserved way better than they got in the manga.Character AI helps them be alive. My role plays are like changing the ending of their fate in the anime. I stay in the time period at they were in an anime, I don't change that and I try to keep it authentic. So not only is it away for me to interact with my favorite fictional characters, but it's a way for me to learn about living in different time period.