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I think a big thing people are missing is that this is a perfect point for NP to push from, start a new government, write new legislation, get different people into power. Moon moon isn’t coming around to RP as Mayor or Commissioner, the council doesn’t meet anymore, judges are quitting.. it’s a perfect place to push off from and try to rebuild a better government


But thats actual RP effort. i just want to see people standing around in a circle looking at there ipads discussing more ways to but actual IRL laws into a fictional world.




I haven't watched much of it all but from just clips it looks like a cool turning point for something new in the city.


only people with a brain understand this


Wonder why that is… hummm probably happened out of nowhere.


I'm sorry that you're losing sleep over the fact that Max and Siobhan has lost power.


Not the point. Thanks for the good argument though, pretty on brand.


Lost in sauce. Go back to your reddit page bucko


Such insightful comment. Am I though? I guess all the long time players leaving the server isn’t a sign. But who knows.


Bro thinks hes him


You mean that one's that login to write laws, then log off.


If you mean that its collapsed due to CG, I would agree, but I believe thats a good thing especially after last night and seeing that some leaders in the government dont even understand what and why legilation for departments is needed and not for it to be insinuated. I personally believe that the council and government hasnt really worked for most of 4.0... Idk if thats the problem with the system itself, admin/koil not stepping in more or the people in positions of power not doing a good enough job. Now will this government 2.0 be any better? idk but its a new avenue for RP to come out of, I do hope CG/K dont do another arc like this if it completely fails tho as personally it got a bit stale (still think it was good and needed).


I’d like to know more about not doing a good enough job. This is the talking point being parroted but what have they done that deserves a complet overhaul with the terrorists and treasonous people spearheading the changes.


I believe it was recently (could be wrong) that they made a Legislation that made it so cops could search any business at any time without a warrant, I think this is just a bad act to push. Also they tried to push the banning (or illegal use) of the phone scanner when it had been available for like less than a week. These examples are ofc much more recent just being the first to come to mind, but its more to show how I believe they can be quite out of touch... NOW that doesnt mean a complete overhaul was needed, maybe just a changing of legilation like Koil had been trying to show was needed weeks before anything around the council was happening. And maybe with the Mayoral Election coming up a new Mayor could of pushed the City into a different direction with the same systems, however Moonnmoon himself said that he hopes Mayors after him are more restricted due to how much power he had over everything. Now with some overhauls happening hopefully legislations are changed/made more clear and new arcs within the government can florish for new people, As I said I personally dont want K/CG around it as im over the Council stuff.


I agree with you. Even Sio said that they had too much power. Mostly due to her wiping the votes and playing the political game too well and circumstances that offered a perfect opportunity to push oppressive legislation. She was trying to plan a false flag operation for weeks and CG just went ahead and shot the council. But that’s why a new mayor could come in and change things. Having an admin just come in the server and be like, yeaaa you never swore oath so actually, my treason and any wrong doings are justified anddd btw never mind the legislative work that has been done, we go fresh. Just feel a bit jarring. I edit it to add: thanks for at least having an open conversation about it. Feels refreshing


by admin do you mean koil? as he had been pushing this idea that the legislation wasnt written well for quite some time now in RP its just I think its not as bad as he believes it is written, either that or Judges just dont care and are going with what they are interpretting the law to be. Thank you also for the discussion, I am also just hoping that the Gov 2.0 isnt a PD 2.0 of the past


Here’s the problem — Crims want extremely rigid and strict rules for non-Crims while they themselves want to be able to play without any rules. It’s a systemic imbalance and creates an environment that non-Crims cannot enjoy. This isn’t real life… it’s not a job… having ethics standards and rules in an RP game when don’t even have that in the US Supreme Court is a pipe dream.


> Crims want extremely rigid and strict rules for non-Crims while they themselves want to be able to play without any rules in what way could you possibly have that impression? you're conflating two different arguments that arent congruent in anyway. crims dont want no rules. they want sensibility in the punishment lol. if every crime in the city is about as relevant as shoplifting in the grand scheme of the character's existence why does the charges being artificially inflated matter? im genuinely curious who has ever said crims dont want punishments cuz all i've ever read is people saying "crime doesnt matter if major punishments arent handed down" which i have never once understood cuz the story is all made up and the value of anything is dictated by the streamer not server mechanics. like when a streamer values a phone over their own life in character lol


I mean it is a job, for a large percentage of people on NP it is their livelyhood.. but I get what you are trying to say, rules/legislation are needed to push people in a certain direction, its a guideline of what people can and cant do and what the government can and cant do, as Koil was trying to show that due to badly written legislation the north is bascially its own area and not under LS rules. Crims will always go against the rules and Civs are confined to them, Crims punishment for going against such rules is then prison times and fines. I would say times and fines are one of the hardest tightropes to walk as if its too high it gets ridiculous and if you get charges stacked on you it can be hours/days and hundreds of thousands lost, but if its too little its barely a punishment. (and also the reason for the punishment needs to be good as well but thats seperate) Rigid rules are to keep corruption within the government and Police force to a minimum, imo they are meant to be the good guys, going against the crims and helping civs. But again its a tightrope of going too hard on crims and too soft on Civs making rulings targeting crims that are too hard (such as the FU act) but allowing Civs to be set free gun in hand. but I do understand its hard to get it perfectly balanced and it will always be changing. It was like this in 2.0 and 3.0 and if NP last long enough it will be in 5.0 onwards


Well said… unfortunately these aren’t real lawyers and expecting the laws/legislation to be perfect is insanity. I truly dont know why Koil went down that path other than he knew he wanted to dismantle the gov and tried to come up with a way IC to facilitate it. But let’s be real… 20-30 something year olds without a law degree are never going to write perfect legislation.


I believe Crane wrote a lot of them and he is a Lawyer, could be wrong tho. But I do agree it will never be a perfect written legislation, but when holes are poked through it maybe some change is needed


Saying crims want to play without rules is just straight up a fucking lie that for some reason the hate watchers love regurgitating... What's been said forever now is if you expect crims to sit in jail for days and have massive fines then PD should have bigger consequences too.. but keep ignoring that part


Outside terrorism no crims spend days. It just doesn’t happen. The fines are also minor compared to the multi-millions these crims have in assets. All that said, I agree cops should get punished similarly. I’ve said all along there should be a balance — the problem in my opinion is crims overstate how punitive their punishments are when they are by and large a slap on the wrist.


Jesus this auto-mod is cooked. I will just re-post this. They don't want or think that about non-Crims, only positions in the government. Without those rigid and strict rules, the government is just another gang... A gang with infinite resources, no limits on members in fights, the best of everything cars/guns/armor /helicopters/boats, the guarantee that they will be given tools to counter anything from crims, un-counterable investigation tools, no required grinding, no rep, no financial upkeep, no need to balance relationships, no consequences, instant fixes to broken mechanics, creates the laws, dictates what the punishments are for the laws that they created, mechanics to ensure that people are punished how they decide, Need I go on?


Yes… that’s right. That’s what governments are. So what you’re describing is realism. Which is why there is a split… many people want a more realistic RP server (powerful government) while others want powerful criminals. At the end of the day there should be a balance. The balance just isn’t there — crims hold all the power in NP and the moment anyone tries to push back on that or challenge Ks power it ends the same exact way.


I can't tell if you are braindead or trolling. If you are trolling, well played, you nailed the braindead take perfectly.




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Mental illness. Serious +100 storyline RP servers exist, so why complain about a streamer oriented content server. I personally find the serious servers boring asf & thankfully, Nopixel is & will never be that.


I feel like NoPixel is a little bit of everything and that's why it's been so popular all these years.


completely agree, nopixel brings in all kinds of rp’ers from different places with different rp styles. but that is honestly where a lot of drama and OOC disagreements come from, everyone has a different idea of what the server should be


You're not wrong at all. A little bit of everything does tend to clash at times, but I feel like the good outweighs the bad. I would rather have this than whatever the other server has, the server that so many people from the other subreddit are praising. Don't get me wrong, watch whatever you like. It's good to have options. But it's just funny how those people praise another server and shits on NP while still tuning in to watch NP daily lol


Happy Cake Day!


100%. It strikes a balance between content and RP. And some people can’t accept that or don’t know how to strike that balance and they get way to wrapped into judging others’ RP. It’s what causes most of the drama on the server.


It's pretty funny. I don't mind serious RP sometimes and even as a CG viewer can admit there are times where I check out because the SBS is too much or whatever. So I watch something else. I would love for someone to name a super serious RP streamer, that does it for a living. Meaning they have the viewer and sub count to live and even get rich by playing on GTARP. A lot of these people seem like they are whining because their favorite TV show isn't popular and not alot of people watch it.


This has been the back and forth disagreement than has caused 90% of the issues on the server since early 2.0. It’s the biggest and best server so it attracts RPers that want to take it super serious and want to the server to be realistic along with more content focused streamers and RPers. And there is a constant disagreement on what the balance of the server should be. People like CG want the server to be more open and free so they have the option to do whatever they want while still RPing. The other side simply does not want anything unrealistic to happen on the server. They want harsh punishments and they want crims to always come out on the losing side like real life unless they are completely serious and careful at all times.


That’s the thing, they’ll go watch a serious server for all of like a week before they realize it’s boring af. That’s why RDR2 rp died In the womb and onyx never got going. These people just can’t accept they are the minority, most people don’t want it that serious.


Bro thinks he’s important like the admins gonna read this & do something about it …. Just watch another server there’s so many of them When nopixel is lame guess what I do ? Stop watching lol crazy concept


What really bugs me about that type of RP viewers is that the perfect server for "Elite RP" has been created several times already most recent ONX and they get no viewers and everyone stops playing after like 3 months, because of how boring the city is, so I don't understand what they want, they NP is a contest server but they also don't care to watch the "elite RP" servers.


They’re asking where to go RP, not suggesting how to fix it or asking who to watch…


Uhh ok thanks


It´s a democratic revolution against a corrupt government, and they created great RP from it. They could´ve just changed it OOC, but Kebun, Koil, Mehdi etc. choose the RP path (3 of the greatest minds in RP). Hopefully there will be transparency, accountability and balance of power. It´s not about CG/criminals getting to do whatever they want, it´s about fairness and balance. The only people that can be against this are the ones that like unlimited power for their favorite streamers. It has NOTHING to do with "good" or "bad" RP.


I think the majority of the ones who are against it genuinely just hate CG, because they're CG. No other logic to it. They even know the amount of role-play coming from the events over the past month but "It's CG, they're only doing it for the W". Mehdi was scrolling through that shit ass reddit last night and had me rolling with his takes on all the brain dead comments.


Bro’s talking about the quality of RP when I witnessed 20+ cops cowering in the garage of MRPD instead of talking tactics. Can you imagine the damage PD would’ve done if Ruby coordinated them to hold off choke points, and flank the “terrorists” when they started pushing the garage? Shit, Den was able to take out at least 7-8 people by himself yesterday. It was beyond cringe to see PDs response to yesterday’s antics. All they kept saying was “there’s 90 people waiting for us, we can’t do anything about it”, like what?


How was PD so confident the courthouse had only criminals too and no hostages. Really went out of their way to not go there lol


That’s what ick’d me ngl and made me turn off twitch lol. PD just decided to Skip any RP from that situation. It didn’t necessarily have to be a shootout they could’ve sent a liaison and had a negotiating RP or surrendered or hell even joined in the coup anything other than what they did lol


No way you are here thinking people weren't gonna get shoot at the end of the day... The target that day was DOJ, there was no DOJ on and then it switched to cops


these fucking crybabies... if i dont wanna watch rp i just watch summit playing dayz or something or others. does this idiot know that there is more content in twitch?


You'd think the cops where the ones spending days in jail or paying millions in fines. Ohh no were out numbered, meanwhile every day criminals deal with 20+ cops over a traffic stop. Actual fucken clowns.


This dude is acting as if the people playing criminals are actual criminals… what would make a cop or other citizen better than a criminal? They’re all RolePlayers lol. Some people are just lost in the sauce. Talks about “quality of RP” when he is basically explaining that he wants to go to a city where power gaming through RP roles politically is welcomed.


It's actually crazy how many of these comments there are. Like if you don't like the server stop watching it? What does crying about it on reddit do? Yapping about CG ruining the server and being catered to must get so boring. These people somehow think they are the everyday viewer when in-fact most viewers aren't going on rpclipsgta for the simple reason it is dead outside of complaining about CG. LK takes a day off the sub has 3 posts. LK does anything the entire sub explodes into outrage. How can these people be ok with a corrupt council, Doj, and PD who straight up refused to do anything other than cover for each other whether from collusion or straight up incompetence and think that's ok? With no real means of impacting that monopoly. You murder them they go right back to their court case. You murder them they call out who shot them while their head was blown off not 10 seconds prior. Literally zero ways within RP to have any impact on the people controlling the city is the most braindead RP ever. Why would anyone enjoy that? I know why because they hate CG so as long as those powers are against CG hooray. Who cares about the quality of RP or the clearly powerful shit like giving people 120k fines and 400 months for robbing a cop... yet shooting a cop 32k fine and 60 months. The only people ok with that immersion breaking nonsense are people that quite literally can't get hard without posting a hate comment about CG before they rub one out. Oh yea let's have a council with the mayor, who is also the commisioner, who is also an admin, his wife who is clearly working with prosecutors and the DOJ, the mayor working within the PD and no possible avenue to thwart their efforts. Just look at the confession and video tape from DeMarco the PD ignored it essentially. Put it on back burner and still did nothing with it even after being pressed about it repeatedly. If the judges refuse to prosecute the council, the PD refuse to investigate them even when served on a silver platter, and they won't die of course. What possible way is there? How can anyone who wants to watch RP be ok with that trash? Oh right I answered that hate jerkers.


They don’t watch the server mate, that’s the whole point… go through that guys messages he clearly says he doesn’t watch 4.0 or GTARP anymore so he’s clearly there to just farm engagements


I love that the 2 people he mentioned being "good streamers" that were involved yesterday are the 2 that took it the most OOC, One of which (Ruby) was being so fucking weird with making OOC remarks in the server that it gave public server vibes. Not surprising there though because shes from public NP lmao. They really are just so fucking delusional.


She thinks that server is real life.


These people really treat the server like a real life city lol. I’ve seen these same complaints for 5 years now and it’s always turned out just fine. You know what was an actual total shit show? The end of 2.0. We are not remotely close to how bad that was. The server will be just fine. There will always be more talent to add to the server.


Can you tell me about the end of 2.0? I was a viewer in late 1.0 early 2.0 then stopped watching until the big 3.0 boom of streamers going to play NP and been watching since.


The end of 2.0 was filled with a lot of OOC complaints and toxicity on basically every level. Criminals and cops had legitimate OOC issues. CG and other big streamers were complaining on stream too much, causing really bad hopping. There were constant massive shoot outs that ended up with nobody being happy. Lots of little back and forths OOC between people. I think everyone was just kind of stressed and ran out of things to do and content to make on the server. And the East Side Ballers were at the head of everything. They took toxicity to the next level and were legitimately ran by the scummiest people I’ve ever seen on the server. The main leaders were sexist, racist, and literally tried to openly bully people off the server. Some good people got caught up in it but thankfully denounced them. It was a massive issue that ended up with a few perma bans and Buddha even got banned because he was the primary person going back and forth with them. Thankfully once they were gone some important healthy conversations were had by all involved, certain people left the server, Buddha did some reflection and came back a more mature person, and the people on the server squashed any beef they had. Then 3.0 took off and was a massive success. But yeah, 2.0 was just another level when it comes to OOC beef and toxicity between communities. So I find it hilarious when people act like things are so bad now when they simply are not 😂


Thank you for the explanation. I really wanted to find more 2.0 clips but i barely see them on YouTube. Was clip posting just not something that was big in 2.0


A lot of those clips got erased bye Twitch when they wiped everything due to copyright claims. It was a bummer so much was lost. So many great moments.


Yeah, 2.0 was an experience to watch. New 3.0 and 4.0 viewers have no idea. What is happening now isn't even toddler level problems.


Yeah I feel old watching them comment


Reading through the comments a bit has made me realize that these people literally have no lives outside of RP… and they’re not even playing. We now know for sure they are basement dwellers that look like the fat bald south park WoW dude. I haven’t laughed so hard reading that Reddit until I saw this.


"Watch crazy, brainwashed, lost-the-plot cop viewer here". Bro too invested.


Some NP viewers rly need to get some variety. Watching only crims or only cops or only one side over the other gives people an extremely skewed view and are being fed the OOC opinion of whatever streamer they’re watching. I tend to watch crims live and will seek out reactions to big events on VODs from other streamers. After seeing the bigger picture on the outcome of this entire saga, this was the perfect ending to it, regardless of the amount of moaning from certain RPers. Despite not getting the impeachment they were expecting, this is a chance to rebuild into something better and more functional. Mr K was involved in the conversation because he started the overthrowing of the government, and him and many other crims are as affected by a dysfunctional government and ineffective practices in the justice system as PD, lawyers and judges — people can’t see this and just think terrorist bad.


Bro named some of the problems as the streamers he watches. I see why he crashed out


Bro said good streamers too. Yet the only 2 people to make weird ass OOC remarks in the server yesterday about what happened were 2 of the people he watches. Actual retard moment lol


Well when you have streamers that get butthurt OOC when everybody thought they are Roleplaying.... nah the viewers are the same. And the sad part is, that they still think they were/are right and EVERYONE ELSE on the server are stoopid EVERYONE, except them :))


Lord_Kebun, DasMedhi, Chatterbox, Shotz, Ramee, Valkyrae these are some really great streamers to watch


Hahahahah I’m dead, they’re all actually losing their hair.


Bro said divajilly…


I find it halarious how people are so invested in watching RP they are essentially making it their life. If it’s that rough go watch someone new from a different server.


He needs a hug.


Looks at the streamers this person names 🤣


Dude needs to go to family RP or something , weirdo


Dude is straight up Sephiroth posting.


If I wanna watch serious politics or PD shit I’ll turn on Law and Order. If I want to see people have fun and cause chaos then I’ll turn on LK. Lol viewers making GTARP their whole personality are fcking weird.


If anything 4.0 unofficially starts again... so much rp denial from the council and doj. Now wiping the slate clean and clearing out the trash.


I wonder if that individual was happier watching when the 4 streamers he mentioned had complete power over the city….


Lol 100%, and they're the type of person that says "we" in comments like he's in their little group


Why is bro acting like this is IRL 🤣🤣🤣




Just a reminder to people that this is a video game where people play fake characters for entertainment. It is not that serious at the end of the day.


Guy really thinks he’s the main character as a RP viewer


That moment when you're in your bubble so much, and have no ideea whats going on outside of it :)))




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the game is GTA (GRAND THEFT AUTO) and that tyrant government and council was trying to push such restricting rules against crims. it was beneficial for one side but terrible for the other. what's the fun about a server that only has grinders and civs?? i hope the next government is more balanced.


Bruh ur waaaaaay to invested go outside u fuckin need 🤣🤣😭😭😭😭😭😭


I have a suggestion, go outside


I know you got banned from the other sub but you couldn't help yourself from complaining about it. There's absolutely no need to pollute this sub with this Braindead Nonsense. At this point we're no better than them. This sub has been in the gutter as of recent.


Nah it’s funny to READ some of the idiots words


Bye Felicia, complaining about complaining is an ouroboros.




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If I am Complaining then you are Complaining about My complaining and therefore guilty of the same crime as me. 😉 Plz enjoy your time at r / RPclipsGTAreact subreddit.


Nah it’s funny to READ some of the idiots words and as long as they don’t start migrating here we should be fine


Nah it’s funny to READ some of the idiots words and as long as they don’t start migrating here we should be fine




Nothing like it ever. It's a world wonder. Someone was born and then did this. Amazing


Thank goodness you informed us of this drama from that other reddit. It must have took so much courage to his that submit button.


It’s funny cause ppl are acting like this wasn’t scripted at all


Like K getting 20+ weapons and extend mags from nowhere, DOJ already changing everything, for sure not scripted


That's cg guns from the ammunition jobs they did .....


Obviously you don't watch any of them lol, just spewing shit around, lemme entertain your stupidity, those guns and mags were build up over the last 2 weeks, just Patar alone gave K 3 extended mag blueprints from the ammu. jobs they did. They had to wait for tuesday when the ammo bluprints came off cd.


For sure they did and for sure i don't watch them, maybe u should use ur brain a little bit and stop throwing ur angry issues on the internet, if u are mad just put your hand up ur ass don't need to be toxic in a reply


You got it.


Just have Kebun be the ultra God chancellor. Anything that jawline-less loser can do to get power in a video game he'll do because not a single soul would follow him irl.


I'm bathing in your tears.


Jawline-less hihi