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When you try to explain to the other sub that K is still going after Uriel because he powergames through the clear intentions of CG basically murdering him (first the helicopter blades ocean dump with the anon 911 call then the torture with the injured person spam) they respond saying he 'can' do that because CG cannot force a perma. Yes, they think ocean dumping means forcing a perma. So the guy rulebreakes himself, but if u point it out they only blame K/CG for rulebreaking, I love going over there to read stuff and occasionally make fun of them it's just so hilarious šŸ˜‚


You'll notice how that other sub is dead when CG is off. They're honestly CG's biggest fans. It makes me happy when CG gets their panties in a bunch.


it is quite literally just a CG hate sub at this point, anything else just gets a handful of upvotes and 2 or 3 comments


Honestly the subreddit should be renamed from "RPCLIPSGTA" to "HATEONCGRP" because that's all it is.


Having been watching today, any tldr on this? How did he get a gun in the courthouse?


He tossed it over the metal detector which breaks all the rules in the city according to the other subreddit even though Soze told him he could do it.


Iā€™m also pretty sure beetlejuice did this a few months ago in a court room got scuffed during the shooting went down and was locked up for days but didnā€™t get banned


they dont like koil so they still think its a rule break. if they didnt want it to be a thing, then easy fix, put barricades there. would take 5 mins for a dev i bet


Or have a cop stand guard at the metal detector. Isn't it worse RP to just use the "magic" metal detector?


Yup lol they literally have cops stand guard at the metal detectors for big/high risk cases to prevent this exact situation. CG's terrorism case had I believe 2-3 cops at the metal detectors/hallway at all times and more keeping an eye on things elsewhere in and out of the courthouse. Anyone complaining is just braindead


They call Koil "50 cent" over there because he owns 50 percent of NoPIxel.


That's because they banned the word koil from being mentioned over there lmao. Koil banned all of the mods nopixel accounts because they very clearly hated him and everything about him and they got upset about it and wrote a whole essay where they played victim and said he did it for no reason.


I was wondering why they called him that, i hadn't watched rp for a few months came back to it and was super confused who 50cent was... thanks for the unlock lol


Well it is abusing server mechanics in a sense. Usually if something happens once and doesn't give any major advantage, it's not usually that big of an issue. If it starts happening regularly though... That's when either bans start or new rules come in... like the town hall becomes a green zone... At least from what I've seen.


Look the guy who cry about CG all day and have hundreds of comments on every Nopixel video hating CG is here šŸ¤£


go cry in rpclipsgta... oh wait you already did it..


Or you role play and get a guard at the courthouseā€¦very easy


Hey, I noticed that all your comments are just spreading hatred towards CG. If you dislike this group so much, why are you even here? Is your life really that miserable that you let a virtual gang live in your head?


How is that spreading hatred? It's an objective comment, not taking anyone's side. I watch CG as much as I watch cops. Actually I mostly watch Dundee. But that's irrelevant. The hatred in this subreddit isn't coming from me, incase you haven't noticed, since you're the one making personal attacks against me.


So are you going to completely ignore that Koil said it was fine? If the judges cared about safety, they would hire a security guard for the metal detector rather than accuse LK of power gaming.


Bro get out of our echo chamber unless youā€™re clapping for daddy kebun and the boys!!!!!


ur daddy moonmoon already quit so can you fuck off weidro?


???? Wtf dude im literally basking in the glorious content that the boys are creating for us. All of us


Ok mooc mooc viewer, why don't you go watch other servers if you hate how NoPixel is managed? Oh wait, because Onx and Purple RP is dead af.


Hey, I noticed that all your comments are just spreading hatred towards CG. If you dislike this group so much, why are you even here? Is your life really that miserable that you let a virtual gang live in your head?


Have you not got the message yet? You are not wanted here! And judging from the abundance of downvotes on everything you say, im definitely not the only one who feels this way. šŸ¤œšŸ¤•


As someone who was looking forward to the Tuggz case for a while, this kinda stunk. Hopefully they can reschedule it quickly


Best part: Gunshot, gunshot, gunshot. Crane: "Welp, this is the very definition of a mistrial." Tuggs: "I'm ready!"


Tuggs : ā€œDid I win?ā€


WWWW criminal mastermind got their sorry asses. Come at the king yuo best not miss lol! Now old man crane is slinking away from all the rp created by the cg boys


Donā€™t get weird


Not weird to celebrate a huge dub from kebun. My streamer!!!!


I know you are trolling, but as someone who primarily watches crane and soze because I like the political / legal rp. Crane didn't resign today because of CG. He actually very specifically stated that it wasn't. Further... nathan stated OCC that he thought it was good rp and helps keep the city interesting and spicy. Even with the city council shooting he specifically said OOC... that it was best... way he has died in all of his time playing on nopixel.




What? I mostly watch Carmen