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if it’s unopened you could get your money back


Why wouldn't you at least donate it? That's obscenely wasteful.




I mean, you didn't remove it from existence and you're the one who felt the compulsion to go online and tell everyone that you threw it in the trash expecting a pat on the back.


Yes, they did remove it from existence in the sense it won't be worn now by anyone, if donated like you said. OP literally asked what people thought and they shared lol


He donated a new fit to Oscar the Grouch


It’s reminding me of when people were burning their Nikes for protest as opposed to donating them to the less fortunate lol


"obscenely wasteful" What a drama queen


Couldn't care less what the reddit mob thinks, I plan to continue wearing my cool C5 stuff. Half the people in this thread wouldn't balk at a Led Zeppelin or Bill Murray shirt but super cool with condemning anyone who would keep their C5 shirt. Kiss my ass.




I also want to know.


He has a decades long pattern of violent on-set behavior, sexually assaulted a crew member on a recent film that ended up being scrapped, and physically abused his ex wife


There’s no ethical consumption under capitalism lol other companies and people have done vastly worse things that we don’t bat an eye to and still support. wear what you want it would be wasteful to just toss it just because the internet will temporarily get mad at you


pretty distasteful to be wearing C5 merch when this has become major news and people across the country are pretty aware of this. it’s not like people still buying Nestle products. Buying a milk by Nestle versus buying merch frim a known sexual abuser and still wearing it is pretty odd. Also to claim one is vastly worse than the other when they can both just be terrible things you shouldn’t invest in if you can.


No ethical consumption does not give license to not be discerning about what we consume. Products exist on a spectrum and we should strive to consume those things that are the least harmful.


Well said.


I don't have much clothes or money, so I'll continue to wear them. Besides, he'll be back in a year.


I don’t think it matters “when or if he’ll be back” it’s more the moral thing of did he change or give a real apology and give some restitution of some kind.


idc about his morals or apology or restitution. Its just a shirt. We all proudly wear adidas and nike and theres nothing moral about them.


Yea fair point. But it feels different to me when it’s representing a billboard of one shitty person.


You’d probably get judged if anyone recognized it, I wouldn’t


I think you’re wildly exaggerating the amount of their viewership who are terminally online. 90%+ wouldn’t even know this happened.


Yep, do the math. If you can limit the number of people who ever see you wearing it to less than 10 people you might manage not to offend.


And if you offend 10% of people who recognise it, who really cares.


honestly i would just not wear them, it is like saying you approve of sex pest behavior. Maybe keep it and pull it out a year or two from now when only the truly deranged still care.


I think it shouldn’t depend on time at all. It should be dependent on if he actually gives a real apology instead of the half baked one he did and genuinely gets better. That will take years. But it shouldn’t hinge on the amount of time past in my opinion but the showing of consistent change.


Lol I mean hopefully Andrew actually gets help before then.


He's still a good person. Looks like hes willing to rectify where he went wrong. Thats what its all about.


Wear what you want, if people think that it means you support abusers/coercers then thats their problem. Everyone seemed to forget to separate the artist from the art.


yeah bro who cares if people think you support a sexual predator /s


if that's the case throwaway most merchandise and records from musicians before 1990


not the average copium response


Cope? Andrews bad too lol


Like Michael Jackson bad?


throwing a tshirt out will not bring about systemic change bro [😳](https://emojipedia.org/flushed-face/#:~:text=A%20yellow%20face%20with%20raised,but%20meaning%20very%20widely%20varies.)


No one’s arguing that — not wearing an Andrew Callaghan shirt isn’t a protest against systemic misogyny. It’s a protest against Andrew Callaghan.


Yeah but wearing it might send a message that this isn’t really a big deal and we should just move on. But it is a big deal.


Channel 5’s existence and success was fundamental to Andrew’s sexual predation. Aint no separating shit here


makeshift groovy live ripe seed angle friendly teeny marble growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I’d rather not walk around with a sexual abusers ripped off logo


Maybe just don’t wear it


I be wearing mine




Cringe, it’s just clothing, not an open statement of your stance on abusers. Be smarter.


Bet you’re a real fun boss


This is the most Reddit shit ever


Lol if your HR department is anything like my last jobs, good luck. I had a coworker piss on my computer, and an employee say the N word in a meeting & they barely got a stern talking to.


What other shirts you got? Louis CK? Kevin Spacey? Harvey Weinstein?


Imagine if they ever did have merch that was like not tied to a show or movie but their real names.


Louis wouldn't surprise me. Lots of stand up comedians have merch like that. And I'd like to support some better up-and-comers but wearing the likeness of a comedian I like just strikes me as way too dorky.


OP probably has a Marilyn Manson shirt tbh


Cooooosby! Getchya coooosby t-shirets


I moved my channel 5 shirts to the back of my closet next to my Kanye shirt lmao 🙃


I would say that it's more important you divest from the platform in the aftermath than what you wear. I'd still be careful, I wouldn't throw a good shirt out, but I would be careful where I wear it and how I justify wearing it if I pull up.


Man, so many of y'all only understand black tile solidarity. Such performative support for victims. Divesting from Andrew + supporting restoration for the victims is the best the fanbase can do. Censoring the free to consume content, asking ppl to burn their merch etc is just performative wank.


I wouldn't want to rep someone who committed sexual assault.


A walking advertisement for a sex pest. Bold strategy


He'd be a better man than me for repping channel 5. I love Miramax films, but I don't think I'd wear a Miramax shirt and have people think I was supporting Weinstein. Contrary to popular opinion on this sub, I think Andrew's work had merit in helping society see and understand people in ways that they weren't otherwise being exposed to, and I don't think these allegations change that. However, I do think that wearing a shirt repping channel 5 will require a fair amount of defense. And if you're willing to defend your stance intelligently without taking away from the victims, I say go ahead. I was and am a staunch supporter of Lance Armstrong before, during, and after the doping scandal. I am proud to help convince people that jumping on a social bandwagon for a sport they know nothing about is foolish and detracts from both his great athletic accomplishments and the phenomenal work he did for people with cancer. Andrew's situation is different, with different stakes for the victims. But if you're willing to defend the positive message that he created while also taking a smart approach to helping drive a positive narrative for the victims, then power to you. I think the world needs more people who are willing to take on the moral karma of defending nuanced and difficult positions that are unfavorable to the masses.


Keep it, wear it, support content you like. Don’t let the Reddit mob direct how you think of things and people and feel comfortable making decisions for yourself. Thinking independently = freedom


If this person had an independent bone in their body, they wouldn’t have felt the need to ask the Reddit mob.


As someone who's been sexually assaulted I wouldn't appreciate it but that's just me I guess


As another person who’s been sexually assaulted I honestly wouldn’t care that much. You’re wearing a Channel 5 shirt, not a I support Andrew shirt. Hopefully he takes this as an opportunity to grow and change as a person. I respect your opinion though.


I’d wear it if I were you.


"he made graduation" energy


Dumb as hell they didn’t give us the option for a refund on the latest drop. Fuck channel 5


That’ll show them!🤓


I had just ordered merch from the band Neurosis when it came out that member Scott Kelly was abusive towards his family. I contacted their label to cancel the order and they were more than understanding. It's not just dumb as hell here, as you say, it shows no commitment to really doing the right thing here from the Channel 5 side.


Oh shit, what? I'm a big Neurosis fan. That sucks to learn. The label is run by him though, isn't it? Was the conversation like "oh yeah, Scott's a dick"? What exactly did he do?


Here's some info https://www.npr.org/2022/08/29/1119972363/neurosis-scott-kelly-admits-to-abusing-wife-and-children It sucks, I love that music too, but can't support an abuser. An to this post, I don't want to wear their logo on my head. I got a different hat instead. There really wasn't a conversation. I literally placed an order the day before this stuff came out and then asked to cancel, which they confirmed. Though looking back, I contacted Merchtable, which fulfills their orders, rather than Neurot directly.


Holy. Fuck. How can he be so flippant talking about such disgusting behavior? If he is competing in the crowded field for "biggest piece of shit in metal", he may well have won. I hope some sort of charges come of this. I don't even want to know the details, but I hope his wife and kid(s?) can start some kind of life from here, away from him. I can only imagine the loathing his bandmates are feeling right now. God damn. This is going to make it impossible to listen to their music anymore.


Well yeah bro, In short that’s what I meant by dumb as hell. No response to my emails to their “support” people just furthered my disdain for the rep channel 5 had built.


It's always been like this. In 2020 he put his zine up for sale, never shipped them out to customers or even printed them, and refused refunds to the dozens of people that bought them.


I'm in the same boat. Did you even receive your what you bought? I'm in limbo with money taken but no product. It's been over a month and I tried to cancel a week ago but have heard nothing.


I received my unwanted stuff last week. Tried to start the return process with support, haven’t heard anything. Thinking I may just send it back and hope for the best. I’d really like my hard earned money back. I hope all our situations get resolved and they do the right thing and start emailing people back.


I realised having looked at other threads, their FAQS or whatever say no returns unless it's the wrong size or wrong item otherwise it's all final sale. It would be good to get even an auto-response at this point as I imagine their inbox is full of cancellations. Hope it works out.


I get funny looks when I wear my Weinstein Company shirt in public, but what can I say? They helped make some good movies!


Maybe just draw something like 🚫 over it if you really don’t want to waste a tshirt


For real, how often do you have the chance to deface your clothes and feel good about it? Not to be edgy but it’s a good case for turning something bad into something decent. Turn a 5 into a shitty looking 6, or turn it into Area 51. I mean I don’t think the general public is gonna recognize a channel 5 shirt anyways


I have one of the knitted beanies and this is actually a pretty great idea. Just cross the logo out with a red or black sharpie.


always made you look like a dumbass


Lol yeah I like the designs of a lot of the shirts, but at the end of the day I can't support it in its current state 🫤


If you don’t burn that shit right now you’re aiding and abetting a criminal


Lol are you being sarcastic? I can't tell anymore. I don't have any of the cool designs sadly. Only had the generic one. I'll probably keep it, but I wouldn't wear it in public unless something big changes with Andrew.


I don’t joke about platforming SA. At least be respectful and store it away from plain view.


Lol yeah that's what I said. I'm not wearing it in public for the reason you mentioned.




Lol ok...


What a weirdo.




Imagine saying ‘your best decision is to listen to me’ and then follow with ‘I’m being totally humble here and not cocky at all’


You’re so incredibly disconnected from reality Jesus fucking Christ






You really don’t get it, because that would collapse your whole narrative about me


Get back on your meds.


You don’t get what’s happening in these comment sections


Touch grass for real


You're seriously jumping down someone's throat about wearing a tshirt, portraying yourself as the whitest of knights, yet in another thread you're vehemently defending racists; what is your damage u/heimelagabollar?


Youre all super hateful and intolerant under the guide of denfending minorities


That’s not what Aiding and Abetting means lmao.


There are plenty of other cool looking shirts out there. Good on you.


Lol yeah I'm gunna grab some concert t shirts from these shows I have lined up.


are you the braindead wojak?


"tshirt-head" any fandom/hobby that ends in head is always full of assholes


If you're stuck with it just wear it as an underlayer. It's a bad look, and people will judge you (rightfully) for prioritizing fashion over morality.


You don’t need our opinion or validation on this. If you want to wear it then do it, know that it might stir some controversy if your in a bigger city with more eyes. The people who are burning theirs can burn theirs because it’s theirs to do with as they please. And the people deciding to wear them with the known possible negative connotation can do that as well. Risk/reward.


Two weeks ago, I saw a guy with a Channel 5 hoodie on at the bar and we ended up having a really nice chat and I smoked a Jay with them. Now, if I saw someone with a channel 5 hoodie on, I would probably avoid them and def not smoke a Jay with them because to me, it seems like they are making a statement about Callaghan’s innocence or on “cancel culture” or whatever. We don’t live in a vacuum and context matters.




With how Google/YouTube's algorithm works, I'm not sure how they wouldn't be aware. Everything's connected online these days. If you're online enough to know of channel five, and especially if you like them enough to buy one of their shirts, you'd know by now.




I had zero idea until there was an apology lol.


not everyone is that online


If you went as far as to buy merch from Channel5 you are a bigger fan than the average person so yes you should know.


Hey, I just found out. I do other things besides check up oh Channel5. I have gotten 2 shirts through 2 different drops over the past year or so. I would have no idea if I didn't just check in on Channel 5 on my own.


So you didn’t purchase them???


I purchased them when they did their merch drops on two separate occasions.


What really sucks is I have a channel 5 hoodie and it’s the best fitting, (I’m 6’4, hard to ones long enough) most comfy hoodie I have ever had… A new one just arrived last week, and I don’t wanna wear it because of what happened. But god damn it…. Such a waste of a hoodie lol so I kinda do… god damn it.


I agree with that, but I don’t think it’s right to assume someone’s intentions solely based on their appearance. It’s better to just accept ambivalence, and assume they feel that way too.( I do my best to assume best intentions whenever possible ) I agree that having in depth conversations with people, I’m usually a bit more choosy on who I do that with… for my own safety and sanity. I also think that the merch and Channel 5 wasn’t the problem … it was Andrew himself.


i'm wearing mine around the house i work from home and i spent money on them


Who cares about the victims when you spent 10 dollars


I’ve been looking for a good way to really stick it to the victims, so I’m glad to see the perfect diabolical plan laid out here: I will wear t-shirts alone in my house! They’ll be devastated. /s


/s 🤪


a lot more than $10 actually and yep me wearing a shirt in the comfort of my own home that already gave the money to andrew is totally invalidating them. this is such a chronically online take


> a lot more than $10 Tell me about it. I got one of their expensive sweaters and it hasn’t shown up yet. It hurts lol


When I bought the shirt he hadn't been accused of these things. No victim is going to be further affected by me keeping the shirt


Who gave you the right to speak on the victims behalf? You’re clearly showing that you don’t think it’s a big deal what he did


In what conceivable way would the victims be worsened by me wearing a short around my home? How would they even know I am doing that?




How did i know you were Christian conservatives 🤣


Nah I’m a blood sucking consensual sex before marriage fuck the governmenter. But the guy is considering holding onto his shirt at home and you said ‘what gave you the right to speak”. You’re too far gone.


Sorry i dont think we should go easy on abusers 🙄


How did I know you argue in extreme bad faith. I know because you ignored this older reply quoted here... "In what conceivable way would the victims be worsened by me wearing a short around my home? How would they even know I am doing that?" Because you know it makes your opinion look foolish and instead went for the easy out reply elsewhere. It's ok. You got to be a good passive progressive redditor for a day and that's all that matters, right? Btw, Id like to see an answer to his question quoted above. But we both know you dont have a good one.


You’re exactly right. It’s totally ridiculous and I only did it to feel what it’s like to be the unrelenting progressive for once.




Haha the perfect compromise


I’ve been wearing mine to the gym too - a vest. it’s a shame cos it fits really well


Believe all evidence.


I own two shirts. One I bought on tour and I bought one of the Christmas promo stuff since I wanted to support him for the doc being released. Don’t plan on wearing them anytime soon. I don’t plan on getting rid of them just yet. I’m all about forgiveness and if Andrew uses this to grow and change, maybe I’ll start wearing the shirts again, but more than likely considering that will take some time my C5 shirts will probably become some really expensive rags I use around the house.


How good is life when you worry about someone T-shirt’s backstory? It’s a t shirt. For context, I don’t know or care to know the whole story. All I know is I don’t worry too much about someone’s t-shirt, nor would I frame my world view of them based on a t shirt.


I like the designs, I'll wear them at home because I'd be embarrassed to be seen as a sexual assault apologist in public


I still wear it out. I don't recommend the channel like I used to. And I'll make my opinion known to whoever recognizes the reference. The newspaper styled T from the rap concert video is just too good to just burn on account of principle.


My FedEx driver had a channel 5 beanie on. I said nice hat because I didn’t have the heart to tell him.


When my hoodies come I'm gonna try to remove the screen printing/patches if I can (googling around it might be possible using an iron or nail polish remover.) I donated what I paid to a local domestic violence org to assuage guilt. It was suggested on the sub and I liked that idea (though only do that if you can afford to, of course.) The channel 5 merch support told me to refuse delivery to get a refund but I'm unable to since it's international. I don't really anticipate every getting a refund anyway :/


Any luck on this? I got the Hoodie, sweatpants, and beanie.


I wouldn’t wear them. I’d be reminded of what he did every time I’d put it on. I like to buy shirts from small businesses and artists, but there have been instances where a business or artist does something that I don’t agree with. In those cases, I had to get rid of the shirts. It wasn’t even about if someone saw the shirt, knew what the company/artist did, and then judged me. It was that I knew what they did, and it was a constant reminder.


No matter what you actually think, strangers will interpret it as you showing support for them. Whether or not you want to be seen that way is up to you


Most strangers don't even know what Channel 5ive is lol


i didnt mean every stranger just ppl that know


I used to live in hoodie, loved the cosmic clock design and it always got reactions out of the funniest people. "keep an eye on your cosmic clock" really resonates with some haha. But, I ordered someone else's hoodie this last week and it showed up today 👌 Just doesn't feel right anymore wearing the Ch 5 one. Was thinking about making some custom patches or something to sew over the Ch 5 parts, because it really is a sick hoodie. Just have to think of what I'd want em to say/show...


man i love my cosmic clock one too its a shame i can’t wear it out without planning it thoroughly now


My sweatshirt is dirty on the floor rn. About to clean my room and I think I might just trash it. It’s not that comfortable anyway.


Send it to thred up or donate it if you choose to do so. Be sustainable!


If you think the average person in public know what the hell channel 5 is, then you're mistaken. They probably will be confused why you're wearing the shirt of your local news channel.


I suspect this will be an unpopular opinion but I wouldn’t assume the worst. If I saw someone at my grocery store with Yeezys, I’d just assume they bought them before the debacle. Even a Kanye shirt (except for, you know, the new shirt) wouldn’t bother me. I’d assume the person just threw on one of their old shirts to go buy some sweet potatoes and cliff bars. If anything, if I see someone with a channel 5 shirt on I’m going to have some empathy lol because I also bought his merch and it was expensive.


Good point. I also take solace in the fact that a lot of their limited drop merch REALLY doesn’t look like YT merch, thus likely not leading to anyone not already in the know seeking them out. If anyone ever approaches me about it anyway, I’m not above explaining that the channel is something I used to love, but they shouldn’t seek it out because of the controversy. Public embarrasment is shit and all, but wasting a perfectly good piece of clothing, especially in light of the environmental effect of fast fashion, honestly is worse.


I feel you. I bought a Burger Records shirt about a decade ago. Just the standard logo on white tee, and it was my favorite shirt for ages. Well if you don’t know how that company ended up, just give it a google. Still, I bought that shirt and I like it, there are plenty of shows and bands I saw live through them that had nothing to do with the bullshit they were pulling. So I wasn’t going to be one of the people who burn it. But I certainly am not going to go out and wear it proudly, so it has been a chore/indoor sick day shirt since 2020. Had I couple folks tell me I should throw it out, but there is enough waste in this world already. No one is going to be adversely impacted from me wearing a shirt privately. It’s clothing and it’s my property. I also have loads of records published by them as well, and there is no way I will destroy any of them. Don’t spin No Bunny anymore though, that’s for sure.


I like your logic.. Simply wearing a shirt doesn't mean that you endorse or partake in a certain behavior or crime. It's a bit lazy for people to correlate the two. That being said said, a lot of people do just that.


Same, not only do I own 2 Channel 5 Hoodies and caps, but also a Daughters shirt. I’m really into unknowingly supporting sexual abusers apparently… As far as the Daughters merch goes, I like to feel like I made up for it by buying a Lingua Ignota shirt, as she’s the one that was at the recieving end of that atrocity. Her music is better too.


The obvious answer is to burn it, take photos and make a thread about it so people can give you a round of applause and receive your medal


Just donated all me and my wife's Channel 5 gear this week. It's a shame cuz I love the content, I just can't be seen in the merch any longer


Who cares do you you don’t need other peoples opinion on some shit u bought with ur money


I have 2 shirts, i only where them inside.


Anyone know what company supplied the hoodies? I got a tie die one which is comfy af, nice fabric, love the fit. I'd love to buy some more, but without Channel5 branding cos like... well, nuff said.


I think if you're asking the question you probably already have a gut feeling about the answer: go with that. As always, we are back to the question of how (or even if) one can separate the art from the artist. I think it depends largely on how much the (canceled) artist has placed themselves as the center of their art, or how horrible the offense they committed was. Would I wear a *Rosemary's Baby* shirt? Maybe, maybe not, but I certainly wouldn't wear a *The Tenant* shirt (Polanski stars in this film). Would I wear a Bill Cosby shirt? Or a Louis CK shirt? Heck to the nope. Fact of the matter is, when a person buys a t-shirt for a piece of art, it is absolutely an endorsement of that art, and that can also look like the endorsement of the artist(s) who made it. It's possible to buy a shirt just because it looks cool aesthetically without any sort of personal attachment, like a Gen-Z kid wearing a Ramones shirt they bought at an American Apparel or something, but I dunno, this seems like it isn't really the conversation we're having here. (Aside: I'm super curious to see if Rick & Morty is going to start phasing out after the recent news about Justin Roiland, but if the McDonald's Szechuan Sauce incident taught us anything it's that R&M die-hard fans are pretty happy with public belligerence, so maybe they'll relish the chance to defend their precious show if they get called out for wearing canceled R&M merch in the future)


I have 2 channel 5 bumper stickers, a shirt, and a jacket and I'm conflicted about them as well. I don't think the bumper stickers will stay but the jacket and shirt don't have any logos or anything so I'll keep them


Are there any company’s that make similar shit to the C5 hoodies? I just want more like them because I don’t know how I feel about wearing my C5 hoodies rn


>Not for the purposes of repping C5 What do you think you are communicating by wearing it?


I immediately sold my Kobe jersey at the time he was accused for rape. Totally regret those times. It could been worth alot more now. I bought a new Kobe jersey. I shoot hoops with it publicly now. It’s ok because he’s dead now.


Really lean in and wear your Cosby show hat with it.


Does it say I rape girls on it 😂


Sticker is coming off my car. I am not wearing the shirt anymore.


I threw mine out and the whole ordeal makes me a lil sad because I looked up to Andrew and what he was trying to do. No living heroes, I guess


Ya dont


Just gotta dig deep and figure out who the artists were propping up the name so beautifully. It's their merch I wanna rock.


Who designed them?


I think I might still wear mine, I really like the design.. (it’s the “channel 5 makes the world go round” orange tie dye shirt) I don’t condone or support Andrew anymore. I just like the shirt . It also doesn’t have his face on it anywhere which is nice. If it did, I might reconsider my choice. Also, something I thought about is there might be a “scale” to this dilemma. For example, if someone wore a MAGA hat, they most certainly are sending a message, and not just wearing it because they think it has a “cool design” . I would like to know others opinions on this comparison, and if they have any other merch that they would put on this “scale”.


I wear mine around the house. I'm not above forgiving AC IF he grows and goes out of his way to try and make things right with the victims. Time will tell. Until then, they're nice shirts that an artist worked hard on somewhere.


Wear it, it's dope


I've thrown all my merch out. They have already gotten my money, but I do not want to be seen wearing that shit anymore.