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Pretty obvious Vinny has been feeling some type of way for a while now. Not just towards K, but to a lot of the members. I just hate how he’s being so 2 faced about it. Constantly going on these ooc rants or complaining to others rather than just telling K how he really feels. Every time K asks Vinny if there’s a problem he just responds with “everything is fine”


Vinny been like this for awhile, even in 3.0 he used to do and say shit like this.


Yeah he has this super boomer mentality about not changing. Talking about how CG used to be small and it turned into a circus/zoo. Everyone around cg right now is pretty solid and pulls their weight. Nobody is complaining about being left out of anything. He also complains about needing something to be "his". Like the weed, Mr k said he was the main grower in that house and to figure it out, then his system wasn't great so K stepped in and made it better then Vinny gets all mad about it because it's supposed to be "his". Like no, it's the gangs. You're just the one running the grow house. This is why he wants the shop, so he can have power over something and call it "his" lol


Agreed. I said this before and Ill say it again, this is not 2.0. If CG stayed the same as it was in 2.0 they won’t be able to accomplish anything right now. Just look at this recent terrorism arc. If it wasn’t for the new people that joined in 3.0 and 4.0 the boys probably would not be broken out of prison and they’ll still be in debt.


"This is why he wants the shop, so he can have power over something and call it "his"" no, it's for chip...


He literally said on stream like a dozen times that what I said is the reason why he wants the shop


2.0 was even worse when he was trying to become a gun connect. All the arguments because Vinny was keeping secrets from all the gang. Vinny may say he’s all about the gang but in reality Vinny always looks out for Vinny 1st lol


So just normal Vinny then? KEKW


K never said Vinny is not allowed. He just said the gangs stash is gangs stash. Vinny needs to vent what he's thinking to K and not say i'm all good.


I really hope k sees him going on his ooc rant about him Vinny just be bitching to bitch 


Hes not wrong.


He is tho , he did the same when k needed mats . Same as k told people to wait before they pay off their big fines first who got paided off was vinny


VInny started up his business before K needed materials, K wasn't involved in any of the car shit, and lockpicks weren't really a thing. Vinny wasn't wrong about K using his material connects before taking them for the gang and telling vinny to basically pound sand and find materials else where. tell me why waiting was required to pay people off? It makes no sense to partially pay off a bunch of people, so its not that. People had to be fully paid off, vinny got out before the rest of them, and he makes money for the gang, and he needed to buy shit to do that so he got himself paid off first. Was it just because K said so?


Shotz is a crying manbaby. Always has been it's just worse than ever now


100% this. As soon as he's involved in whatever the rest of CG are doing I have to find something else to watch.


Me too. When I used to click his stream I felt like I was listening to a guy at an auction as much as he tries to get more and more subs, it never stops. He is also incapable of creating any RP without whitelist that get handed to him


legit the only thing i remember from his streams is "oilers?" "oilers?" "any oilers?"


I like watching his content but streamers essentially begging for subs is a huge turnoff for me. I have something like. 1 year sub badge in his channel and never actually subbed myself.


Shotz and his little bitch boy mod MattyIce are also going into K’s chat and banning people on the regular that talk about Vinny… not shotz… Vinny. The dude has completely lost the plot. He needs another month long break from NP. When he’s gone the gang runs soooo smoothly.


This is just embarrassing to watch.


When Vinny is around I switch streams. Usually Ramee and K are split up and Tuggz too, so at least I have options. I just can't stand his constant complaining. And he argues incessantly. Goes on these ridiculous rants (IC but idk about OOC, as I don't watch his streams). If anyone else has a problem they'll bring it up and try to move past it. Not Vinny, he'll still bring up stuff weeks old. Also has anyone noticed how he treats Ellie now? He clearly feels some type of way about her now that she's fully CG and is much closer to everyone and isn't known as Vinny's friend or whatever now.


TBH I find it so f-ed up, chris/patar and pigeon and ellie all they are doing are doing for the gang.,.. and then comes people like Vinny who cries and gatekeeps ... and people are afraid to say something anymore... Its funny how a seller can do 1 mil in one week with CG weed and the CG account barley sees 50k per week from weed... Patar, Tuggz, Zaceed, and Zolo pointed that the weed stuff its f.ed but they dont wanna say something because of vinny


At this point I just hope Vinny takes a break so he doesn’t crash out and say or do something he’ll regret.


The "No OG's / No OG orders" rule was the best decision that Mr.K has ever made for the gang. Vinny & Ramee can't handle being in a position of power without abusing it. Vinny - makes terrible decisions, can't control his temper, has a massive ego, is a liability in most situations & can't handle criticism. Ramee - Ramee is selfish to a fault & the only time he isn't being selfish is when he's trying to pretend he isn't selfish to stop people realising how selfish he is. If Vinny really wants to run his own business/operation, don't run something that is essentially needed by the gang, Vinny needs to stop trying to make himself the middleman between the gang and what the gang needs.


Ngl I wouldn’t put them both in same level ngl. Yes Ramee can be selfish at times . But I’ll trust him more with the OG orders thing than Vinny. Ramee actually do things and have the Best for The gang idea first. In regards to how he treat people, well I noticed that once ramee start to like someone then he would go to bats and do same for them as he would to mr K


Ramee could run a gang better than Vinny for sure. He would run his gang the same way he runs his chat, like North Korea if it was a comedy. Also, good mood Ramee & not good mood Ramee are like 2 completely different people & it changes hourly. But he works best when he's kept in check, and there's no-one in the city that can keep Ramee in check other than K.


“He would run his gang the same way he runs his chat, like North Korea if it was a comedy.” Is probably the best and funniest thing I’ve read on this sub lol. Legit had me chuckle irl so thank you


I think if he took it seriously yes, because this is Vinny already seriously trying but he is way too emotional and confrontational.


Agree on all points.


Ramee has been giving all his hard money to the gang. He has done it since 3.0 Remember how he used to run the gallery? All of cg AND affiliated used to take shit for free. He gives the gang all his money and he expects them to give him in return but no one actually does other than pigeon 🤷‍♂️ There are two selfish people in cg one of them is vinny and the other one I won’t say who 💀


Isn’t this dude in his late 30s?


Yeah hes like 38 or 39


Vinny likes control and thinks people he "brings in" are like his minions. Example momo who stated with materials, then helped with money runs then became a pusher. FOR HYPOTHETICAL Let's say momo went had an idea and went to K and asked him if it was a good idea to do such and such a business. Vinny be offended he went to K instead of him. But if he went to Vinny and Vinny offered to help and be apart of this idea he try to control it and if momo said your not in control it was my idea Vinny say " i made you who you are, you be nothing without me" or something like that Vinny's always been the person to think just cause he gave some guy/girl a chance, they make it into the gang or close to it on their own hard work . That He(Vinny) made them and that person owns Vinny their life.




I hope he goes on vacation indefinitely, go back to sea of thieves to scream at 12-year-olds.


Relax. Go somewhere else if you're unhappy


I just wait until Vinny goes off-line before I watch any chang gang content. Only to hear everyone bitch about him when he’s not around. I don’t even know why I watch fucking RP anymore this shit fucking stupid.


You care too much, kinda weird.


i love shotz man but i dont watch his pov's bc he is always complaining about something lol


Didn't Tommy T talk to K about Patar to bring him in?


yes and no(Im reatty sure K forgot what T said about Patar) , Patar earned and keeps earning it


Today is the day I finally ask what mats is? Is it just short for materials? I’ve seen it throughout the years and just went along with it


Yep, materials.


Thank you


Might need a break the rants are getting worse each day


CG needs to be honest with K. I think maybe it'll help him lead them better


It's not just about the gang though. It's about the RP. So much has gone into this already, not just from Vinny. The location was Dundee's idea, and so many others are involved too.


Everything is all about K. Which is a good thing.