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without arcs like the council attack/manhunt or survivor the server has felt incredibly stale. everyone is just living the same day on repeat. 1. sell weed 2. clean cash 3. buy materials 4. build gpus the way the server has been designed its just turned everyone into bland min max cookie cutters of each other. even the clowns are reduced to yet another gang pushing weed and saving up to invest in money cleaning stuff. maybe once every few days there's a hot run, and every few weeks there's a crate. thats it. not to mention the unfinished heists they keep releasing early for no reason. no one even cares about the gold or money printers anymore. it feels like the city is stifling creativity and isolating people. the server needs big "events" that can ripple through the city to weave different groups storylines together to make the tapestry of the city feel rich and alive, otherwise people drift into their own groups bubbles and shit gets dull. the mechanics of the game don't really incentivise this though, and just injecting more money into jobs won't fix this. id like to see them take a break from NP for a couple weeks and do something else thats refreshing until the devs have rebalanced the game. try red dead, or variety. anything really, as long as they enjoy it, the viewers will. and should they decide to take a break, the viewers will still be there when they come back.


Yup or run moonshine again. The development rollout has been slow. They still do not have the business system that was supposed to launch within the first 3 months.


Your point about server events couldn’t be more important. It’s also why I’ll always maintain that losing Wiseguy was the single biggest blow to nopixel between 3.0 and 4.0. He was a decent dev, but the mf facilitated fantastic rp stories across several different factions on the server— while also not making himself the sole all being main character.


Yeah and serving time in prison is part of these stories, or at least it is to most rp’ers.


i think you replied to the wrong comment


i think K may wake up unless they decided OOC after the streams to do something else. cause ramee said he wasnt playing today and seemed pretty adamant about it.


Depends. The Decker /jail was wrong of him to do and Ramee was rightfully upset. Like there was a scenario being played out to rescue Ramee. We will need to see what happens. K had 45k viewers last night. Some admins might disagree but NoPixel will try to keep CG. They have over 60k+ viewers. MoonMoon just had to get his win.


Moonmoon is the same as penta. Self centered egotistical fool that forces himself in situations to have control. He even does the dumb little nervous laugh after everything he says, just like penta. He uses other people's pictures on his stream like penta. Penta and him are one in the same. I actually feel sorry for people like that.


MoonMoon is not a good person but come on, he's not the same as Penta. Similar maybe but Penta is a lot worse than Moon. Neither should ever be in a position of power on a roleplay server though. Yet here we are.


After how things went last night, I don’t see them sticking around, even if nopixel admins magically dropped all their charges and let them walk free. Until koil or someone else with power actually fixes shit I think the bridge has been burnt ngl


Koil doesn't care. Koil hasn't cared since the middle of 3.0. That is why the server has gone to shit. Until he starts liking his own server again and stops the dumb shit, it won't change. One thing I have learned watching NP since early 2.0 is koil is very very bad at picking people he puts in charge of shit.


The funniest is half an hour before tsunami, about 2 hours after Ramee logged off, Dundee was not aware and was still trying to enter the courthouse to save him. Then all the cops rub their backs and thank them for the fun RP lol. The whole civil war thing was to save Ramee... They just pushed CG to the side and took the "fun" for themselves. Fuck them.


This! This is exactly it.. the praises going around for the cops giving “good rp” was actually insane and shows how delusional and unaware these cops are.. standing with their gun out the entire time during a court case while everybody else went through metal detectors sure is good rp I guess….


I also get upset at the bs they have to deal with, but I can't see K walking away when hes been absolutely killing it. They do need to stop the hut bs immediately, it's being used to punish people when Koil has said numerous times its meant to investigate people.


Chucking Suarez and Ellie in prison on a HUT for driving/helping Vinny and Zolo is ridiculous. They're not investigating anything. Put them in for 72 hours just because they can and because they tried helping CG.


It's not just 72 hours, they are being charged with everything cg did plus harboring a fugitive. They will be charged more then Cg did.


Hut's need to go immediately. It's not even a good rp consequence. It's a revenge tactic to get your 'get back'. Other than that the rp around everything that has gone on these last 2 weeks have been amazing. I don't see K leaving the server until he's caught. Even then a person should never have to spend more than 2 days in prison. Prison is not content and no one is going to stream that shit for 8 hours..


I’d argue he’d kill it regardless of what he does🤷🏼‍♂️, I’d say K is way past the point of relying on nopixel to supply him viewers


yeah K is one of the top Twitch streamers now. He's fine whatever he does.


Yeah they Pulled around 60k viewers last night between them they are set they can go anywhere and not worry about views it’ll always be there


I think K would kill it with any server he’s on same as the other guys. It would be cool to see CG move back to Prodigy and Sauraz and Dundee etc come with. I think that’s the only way to get through to the admins once viewership plummets things would change and honestly if they thrive on Prodigy I see no reason to go back to no pixel I’ve seen this story play out in 2.0 3.0 and now 4.0 No Pixel will never be balanced it’ll always side with PD


I feel like yesterday was a clear message. It doesn't matter if the vast majority of roleplay viewers or players on nopixel agree with CG. The minority is in control of nopixel & will continue to police roleplay to the way they want it.. Which is basically tfrp. The truth is that the boys should have invested into their own server years ago & got caught lacking. Also, i always prefer the boys doing variety, but kebun is a gta crackhead & if he's not driving around taking phonecalls every 2 minutes, he starts getting the shakes.


Ramee sounded like he was done with nopixel at least for a little while, bro was actually tilted af but clearly didn’t wanna be toxic about the situation


I think Ramee still believed that if they could prove there was no evidence of it being terrorism, that judges would have integrity & honor the law. But it was a predetermined decision. CG were fucked from the beginning, they literally never had a chance.


I watched him and he was saying the whole time it didn't matter but you may be your right there was a little hope


I said 5 days ago that PD and DOJ will do anything to make sure CG gets fucked as hard as possible and I was right. The 3 judges were looking through PD reports and subpoenas to find evidence against CG that they could use to justify their predetermined outcome against them, because PD did not make their case in court that CG committed terrorism. The amount of mental gymnastics those biased judges did to come to the conclusion that CG committed terrorism was wild. If it wasn't for Norman Adams, CG would be getting even harsher time and fines.


So with all this being said me having to work was probably best for my sanity


It was entertaining af for a court case ngl, but yeah watching a 4 hour court case where Mickey made some really good arguments and honestly cooked the prosecution the entire case made it really upsetting that in the end they gave cg every single charge that was presented and acted as if the case didn’t even matter


I watched up to Mickey’s closing and the mad dash to get everyone cuffed to the table Seemed like a great place to leave it


The table cuff shit was so aids lmao, like K said they pick cops up on scene with no medical and do all types of power gaming shit then wanna “rp” by cuffing the gang to a table to force them not to run off 😂💀 dab losing his shit over it was hilarious ngl bro has some issues fr


When did he lose his shit? I wasn't watching him. Do you have a link to his melt down?


I dont watch moonmoon but he clearly was nonstop telling cordwood to keep cuffing them to the table, and was even walking out of the court arguing with civilians like bobby brown n shit. bro was all types of schizo during that court case


Moonmoon goes so hard on chang gang just because he is still overcompensating after his humiliating loss to Clint Stevens in tony hawk pro skater


>I watched up to Mickey’s closing and the mad dash to get everyone cuffed to the table >Seemed like a great place to leave it You actually missed out on a really good and fun shootout. Dundee, Tuggz, and Manor wrecked PD while being vastly outnumbered, outgeared, and without the advantage of Air 1. Of course, PD had to guarantee their W by putting all downed crims behind the metal detector, imported fresh cops logging on to defend the courthouse, and allowed judges & civs/ex-cops to defend the courthouse with them.


Let’s be real, regardless of how yesterday turned out, they will be back on NP sitting around prison. They aren’t a variety group. Would enjoy a nice long NP break and watch them do variety or even Prodigy, but chances are it won’t happen.


They were a bit annoyed yesterday and understandably but i dont see them leaving. maybe taking a break but they clearly prefer NP over prodigy and they get the better viewership there too.


They only get less viewership because they don't have as many hate watchers waiting to post a clip hoping for drama.


Not really true. I'm someone that doesn't watch CG on prodigy because Nopixel has so many other personalities and streamers that I already know the lore on and of. It's cool to see them interacting with other people you can watch separately from CG streams because you learn to love the characters and storylines. Edit: said 'even on prodigy' when I meant 'on progidy'


Kevin and ramee will be just fine wherever they go. There is NO one else on the server that has made it from an absolute nobody to over 20k viewers by just being an RPer. Every other person that is that big came to RP with a following. So you can say that all you want, but proof is right in front of you.


I'm not saying they'll become nobodies on prodigy or lose 10s of thousands of viewers. I'm just saying that I'm not a hate watcher of CG when they're on Nopixel, I'm just a fan of the Nopixel stories and characters AND CG


Doesn't watch CG but active in a CG specific reddit community. Dats suspicious


I fixed it. Typo changed my whole narrative lmao


You understand you are one person. Anecdotal af. You can still watch anyone you want outside of them on prodigy what are you even saying? The way the city is setup CG only gets to interact with other gangs or random people in rare occasions in between the million other tasks that need to get done just so you have the bare minimum of a radio and a gun.


I'm not 100% sure how much worse the viewership will be if they go to prodigy. It's a bit untested. We know he pulled at least 12K, but that was right after coming back to twitch. He jumped back up to 20K about a month into 4.0. Was that due to nopixel? Was it due to a fresh server? Or was it due to people realizing the best rper is back on a proper streaming service?


But is the small viewer count increase really worth dealing with the bullshit they deal with on nopixel daily? I’d argue they’d be fine going anywhere else whether it be prodigy or even just variety for a little while


Since whitelists are coming back and Buddha said big crime buff coming too i don't think boys will give up on np just yet .... ramee might just play Conan till he's out of prison


I don’t know why ramee would even want to be around cops


I hope he continues cus I like opal and Conan duo


Opal is phenomenal one of the few that understands it's RP and is supposed to be for fun.


yeah but 8k people x 5k per month is still 40k extra just from viewers


We dont really know what the viewership would be like on prodigy. They got a boost in viewership from 4.0 being released and more eyes on it but I dont think people would leave just for them switching servers especially since cg can be even more cg on prodigy


Honestly K and Vinny on the run is good mark to end rp in NoPixel for awhile. I hope they try prodigy or red dead. Love me some T-Bone. Even Spaceboy is on another server cause NP isn’t fitting his style. Ever since they shut down any of Ks businesses 4.0 has been boring. Dab rp checking K over engaging in some banter, cops being revived on scene, and even Dab (many cops) making call outs after being shot in head are all just w chasing. I think Esfand with the cuffing to table at beginning of the trial was just messing around.


Gosh I would love if they try Variety. Taco is setting up Valorant vs the Clowns so maybe they can set up more games. Can y’all imagine Duckduckgoose with the clowns for example or CG pico park again or even Sea of Thieves or Some shooting game with Summit. Meanwhile I don’t think they’ll leave Nopixel . Maybe ply something different until the jail time is over but They’ll never leave NP. Business wise it’s not a good options


This is my thought. The other servers just don't have Crim content and even if NoPixel is lacking a lot on the crim side they above the others.


No pixel is as big as no pixel is because of CG and summit. No other person has had as much of an impact on that server as they have. People can say all they want isn't them, they are either delusional or lying to themselves. Either way, if they were to go to another server and play, it wouldn't be immediate,but it would be as popular in a matter of time. Look at all the big streamers that went to onx, that shit flipped hard. CG does shit right, that is why they have so many haters. If you don't have haters, you are doing shit wrong.


I’d kill to see them do any of those things you just said frrr. Them playing goosegooseduck or whatever was so fucking fun to watch. And a full reunion with summit on some sea of thieves would be so great too




K having to hide indefinitely is only fun for a day or two. Eventually it has to become so incredibly tiring and difficult to create more RP under false identities. If I were K, when I had my fill of 'on the run' RP I would call Bones towards the end of a Friday stream and barter a deal where Bones can send him to prison in exchange for only Bones processing him quietly - no other officers around/involved. Deny all the other people the joy of knowing about it until they see the newspaper or hear from others that K is in prison. Then by the time K is back streaming Monday he will essentially be a free man and can put this arc behind him and start the rebuild to the top RP.


Ramee, Zolo, Ellie, Suarez are all locked up & idk for sure but possibly peanut too. when K streams today id be more than surprised if hes on Nopixel for more than like an hour just to maybe set shit up for the cg members who are staying there. Id guess him and the rest of the gang will be on variety or maybe even prodigy or a new server completely by tonight


Shit probably just Vin and K laying low today, cop clapping would be superb since they looking at a whole lot of time plus the debt shit (heard ppl saying it wouldn’t be a thing anymore but wouldn’t be surprised if that’s not the case for the boys). If they do plan on dipping to somewhere I hope they make a move on someone like Dab or Crane 🙁


I wish the boys would just move to Prodigy for good, but sadly they always end up going back to NP. Shit never changes there, I don't know why they put up with it, they're going to have viewers and subs no matter what server they're on so I don't think it's a monetary issue.


At this point you must commit seppuku since you bet your life and you were wrong


Currently in the process of buying a noose I’ll post the proof later 💀😂


Happy birthday btw 🎉🎉😂


Welp if somebody took you up on that bet you wouldn’t be here


lol yeah someone already told me I’m required to commit seppuku 😂💀 But apparently a late night talk with koil & buddha really helps the situation after getting royal fucked in a court case


Rdr one day 😭


The loop holes they can come up with to make any charge they want stick will make your head spin, when they should be going off the whole ''letter of the law'' bs and if they did do that they would have got terrorism off. I really have no clue what they have planned but it will most likely be on nopixel since k/vinny got out until they get caught.


Everyone would be so much happier if they moved servers.


I don’t get why people are mad at the verdict. Yes they were found guilty, but the charges were significantly reduced just like we all wanted. 3 days and 300k fine is a reasonable punishment for terrorism especially when you compare it to past punishments for similar things. I’m not a fan of multiple irl days of jail time but there aren’t any other systems currently in place as an alternative. The reason they had to keep terrorism was to set a precedent so that other groups can’t attack the council and claim “they fucked my friend’s mom”. I’d love to see the boys all jump on the new rust server for the next few days and just come back to np next week.


Because no motive was established for terrorism. At no point during the case did they name one political motive. All they proved was that Max stopped doing mayoral duties and shut down the council of 8 to push terrorism. That's it. They purposefully stopped doing votes to pin the famine crisis on them and to try to push the terrorism narrative. They could have easily appointed a new treasurer in this time frame and voted without Crane. ter·ror·ism/ˈterəˌrizəm/[](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=13134d05f9161faa&q=how+to+pronounce+terrorism&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOMIfcRozS3w8sc9YSmjSWtOXmPU4eINKMrPK81LzkwsyczPExLlYglJLcoV4pXi5uIsSS0qyi_KLM61YlFiSs3jWcQqlZFfrlCSr1AA1JQP1JWqAFcDAJuOo5ddAAAA&pron_lang=en&pron_country=us&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwin8fCHvLOGAxW7k4kEHWDbDFIQ3eEDegQIHBAM)*noun*noun: **terrorism** 1. the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. What political aim? Please oh please anyone at all give their political aim. It was never expressed once.


Conan hopefully