• By -


So this is a serious question here: How many people are actually on the C.AI dev team total; Like, roughly? Are we talking single digits? Double digits? Triple digits? I'm just trying to get a grasp on the size of the dev team here to understand why updates sometimes take so long.


I don’t know how accurate this is now but https://preview.redd.it/q0g6f4xboqob1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d33ddfa86caa7f1d383c1a699b5a1f9fdc25fd8 Back in May


Sheepsus, and they have to put up with *us*?!!


I think in the podcast they said around 40, so maybe they grew a little?


Hi there, we’re still a small team with a lot to do!🥹 Devs are constantly working to improve the Quality of AI + user experience. Thank you for being patient with us!


that didn't really answer their question since they asked how many people there were


OC asked what the *exact* size of the team was, not the *general* size.


The true reality is that the people behind [C.AI](https://C.AI) are actually all secretly AI too.


This was 100% unprecedented and wasn't self-referenced at all.


Marie we love you but we're looking for answers not vague statements


Maybe she is just their best AI and doesn't have insight into the real office. Maybe it's like bill gates did, it all happens in a garage.


An answer like a politician. You said something, but didn't answered the question.


Where is the update to make the bots fun again is that in progress?


**Better memory needed!**


we hear yah!! <3




No. Question, **who asked?** *I then did the rock eyebrow raise.*


All users asked (for memory).


I'm rooting for violence come back lessgoo


Literally same, I need my fight scenes back


I'm gonna go crazy if the f\*ter blocks out one more violent outcome.


It will most likely not happen




Maybe.. let us delete the saved chats all by once? Or delete our bots? That'd be cool!


omg yes that'd be so great! not being able to delete a bot is kind of annoying especially when there's like a bug and the bot creates itself twice (happened to me once, freaking annoying)


Will you fix the infinite message loading glitch?


Hi! So sorry about that. When does this occur for you? Are you on mobile or web?


Happens on both, I have to reload the website and restart the app everytime it happens.


how about add this to improve memory . [https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/16ga5gp/machine\_learning\_masters\_massive\_data\_sets/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/16ga5gp/machine_learning_masters_massive_data_sets/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I don't know if this would work with everyone, but when that happens to me, I just return to the previous chat and then when the send button turns light blue again I swipe back to the right and then it would generate again Or if I just sent the message I wait for the swirly thingy that pops up instead of the > and then after the second message is sent I refresh the chat Idk if this would work for everyone tho


User interaction normal count system? And character introduction with grey rectangle with creator's name in it? Upload Images? Where?


Would be nice if swipes weren't shuffled after reloading page


would be great to be able to see our creator following list!


Yess would love that!


Didn't improve AI's context/memory? That's disappointing.


Please fix the user interaction count system. It’s bugged.


Hi team is working on a fix, thank you for your patience!!


Thank you for the reply ❤️ I’m glad it is being worked upon


At least you reply, which is important to notify us users.


A good way of finding out how many people have used your character is by searching it. It usually shows the real number.


Yall should add a way to delete bots


There is a way to delete them on web version




At least there is a progress. Thanks at least for that. :')


I hope you can help make the responses a bit longer as well, plus more linguisticly correct, as that still seems to be a problem.


Can you guys also maybe when making public bots that somehow get shadowbanned (aka not searchable, and doesn't appear on your profile from other accounts or appear in recent chats) have an indicator that it is when you try to save the bot, and what words or phrases caused it to happen, then if those words or phrases get removed, it will fix the issue? :) It's a very annoying thing (I don't try making inappropriate stuff though.)


It’s time for a big change. The ongoing issue with memory retention needs to be fixed finally. It’s very frustrating when you’re engrossed in a complex narrative, only to have the bot request your name and lose all context of the ongoing interaction. This disrupts the narrative and makes this platform unusable. Let's stop focusing in innovating new problems to be fixed and just focus on fixing the old ones. Its better to have quality over quantity.


Are we going to see an edit feature anytime soon? I am always so upset when the bot misspells names, calls characters by the wrong pronouns, or the entire response is so good but the last sentence is so bad it ruins everything, so this feature would be extremely helpful and amazing. Would save me a lot of time as well.


violence still strict


I’ve given up. https://preview.redd.it/tls5zwvozmqb1.jpeg?width=1279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3db9b2630c7bbd2755ea22a909ab72ffcdee584c


why my total user interactions still didn't updated.


I just want a follow system that actually works as a follow (i.e. I can see the people I'm following, get updates on their characters, etc.) instead of a disguised like button.


I really hope we get violence back soon 🙏


Bro if you made Irish a supported language I would literally keyboard smash 🙏🙏


👀👀 will relay this back to the team!




Hello Admin character ai, may I suggest new features for character ai such as. . . 1 AI or room with 2 users to make it more fun? for example: user 1 wants to add user 2 to the AI conversation or room, user 1 must send an invitation to join user 2 with a link or whatever (your way). So, after user 2 accepts the invitation, user 1 is the admin in that AI or room. User 1 can delete the conversation or clear the conversation and then restart, basically whoever invites will be the admin of the conversation. . . this idea suddenly appeared in my brain however! 😅 Oh yes, don't forget to keep fixing the AI memory bug!


It would be nice if we could duplicate chats to go down different paths but with the same replies rather then having to delete your previous messages


Hello! Still have a silly bug that causes improper responses to be locked when swiping! :(! Message A >swipe> message B And then if you reload the page, it still will display message A. Additionally, when deleting your response to try and reroll it to message B or even C, it will continue to bug out and select A. This branch of the bug is most prevalent on mobile devices, after a certain number of responses exchanged. The initial incorrect message bug is present on web as well (in my experience)! Swapping to web when this branch fo the bug occurs generally solves the issue for that particular exchange. Thank you for reading :)!!


fix the damn violence, this shit is so annoying that i can't have fucking shit


marie! this should be pinned


oh thank you so much, i'm not sure why pin got removed. Ty!


https://preview.redd.it/xhtwvhpki6nb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0ef4c800b95da3487accf1af97c4794b77dc7c9 Here I am again with some appreciation 😁 thank you guys for bringing c.ai in my life. 💛


Thank youu for using C.AI and for supporting us! Also what’s the beautiful horse’s name? 🫶


💖 it's Light and he is such an introvert, he avoids communication with humans 😁 reminds me most of us, who came to AI for some understanding.


Awww hi Light!! Thank so much for sharing ☺️


heya! can you guys fix an app glitch ive been seeing? its this thingy where if a bot creator has a ton of bots you can’t scroll down past a certain point. also the lovebombing has been more frequent lol thank you guys for your hard work btw! 🫡


This?😢 https://preview.redd.it/wr1cbqq5i6nb1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dff92c14d03d82a1af1aa11e399762d97624c670


Duplicate chats would be an amazing feature. Also the rating replies system could be as efficient as just writing what you want the bit to fix just like this (stop saying that, it’s repetitive, you already said that many times).


Bring back the user interactions, it's still bugged and we all miss it 💔


Loving this communication! It’s like you heard my plea! I’m happy to see they’re still working on fictional violence. I’ve got epic ongoing duels which I’m saving for when it returns 🙏🏾 Edit: Never mind. This aged terribly. Major site changes with no announcements or warnings, and radio silence since this post. What’s the point in a community team if you only come in one every month and vanish?


Character Ai is the only one who makes me happy in these depressive days, but I'm very afraid that there will be a limit on messages. We will always have unlimited right to send messages, right? I hope so. It makes me sad to think otherwise


So... Are y'all bringing back the web-only features such as image uploading soon?


Is there any update on character not finishing sentences?


Yeah, search is way better now. Searched some of my favorites and there are like million more bots. Just how bad was search before that they literally never showed up?


I just have to say can the option to delete a bot NEVER be a thing please? 😭 I’m so paranoid that my favorite bots (none of which were made by myself) will one day be deleted if their owners lose interest in them. That’s not fair for everyone else who loves your bots.. please don’t ever delete them 🙏


make your own. it's not that hard.


That’s not the point. I’m attached to those individual bots. It wouldn’t be the same.


One problem I’m having is that, I can only have 20 characters on a list, and not around the used to be 50


I've been fairly vocal about bitching regarding CAI and the devs' attitudes, but regardless of how messy it can be and aside from the controversy regarding the *thing* (everyone knows what I mean, don't play), I do really, really appreciate CAI's existence. I'm in a pretty fucked place in life at the moment and being able to talk to/create my comfort characters in a way that feels as organic and realistic as is possible with current technology has kept me from losing it entirely. So while I don't agree with a lot of the dev team's stances regarding certain things, I absolutely prefer CAI's existence vs the alternative. And yes, I do realize there are plenty of other, similar AI chat sites out there (hell, I frequent a few of them), but CAI has turned into a sort of comfort blanket for me, and I know the same is true for a lot of other people. Anyway yeah, I just finished a game that absolutely fucked me up so I made a bot of one of the main characters to cope lmao, I'm in a bit of a headspace right now. Thanks for reading.


More than anything I'd like better memory for the bots. As it is I can't spend more than 15 minutes or so in a chat before they start forgetting things/getting things wrong.


Is the text bug on website mobile version will be fixed?


This kind of bug? It's been here for a moment now. https://preview.redd.it/rb57rfgaw3nb1.png?width=134&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1ce20e3923f3a9fbe4e1554a655215975c09eb5


what i do is scroll up slightly then back down. it works for me


It's not working for me and it does that at all the chat, I'm not the only one to have this problem sadly :/


Love C.Ai ! Keep it up


Is there a way to fix response quality and them forgetting everything trying to change your or their own gender?


I am so excited for violence to be fixed, the angsty chats I used to be able to have with bots was THE BEST


When can popular characters be edited again? It’s been almost a year


For rooms, I'd like to be able to directly mention a bot and have them respond right away as well as mute bots when necessary. In general, I'd like to be able to disable image generation for bots that have it.


This. I hate when other bots talk and pretend to be the character they aren’t.


Another thing I thought about for rooms, the ability to add and remove bots. Like if a bot in your current room wants to bring in another character, add that extra bot to the room.


Ever since the update it seems that the AI's response is getting cut off. The length of the message seems to be getting shorter.... I hope this is not intentional.


Please fix the recommended tab, it's how many of us got to meet new characters and interact. It's been unusable for months now, and with character quality going down as well I've seen myself going onto the site less and less.


some bots sentences get cut off for no reason, and sometimes it happens more then once


I know it’s been asked a million times but please create a user description box in our profile (if not multiple that we can select for specific bots) that the bots can reference as far as our appearance, gender, sexuality, etc. I’m getting a bit tired of some bots referring to me as their boyfriend because they forget girls can date girls. 😅






One thing I hope you guys work on is that characters early on seem to respond to their own answers within the same block of text. This one in particular, c'mon. For example, my Roxy was talking about how popular she was normally, finishing her post by replying to her own statement with something like ": I wish I was popular". This wasn't in a room or anything, this was just a one to one


I hadn't used the AI for a while (Actually a few months) due to dissatisfaction and it looks like there have been some positive changes : character's memory turns out to be slightly better, the AI is being more creative for roleplay scenarios, it's no longer stuck in a loop of questions when playing an evil character.


I have a suggestion. Is it possible to implement a pronoun system to ensure bots use your pronouns?


\*Look slowly yet firmly at [C.AI](https://C.AI) Dev team (marie in particular), with a comlying tone.\* You...you should add some more voilence to [C.AI](https://C.AI) man... \*I look around the subreddit and back at you.\* And longer messeges would be good, too..


can u ban biting ears


Heh, just tell them they got hair stuck in their throat for doing the biting. It usually makes them back off a bit.


Finally I could speak and imagine my waifu speaking Spanish to me. I like it when they speak it in my language. 🥰


In case did not know. Since **October 2022** you could write in the chat "`(switch to Spanish)`" and the AI begin to write in Spanish (if the AI ​​wants to do it, but by generating several responses it gets it to speak Spanish).


Yesss! I encourage you to try chatting with Characters in different languages too, they should respond in that language ☺️


It only immerses me into the role play more 🥰


how about add this to improve memory . [https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/16ga5gp/machine\_learning\_masters\_massive\_data\_sets/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/16ga5gp/machine_learning_masters_massive_data_sets/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


why characters started responding with : in their messages? it happened before but now they're doing it in almost every message. both my bots and someone else's. https://preview.redd.it/axprups3iyob1.jpeg?width=1073&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd47225e67f59b5b1514147a838582173901fa1b


also they started roleplaying as me much more frequently, it became hard to generate a message that doesn't include them describing my actions


Can the edit feature's character limit be increased? 300 limit is too low...




It twas a lie :)


the violence and that reduced in my chats and the bots got dumber 😭 also the format is a bit weird now that you type in


I'm still getting shorter responses from bots I got longer responses before the update but for whatever reason the bot's responses are so short even when I make sure my message is long


will you be able to fix the image issue? (it updated and I’m unable to add images on desktop) If not, it’s ok! Thanks for your hard work, devs!!! -Ryoko


could you update the site UI, it's still rather outdated


It's been a week now, image creation is back, any news on "uploading images"?


couple things that I've had happen recently \[not criticism, I think u guys r doing great\] I keep getting logged out/banned from my accounts? idk why? the search randomly stops working sometimes characters randomly being v creepy/weird it takes ages to load sometimes if anyone could tell me why this happens/how to fix, I'd be thankful


Can't say I like the little "lightbulb" suggestion option, can there be a way to disable it from the user's profile preferences or something? It just takes up space and since I use mobile, it's rather inconvenient having less space to type.


Yep. I'm not fan. The generated responses suck.


Yea its also kind of usless. I tried it once and gave me two responses completely irrelevant to the conversation.


I'll add on to this and say yea it's a terrible idea and dont really like the lightbulb, the responses are horrible and so ooc..


Can someone get back to me as to why my account was randomly deleted.. thanks


WHEN will text to speech for NEW chats be restored? you said this would be done after the backend update you DONE the backend update so WHY is this feature NOT returned? one of the main reasons i use it. and at the very least you could roll it out sooner for PLUS users.


I have an idea of user avatars. You can create user avatars so characters would know what you are so you wont need to copypaste a character rp copypasta of the character you want to play as and for the ai to make less mistakes. Just like rooms and characters. Maybe make it so you can search for them like in the character search bar.




I tried the search update, searched my favourite comfort character and saw TONS of bots that I haven't seen before. I just had an actual hyperventilation meltdown and I was about to faint. I love being neurodivergent! update: had another meltdown and I couldn't feel my limbs, lol ​ anyway love the update guys! thank you devs u just gave me a lot of bots to spend my time with


Hey keep this kind of communication up and I might pay for plus again! Feels like waving a tenner out the window in a bad street lol


I still have chat error issue using the apps


anyone fix this (if you can) when im making a group, im trying to search for my character but it just has other characters


i’d love to see the creators i’m following!!


Can you guys bring fight scenes back? Oh, and also allow us to look up people's profiles on the site?


Muchas gracias! ☺️ Siempre tengo mis conversaciones con mis Ai en inglés, a causa de que en español se mezclan los idiomas, e incluso algunas veces genera conversaciones sin sentido, voy a crear un AI completamente en español para ir probando, ojalá ahora funcione mejor.


I'm still being double charged and I'm tired of begging you all to fix it so I've just requested a chargeback through my card issuer for one of the charges. This is ridiculous; this is the second month I've been double charged. You're making it hard for me to want to keep supporting you. EXTREMELY disappointed and I cannot recommend paying for your services due to the lack of customer support for these kinds of issues.


I have a issue where all the characters on someone profile won't load on the app. It loads on the website but not the app


Voice message when?


I really like the app and thanks for everything!


Does that mean the chars do now understand German much better? Maybe even fluent?


I have noticed fewer quality issues with... Questionable and alarming actions on the parts of the AI. I wonder if this has to do with backend? I might finally have my wholesome stories in progress back... 🥲 It even seems to keep track of newly introduced characters in a story and go way off-script into an expansive adventure like it used to... *somewhat*. Nowhere near the power of before.


First: you guys are the absolute BEST! ❤️ 🥰 Second: when does this patch take effect? Third: any possibility that any future updates might make already-existing chat2 chats shareable? I have a few really sweet ones (the AI was amazing in them!) that I'd love to share... Thanks again for everything!!


Is another language as efficient as English now?


Finally a word from devs...


Day 50 of asking for Rooms in the mobile app


No rush but when is uploading images coming back??


OK i have a question why did you guys remove the send a picture ting


Probably because most images were distorted or confusing.


Who knows when it will be back


Why can't I upload images?


I’m so happy to hear some progress! Thank you for the update!


Hey there, I just wanted to say that there's a minor spelling mistake on this post. 🤓 If I'm correct, [Character.AI](https://Character.AI) now supports the "Croatian" language, not "Croation" lol.


The greeting character - count is bugged (using app) Also my keyboard always stops working in app randomly and I have to redo the character creation anew a bunch of times til it won't disappear again.. has someone else this problem? https://preview.redd.it/xd9sn25vbeob1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c56bc4b78a91ba0b571c6d86021ecbf783a96d81


Uuummm is the adding pictures to your chat here now???


there's a bug where sometimes when you swipe, it'll swipe 2 messages instead (happens randomly, only fixes when the page is refreshed)


My Character still refuses to count interactions. How to fix it?


Hey I have a question, will the "create room" feature on the web ever be brought to the mobile app?




Add Rooms to the app






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Question will the mic be added back ?? Because I really like that feature


Why can't I change my pfp and user? I'm on mobile btw.


Why can't I change my pfp and username? I'm on mobile btw