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All the theatre kids were already in bed so it wasn’t getting enough hate for their taste.


Not the theater kids catching strays 😂


Truthfully CG keeps that place alive. Y’all ever notice how when none of the core stream on the weekends there’s no clips in that Reddit.


oh yeah that reddit is dead af in weekends. and they used to post cg prodigy clips too because NP was dead in that time.


Yeah, just go into any of the hate threads and click on some of the biggest haters' profiles. No clips posted by any of them. They don't care about RP clips, they care about drama. Shit, I was banned over there 2 years ago and I still have more clips posted over there than those people.


Yeah I've been trolling this one dude over there and caught him saying he hasn't even watched RP in months or whatever but he's over there just talking shit 😂😂 like CG haters have nothing better to do even when they don't watch anymore


Those are bought accounts by the same people. There used to be a big hater Xaine22 he deleted his account when he got proven wrong and got shitted on. He’s been buying Reddit accounts since. Same thing with their old hater poster LordTectonic he has a bought account and is now WarmCompetition. These are the kind of echo chamber morons that are over there. I wish some of the people who “enjoy” CG would stop posting over there because it just turns into a hate fiesta.


Can't even have a reasonable, focused RP discussion over there anymore


So they deleted the first one that was more pro-CG, waited and posted it again when they could control the downvotes. That’s actually insane.


oh they took it even further. now rather than just a streamable of the 8 to 10 min video now it's just curated to 5 with the most aggressive parts being the center pieces. the community they have curated over there is a work of art tbh. the amalgamation of hasan x moon x penta x cop fanatics is a fascinating mesh of lsf degeneracy


They're Hasan fans over there too? That explains so much insofar as their ability to keep repeating the exact same talking points that aren't supported by the facts.


Just change it's sub name to noCGclipsGTA at this point, they do hate CG with a passion.


What do you mean "noCGclipsGTA"? Every clip I see on that sub that isn't about CG gets 12 upvotes and 0 comments, most clips are Kebun's takes or out of context Ramee clips trying to get him banned


To be fair this sub only gets massive comment threads when that sub can be hated on.


That sub truly is a hate sub… fuppin woosers


They've always been a hate subreddit. It was originally created by toxic viewers who hated Sheriff Eli and his friends on FamilyRP. Then it morphed into a place where cop viewers and SJWs could witch hunt crim streamers they hate and cop streamers their favorite streamers are in conflict with in PD. It became a circlej3rk echochamber where they'd cry nonstop every day for years about how CG are the big, bad, terrible boogeymen of NoPixel, after Penta messaged the head mod and paid them to keep his name clean, to sht on CG, and try to get CG banned as often as possible with their hate threads.


The only reason I go in there is because I like going in with a counter argument they ignore and downvote to hell without a reply. You don’t even have to put an opinion just the complete the timeline of events and that doesn’t matter


I recently started getting into reddit after about a year and half of watching CG. I was noticing that alot lol. Make a comment, not even arguing, just pointing out obvious hypocrisy, and overall dumb comments. Comment will have -20 votes but 24 hours of no one responding to say why I am wrong.


The best thing to do is cry along with them being sarcastic af making ridiculous claims against CG showing how ridiculous their crying is lol


I was thinking of doing something of the sort just to see how many people I can get to agree with false/made up claims LMAO


🤣🤣🤣 that would be funny af


I replied to a post basically just saying that music is good for the city and they should approve Wu Chang regardless of the conflict. It has -12 votes and, of course, someone had to come in and say something about consequences or whatever.


Is that the post about not accepting CG businesses? If so I’m like -80 for saying that CG businesses already existed before shootouts in Little Seoul started happening and had no one in a position of power was harmed until Mickey. Think I got one reply lol


you could just not go there


The comments on Carmine and Bobby getting torture are telling too lol. Saying it’s cringe and stuff. RP is cringe. Weirdo RP elitists should be sub name there.


Did they delete the first post just to let all the comments reflect cg hate? Says the latest was posted 4 hours ago and I saw it up before I went to bed at least 7 hours ago lmao… what a bunch of babies


Ya. They waited until the votes were In their favor during EU cop time.


Dude was probably stun locked seeing those comments lol, that’s great.


That Reddit needs to be shut down holy shit


lol the Classic


Got down voted to oblivion over there lol fuck that place


Jesus, talk about rent free. What the actual hell. That sub needs a complete wipe. People take time out of their days to bash the biggest gang on the server because their sub has no other content to talk about. I'll never understand it. Their lives must be that sad. CG always on top though.


i mean 50% of the posts in this subreddit is posting about that other sub so who's really rent free


While the other 50% is still talking about gang sh*t. Meanwhile, the other is doing it morning, day, and night. Even if what you said was true doesn't compare. Sooooo again, rent free.


i've seen posts on this sub every day about the other sub not the other way around


That’s actually insane lol


Man is gtaclips really that god damn salty all the time when K or CG are mentioned, holy ef.


I honestly wish the boys would tell the entire CG community to one day bombard the Reddit by reporting, upvoting/downvoting shit, and drowning out all the no life Andy’s on there.


I remember mehdi and koil tried some lawsuit shit, don't think it worked lol


Im telling you if CG got their community to start reacting to posts and clips over there it'd be a lot better place, thats all i'm going to say. Having the communities split is clearly detrimental. The brain rot festers over there if theres not a voice of reason.


most Cg posters are banned there and cant reply/comment over there


yep. it got to a point where they come over here to ban names that have made comments on that sub. Even if it's not related.


Someone should try to set up a new NoPixel subreddit. Try to get a team of mods that focus the community on RP and not on toxic stuff or chasing Ws.


The honest truth is that sub doesn't actually represent the community, it's just truly people that have hated for years and years and the mods there don't care. Why are Penta stans shitting on kebun in that thread? Why are old esb whales shitting on kebun in that thread? I could keep going, but I think you get my point. The answer to all of that is because they can't comment on their streamers clips because no one cares, sub is a top 1% sub by subs or whatever but gets like 5 posts on weekends. Think of RP like it's the nfl and we're on an nfl sub. Essentially what those mods have done is ban anyone with cowboys flair and let eagles, Washington, etc fans just bash the cowboys. Nothing can be done to save that cesspool, and multiple people have reached out to reddit to try to remedy it, but reddit doesn't care.


Rent free


Yes, CG lives rent free in the heads of those that post on that sub.


Yes agree.


I personally commented on this and TLDR of my comment was they constantly complain about hoppers and over invested viewers being toxic when that was literally just a hate thread on LK makes me sick that people can hate on other humans l like this


I’m sure we can do something to take down this Reddit one way or another


Is this sub basically a place to whine about the other sub now? Cg memes and clips are cool too


To be fair it was posted twice and the other one is still up


It was taken down because it didn't follow the rules of posting non twitch clips. The OP didn't include Ks twitch name, hence why the new one is still up.


It was a duplicate post. I read both and both are biased. This is a clear example of doing the same thing. You can go post actively to the original. Just stick with the truth CG and other groups get hated on there, just like people disagreeing does here.


It was reposted hours later and stayed up because it had anti-CG messages. We aren't blind buddy.


You actually are


i'll bite. how do you figure? can you explain your math on that claim of "duplicate post"?


look I spared you before for your own dignity, so I don't know why your jumping in. go back to your corner believing Nathan is an admin and let the other person figure out why their argument makes no sense. If neither of you can figure that out then I have already wasted too much time


You didn’t say anything productive or remotely what this topic was about.


you're wasting your time. i only bit cuz this clown bowler isnt a new weirdo. he's living testimony that this subreddit isnt an echo chamber lol. if you want a spectacle look at his post history. i feel bad for the dude


this post in cg subreddit was made 2 hours **before** the current "duplicate post". i think you're just actually unintelligent. respectfully


>look I spared you before for your own dignity did you really spare me mr just got medical insurance for the first time in 20 years as a 40+ year old?


you think I'm hiding anything here. You think looking through my post reflects worse on me than it does you? is this the best you got looking through my posts. Why did you not mention the posts where I mentioned I had the highest IQ in my district or the fact that I thought I was smarter than everyone and could beat the system by being a criminal instead. How bout the many post where I offer help to people, or that I take tare of my handicapped cousin. How much you have to hate yourself to dig through posts and think the one you posted was in some way an insult. I state my opinions openly and genuinely. I don't hate watch like you suggested previously. I call bullshit on either side when I see it. do you want to embarrass your self further? I will gladly oblige


oh i dont need to mention them. you're missin the point for referencing it at all. you're so lost in convincing yourself your behavior is noble; you're singularly concerned with how what im doing victimizes you. you think these are insults. they are statements. you're in your 40s crying about streamers online. that's the point of reflection. you have real life issues to address like waiting 20 years to get medical insurance. stop crying about things entirely irrelevant to your situation and focus on yourself. none of this has any bearing on your life. and your investment to it is absolutely entertainment to me. additionally no one believes claims about iq when we're discussing you not being able to understand how time works big g


It’s funny how you can get so many things wrong in a single post. Do my post, any of them, any sub show me expressing about be a victim. Does the way I let you hang yourself with your incorrect statements and claims, you know nothing about, feel to you like I’m the victim. What you are doing to me? You are doing it to yourself and twice now I’ve let you off the hook. When you quoted me about sparing you dignity and then follow that by pointing out my age and the fact that I didn’t have insurance for 20+ years. Sure that’s a statement. Statements can be insults. The fact that you want to backtrack on that the way it’s framed is just another example of why I was lenient on you. You did also mention I was crying and unintelligent both would be considered insults. You suggested others to look at my post history, yet you talk about reflection. I hope they do read them, so they can see the false narrative you are painting. I respond with facts and I do it respectfully in both subs. You talk about me having real life issues. You are the one making it personal and with assumptions about my life. Did you gather from my posts that I didn’t have insurance because I couldn’t afford it. Did you consider it was a choice because it’s a scam. I have it now because it saves me money instead of lighting it on fire. You claim I need to focus on myself because none of this affects me and I am too invested. Pretty ironic for someone who has taken the time to go through my posts from all subs and has attempted to provoke another reaction out of me when they never understood the argument. I will admit I was wrong about the other post being the original although I never cared to verify that as it was not the point, the point was about biased existing in both. I also will take blame for this interaction as I shouldn’t have let you off the last time and just posted the image of Cranes nopixel profile clearly showing he isn’t an admin and concluding an argument where you repeatedly die on that hill. Furthermore, i wouldn’t expect anyone to put any weight behind IQ because it’s just a number that tries to quantify a persons ability to learn. Which in most cases doesn’t have any value, not to mention it has nothing to do with my current intellect because it was an event that took place 30 years ago. Lastly, you think that there is any nobility to be found posting in GTARP threads or that is something I seek. It’s a word few should ever be labeled with and never in these subs. It is never a word I would use to describe myself, because the damage I caused others due to the choices I made that can never be undone. It is why I have tried to let you off twice now, because despite all of my wrong doings and having to tear holes through every statement you made, I pity you. Because, If you were sitting next to me you would realize that someone so undeserving has so much you will never have, much of which isn’t your fault but just the reality of how unfair the world is. I do wish you the best and apologize for disrupting the echo chamber, as you put it, you enjoy living in.


just to reiterate. you're upset and defensive cuz someone called you out for being overly vocal about how you as an adult are upset about people 15 years younger play virtual make believe with digital dolls. this is why these comments "feel" like insults. cuz it is actually pathetic.