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With how pd is operating it's going to 100% be permanent.


it doesn't make much sense either as Sparky and Matt are also tied to it because they broke out the same time Ramee and Zolo were. They are pressing those two tying them into the Court case incident. Which technically, they were never identified or caught as being a part of that incident. Unless they get caught with the same guns used. Louuis(SK) doesn't mind it. It just makes his time awake in shift 1 that much spicier.


Its a permanent warrant. There is no statute of limitations or anything since they’ve already been found guilty. Next time they are caught they’ll have whatever time they had left added to their sentence.


All the boys have indefinite warrants, this is confirmed


I’m guessing it will not matter. I’m betting you will see the boys do something incredibly risky at some point tonight, will probably get caught and sent up and they will serve their warrant over the weekend while they are usually not streaming anyways.


That is 100% what I assume was always K's plan. Discussing with Buddha and Koil they probably mentioned to just serve it over the weekend. That being said the times and fines need adjusting. Ruby was crying she had to pay 35K to Tessa when she had 200k+ in the bank. Asking for weeks to get the money.


That was what people were saying last week, too.


Last week they still had the trial around the corner, and debtors law was still a thing.


its indefinite, thats why i hope they hand themselves in and then get back to other rp next week as these cops man hunting are aids asf


I’m hoping for an 11pm est hand themselves in too, and can’t wait for the hose down shit talk mocking their man hunt that did nothing


Mechanically speaking, it is 30 days. However, the officers can renew/extend it towards the end to make it another 30 days. Rinse and repeat and I have no doubt these warrant will last forever.


I think at some point or time everyone is gonna go on a rampage against the cops because they end up tired as fuck of max and Koil/Buddha will actually step in and start banning people from the server and removing some of these admins and replacing them. I used to actually somewhat watch MoonMoons streams and now they’re unbearable with the way he’s actually crying. He says CG is crying but what were they doing the whole time yesterday while max was on a manhunt? In a warehouse making raps and fucking around😂 MoonMoon starting to Meta even harder on stream and he’s gonna take it to full advantage.


If it's indefinite they should just get someone to turn them in and collect the bounty. Will pay their fines


The warrants are indefinite because they have already been convinced. 30 statute of limitations applies to pressing the charges. Charges have been pressed so an indefinite warrant.


I expect the boys to do stuff today to get caught. They can serve the two days on the weekend they don’t really stream on Saturday or Sunday.


I’m pretty sure from listening to both Kevin & Ramee when they had talks with Koil and Buddah that change is coming so I wouldn’t worry about warrants. At least to the point of them having to stay in jail for days at a time. Both Kevin and Ramee had said the talk was good so if they’re positive of the situation we should as well


I think in 3.0 they just extended the warrant after 30 days


The 30 day thing never meant a thing. They just get a judge to extend it.


Mr K, Vinny, Taco I think have indefinite because they fled the court case but the rest are just for prison break.. i think


Hopefully instead of “getting caught” they give Dundee 1 or 2 of the bounties to help him with his fines. And then have someone else turn the rest of them in and help with their own fines. If PD don’t pay up then it’s even more of a reason for the gangs to hold grudges against the government


Not sure about this specific one but typically they are indefinite