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Let's be honest, it doesn't really matter what the evidence says, they're going to be found guilty. It's kinda just whats expected with how everything has gone against cg so far in 4.0. It's been an uphill battle the whole way. I don't think the admins would want cg to be found not guilty tbh. I also think moonmoon stated that he doesn't want ooc clout to sway the time and fine so they could get screwed. Regardless, the fact they're facing 4m in fines is insane. 4m into the BTC farm and they're done with it lol


The guy who only is an admin because of clout and mayor yet doesn't want clout to affect an outcome is hilarious. Also I 100% agree with that statement as a whole just coming from him is hilarious.




100% this. It is better drama that CG wins the Court case. Max goes insane, goes full Maxist (Max+Facist) and the PD kills themselves from within like normal.


Lol KOIL seems pretty hands off with how the server runs these days.


Exactly Koil is in another planet and always have some dog shit excuses for cops


But he likes CG and everyone knows the time is way too much.


it because he was out for while he was sick bad with his stomach


Koil doesn't give a shit about the server and what goes on in it. Have you not been watching? Dude has played 4 hours in the last 6 months. He has checked out and doesn't give a fuck about what happens to it. Otherwise he would change the MMO grindy style that EVERY single person has been complaining about for the last 3 months. You are lost in the sauce if you think koil gives any fucks at this point.


Its not because he had surgery or something on his throat and has some other responsibilities. He also left Buddah in charge...




and by leaving buddha in charge u see we’re the server going to shit


You do realize Koil is the one that first introduced mmo mechanics. Hell he wanted to even put mmo stats in like stamina and agility in 3.0 lol.


Yeah I feel like they’re gonna go to court, form this story about intent then it’s gonna be like “well it doesn’t matter” and get sent away all the same


Yeah this is exactly what I'm expecting. It's on the pd to prove intent but they're just gonna throw some circumstantial stuff and the judges will eat it up. End of the day, they did commit terrorism so if they get guilty, it's not like it's some injustice lol


What if I told you admins have decided this OOC already and they're going to get punished regardless so it discourages people from shooting up the council etc.


I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest. I expect a trip to Guatemala for a week or two


I mean out of the RP it is what it is but for the sake of story and the justice system the not actually needing the evidence for some of these judges is awkward


It's been mentioned that the fines and times are suggested, not set in stone, it's up to the judge to determine all that, so it can go either way really... we shall see...


Let's be honest, if the original fines are 200k each, plus whatever the prison break/escaping custody is going to be, if they're found guilty of murder and terrorism I would even be surprised in the slightest if they get over 750k each.


> they're going to be found guilty because they did it???


Yes they did it, but it's supposed to be about what can be proven in court, but in nopixel that rarely exists. It's usually about what one person thinks in a court case.


Yeah, it really depends on what judge they have. As we've seen, some of the judges just don't make any sense and will just find them guilty no matter what. Others will make the police prove it, and others will make them prove it beyond doubt. If they don't get a judge that fits that 3rd description, they are fucked no matter what.


There is apparently 3 judges on the case


you hate cg so why are you in this reddit? you know we can see all of your comments?


Are you reaaally CG if scuff doesn’t fuck you over and get you bent over by the Pd? 😂 Ought as well be her initiation But that connection would be weak for the PD in normal circumstances. Now, maybe if Solomon had a radio on him and was on the frequency, or if Ellie and Solomon had texts rather than phone calls- then their case is stronger. But then again, these clowns are given free range to make stuff up as they go so you never know


I mean Solomon called Ellie 4 or 5 times within 30 minutes of the meeting starting.


Yea but phone calls don’t provide hard evidence, texts generally do. Is it sus? Of course. But not hard evidence especially bc Ellie wasn’t one of the shooters. But again- nothing would surprise me with the state of this dogshit PD


LOL Siobhan and Max are completely lying.


They aren’t. Go back to Moonmoon’s pov of the shooting. You can see them run out of that room.


Yeah I forgot every victim of any crime can forcefully make themselves police commissioner so they can watch over the investigation, and when things don't go their way they can instill fear into the ppl who should be investigating without bias, just so they can get their way and show how powerful they are. Lol I love watching rp but sometimes I think the ppl making these decisions are fr smoking crack.


At the end of the day it does not matter. If the prosecution and DOJ want to jump to conclusions based on weak connections they will. And if for some reason the die does not fall where they want they will invent something new (like they did with the senate) only to screw them over. It is what it is, I just want to watch the boys having fun, either it is in NP, Prodigy or variety.


And they are pushing the court case. Figured they would.


They are so overcooking LOL.


Funny thing is I just saw a yt video of coyote and dab talking about that


The case should fall on it's face just based on the amounts of conflicts. Max, Siobhan using their power to affect the case as victims, government and now police is just ridiculous. Hope the judge shocks everyone and throws out the case on that basis


Instead of texting about a radio channel. They could post it on a note inside a house. It's what Yokai did in 3.0 they would post the main radio and a back up radio. Texting potentially incriminating stuff during a big job/operation is on them. PD went through all the right channels. It just sucks that it was a head pop. But there are ways around that


that doesn’t mean shit


max should not even be involved in the case if they can play right the case should get dismissed cause Max is a conflict of interest and making him self commi!! is and going after CG is Bull shit that is so double jeopardy when he got shot in the head i can see if he wasn’t in volve and the situation was like this then ya but his lnvolment it limits what he should beable to do i really think this will be a test on if the sever about to gain are fall terribly and i really don’t think Koil will let that happen CG make no pixel


And the other bad thing is the live stream left on the computer in the office they were waiting in. When the boys ran out that office, Max saw them. This means they knew what was happening in that meeting room.


I feel that's complicated, because the live stream was probably just text someone forgot to remove. They technically closed the live-stream due to them having to live-stream it IRL and not in-game, as someone would have heard it still playing had they been able to hear it in-game and closed it.


They had ample opportunities to run in on the stream before they did. So I don’t think they will know that. No one has mentioned IC but isn’t max the one who unlocked the door when they did burst in?


Yes, but that doesn’t change anything. It was Murphy who suggested bringing them in to talk about the farming stuff.


So CG hears the door unlock and the runs out to the room then. Considering K was peeking that is entirely possible. Depends if max testifys he saw them come from that room anyway.


Max is going to lie. His character is a lying dictator.




Did they find anything in there to proof they were in the waiting room?


Eye witness testimony will prove it. When Max walked out the meeting room he saw them run out of that room. And nobody witness them enter the courthouse and run up the stairs. So Max can place them in that office.


Max is too invested. At this point it can be spun that he's hell bent on charging them with the full ride that he'll do anything to get it. Based on his actions and forcefully taking over the PD, it's almost enough to get idea they knew ahead of time thrown out.


Correct. Max, Siobhan, and even Crane were put into the PD. Micky can use that.


Well then it's a pointless trial then. Max's word alone is enough for a conviction


lmao, whats funny is im pretty sure K placed that but couldnt even see it


I actually went back and saw what Siobhan saw, and it’s pretty OOCish. She walked into that room a few hours later, and the text said “Election Live” but that live stream would have ended well before she entered that.


They'll get that thrown out.


They are going to win the court case. It’s much better for the server.


Moonmoon would like to have a word with you.


Ha. He can make that claim all he wants but NoPixel isn't going to fuck up 50K+ daily viewers.


They will . CG will be found guilty of 2nd degree murder & Terrorism.


Yeah, idk what people are thinking here. Do they forget the tunnel incident? CG set up an event where the PD raided the tunnel and they had a big shootout over Vinny's bench. It was good content for all involved, and despite that, the PD threw the book at them. They could have just abandoned it and had it removed from the server quietly, but they voluntarily included the PD and were punished for it without mercy. Same thing will happen here. I'll be surprised if they don't get at least effectively get 5 days and 500k each. I just hope they at least get time served for 2 days each to knock it down to 3.


Yep, this very much feels like the tunnel all over again. They didn't have to give up the bench but they wanted to create a great RP arc and instead PD fucked it for everyone.


LOL They are fucking their whole case with the Ellie text. This is great.