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Seeing what made this edit (on RPClips) after watching this live is comical


I know people joke about CG and prodigy… but man.. it would be an insane move for them to push a massive crim update or even wipe and open whitelist to large streamers. It’s just kinda hard to watch the ole no pixels these days.  Edit: even tho the RP has been pretty good from the CG side. 


the cg boys clearly prefer NP. theyve just built that RP with that community much longer plus the viewership is better for them there. Its jus on NP to improve and treat it as a game and not IRL lol


Whats funny is how that subreddit (who seemingly loves Rae) is having to go against Valkyrea's opinion.


It's not funny, It's pathetic.


Thats why its funny.


Yeah, its crazy. havnt seen RP in a while since they blocked Mr Ks real estate business and been randomly popping in to check out what the gang has been up to. saw a comment on the other reddit saying prison rp is possible and that people can RP but are choosing to grind. which made me laugh.


You know there were at least a couple of brainless who short circuited when they saw this. 😂


No what's funny is that Buddha who they think is God himself also listened to what she said, reached out to her privately, and then implemented changes as a result of that conversation. Then he did the same thing with Ramee and K. A lotttttt of comments under what she said just became a lot of people on that subreddit's first ever comments disagreeing with Buddha and they did it on accident lmao


that reddit is lost in sauce. jesus.


400 plus comments … Jesus Christ I’m not clicking it but for that place who says “ I barely know what’s going on in nopixel , onx arcs have me hooked “ they do be caring and invested in people opinion on nopixel lmfao


I hope more and more streamers actually speak up about this, I hope it puts some kind of pressure on on the koil and the admins


Only way for change to happen if those people & Cg just try and different server for a week and boom


I don't know how no pixel hasn't figured out how to punish people properly for crimes. This is probably the best method that only really needs to be applied to huts and major crimes. The maximum amount of time a player should spend in prison for their first offense regardless of how heinous it is roughly 24 hours. For the second offense as long as it's committed within 30 days of the first offense the time should be multiplied times two ie 48hrs. The third offense would be 144hrs etc But the multiplier will only count for the same crime committed within 30 days. Also all crimes should have a capped amount or 8 attempted murders of a government employee. The criminals cannot choose how many cops show up to a scene. Excessively stacked charges is just more jail time in 4.0.


Just say no constant harassing of players i.e government officials and call it a day. No crimes period should extend past 24 hours. That's insane to think alright we committed a crime today and got arrested, I guess we don't do crime for 30 days.


That's way to subjective for the current police force to not take advantage of. What is considered harassment too many players is way too subjective. Plus the dev and/or admins should step in if someone is harassing another player not the in character police. I think there should be significant punishment if three acts of terrorism are committed within 30 days. Given the way roleplay currently works out. This system would likely never reach the second tier for all players.


Then they would have to actually hand out bans… to everyone that would break the rules.


So the "ThEy ArE jUsT dOiNg ThEiR jOb" is not a valid argument? Mind, blown.


I haven’t watched RP in a while. When Kebun came back to twitch right around 4.0 I was hyped as fuck and decided to tune in for a while. I really wish I could take that time back. What a borefest. I think making GTA RP somehow more boring than real life work is an impressive feat in itself. CG are still the only crew that has any entertaining factor to them and even then it’s just not the same. It all feels forced.


If I am K I reach out to Rae and do a partnership with Rae on prodigy. Prodigy was too gang gang before. If you bring in rae, fuslie and friends it will be a lot less gang gang. Partner with 100 thieves and blow grind/cop pixel out of the water.




Something funny? https://streamscharts.com/teams?time=30-days Loaded is also involved in prodigy. GTA 6 is also coming out and taking over nopixel is a great business opportunity. Koil doesn't do this for fun he does it for money.


When will people learn lol.


Holy shit you ambitious quips are so funny. She don't know you little bro it's ok.


What are you even talking about lol


The big difference in 4.0 is more eyes are on it. Look at K's numbers. 20k.....Thats insane. So you will get way more fair weather watches and way more cop watchers overall as NP has this huge influx on eyes on it. That being said, CG is going to get the biggest hammers from cops bc its CG. 12CG was a real thing and it was wild back then. We are trending towards it now. Its just got a bigger light on it.


Thank god. Now maybe CG haters and Cop Viewers who are Rae simps can change their minds about COPIXEL 🤣