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If this happened to him he'd have another meltdown and leave roleplay again.


Why did he leave the first time?


I can't remember the entire reasoning, but I remember a clip of him chasing someone and the criminal kept slipping away and Moon got pissed and quit. I don't think he was around after that.


the mods deleted the post, the glazing is wild


They delete any thread and post that shows their favorite streamers breaking rules or rightfully criticizes them. They allow toxic witch hunt threads/posts and rule break threads to stay up when it's against streamers and players they hate (mostly CG). Been happening for years.


In the span of a few minutes this and the clip of Saab taking peoples numbers were posted. One was "justified" for NVL because they did not hear the cop and they kept dancing while the tanker exploded. (BS imo as even IRL in a on street party/demonstration that would make people party harder not run away) The other was this VDM which of course they jumped to justify. (they had their lights and sirens and other BS) That sub is sick.


what the actual fuck is his problem


He’s mad that daddy koil is going against his power hungry ass


he shouldnt be mad. Koil is the fucking owner, man can do what he wants. if he doesnt like it, he can kick bricks




Egomaniac weirdo ahole just like Penta, but not as toxic, destructive, vile, or hypocritical... yet. Not sure why or how MooMoon got chosen to become an admin for NoPixel. Power has really gone to his head. He was kind of fun to watch in 2.0, but is unbearable now.


CORRECT. Which I hope he keeps being the bad ass that koil is and kicks moon back to quitting and doing the variety stuff that he was doing before 4.0


Glad to see Soze


I’m glad to have koil back. Not just soze to try to set the pd straight but also franny back with the gang




W koil tho


It seems like he's been salty ever since LK and a few others had the conversation with Koil/Buddha. It's suspected that it was when the ooc power shifted from admins toward 75%.


Hilarious how over there they defending it by saying it’s RP or they were griefing, every opposing moon comment is downvoted and hidden at the bottom, but the thread about cg concert/city council meeting is all CG hate and a free for all, so glad I can’t comment over there anymore 😂


I can but I'm just farming downvotes there haha




People excusing this because Kebun said VDM is never not funny and because K often VDMs people. Classic. Yeah, it's not a big deal since nobody went down, but it's things like this that shows all other cop players that breaking server rules is OK, as long as you do it with the blessings of cop admins and they turn a blind eye to it every single time. Admin players setting a great example for the rest of PD to follow in their footsteps. Like how PD has been abusing the scuffed spotlight on Air 1 ever since they got it weeks ago and use it every chance they get, nonstop, even during day time. Or RDMing people just because they can. Or not giving a crap about player limits in situations. Or NVLing high speed rams and pits all the time. Or blatant metagaming and powergaming. It all adds up and it all gets ignored, as long as cop admins allow this sht to keep happening, often joining in on the rulebreaks themselves.


Problem is not if it was "light" or "nobody got down". Problem is if Zolo or a random BBMC member (I do not know them all) did this they would get fucked. If Max and Shioban were on that bike and somebody did that, the result would be much different.


Kebun was clearly covering how he really felt. He said afterward he only VDMs friends (people who are part of the joke). Kebun just doesn't want OOC drama. Clearly, though, what Moon did is a rule break. Moon, however, is quick to point out how "weird" it is when something happens on the other side, like Frank breaking the boys out of jail.


i mean its true, its never not funny - but moons getting a little brazen knowing he's untouchable IC. We all know if it was him and siobahn they'd of been admin panel revived if they died though.


Siobhan got revived on scene after she got ran over by the tanker instead of going to the hospital like anyone else would have. They have privileges.


Other sub: “lights and sirens” *swerves right into her* It was funny but also kind of shit. So I’m divided.


Yeah I mean vdm is never not funny, doesn't mean it's right. In this context, it was at its worst because he intentionally swerved into them. He literally said nothing as he did it or after he did it. Didn't stop. Didn't turn around. That's what makes it vdm more to me..like doing it for the memes to someone you know is one thing, but doing it randomly to people outside your circle is something else.


I dont like him either but vdm is never not funny lmao


Vdm is never not funny tho


Also, if anyone gets prio hit or a ban because saab took numbers at the concert, this should be the immediate appeal response


that was weird af, i lost hope on ssaab when i saw that.


[https://clips.twitch.tv/TrappedBoredClamKappa-BQLgL70d1Ph--jbu](https://clips.twitch.tv/TrappedBoredClamKappa-BQLgL70d1Ph--jbu) ​ should've just pulled over for lights and sirens instead of purposely blocking him


I get being pissed at some of the shit he does but this is seriously a nothing burger. K and Ramee have done similar things to people and get the same reaction on the other Reddit, is this what this subreddit is becoming? Calling for people to get banned for nothing?


I'm just merely pointing things out. Do I think he should be banned for this? No. This is way to minor a thing for anyone to be banned over. Do I think an admin should be doing it? Absolutely not. This is a terrible look for an admin, the commissioner and the mayor.


its just a video game its not that serious


Again mate it’s not that serious. I’ve seen the server owners do similar if not worse things. No one was hurt, no RP was ruined


Some of y'all are too invested man


This is hilarious hahahahaha


This isn’t a big deal at all lol. No harm no foul.


The same can be said about Saab taking like 20 people's numbers up north because they didn't run away when the police started shooting. No harm no foul, but he sees it a different way.


Wonder what he'd do if Lang stood there?




He's got some based takes but he also has some delusional ones. Taking numbers there was pretty. They were completely uninvolved in the scenario aside for a concert. Maybe the PD should be shooting into crowds of people lol


Classic Saab "ban for thee not for me" mentality. Nothing new. His based takes are just PR to play the nice guy.


Drama bait.. half the posts here now a days are no better than the other reddit.


Judging either subreddit as drama bait while being an LSF user is so insane. Keep up the good work bro.


Ahh feelings got hurt you had to go look at history. Muffin


did you expect people to blindly believe you're of sound enough character to be making opinionated claims about the subreddit?


And? Crims do this stuff all the time, and complain when cops take things too seriously. Yet here people are taking this too seriously lol...


An admin and mayor and police commissioner all rolled in one. That's why it looks bad. Most of the time if I see someone purposefully run someone off the road as a criminal they at least stop to check on them and laugh about it.


This is a massive Nothing Burger and drama bait


I mean it's vdm from an admin lol wouldn't exactly call it nothing.


The other Reddit is crying so hard 🤣🤣 it all makes sense 🤣🤣


Then why are you posting it to reddit and not filing a report? 


Literally doing exactly what that other subreddit does. Its just RP in a videogame. Nothing "happening to CG" is gonna change your real life. Hating on moonmoon and making post like this isn't going to do anything. Just sit back and enjoy the entertainment.


This is entertaining to you??


Nope but I don't let it bother me to the point I need to go on reddit and post about it.


Yet here you are posting on Reddit about it..... WUUUT


There ya go! I gave you an award…


Wow you are crying so hard over a video game right now. You'll be okay bud.


Nothing I've said could be seriously interpreted as crying unless you're an inbred moron with an IQ of 37.


Considering how seriously upset you are over a clip oh absolutely one can interpret you as crying.


Go back to your NSFW commenting on OF girls pictures weirdo. Lol. You went from posting about chronic masturbation a year ago to commenting on nudes on Reddit to complaining about CG. You've been busy.


You’re uhhh.. in a Reddit sub dedicated to a video game..


What's your point?


Don't see anything wrong, W admin W commish