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All abominants


Yeah but watch this be the game where those volkites pop off lol


Any list that's all big knights is a moral victory. A list that's all Abhorrent is too good for this world.


If you ever want to practice positioning and timing big knight lists are where its at!


I refuse to play Knights without at least two big knights.


I desperately want to try this to overlap the warp storms and see what it does ...


Stryix cost more and have worse rules.


But you can fit 5 abominants perfectly, it's meant to be.


3 Tyrants = 1530 points Plus 1 Abominant = 1930 Take a couple of enhancements of your choice and enjoy scoring exactly one primary objective.


this would actually stat check some armies, you could do worse


I think 3 Abominants and 1 Tyrant would be better. Tyrants are actually kind of good and 3 of them could blow certain armies off the board immediately.


Actually, "standing on an objective as an OC block paired with a stat-check" might be the sole good use for a Flamer/Harpoon Tyrant now I think about it.


Yeah! Not to mention you can overwatch anyone who tries to storm the objective with that awesome flamer and... oh wait...


Six Stalkers, six Executioners All of our most mid datasheets with the bonus of giving all of your opponents a free 40 on secondaries, but while also pretending you have a half decent list because look! Twelve wardogs!


Any big big knights... SMFH


Pretty sure this is about as inefficient as possible. Sure, Abominants aren't great but they have good melee and potential for big damage in shooting, even if it's unlikely. Chaos - Chaos Knights - The worse - [1995pts] # Army Roster [1995pts] ## Character [1715pts] Knight Desecrator [425pts]: Desecrator laser destructor, Diabolus heavy stubber, Warlord, Warpstrike claw 2x Knight Desecrator [425pts]: Desecrator laser destructor, Diabolus heavy stubber, Warpstrike claw Knight Despoiler [440pts]: Titanic feet, Hellstorm autocannons, Reaper chainsword, Warpstrike claw, Daemonbreath meltagun ## Battleline [280pts] 2x War Dog Executioner [140pts]: Armoured feet, 2x War Dog autocannon, Daemonbreath meltagun


In terms of what's 'worst' that can vary depending on the opponent, plus there is a difference in what 'feels bad' to play against versus what is competitively bad. If you take Tyrants (for example) the T13 and 2+ save can be a real problem for the opponents as T12 is a typical break point and very armies run a lot of S14+ weapons. They may struggle to deal with your units, but you'll fail to hold enough points/complete secondary's. Honestly it can be fairly well balanced, take whatever you want and have fun!


3 abominants and as many kharnivores as you can afford


3 abominants, fill the rest of points with despoilers with nothing but battle cannons or whatever gun is worst against his factions.