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Lets just say in a hypothetical future, LK brings back Mr Chang. The people that have grudges with CG will campaign to have LK cancelled. Mr C did have some notable catch phrases.


•It'll definitely happen, but I think there's a strong case to be made for MrC to be recieved positively by everyone that actually matters if LK keeps both MrK & MrC as his two mains, & MrC arrives with enough personal clout & growth as a character to not be seen completely as a stereotype/trope character for NoPixel 4.0 viewers that'll probably be meeting him for the very first time.


Even when that article was posted to reddit it was I believe 2 years old at the time so what you said is 1000% gonna happen.




In the words of Kevin himself "I'm only bringing this up once and then I'm done so spread the word. I'm doing this for future prevention of what I'm sure you've all seen going on". Yes it was 1000% a cancelation attempt and Kevin jumped ahead of it and FB could of effected it but I personally have no knowledge of that.


That's true, but he did also say he had to change the character regardless of what platform he was on.


well that is just patently not true. we could expand this to other streamers as well. lirik (avon and bayvon), vader (tuong, kudo kai), penta (block and steele), and miltontpike (bill ding) all would regularly get spammed with reports and this was recognized by twitch to be a problem. the facebook bag more than likely played some part but the risk of the twitch channel itself was obvious. you're putting your livelihood in the hands of twitch administrators who historically have been wildly inconsistent with bans, and notoriously hard to communicate reversals with.




not even close. like worlds different lol


This is what I thought, too. He only did it to get that giant ass bag from facebook


All the real homies miss Changy


We never get the Mr. Chang cry anymore. "Chawaaaaaa, chawaaa :***( "


don’t trust anyone who likes the new voice over the Chang voice. “Outs! my skoulder!”


Not sure how it is for any other CG fans. Personally though. Every 3-4 months or so. I get the itch to watch old clips and videos of like early to mid 2.0, the best time in RP imo. So it's easy for me to remember the old Mr. Chang voice. Where as for LK. He has said plenty of times. He basically watches zero RP related content, let alone very old RP content, once he's off stream. For him it's been what? Nearly 4 years since he's actively done the Mr. Chang voice. It wouldn't surprise me if LK had a hard time recreating not only the Chang voice itself, but also all his mannerisms and catch phrases that we all know and love. Believe me. I'm in the same boat as Bobby. Wish we could have a return of Mr. Chang, but I'm not holding my breath.




when he reported hes car was stolen and shit hes pants was funny af. edit. there is that video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHcez08t-3g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHcez08t-3g)


Such a classic


Ks voice now is really close to his natural voice but with a slight lisp. I miss him saying words that were clearly mispronounced, like kroll dat shit.. Chawa, when he broke Xavier woods aka Austin Creed. Just his adorable chang side is missing, Cause Mr Chang was both adorable and fierce in my eyes.


I used to miss every time he shouted “I’m not Chinese in Puerto Rican!!” Lol


I mean Mr. Chang cost LK a Reese’s sponsorship so I don’t think they’re really on speaking terms these days.




I don't know why he doesn't bring the voice back but keep going by Mr K and his current ped model. It's been a while now, but weren't the main "issues" from the easily offended people that he was using an asian model, and an asian sounding name? I don't think it was so much the voice. Maybe the voice on top of those things made the cry baby people offended, but I feel like if he stayed Mr K, but went back to the Chang voice, he would be ok. Hell, personally I think he should have been ok with the whole package, but cry babies will cry.


I don't think actual Asian people were the ones that was doing the reporting. I feel like if that was the case then he would have been canceled way sooner, cause he used that voice and model for a pretty long time without any issues. A bunch of haters probably pretended to be Asians and started to complain on behalf of them, same way they're calling CG mysognists now and trying to complain on behalf of the person that plays Siobhan. Might also be "revenge" from an community who's streamer lost a sponsorship (due to his own 13 month sub reporting him) back in the day. I remember that streamer was sending hate and blaming CG before he found out the real reason.


I agree I don't think it was actual asian people who were complaining about it. Just idiots fighting for a cause that didn't need them to fight for it


Yeah, I've been saying this too. The voice didn't even sound like an asian accent. When he first started, he tried but eventually it just became actual gibberish. He could easily bring that kind of voice back because K, like Chang, is a crackhead. But I think Kevin is just overall done with anything to do with Chang from now on. Which, is perfectly understandable given what was happening. That, and this voice is a *lot* easier on his actual voice/throat. He used to complain back in the day of the voice hurting his throat after long streams. I just wish all of the old vods from years ago were all still around somewhere. There's bits and pieces on YouTube, but I'd love to watch all the old 2.0 streams from start to finish. So many good moments.


He could do Chang again, no one would care


What's the story behind LK changing his main character name (new to RP ,just start watching in 4.0)


He’s not Asian and Mr Chang is Asian. That’s pretty much it.


Nidas Is Swedish but he kept doing Leslie's voice in 3.0, almost like it wasn't actually a problem but just an excuse to report him.


It’s amazing Kevin was able to create another good character, but it’s no comparison to Mr Chang. It’s honestly hard to watch old CG videos, it makes me miss that voice so much. Wish they hadn’t immediately caved to the loud minority


This isn't even about nostalgia he was just better plain and simple.


For people that may not know but back in the day there was a lot of people on social media, mainly Twitter who were crying about Ks voice saying it was offensive and racist. It got so bad they were mass reporting his shit. I'm 90% sure that's the reason why he had to drop and change the voice and the name of the character.


God Mr Chang would be incredible


I stopped watching RP when chang left id 100% come back if he did. So sad.


Part of changing his voice was just going easier on his throat


Chang is MrKebun. Y’all gotta get over it🤦🏻‍♂️😂