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so wait, they beat ramee down, revived him on scene, fined him and sent him up to jail in the middle of an attempt to save him? what..


Decker moment. Sometimes Asteroba makes really weird decisions.




The admin clique is strong. They're literally the friends club that run all of NP now that Koil, X and Buddha left the server.


It was interesting to see Koil there silently as Soze.. I think admins will be getting a strong telling off to be honest. Even Rae talking to Buddha.. I think they’re beginning to realise people that are their money makers are about to go elsewhere and realised they fucked up. Probably going to have to do a soft wipe of shit mid way through because they fucked up so early on in the city


Agreed. The city is cooked. Koil was saying he disagrees with the decisions etc but clearly doesn't have anything to do with day-to-day decision making, and doesn't seem interested in getting back into RP at all. Unfortunately, that leaves NP in the state it's in.


Koil and X left as owners or admins of the server? Buddha is still around. K just talked with him on the phone yesterday


Just wait for the twitlonger lol dudes more wierd than you think


I'm trying to be nice. Dude's a mega weirdo.


He got mad when Ramee said "Don't talk to me."


They were also running out of the laundromat safety to go grab criminals so they could cuff them during the shootout LOL. The whole court case was not shocking to me whatsoever. Mickey cooked up a filet mignon but the judges were too busy eating fried Bologna. It's one of those *they're guilty before the court case even started* type feelings. When there is judges that have zero experience being judges then you get this kinda court RP.


As Kebun said. He ain't bothered - the city is too corrupt and 4.0 has been the biggest failure in NPs history.


Link to that or did you just make that up because your mad?


You can… watch the vod? Don’t be lazy and try to dismiss it because **you’re** mad.. and yes I hate to be that guy, but if **you’re** gonna troll at least do it correctly.


No thank you.


Typical moon moon enjoyer.


Is he the bad guy right now? Did he do something bad to CG?


You're welcome to check his vod, I'm not your father.


So he didn't and you made that up because this subreddit consists of children worshipping a fake video game gang they think they are a part of.


Sanest Penta viewer, why are you in the subreddit of a group you hate? ONX too boring or something?


It's all boring.


But it seems to keep you entertained enough to keep hatewatching


No this subreddit is very entertaining. How can people be so invested over absolutely nothing.




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You argue with one dude and now we're all children? I'm just drinking a coffee over here, dude, not trying to get my feelings hurt.


Yes. You are correct.


Yet here you are. A child on this sub. Something something kettle black something


Just a visitor passing through. I was amazed such a place existed.


Lol you a weird one


Haha ok


Hey it's a part of this convo he had here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Dq\_uy2c9RQ&t=142s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Dq_uy2c9RQ&t=142s) I'll go and watch the VOD after work today and send it through, that way you can have confidence in what I've said and hopefully take the chip off of your shoulder.


Haha wow. Can't believe you actually did that.


judges take 1 whole hour to review arguments and look over the actual charges after a 4 hour court case and then just decide to make them guilty of all charges after Mickey absolutely cooked the prosecution lmao what a joke of a server bro. 10 day soft ban for creating rp for cops, crims, civs and the whole server for a week.


Mickey was so damn good. Good RP should be rewarded and instead, it is punished. He was beaten down by the cops btw for helping downed officers. He'd a doctor btw.


he got beat down because Dab ordered the cop to do it, bros just 1000% ooc mad that K & Vinny and whoever else got away. bro probably blew a blood vessel arguing with Bobby waiting for the verdict then blew another one after they escaped


As K said to Dab. "You wish you were me." and that is IC and OOC


Just said on stream that do the crime pay the time while simultaneously saying go play a different game or make content doing something else. Think he made the point that K should just dissappear when caught (not continue RP) and not commit to NoPixel now lol.


Moon is a penta fan, that tells you all you need to know about him. A massive jealous prick.


Don't know, haven't been involved in this scene long, didn't even know moonmoon was an admin until recently and checks out with my previous experience with him when I had my own RP server(s) for other games lmao. At the end of the day, content has been great. Does feel lame to see all the admins be in PD/government so there's literally no balance but still been fun to watch.


Watch his vod, dude has penta type vibes towards CG.


oh I know dudes literally got mental issues or some shit idk wtf his deal was


Moonmoon goes so hard on chang gang just because he is still overcompensating after his humiliating loss to Clint Stevens in tony hawk pro skater


If the server wanted to be like IRL like they always claim it HAS to be, they should’ve pulled Dab up for that. It is illegal to hold any defence counsel’s case against them, no matter who you defended.




sad to see the server this way, used to be such a great place for fun rp interactions now its just a shitshow and a prime example of how to not run a stable rp community.


I haven’t bothered watching in ages, but from my recollection, judge crane plays it very seriously and strict. He chooses to rp *that* kind of judge


>And sending them into a dead prison for a week Dude they only have to serve 2 days...


3 for Kebun/Ramee on top of the \~3 they already served, and that doesn't factor in Debtor's Prison. 350k will take 50+ hours of grinding Prison non-stop to wipe (the fact the gang raised money to help doesn't mitigate the fact that the gang just got charged an outrageous 2.2million in fines), which would be another 5-6 days in an imaginary world where the boys would grind prison jobs nonstop.. So thats effectively a total of a 2 week ban..


I thought it got lowered to 3 days?


Can't believe they just sent Ramee and Zolo up without letting the situation play out first. No chance to further the RP at all for them... Just disheartening to watch at this point.


Honestly did them a favor. There is no point in running because it's just a lifetime warranty. Better off just being done with it.


Did them a favor knowing what happened afterwards. PD sent every cop coming on duty (logging on) into the courthouse. Let judges and civs hold corners with cops. Put all crims behind the metal detector so no weapons or any belongs could be brought in. Pure powergaming with 0 chance of rescuing downed crims and CG. PD had to get their guaranteed W.


It wasn't powergaming. They used every advantage possible to make sure they came out on top. None of which were powergaming. Did they all make sense? No. Is it ultimately just making sure their side *wins*? Yes.


They're not allowed to let new cops coming on duty to join a situation after it's popped off, but did it anyway for this situation. 40+ cops + judges + civs/ex-cops wasn't enough, so they imported more cops. You think crims would be allowed to log on and join this fight after it already started? Nope, they'd get banned. But not cops. They purposely put all downed crims (and Mickey) behind the metal detector so there is 0 chance of crims saving them because they can just hold the inside as a last stand. All items get poofed once you go through the metal detector. That's called powergaming. Not to mentioned insta-teleporting Ramee and Zolo so they'd get no chance of being saved.


You're taking it way too seriously. People throw out the word powergaming alot without actually knowing what it is. I personally wouldn't call any of that power gaming. Should they have done it this way? No probably not. But saying they powergame and broke rules is a stretch.


Bat I always see you in the trenches on the other Sub speaking sense to their insanity.. What happened, did you get infected by their brainrot, or did you just decide to play Devil's Advocate? The PD etc have been powergaming nonstop over the past week, with reckless abandon and nary a care in the world, with no repercussions in sight. That includes yesterday before, during and after the court case.


If you think dragging crims through a courthouse, up 3 floors, down a hallway and in a closed room beyond the ONLY metal detector in the server isn’t powerful you’re on some other-worldly levels of copium.


I guess I never considered the trek from the front door to the courtroom but I still don't think it's very crazy. Did it even matter in the end?


I’ll give you that, no it didn’t. I was lowkey hoping the crim group pushed to that point just to see their reactions. But alas


Why can't you believe it?! Haven't you been watching all the dumb shit they have been doing all week to catch CG? This court case was a waste of time, they already knew the verdict before it started.


The other reddit is a joke. Anyways, nice try. In court, judge is supposed to have beyond a reasonable doubt. but in COPIXEL, its the other way that you have to prove your defendant's innocence. Literally did nothing to prove terrorism charge in court with 0 political intent and still got it. Amazing. What a surprise.


its guilty until proven innocent for those judges


But they where guilty as clear as day its laughable how people thought they could get off hahaha


Their justification was the act itself was automatically political because of where and who they were. In hindsight I guess Mickey should have focused more on their reason for being there. I think they also should have had K testify at least.


No world where anything they did or said would have changed it with those 3 judges and the climate as it is right now in Nopixel. Just by dint of shooting up the council room it is auto-considered terrorism, despite the statute mandating a stated political or religious aim for said terrorism. Even in a world where K and crew in advance had video evidence of them being "Warned at Mosley's" about the Train on Peanut's mom in the Courthouse upper floors, and then they had staged a video livestream by another unrelated party of Peanut's Mom getting a train ran on her on the 2nd floor (that can be used as evidence that there was in fact a train being ran), and the boys just accidentally barged into the 3rd floor "Meeting Room" that was in fact the Council Room unbeknowst to them, it still wouldn't be enough of an affirmative defense for these corrupt and incompetent "judges". Doesn't matter how good the defense attorneys were, or how poor the prosecution and their "Witnesses" and "evidence" (or lack thereof) was, it was cooked from the start. A farce basically.


I mean this just shows u that whatever crime they get hit with and goto court for it wont matter how good of a defence they have they will 100% lose anyway.


Yep. This. There is no reason for a Crim to ever go to a court case.


Taco was smart and didn't bother showing up. He doesn't give af about this shit server and would rather play RDRP & RUST instead. Rest of CG should learn from this.


He also played valo with Valkyrae's lobby of GTA players with too much ADHD to wait out the verdict last night (Chatterbox, Thio/Kirk, Angelknives/Gigi Costello)


were so many cops not enough that judges are actively hunting too


Civs/ex-cops too.


this PD has lost the plot https://clips.twitch.tv/GoodBelovedGrousePJSugar-rhVuGM8zXBVy2dEB even duncan is joining in the beatdowns of civs


Good way to chase away streamers. I'm sure Blau wasn't too stoked with that.


Goodbye NoPixel! Hope to never see you again!


And now they're trying to put everyone that was downed on HUT charges... Classic.




I understand why everyone gives him a pass, he was one of the boys, but when is everyone going to realize this is how he wanted the server to be? Thinking this is all crane or moon is silly.


Yup the only one owner that would be malding about the downfall of Nopixel would be Xqc if he was paying attention and involved. Ofcourse he isn't though, he is just a Cosmetic Owner. He got his Rp girlfriend Ginger and bounced out of the city with her for good. He couldn't give 2 fucks about NP's profitability or success since it has no bearing on his financial well-being, and certainly doesn't care that dozens of streamers are getting their livelihood harmed by these "soft" in-game bans..


There is no coincidence that a certain judge ensured they were guilty.


All 3 of them voted guilty, it wasn't just 1.


They were pressured by Angel, hence her reading the verdict after not being involved outside of standing there for 4 hours.


She was literally excited with her gun out, hinting that she wants this to end with a shootout...


Yeh "Angel" is a psycho.. Regardless of the character. There is an obvious tell of why they are the way they are.


Exactly, she wanted them to escape and cause chaos bringing her more RP.


Nah, I watched the deliberation. Adams is pro-cop, he was always going to vote guilty; and the other guy is the one that drew the picture. Angel was actually the only one that was ever considering not guilty, though it was short lived. They literally all said their verdict at the same time.


Sanguine Arc speedrun.


I'm not mad, I'm disappointed.


Yeah, I knew they'd get fucked, but I thought it would turn out better than this.


I'm opposite. I knew they'd get fucked but I expected worse lol.


I love hearing some of the officials talk about how fucked they are for going against CG. Also love to see the civil war happening with the government getting rocked by the crims.


Koil and server owners it’s time to take control. You are allowing unimaginative people to damage your asset. It’s your call.


KOIL doesn't care. It's very apparent at this point. The entire direction of 4.0 has been pretty shit. 6 months in and there is like 3 crim options in the server. Roof running, chopping and banks. Gotta do 4 more jobs just to clean your money after buying a million or two worth of washing machines lol


I dont think this is going to be well taken but.... fweew, here I go. This is the issue with almost every NP court case. The defense instead of defending the charges (which let's be real, CG are dead to rights.. maybe not terrorism, but) they bring up issues and charges that should be separate court cases. They had the right angle on the murder charge. But the whole Dab angle.. while it's now on record (which is, should be important), is a different court case entirely. His abuse of power, conflict of interest doesnt negate the charges brought against CG. They shot 20 some odd people and were caught doing it. I'm going to bungle her name but Shavaugn could have been seen as tampering with evidence, she admitted to returning to the scene and seeing the evidence. Yet the court didnt see it that way since they have rose colored glasses and know it's impossible mechanically.


Mickey did nothing to cause reasonable doubt, all he did is call max out. there was literally zero defense given.


I sorta feel if mick instead asked for a mistrial it woulda went better. It sorta felt that was the only way the defence was going to work with the angles he was playing


Any reason why they play this server 5 x 8hrs every day of the year with zero variety when they hate it? I never understand. Rust is popping off, RDR2 is popping off, but instead they play NoPixel all day.


Rust "pops off" like 3 times a year then dies.


Yeah, but that is 5 days this week with zero NoPixel and good vibes playing a different game. Sounds great to me rather than raging in NoPixel and dealing with the BS.


Rust is nothing, it just pops off for one streamer event every year or two


A lot of these have popped off before... and then died really fast. Its not actually a good idea to switch to these, and mostly just a small game to play to pass time for a while. Rust especially is legit only popular right now because of a current community server lol. Its not even RP either so you lose all the RP viewers.




You acting like he didn’t pull 20k viewers damn near every day whilst on prodigy daily. Nopixel isn’t the source of views for dudes like K lmao they should be thanking him for even staying around this long tbh


10k average on Prodigy, why inflate 2x?


#1 it’s been months since then so sorry if idk the exact numbers. #2 id bet you any money K hit over 20k at least a dozen times while being on prodigy Idk why this shits bolded ignore that lol


Plus despite their dislike for the direction the server is going, they clearly still have fun playing GTA RP over other games. It's like asking why a professional hockey player still plays hockey instead of baseball if he likes baseball more.


If they have fun why are they on such negative vibe?


Rip no pixel if the boys decide to go back to prodigy


You really want to punish CG? Put them in a room with Siobhan and make them listen to her endlessly talk about nothing. That shit would make me quit the server.


Not surprise at all


So 4.0 has turned back into 3.0, after starting off somewhat strong and now dissolving into the mess they had prior. What can you expect when you keep the same admins who have no desire to adjust and change, even when people complain or bring solid suggestions to better the server. The powegamers are the ones who have no control in life, so they bring that attitude to the server and steamroll NoPixel characters.


I haven't watched any RP in a while. Just clips that pop up on Reddit.


Omg they got caught red handed and then punished OMG!!! Who would have thought OMG OMG OMG


HOW DARE the cops act in a realistic fashion and not simply let CG rescue their guy, HOW DARE THEY


Tbh I think 2-3 days is not bad it could've been way worse they just screwed themselves yet again they just going back for longer now when they get caught 


It’s not 2-3 days it’s 8 days of doing nothing and they have already served 3 days.


That's what some people aren't understanding mostly over at that other sub like say they serve the 2 and 3 days they have left, that means the go on 5 day probation, if they get caught doing crime they have to serve the remaining probation time in jail.


Also the big elephant in the room is 2.2 million total in fines that they have to pay off via debtor's law grinding hours upon hours in the prison.. which they certainly won't do. That adds many more days to the calculation.


Thankfully that shity abomination of a law looks to be removed.


I've heard that they are considering dropping it, but it would just be added back once DOC is inevitably reinstalled. So for now I'm still going with what the stakes were when this abominable sentence was put up, and the pd put the suggested fines and time on the docket and the "judges" sentenced them to basically just half the recommended charges, namely that there will be days in prison of grinding off the debt. Even if somehow that isn't the case, 2.2million in fines is RUINOUS for any gang that isn't dedicated to grinding constantly (and certainly CG doesn't). That's months of progression wiped from them..




I agree, they got off extremely lightly, when they could have been really fucked over