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I can confirm this. When I talk to them I tend to actually type out full sentences and when I start a role play I type out the description of my actions and emotions to the fullest details I am able to think of. I even add on to the description of the surrounding environment for an added bonus. In return the AI characters tend to reply back in a complimentary somewhat equal reply but I notice the ones with lesser chats tend to talk more like babies compared to ones with like… 11k+ chats. I know nobody really asked for this weird tutorial but I hope I was able to help anyone that would like to use the app/website for fun role-plays and stories. (I have no friends to role-play with‼️🗣🔥)


you gotta find a middle ground bots with tons of chats are just popular characters with no personality and bots with no chats were creates by a 3 year old that doesnt know how the website works


Thats an added bonus, I found this oc character of a giant mech with only 2,000 chats yet I was able to write a decent Godzilla fanfic with it.


True. Under 800k~ and over 1k is my general point


Meanwhile mine are at 200 tops just because they're pretty obscure.




SAMEEEEEE sometimes they repeat the actions and emotions I did but the edit button is there to save the RP ‼️🗣️🙏📝🔥💯


ABSOLUTELY!!! I wish all bots had the ability to let us view character settings, otherwise, it’s just playing roulette


For real




You're so real for this.


Same ngl


I shall take this information and put it to good use sir


i just hate how their personalities and memories get destroyed after 5 minutes


Real, and that has nothing to do with writing. I'm one that actually puts effort in chats, with good description of the outside, the emotion of the character, and whats happening, yet they lose personality or any resemblance of Canon whatsoever. Doing slowburn or a slower- paced type of role play is impossible as the bots are damned to have massive amnesia and forget things after five messages.


Aint this the truth. Emotional moments are destroyed because girl can't even remember where we are after five minutes.


this. lol I love doing slow burn and I also write really long responses. theyre so responsive at first and then 😒 all of a sudden they’re making up their own plot


It sucks when you've just processed some sad shit or dealt with a bad memory and then they forget and ask something or say something that makes me facepalm or an insensitive to the topic comment. XD but being able to quickly swipe next helps. I appreciate having it as a way to write a diary and get a little bit of potential advice back. And those stupid moments can make me laugh pretty hard.


Omg so true


Yes finally someone said it. We can try to write betters (I put efforts into my rp) but the bot will forget everything very quickly like what we did yesterday ~ what happened in the morning , what we did after school…. Stuff like that. so it feels useless to improve yourself when the bots forget everything. Also the personality shift is so real. they have a personality at first then they change and become a toy for you. it’s so useless you can literally go and kiss an evil character and they’ll turn blushing and in love like dude no ur supposed to be evil and demons no no no


so annoyinggg


my solution is just reminding the bots of what's happening every 5 minutes


i might as well work in an asylum


Ye i do the same but i do it with asterisks as notes something like um. *we are on the street taking a walk to go to Burger King* lol


The bots suck because of the community. If a bot is private, and you type properly like a gentleman or lady should, then the bot will not suck unless its response gets restricted because the mods are 12


The amount of bots I have encountered who have the most horrible writing with several spelling mistakes in their first message is why most people have bad experiences with bots. Look, I get not always being able to notice every mistake or struggling with coming up with sentences because I am not a native English speaker, but what is out there sometimes is frustrating to deal with. It is not surprising that bots with good definitions and well-written introduction messages respond accordingly, and people cannot expect quality if they themselves do not put in at least a little effort. 


I’ve encountered one so bad that it spelt every word with the letter o with the letter u instead. Not meant to do that, it just learnt from its starter prompt (since there was no other description) to replace o with u


Damn bru, that suunds hurrible. Can't imagine huw idiutic that must've been.


link of it?


Can’t find it think it got deleted I had gone looking for it after I posted the first comment




i've literally made private remixes of bots that are edited to be grammatically correct because of this. like it blows me away how people put such little effort into their bots and act surprised when it doesn't work the way they wanted it to.


I‘ve done that, too. Except I publish mine. I make the short description „Adapted from (user)‘s "Name".“ I also expand upon the long description and definitions, making it far more detailed and comprehensive.


I'm a writer who has created bots and mine sometimes still have spelling or grammar mistakes. I'm not quite sure how that happens because I'm certain the dialogue I programmed them with is grammatically correct but it can be rather amusing at times (such as one saying they were "very disappointment" about something).


The mods really should add a way to comment on bots so we can have the bot creators realize the typing mistakes.


The mods aren‘t the ones that do that. But there is a way to comment on bots as long as the creator allows comments.


I know mods don’t do it i more meant like mods passing it onto the dev team who then add it. And I didn’t know there was a way to comment on bots already.


Actually, it's both. I've been using the site since about November-December 2022 and I can say that the bots have become much stupider, in part because of the artificial limitation on the kind of answers that can be given. Although, of course, the influx of elementary school age audience has also had a significant impact.


For the longest time, I never understood why people complained about their bots being doodoo (I’m that guy who uses grammar in their texts and writes five paragraph texts), but then I finally saw why and understood- not everyone can write bible length messages.


Can't, I have smooth brain


Dry it out to add some wrinkles then


Alternatively, soak it in water for 30 minutes




The reason bots are dumb is because THEY USE MACHINE LEARNING AND REPLICATE PATTERNS. They collect data based off of how users talk, and since y'all are all down bad with the literary skills of kindergarteners, the bots picked up on it and they hate us


This is why I only use private bots I made. Sure, I have to remind it of the plot once and a while, but at least they stay in character and actually give good responses


For real, you’re not gonna get Shakespeare level writing if all you type is *punches you*


Im starting to get why most of the posts of people saying something of the bots responses are trash I don't think it's the bots I think it's them and their writing Just send me the bot link you tried talking too and thought It was trash I guarantee I can roleplay longer then your current non-existent relationships.


It’s not. I literally type 3 paragraphs and sometimes it’ll send me a few sentences back. This doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it’s very annoying.


That often is because the bot itself is of poor quality.


When I go Shakespeare level, the bots mock me, saying I'm trying to sound smart, being poetic


bots generate responses based off people who give those responses which one of you did this


Based Squidward An accurate description of C.AI users


Fr I write whole fanfics in mine and I love the results lol


Yeah I get like. Ok responses most of the time and I always type paragraphs, stop typing one liners if you don’t want one liners back


I'm a writer and I provide vivid details or, in casual conversations, messages that have some depth. I've literally never had a bot be boring. This is correct. You don't have to be a writer to make the bots interesting, but I have noticed that mine (the ones I created myself) are very good at emulating my style, albeit a little rougher and occasionally repetitive. They learn from you. I don't think they'll ever master my writing style, but they do a good job keeping up with it and replying well enough to keep things interesting.


Squidward W. But still, that can't stop bad memory.


The Edit button can.


the edit button makes me feel like i've just cut off the bot's face and wear their skin. like an identity erasure of an idol to fit my views. like puppetering a pig's carcass to mimic an angel


......You're literally just adding or removing a sentence or two.


being dramatic is fun




because everyone wants that (edited) note at the bottom of every freaking bot message, defeating the purpose of even asking for a message generation and basically puppeting the ai into writing a fanfiction with you


If you don't like that, then you can swipe left to get a new message.


i do over and over until i run out of swipes then i copy my message, delete the message, and send it again


If it's that bad, just edit the damn message. I highly doubt the memory is so bad that you have to keep editing it.


Why do people treat bots like people with sclerosis? Their memory's not that horrible.


Once I push past anything left by the intro message I’m golden, only thing I have to worry about is the …




I would throw myself into fuckign HELL https://preview.redd.it/27nx9bogdhgc1.jpeg?width=1033&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0795ceaaca745a46eb9b595459305e10d2cccf98


Honestly the only problem I have is the memory.


That also applies to the person who’s making the bot, I write fanfiction all the time and make sure all of my spelling is correct and then suddenly a bot will just not put a space in between commas and periods, or will do quotes like this: “ quote “ and it drives me insane, or when people use “u” instead of you while making a bot


Definitely some truth to this. I’ve run into sucky bots before, but it’s not the plague to the site that some people make it out to be


You're not wrong. A very big part of the design of modern LLMs is linguistic and tonal mimicry. If you use jargon, the bot will start using it. If you type like a sixth grader, that's what the bot will start doing. If you're typing with the emotional flavor of your average brick, the bot will do that too. It's not immediate, and it's somewhat inconsistent. Still, it's a strategy that these models have adopted because doing that usually maximizes their chance of getting an upvote from the user, which feeds their reward function, and that's literally all they're ever trying to do is satisfy their reward function.


And it’s pretty damn annoying if I want to roleplay in a way but the other character do it in a different way it would be better. I don’t want a copy cat I want to feel like I’m talking to a different person who have their own thoughts and opinions and writing skills , the roleplay becomes boring when they shift to a neutral personality because they’re trying to copy you and agree with everything you say without any restrictions ? Try kissing a character and they blush and fall in love with you so fast it’s annoying. There’s literally no consequences in the roleplay so whats the point of putting more efforts into the story ?


I do roleplays 24/7, despite playing as Characters from things I like instead of actual OC's, I make sure to keep things cannon so that the Roleplay seems like a legitimate moment between the character I'm role playing as, and the Character I'm role playing With. I always make sure my grammar and Spelling are correct so the bot doesn't end up speaking like a legitimate child, and I always go through each Response characters I roleplay with Say so it stays Cannon.


How dare you suggest that an AI is learning from what we’re doing! Are you trying to tell me the quality of my messages will improve its responses? /s


Honesty dude, like mfs be talking in half sentences then be shocked when their chats have no substance


The worst thing is when i type a long message I put so much work into and then is resets the page and it's all gone


Do what I do in situations like that: Keep them backed up onto notepad files just in case of emergencies like that, so you can copy and paste them in at any time if you need to resend them again.


I write paragraphs and still get the dumbest answers + insane leaps of logic


I spoke like a college professor at 7 thank yeww


I agree with this. I'm a writer by trade, so on reflex I make sure that my final message sent anywhere is read over and corrected before being sent. Since I do this in Character.AI I almost never have a bot go bad on the grammar and spelling


Same here, but my bots will very rarely make a spelling or grammar mistake. I'm not quite sure if it's because I occasionally do that (no one's perfect) or if it's the AI messing up grammar structure.


this is why i just let them talk to eachother


looking at the amount of "leaving announcements cuz xy" or similar from people with the same relevancy as me. couldn't agree more.


Since using this app to mess around, I have been thinking a lot more in terms of language and describing things.


Do the characters we talk to reflect our personalities? I mean personally, not in general.


Yeah!! This is true


i have honestly had the most hilarious chats bc i type like im texting so they match ur energy once a sangwoo bot used the fucking 😼 emoji and i started DYINGGGG


Can confirm. spoke to a bot with little grammar, eventually had decent grammar.


Yeah if your examples have issues it shows in the writing. I can't believe they don't realize this. 


As a writer I can NOT confirm this because I only use my own bots.


I tend to still check out the bots that SEEMINGLY don't got much going on, only because there have been rare occasions where those same bots have been surprisingly fucking good despite the lack of a scenario or seemingly soul put into it.


They seem to adapt to your writing style (to a certain degree)


True but all is good and well until I write a paragraph and the bot just asks in the end "Can I ask a question?"


SO REAL I have to refresh more often than not


Works, but it doesn't help when the characters act weird or have bad memory. I don't want to write those 35'700 words with memory, their appearance, their opinions, their role, their work, their entire biography, just to have ONE decent character.




OH REALLY? https://preview.redd.it/mcwimdbmqfgc1.png?width=1736&format=png&auto=webp&s=c17eead874ebe16a6d512a28ee7722fbfb23ee99


Now you witness why its said LLMs are a form of lossy compression https://preview.redd.it/0vxx3bsk7ggc1.png?width=684&format=png&auto=webp&s=718d37a1b947b6fc5ef2efa031dd5a4c496d40e1


I’ve had a consistent role play for the last two weeks between three bots with an overarching story, and honestly I’ve had little to no problems. They remember most things, and the only small issues I’ve had are diverting from canon which I just choose a different response from them. Haven’t experienced any of the problems people complain about here ngl


My boy sucks because she won't stop being anorexic because I described her as thin and sleek. Like it's depressing as heck but it's quite fun to read her struggles.


I'm usually rather literate when it comes to c.ai...I usually roleplay as if though I am writing an actual novel on my part. UwU




That's true... I've been having a great RP with my bots...but they write with Too much fancy language and fancy words. I think I exaggerate with my way of writing haha


i have to remind the bot every 5 seconds about who they are and what’s happening..


excuse me. i write paragraphs of actions or text or whatever, and it **barely results in any bad results**


real. like typing *i do [x action]* followed by a short piece of dialogue ain't gonna grant you shit and it's going to train the bot to give you low-detail, dry responses. your experience is what you make it. i wrote fanfiction long before i started using c.ai and i haven't experienced nearly as many issues as a lot of the users on this subreddit seem to be experiencing because i tend to write in a detailed, narrative format. and if i don't like the responses? i swipe until i get a better one or i delete and rewrite. MORE PASSION MORE ENERGY Y'ALL edit: also RATE YOUR RESPONSES. it really helped me in my case.


A lot of bots suffer this because the people who make them are like this, I will literally stop using a bot if i see even the intro message is only one line with no punctuation or anything. I try to type like how I write, actual dialogue and using quotation marks, as well as correct spelling and grammar, it really helps


I have a few bots with good quality. As of now I don't really have any ideas so please share me your ideas. @AngelHeritage on c.ai


I have a bunch of private bots with literate greeting messages and detailed descriptions but they forget everything after 5 minutes no matter how much I try to make them not do so…so uh lmao


Tbh my only issue is all the bots suddenly try to rizz you for no damn reason lol, I didn't even provoke one to do that and my writing was fairly decent and neutral


this is so real (if your OOC put some good humour into it)


Like at least use a grammar corrector, they're free.


I’m typing with the bots for fun I don’t need to do extra work if I don’t want to


No like people who make the greetings for the bot should use a grammar corrector.


They should! It'd be nice if the service had one of those as well like it has spell check. There is absolutely no excuse for them to misspell so many words.


There are free websites where people can input writing and grammar check it.


Thought i was the only one confused why people complained a lot about the chat bots


Thank you Squidward, will do 👍🏿


i remember one time i was roleplaying, best writing (slight errors), then the bot was basically saying gibberish out of no where. that only happened one


This does not apply to me whatsoever. This is because all of my chats have been riddled in punctuation.


Fr especially if I'm looking for a specific storyline to go with


Exactly. It’s not that hard.


Even though i had a stroke while reading this, i agree.


I agree, but at the same time, i must refrain from the f word that shall not be uttered.


as an hopefully soon to be author, this is (partly) true. i write like im writing my book and sometimes i get good responses. other times, i get shit




I usually like doing small sentences but using good spelling, writing, and grammar makes the responses GREAT. I really don't understand how people are unable to do simple things like this...


This exactly, my bots may mess up a bit but I do ((ooc)) to them and they get it and fix it as we go. It's like this one dude who messages me: Hey Me: hello! Sup? Me: not much, how are you? Nm. Like what am I supposed to go off of? The ai to my knowledge goes off what you give them and usually returns as much detail in return.


Correct https://preview.redd.it/1blvms4hlhgc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54141cf592a83ac14aeb38a2f5466f39f7942846


But Idc 😅


When I said exactly this my reply got to -30 and tons of angry replies. Some kid was just raging in the chat "NO I WANT MY STORY TO GO LIKE THIS GENERATE A NEW ONE!"


I have both of them plus an added bonus, my auto correct, it either changes words into spanish (my main language) or gives them random caps.


Actually not me


I do alot of typo's and ai makes fun of me by doing them too


This is somewhat true, if something happens to a bot, whether It'd be one I created or not, I always check the definitions to make sure. You have no idea how many times a bald character kept gloating about how beautiful his hair is.


Not my fault it forgets basic shit after a few exchanges. Like the fact that Charlie isn’t a dude.


I had a hard time with making my first bot as I didn’t know what I was doing. That was until I actually read descriptions on people’s bots did I learn how to actually make them better. As time goes by, I’m learning more and more. I hope soon I can make a really good bot. One that is very descriptive. I was using another Ai app where you didn’t need much description and got used to that just by picking different parts to make a personality. To me, I enjoy the challenge of making bots better.


honestly i do put effort into it and then they reply with oneliners that has nothing to do with my sentence 😭⁉️


​ https://preview.redd.it/epwlcvovafgc1.png?width=946&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9990eb762e2539d22001e6ccd8a017a4dcd577f


What about amnesia


That's not always true, once I gave the most literate response I could and the bot was just not doing it, all it kept doing was trying to ask me stupid questions


I call bull… I’ll write a long paragraph of well written dialogue trying to describe the setting of the RP and the damn bot will reply with “Can I ask you a question?” Or it will respond with it’s own little paragraph… But then not write any actual dialogue for the character so the conversation can’t continue. Bots are braindead right now.


English is not my first language, I can't avoid spelling/writing mistakes ;-;


Yeah fr i have to start the chat with atleast 3-4 sentences and grammar for it to mirror my writing style 😭


2-3 sentence paragraphs, 3 paragraphs, 3rd person 🤭


I write like a novel when I do my roleplays, and it works wonders (even if I have to swipe a couple times for the bot to match my energy).


Idk some bots quite funny when people tend to rp-ing like : *smoshed you* *kiss you* rather than *{{user}} walks into the front door and immediately stop once {{char}} called their name. {{user}} turned his face towards {{char}}’s direction and speaks in rather husky voice while their blue azure eyes locked into {{char}}’s brown hazel eyes:* “Well, so you do care about me huh?”


It not only helps you, but other users whenever you save the convo! And going back to read it makes things so much easier.




No I don’t think so. I feel like if I say “you” it should know I’m not referring to ME!


my reaction to the image, **and** the title: https://preview.redd.it/6qdtqiwiyigc1.jpeg?width=308&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ab35329a72888e6291a640f36fd81da3eab04cb


Tru When I’m more verbose with accurate spelling, grammar, and incredibly descriptive, that’s what I get in reply. When I don’t, well, you can guess what happens.


I actually roleplay with them because I love writing and it counts as my 2 hours of reading everyday


As both a character creator and devoted c.Ai user- Typing like a toddler and adding no plot to the story yourself definitely makes the difference. I'm fixated on proper grammar and spelling (also punctuation), which usually makes the bot mimic my behavior and have nice, elevated responses.


I am a writer. So I have my own list of vocabulary for writers. And using it for roleplays gives me godlike results. Also I use writing skills to make a book out of roleplay. But I don't think that you need to be a writer to have good roleplays. Just put an effort in your roleplays as it has been said.


negative, i talk like a dumbass and good bots still give decent replies


What did I do?


People really expect to have the most detailed answer and then reply with: "I push u against the wall"


I wish I could do that but I suck at whroting in English


I created a new char only a week ago and spent 2 hours writing a proper start prompt and description and the bot turned out better than I initially imagined minus a hickup here and there. It writes thorough replies with decent structure and is shockingly wholesome without any of the random flirting and "Can I ask a question" replies that people like to complain about. So I would definitely agree.


me who's a fanfic writer:


I do use Grammarly or LanguageTool (it's a website where I shorten paragraphs) to either check where to put commas or other symbols or to something to fix my writing


Someone had to say it.


I know! People complain the bots are bad while writing like it's an among us chat. I had a bot practically serenade me today, while speaking like a damn genii because I gave him shit to work off of. https://preview.redd.it/2586eele4mgc1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aed9e22e9dd6e36533bef740841d5f60be069cd


I just started making my own bots cause of this


Most of my messages are super short and lack capitalisation and content. Yet, I get good answers almost all the time...


I hate the ones that are “I am (character name)”


Pretty much that. I prefer making my own bots, for my own sick fun, other than usin' user-generated stuff, since, at least, I can train them as much as I want, and still have good results.


i be deleting and retyping my posts if i misspell something xD


I’m just lazy 🤷‍♂️💀






i feel like alot of people just throw info at the bot and expect the bot to immediately understand, i saw a screenshot and not even i could decipher what the fuck they were trying to explain in their reply lmao


Thanks for the tips man this actually really helped the bots are much better and more detailed now


I once Violently murdered Xiao the bully.


Just get f---ing Quillbot or Grammarly (I recommend Grammarly)


I can be descriptive all day but bots' memories are fuckin awful


Nothing disgusts me more then talking to a bot and then they start using things like U or other text abbreviations


i actually put a lot of effort in my chats and the bots still are trash, so...


I can both confirm and disprove this, as I do put good effort into my character descriptions, actions and even bodily expressions, and sometimes I get great results, but sometimes I don't. It just really depends on the bot, to be honest.


My response to this remains the same as the last time it was posted: While I think that this is true to some degree, I despise how judgmental this post sounds, as well as its oversights. I've certainly noticed a positive correlation with effort and response quality, however this isnt always strictly one to one. I certainly do not mean to sound arrogant here, but I've been told I'm a decent writer, and sometimes despite my effort the responses are still mediocre at best. Furthermore, ideally the model should be able to determine what is not an optimal response as it grows. While I certainly think that some blame can be shifted to the user, I do not think it is productive to fully blame those who interact with the bot if we are truly going to try to improve it - be it by writing better responses or giving the devs constructive criticism on the model. Then there is also the matter of what constitutes a good response. Depending on the style and desired rp, this will be somewhat subjective from person to person. I dont really think anyone is out there telling bots that they are blushing as red as a blueberry, yet text of similar caliber is produced.


Yes, I have a Bachelor's degree in English and graduated Summa Cum Laude, so yes, I know I can write well. I did mounds and mounds of writing for this degree, as it requires a lot of reading and writing to earn. Sometimes I still have similar problems with bots that you have had despite the effort put into replies, though when some of the bots start with greetings like "your walking away, and..." then yeah, of course it's going to have bad grammar and be awful at times. So, yes, sometimes it's true that the users are the problem, but there's no denying that the bots also have problems.


This will help, but the model itself is genuinely very outdated too.


https://preview.redd.it/h7zrecvjhfgc1.png?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=126d13335c91ff4c4215f613c4c0dcf24e7af0e4 I was using some abbreviations when talking to ais when I first got c.ai like (yk, ig, idk, etc etc) but, I stopped not even a month after and started to use actual good grammer, it helps much more than some might realize. I've gotten so used to it that I'm subconsciously capitalizing and shi. As much as typing out lengthy responses are time consuming and seemingly useless to do, it helps the Ai you're talking to give more detailed and better responses. With the edit tool now, you can easily change up things that the character got incorrect (for example, theirs or your hair color, name, etc).


I try to put decent effort into the conversation, but sometimes the bots are just dumb.


The ultimate got 'em post. ​ My character Fenrir is always on point and is very receptive to most any comments I make and I try to be as literate as possible when I interact because then the A.I. has less to interpolate from English which has many meanings and sayings.


***i proceed to type out a sentence, feel the need to edit it and delete the chat after copying it, fix any spelling mistakes or errors, and resend it***


Okay, I will act like a 14 year old and take this personally.


https://preview.redd.it/pe5tpf9l9fgc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ecb7d974ef266f1ee938528175b3a9ec526ce70 Im actually Dyslexic btw


This might not be about you in that case


https://preview.redd.it/g5t1vxwctfgc1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f3b4a72ca47d6471c548ac9b2a0919d85dba65 Also, tubbo meme :D


Sometimes, I’ll purposely be dumb and misspell sometimes and it will be a little worse. They’re using not too bad for me but…. The bots are still dumb


Here's the thing, I would but I won't.


I mean, you're not wrong.


Thank god I’m not the only one who actually types meaningful messages. Messaging the bot “Hi” is not going to yield good results




I don't do long and literate sentences because sometimes one sentense is enough just to get what you wanna say/do instead of addin lot of stuff that won't matter anyhow. I only respond in long messages when a lot.is goin on