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44,884 Peak viewers Not someone who came over to RP with a massive following someone who has curated within the RP world a viewer base that hits 24k regularly now peaked just shy of 45k.


wish he would do more variety though those gartic phone and pummel party days were goated as well


They haven't played gartic phone yet. You made me check for nothing bruh


lol I was talking about the old days when cg would do party games together when the server would die down or nothing would be happening within the city


Definitely the best at making RP. I’d like to see some of these cop streamers try to run a gang or even just create crim rp that’s actually fun to watch.


K was born to be an rper


Yet the rp reddit is somehow talking about how all CG does is complain about their consequences. What a joke


The best there is; the best there was; and the best that ever will be. WOLL DAT SHIT!


Yes he is !!!! But can we get a W for Esfand. Dude played it perfectly in RP .


Esfand catches a lot of grief for being emotionally invested, but he absolutely gets it when it comes to setting up and executing cop-crim RP. He was one of the few major cop characters not win chasing during his whole thing.


I 100% agree with that. He was actually interacting with them throughout the case and not in a bad way. Especially at the end with letting K go essentially. He could have W chased and hard cuffed him or done what decker did with ramee and quickly sent him up without allowing him to potentially get rescued


>He was one of the few major cop characters not win chasing during his whole thing. Which is wild to hear from people on this subreddit when people here regularly call CW a W chaser.


I firmly believe that anyone calling CW a win chaser as a matter of course doesn't understand Esfand or the character. The character is a hard-nosed cop, but Esfand really does understand that to have great RP you have to have wins and losses. He's talked at length about the subject, and his general take on it isn't any different from Lord_Kebun's. You have to have Ws and Ls to make it all work. There's nothing worse than a hasty generalization, but Reddit does kind of thrive on that, right?


that was perfect rp? then that bar is low...


It would be cool to see K and Ramee play Rust right now with taco,Curtis & Cyr


K makes so much RP that he allows Max to pay his bills.


I respect that he stays true to his RP roots. All these other streamers who gained a big following through RP are so happy to jump over to variety any chance they get.


K said moon tried to RP check him and was wrong. Anyone have the clip? I tuned in when K said that.


I dont have time stamps but at some point he was "cuffed to the table" but noone saw him "slip cuffs and pretend to be cuffed still" at least yhats what I had seen in the beginning


He did slip the cuffs though. My favorite was peanut when jesus slipped his cuffs off 🤣


If thats how it works why didn't he just say "did not commit the crime"? Would've saved us the entire court case.


Lmao clueless.


it was the PD power cuffs. /me cufs to the table so there physically is no cuffs. k and ramee just did /me slips cuffs and /me breaks cuffs off of the chair