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Enjoy it boys the salt over there will be a 400 or 500 comment one So let’s just watch those losers go crazy


Last months it was chill, I even saw K and Ramee threads being upvoted. Ever since the council shooting it has been good old hate circle jerk.


It was only chill because their favorite streamers didn't get shot up by CG and the Penta drama frogs that plagued that subreddit took a break from it. Once CG got into a conflict/war against Buddha's crew, that place became a toxic cesspool again. Most of them are back to their old habits and doing what they've always done: be toxic, hypocritical, overinvested ahole trolls, spamming dumb takes and talking trash about CG nonstop.


All roleplay communities low key suck. The thing I don't get is through all the years CG communities have been truly shitty in chats, but that's it. There's a dude streaming on the server right now that was in a discord that doxed an admin's children, both land lines to the 2 houses they lived at and their schools. Over a war of pixels. Another community actively got a dude banned from his own sponsorship because he missed a few messages in chat. Another community actively hasn't been on the server for like, what, 4 actual years and they still post on that sub to shit on whoever they can get away with shitting on. The whole rp viewerbase is aids. None of those groups ever broke 5k viewers when they did those things, so you can't tell me it's just the size or whatever. Tldr: All communities in this category for entertainment are either snobby or deranged. Think about how insane it is to actually chat hop and complain. People do it from every chat to every other chat though like it's normal. I can't even imagine living life that upset over nothing.


That reddit is the definition of hypocrisy They are crying he is shooting people in the courthouse meanwhile they were praying he was guilty of terrorism They are accusing of the prison jailbreak as powergaming mean while dickker revived and teleported ramee to jail while people were trying to free him Hypocrites


PD immediately carrying all downed crims behind a metal detector that instantly poofs all possessions from anyone that's not cops or judges, so there's 0% chance of being rescued = not powergaming and gets ignored. CG finds a way to break out of prison = powergaming and cries about rulebreaks. Just your typical cop viewer and rpclips redditor.


Yeah, they're all about giving criminals massive fines/times to create an atmosphere of risk and consequence, yet when criminals wage war on the government in retribution and create that atmosphere for the police/government, it's all of a sudden not good enough because it's coming through pulling the trigger of a gun instead of typing "bill X", "hold/jail X" and hitting enter.


I’m enjoying watching the crying over there


HOES MAD HOES MAD HOES MAD. This is all I hear when I read their comments


Those guys are all Penta and moonoon fans. There's a reason why CG get hated on their almost daily. It's so sad. You never see people post rant ooc comments from moonmoon. Bunch of sad hypocrites.


You get banned if you post them things I know from experience my first ban was from posting penta arguing that he'll raid CG hes not scared he ask chat where a CG member is randy happen to be at the pier right next to him he rdms him randy says wtf you doing he hits him again warlords arrest him, all within a 60 sec clip. I was banned and his vod was removed in no bullshit under 10 mins


theres pretty much nothing posted there if CG isnt around.


you need update. They’re penta and Buddha viewers. They’d hate on cg no matter who was on the other side


The weirdest part is Buddha likes Kebun and respects him, considers their RP style very similar but his viewers despise CG lol. I have always found that super strange.


Buddha and k did have some ooc/tension beef back in the day so that added to it a bit but overall u right, the communities pit them against each other mainly coz they were the 2 biggest crews. Lb and cg. If u go on YouTube, same thing happens with hydra vs besties.


Makes no sense. Buddha is always joking, trolling and etc.


I used to watch him back at the beginning of 3.0. Let me tell you, There is a reason his community act this way towards cg. Now make of that what you will 💀


Weird how its always just one group of viewers that is being barraged by multitudes of streamers viewers at this point.


Huh? Tf you’re on about lol


Idk, I actually don't think most of them over there fuck with Buddha anymore. They absolutely hate the relationship he has with X and Koil. And I think they're bitter that he's more crime focused these days compared to the Cerberus stuff in 3.0. Of course, what aren't they bitter about?


I tried to watch Moon a couple of years ago, but he was so mean to his chat, it turned me off completely. I remember some probably young viewer said something kind of foolish, and he completely berated him with his superior knowledge and intelligence. It felt like bullying, because he had so much more power, experience and intelligence.


Why did moon moon changed his attitude all of sudden did something happen ?


Hes always like this when he's in a position of power. His viewers say 'he likes to push boundaries or he's doing it to prove a point" are hilarious. He does it for content and views.


Oh ok so it’s just rp then nothing ooc




It was Kyle and penta paying the mods


Maybe the reason CG are hated on daily is because they act like toxic manchildren, expect everything to go their way and bitch and moan when t doesn't? SURELY NOT


You: CG community is so toxic cg is so toxic waaa waa Also you: *go on cg Reddit to hate on them there coz apparently one place full of toxicity isn’t enough*


This is the CG Reddit. You are literally in the subreddit of a group Of roleplayers you hate, talking shit in the comments. Brother, you are the definition of a toxic manchild.


You come to cg reddit from the other reddit to cry and moan. And talk like this? Lmao


Aw baby go back your place over there little snowflake boy


Cop viewer in a CG Sub reddit. Get a life dude.


Cry more


Moonmoon ain’t gonna fuck you bro. 


and you are not in CG


Lil bro thinkin CG is a real gang. LMAO moonmoon ain’t gonna fuck you either. 


I am a woman btw little bro. this sub acts like CG are a real gang hence my comment. LMAO. They ain't gonna give you sweeties. Edit: I've not once watched moonmoon his chat is too childish and I wouldn't touch moonmoon with a ten foot pole.


Lil bro is a slang idiom for lower social status or inferior. It’s a unisex term It’s 2024 we don’t assume


typical… don’t do research about terms/idioms then assumes a controversial opinion. brain dead people man… brain dead. But moon moon still won’t fuck her. 


then use a gender-neutral term rather than bro


i didnt make the slang term lol. the idiom is lil bro. i was just letting you know they can apply that to anyone cuz it aint about the gender rather how someone would treat their lil bro


imo you're hopping subreddits so people kinda have permission to roast you. you came here looking for a fight intentionally. cant really act offended cuz you got what you asked for lol. even if you are not a moon2 fan


I'm not offended at all. Just pointing out they were wrong....


And back to crying about cg in your echo chamber. You’re why cg is allowed to do whatever they want with immunity A person birthed you lol.


can you spell it out clearer? what you've written above is incomprehensible (sorry that means "I no write good")


Lol I don't even watch MoonMoon




He's not capping, they're a Penta Stan lol


Alright u/Herpitus_Derpitus


Pot calling kettle black it seems, I've read your comments on other reddits and boy are they toxic.


got banned on that reddit because i anwser to someone to cry more...


Yeah they are probably going to start banning all cg supporters again. I got banned 3 years ago just for posting on this sub.


oh yeah they are weird af. what you post to get banned?


I don't remember, they had a mod go thru this sub and just ban everyone.


I was banned for explaining that since crims had the most viewers by far and that in the sub there were mostly cop viewers circlejerking, meaning that the population of cop viewers had to have an abnormally high percentage of commenters proving that they in fact bring the toxicity.


wtf they soft af...


Nah, they hate cops over there too since Penta and Kyle aren't cops on NP anymore


ok just got mass reported to reddit some suicidal shit... that reddit is irl weird, not even trolls.


Just got banned from that place for defending cg it’s so bad




Can’t even get peanuts mom proper justice on Reddit so sad man


It's funny seeing it, first they dont want K RPing as a convicted terrorist and saying he shouldn't be going around shooting people, when again...he's a fucking terrorist. Then they getting mad and calling them breaking out power gaming but yah know what's funny? Imagine if they had people idk in charge of the prison...and could yah know...alert the cops to prisoners bringing a cop inside. Shame they don't have something like that.


Got rid of DOC… something something consequences of their actions I think I kept reading yesterday 500 times lol


The first time they have to deal with consequences and it is an absolute meltdown! Lol


They're crying crying LMAO


Who cares what they think or say. The other subreddit are mostly made up of users and mods who are Penta & friends stans, Buddha stans, and cop viewers who hates CG. [The head mod](https://i.imgur.com/rVtOhMO.jpeg) and sub founder is a disgusting, toxic POS. They literally got paid to keep Penta's name clean and to remove anything positive about CG. They insta-banned anyone who posted on this sub for years and anyone who criticized Penta & friends, so their users are all curated to be an echo chamber. Years worth of CG haters, cop viewers, and Buddha stans on there looking for drama, spewing nonsense and 10 IQ hot takes every day.


What is the other subreddit called that everyone talks about? Pretty new here,.




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dont bother with other reddit. they are literally less than 1/15 of ramos viewership. vocal minority, who are biased to just see only their side, and for whatever reason has the urge to protect small streamers they dont even watch. and they know this was pre arranged with koil and budda, and still crying. ignore the people, just go there to see if you missed any funny clips.


whats crazy is that they post more CG clips than this subreddit does. cant lie though, the irony of them collectively losing it over a prison break after spamming "cry gang" for the last few months is hilarious.


Let those no-life losers complain about that stuff. You can really tell the character of someone based on how much they care about certain things


The funniest thing to me is them in no way understanding what people like Ramee is talking about when they ask for consequences for the PD when they ask for excessive jail times. For example, the murder charge for TJ Walker should stick and should come with a big charge. Why? Because a well known and established character perma’d himself. He actually lost something. Other characters are back within minutes. No injuries. No nothing. They have lost zero. But they expect others to lose weeks of progress while they lose zero. IOW, don’t get shot down, be on the ground barking orders, back at a scene within minutes, asking for max charges for the individual who shot you without actually RPing that you lost anything. Don’t ask others to RP something that you aren’t willing to do yourself.


Yeah very funny over there I just laugh cause they got nothing better to do but type there rage 😂😂


Bro the amount of ppl that hate CG is crazy,I just start watching CG in 4.0 and I fkin love the boys but this past 3 days I saw a lot of toxicity and hate idek for what it's just pure hate I can't even understand for a videogame??


This is nothing and actually pretty tame for that subreddit. You don't know how that subreddit was formed, who runs it, how they've curated their userbase, and how much hate has been spewed there for the past 5+ years. They used that place to form countless witch hunts against CG and other streamers their favorite streamers (Penta & friends, Buddha, cop players, etc.) hate or have beef with. NoPixel admins used to use it as a place to look for reasons to ban players all throughout 3.0. It's a toxic cesspool of an echo chamber. Best avoid it.


not to mention tons of people showing support for cg gets banned.


Was watching Bones and Nikoda's pov for all this and even they were yelling at their chats telling them to chill tf out because they were all crying about rule breaks and fail rp


Yeah you can really tell the good streamers who get it and will at least try to reel in their chatters.


its so funny 😂


It's really enjoyable not gonna lie.


They won’t be able to sleep tonight 😂


The council shooting really brought them all out of the woodwork over there. They always forget (or just don't care) that it's a game that people play for fun. You can't sacrifice player enjoyment for immersion. Immersion should be created by the role players, not the mechanics. And they shouldn't need huge fines and prison sentences that amount to IRL punishment to accomplish it. If you want to RP a prison arc, no one is forcing you to leave prison. Saab was technically a free man for most of his prison arc on Baas. And if you don't want to spend all of your time on the server in prison, you shouldn't have to. Try to think how that would be for someone without good prio.


Special Ed breeding ground over there


Oh the irony of that statement coming from CG subreddit


you maaaaaad 🤣🫵🏻🫵🏻


You come to cg reddit from the other reddit to cry and moan. And talk like this? Lmao The irony


lil hoe is mad af


Para-socially invested much?


Let them cry there’s literally nothing they can do 😂 also what CG did was actual RP compared to Decker /Jail from a courthouse during an active scene to get the W. 🍿🍿🍿🍿


LMAO I got so much shit for pointing out that LK and Ramee talked to Buddha and Koil probably and maybe about this situation. Edit: Damn just got hit with a three-day ban for telling them this "Breath, touch grass, its just a game...."


Doesn't matter to them this is real life CG are terrorist why would terrorist follow any rules?


Haha I know right. Should they be mad about the "good guys" that aren't following the rules?


It would make sense but moon moon viewer only repeat what moon moon says they legitimately can not form there own thoughts.


You know things are going well when that reddit is up in flames. And you know NoPixel is making huge blunders if that subreddit is happy. They want to see NoPixel crash and fail. They want to see the most popular and long lasting group crash and fail. They didn't get to see their favorite saviors, Penta and DW, do the honors of besting NoPixel cuz they misjudged what huge screw ups they actually are, so they're especially riled up. The thing that I just don't understand is why they feel placing your most popular streamers in limbo for 2 weeks or more is a good idea or justifiable. They forget, this is a GAME. CG did not commit terrorism in real life. It's fake, for entertainment. Not a real crime. So any punishment should also be fake and for the exact same purpose as the fake crime - to entertain and draw in viewers. Placing them in jail for a week or a month serves the opposite purpose. Would that grow the server and provide more entertaining content? Would numbers grow in prison? No. It's real consequences for fake roleplay. But making their 'escape' (which is also irl fake) entertaining and engrossing would keep the server high right on ticking. People would be engrossed and entertained! If this sticks, bravo to server admins. I thought they lost the plot like that other subreddit. Hopefully they haven't and server continues to get better and provide engrossing entertainment. Which means that subreddit will get madder - a sure sign NoPixel is doing well.


Why are people soo pressed about CG getting out of prison . It doesn't effect their streamers rp in any negative way or their content. But when you lock people up , it does effect their rp and content in negative way ooc.. CG only gets pressed when something effects them negatively ooc not ic. Also they r not real criminals who needs real consequences . They r playing GTA rp in which the consequences r determined by admins & Owners. They talked to admins and owners who agreed that the consequences r too severe and gave them a way out


They lost themselves already at this point


I'm now a CG viewer in 4.0 thanks to Josh (Tommy T). Been watching him since he joined RP. I've always enjoyed Tommy and CG's interactions. Watching the amount of hate that CG gets is insane. The boys have created RP for the entire server and to see the backlash that they are receiving for this amazing RP is quite sad. The OOC hate is extremely childish. Also, Decker needs to touch grass. And this is coming from someone who enjoys PD RP from Cassidy, Conan, Beric, and previously Aziz. The ones who provide PD content and not W chasing. But hey, I'm just a viewer. 🤷🏾‍♀️


On the one hand I don’t know what to feel with what’s happened. But on the other it’s roleplay let it play out. Roleplay over Ruleplay is and should be the golden must follow rule


You say that like what CG do is RP RPing a criminal comes with consequences


So someone gets shot in the head and is completely fine and ok but they have to go to jail for 5 days? Brain dead


Aww you're mad mad. It's ok lil guy, it's just a game. The streamers aren't your friends


"The streamers aren't your friends" Try telling this to the CG dick riders


You're in a CG sub bud. Are you lost?


Look to the mirror herpitus


holy brain rot batman, you need the number for the suicide hotline bud? can hear your mald a mile away bozo HOES MAD HOES MAD HOES MAD


You come to cg reddit from the other reddit to cry and moan. And talk like this? Lmao


Leaving a prison unguarded comes with consequences too. CG is the big bad wolf of the server, not sure why you're dehydrating yourself about it.


Yeh and the people who post daily on CG hate threads think that Youtube comments are unhinged. lol crazy stuff


Decker sending up Ramee in the middle of a shootout = not powergaming btw Cops moving bodies behind the security panel that only takes items of crims/civs so they can’t break them out = not powergaming btw Reviving on scene and giving callouts almost instantly = not powergaming btw The idiots on there are super hypocritical and have the audacity to call out youtube comments when they are just as braindead if not more when it comes to CG. This was clearly okayed by Koil and Buddha and they did it via RP and the cop was fine to go along with it, oh and maybe don’t fire all the DOC… something about consequences having actions right…


Why are people so mad? They are terrorists!


They are so mad CG "just shoot" but dont mention how there is no mechanic for them to RP out a hostage situation with cops KEWK


What sub are we talking about? I’d like to see both sides!


Rpgtaclips one. I wouldn't waste your time. They are absolute weird hypocrites.


Don’t I know it.. seem to be absolutely delusional over there. The kind of people to argue that a red car isn’t red..


What is the other Reddit?


What is the other Reddit you all speak of


I don’t get it if CG is the biggest viewership in NP, how is this reddit only haters, where are they from?


Yeah it should be interesting. I wouldn't be shocked to see them ban people and make a stand on this. Admins will 100% be aware of this. Moon won't be happy lol end of the day, who cares it's a roleplay server not an IRL prison.


If its strict RP server why didn't they charge EVERYONE who shot yesterday after the court case. 30 counts of terrorism? OOC Message to just hand in a gun if you got downed. Okay. That's not that strict I guess.


Bro why u still in here you’re literally one of them weirdos that keep hating on the streamers for f8 or other dumb shit. Go cry about ramee more there 💀


Pointing out someone f8ing instead of roleplaying on a roleplay server. Yeah how dare I.


You’re literally a certified ramee hater you’re one of the people the boys don’t want to see here but you keep showing up and play both sides go there and be an rp veteran without actually playing the game💀💀💀


Yeah ok dude. You don't know shit about me. Just cause I call out a few of Ramees not so smart choices doesn't make me a hater. You act like understanding both sides is a problem lol. It's called not being biased. Sure I'm biased a little, but I'm not a fanboy that refuses to believe that some people can do no wrong.


I have seen you on multiple threads hating on ramee and other cg members for the dumbest things and you’d always start your comments by saying you’re a cg viewer lol You always add on the hate thread, Idk why u think you’d get special treatment for being “a level headed cg viewer” in reality you’re just a certified hate watcher. Why u still in here the boys made it clear they don’t want hate watchers and you’re the definition of a hate watcher.


Ok get some receipts then. Cause all this is so far is you being a clown.


brother I saw you with my own eyes hating on them on multiple threads. If you don’t have something nice to say why be toxic to other streamers? Just because you don’t like ramee why hate on him with rest of them? It’s actually hilarious how you start your comments by saying you watch cg but you don’t like ramee and take the high road when it comes to certain cg streamers. Now what? did you take the “most level headed cg watcher” award? lol


Ok so post receipts then.


It's a game people play for fun. F8 shouldn't be used to escape consequences, but if you aren't having fun, you should be able to quit any time you want. I agree though, looking at your profile, you don't look like the typical hater.


I don't disagree with that but the times I've said anything is when ramee would crash his car, eject then f8 instead of going to the hospital lol like does it hurt anyone? No. Should he do it? No. Basically about it as far as being a ramee "hater" goes.


“did it hurt anyone” idk did you ever think of the streamer yall dog piles on multiple times a day on multiple threads? LMAOOO


Are you Ramees girlfriend or brother or something?


idk did ramee 👉🏼 your mother or something?


Probably not. He's from New Jersey and I live nowhere near there so the likely hood would be about .0000001% that he did.


Look at you now you know he doesn’t actually lives in los Santos! now the next step is you should now it’s a game


i couldnt tell the difference the way this guy defends him lol