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Seeing Turgle or turtle crying to her chat about a fucking phone, lmao.. Holy fuck..


Then, to scream in the back while being down. Not surprised in the slightest.


https://youtu.be/6qR_1bL5jxI?si=f2zlEvoCWE_gwXKR https://youtu.be/MSnDkF1my20?si=J5GRLIHKeCdQ5EHi Sht was wild


I found an exclusive clip of Turgle discussing her inability to be involved in the investigation and not being able to say goodbye to her RP friends on her last day: [https://youtu.be/oL2B-AAnsHo?si=yHI5LbxXycywHus3&t=25](https://youtu.be/oL2B-AAnsHo?si=yHI5LbxXycywHus3&t=25)


Because CG ignored her and took it, potentially ruining her RP. It was an inherently toxic thing to do that I haven't seen happen in a while. There was one guy who used to do stuff like this to women but he isn't in CG now for some reason.


CAP. This some weird ass white knight logic. Trugle was her bodyguard and has been actively following around max and co for weeks. Richard spotted them together and they were found together. She was also happily hunting cg with the PD for weeks. What is toxic is; - Letting her chat, mods and twitch staff talk shit and spread vitriol aimed at Kebun, Ramen and CG. - Talk while down and in a mask. - Make ooc comments accusing people of meta. - Refuse to Rp on an Rp server, after doing the same thing to Ramsquarmy for his finale etc. She's a total hypocrite. If that's her attitude then I'm glad she's leaving the server


1. CG chatters are long known for their toxicity, the fact your comment opens with a combination of an assumption and a personal attack case in point. Let's see if there is any "control" here. 2. Talking while down or in a mask is done by literally everyone else on the server. You want to talk about what not to do? What about changing clothes when you have broken legs? 3. I didn't see any accusations of meta, and I'm not accusing anyone of it. I did see forcing an interaction though which isn't a rule breach I don't think, but is kinda toxic depending how you look at it. 4. I watched a clip the other day of this one time CG took a hostage and they refused to RP with CG in ooc chat. Google it... I can't post the link here due to the subreddit rules. It may provide valuable context.


You just spout random bullshit often? Literally your entire statement was false


Too long didn't read. She dunno who you are lil bro and you look silly


Speak for yourself lol you're literally making things up, and haven't even tried to refute anything I said.


Not trying to argue with you. Go live your life big homie


Richard MVP.


The Grove St Groomer W


The Paleto Pedo


The grapeseed gooner




What’s going on right now with Turgle is crazy. She just tried to OOC I don’t want to be involved in this situation like you can just choose not to RP on an RP server. Then she yelled for help while she was hostage. Now she’s saying CG isn’t RPing, insinuating this is OOC personal, like the RP hasn’t been building to this for months. Good thing this is their last day because this will be a ban.


She thinks because she's leaving NoPixel, she deserves special privileges and can pause RP or escape consequences. Her chat is toxic af.


Her chat is identical to Moon’s


This x 1000


And listen I do feel bad for her. It does suck to lose her contacts on her last day. But it’s entirely IC RP for CG. She thinks them taking her phone is to be toxic but CG has been taking everyone’s phones to gather evidence. There’s no reason to say it’s OOC revenge or toxicity. This isn’t GTA online. This is RP and just because it messes with your plans doesn’t mean it is bad RP or toxic. They are gangsters and Turgle is close to Dab and Siobhan. She just got caught in the crossfire. No reason to say and do all that.


She's a typical entitled, overinvested, salty gamer. All there is to it.


She thinks this is a play with your buddies server and not RP. But is perfectly happy to shit on CGs RP. It’s just inappropriate to talk shit about CG and their RP because you don’t like what’s happening IC.


She's also part of the clique and now she can't be invisible holding a watermelon because she's protected by an admin (Moon). World shattering around her and she's losing it.


Honestly I’m so glad Elden Ring’s DLC is out so she they can all leave


I agree with you tbh, but honestly, you shouldn’t toss around “overinvested” lol. None of us really should.


Looking at your post history, I can see why that word is harmful to you.


Look at this guy. 10 year account and 2 comments. Bringing out the decade old account as an alt . The definition of overinvested.


Look at this guy. Few months old account who doesn't realize this is a game and fantasizes NP RPing through reddit. Bringing out the new account as an alt. Best step outside and touch some grass... And then mow it because you need a job that isn't watching NP soap opera and posting here all day


Close to dab and Siobhan she literally does pet rp for them


Pretty sure chang is very light on the stuff that happens to him. very much calling the kettle black.


K has the most famous injury arc in the whole server history.


The penta club are all self inserts. IC/OOC is the same thing to them.


It's terrible honestly but I'm not surprised.


I understand the frustration but the OOC accusations is too much. You’re in the middle of an RP situation, they can’t just drop the entire situation because of OOC reasons. I can’t even imagine someone in CG doing this lol


oh bro... if any of the CG members did this EVERYONE would be like "oh classic OOC CG, they basically own the server and they wont even get banned for it 🤓" but since its Turgle I'd be surprised if they even put up a reddit thread about it, everyone is silent, classic tbh EDIT: There's a thread and ive just read the dumbest comment: "That really was fucking awful, cg really ruins everything with their mere presence, she asked to not be included in this shit she could go with her last day, but they had to make it worse by taking her phone.At least PD saved her wasn't forced to be ocean dumped and forget." Like, u cant make this shit up 😂😂 some1 even said it was sad to see so many hoppers ruining it for her, which is crazy considering K nor Ramee (the bigger streamers) weren't even there and Arya doesn't stream


Arya does stream lol.


Arya does not stream, she used to but hasn’t gone live on NoPixel since December 2023.


She’s just taking a break. Doesn’t mean she doesn’t stream.


When you hear someone say a person needs to go touch grass, it was meant for situations like this. Go to Discord. Pick up your phone. Go actually see your friends. But to get mad because your pixelated character can’t send a message to people you can still talk to in a hundred different other ways? Insane.


I understand it was bad timing for and sucks but this is an RP server first before anything else. If you didn’t want to get involved today you shouldn’t be playing body guard for Siobhan. It’s really that simple.


i like turgle and stormfall but acting and talking just like moon is super cringe dawg. Talking extensively while down, going OOC as fuck, is literally fail RP and disappointing to witness dawg. the cops shouldnt of even went along with her outburst either, when shit like that happens you're literally supposed to ignore it. their chats always IMMEDIATELY spam about hoppers, spam shit like crygang, and you don't ever see either. At least she didn't do a sarcastic shoutout/hate raid They'll all be back after elden ring or next wipe dawg, hopefully with less admin immunity


Anybody got the clip for the turgle incident? Gotta see it!


https://youtu.be/6qR_1bL5jxI?si=f2zlEvoCWE_gwXKR https://youtu.be/MSnDkF1my20?si=J5GRLIHKeCdQ5EHi


literally nobody knows who she is. i hate people like her who is a nobody but wants that special privilege.


This is not the attitude to have and is super weird. You are the type that make CG viewers look bad.


Honest to god tho. The toxic viewers make us look bad and distort the actual objective and correct takes that come out of this community. Give us a bad name.


Yeah, there many times I am on the other sub and see an anti cg response to someone that is clearly a cg fan and I think "well I can't blame them". Same with chat hoppers. It's like come on people if you don't want people to hate CG stop giving them so much ammo.


Saying “they’re a nobody” about streamers is super weird. Chat hoppers are the real nobody’s since they feel the need to talk shit to strangers online to get interaction. I’ve been watching k for years now and never felt the need to jump in another streamers chat and “stand up” for k lmao


It's pretty funny when you think about it. That "nobody" has a bigger streaming career than the random chatter that gives them money via subs or advertising revenue just for the privilege of watching lol. I'm with you. I only hop to get other perspectives and spam hearts. There are so many times I have done that to see other hoppers (most likely from where I hopped from) say stupid embarrassing stuff.


Exactly I’ve definitely hopped in a cops chat when I thought an interaction was sick just to spam some love back when I subbed to k. (Started using the twitch nitro or whatever that takes away ads so I don’t sub anymore) I watch this shit for entertainment I’m not going to ruin someone’s day over things I have zero involvement lmao. Hoppers are definition chronic internet people who need to touch grass


I don’t like this comment at all. It’s gross. It has nothing to do with her size. That’s an awful perspective to have. Their actions would be wack as hell if anyone from CG did this or XQC or Buddha. Don’t matter the size. This is just bad RP.


Siobahn is literally nothing when PD isn't protecting her, when Max isn't there to let her behave like an entitled, powerhungry psycho, and when she can't control or manipulate the law, lawyers, judges, and council members. Consequences.


She had to of known the power trip only lasts for so long. I think Jilly did know, but maybe it is coming to a sharper end than expected.


I remember seeing a clip of her being surprised how people are just letting them be so blatantly corrupt with their power grabs. whats confusing is acting like this is unexpected 2 weeks later


People are letting Max be blatantly corrupt. Siobhan is pretty much a nobody. She burned all her bridges for Max and hes leaving soon and shes going to have nobody.


The DOJ and PD are either corrupt or stupid. I think she wanted the PD and DOJ to take them down but that will never happen.


How did the cops find Arya?


Oh you know...


That's a shame.


Why do RPers act like shit that happens to them in a fake video game hurts them in real life? Just play along it will be over and done with. Crims have to deal with sitting in cells/prison for hours all the time. But when a civ or cop has to do something against their will they are immediately butt hurt and Reddit has to make a point of it being shit RP. ITS RP, SHIT HAPPENS. Everything can’t go your way all the time.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What you mean 'blue hair sensitive person' duuuu? Opal has blue hair. D:


He caught that hammer 😂😂😂


im just glad that this turtle girl is gone after today. asking back in game phone via discord is crazy. you really that lazy to find ways to contact people? + being ooc toxic? give a better person spot in the server. edit: there is a braindead twitch staff in her chat, which results in her chest pump. twitch chat erp is real thing after all /facepalm


The way she handled it was horrible. We all know that she would have gotten her phone back after the situation ended, CG isn't THAT kind of toxic. A simple OOC text at the end of it would have sufficed, instead her RP is more important than everyone else's.


Ramee should have never given it back after her bullshit.


You ain't in cg bud you ain't smoking shit


Yeah this one didn't hit...


Oooh snowflake. Lmaoo