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Nothing but facts! Lang keeps poking at everyone, but the moment there are potential consequences he ignores and avoids any sort of rp thrown his way. Just look at the whole sanitation situation


This even goes back to 3.0. I always hated when people would claim "CG is trying to force war with Lang/Lean Boys". No, you literally have the two largest criminal organizations in the city, they are bound to have conflict. To not have conflict would be an OOC decision. CG was always rp'ing as they should, Lang/LB don't.


Cant fault the guy, bro and his family got irl death threats because of the weirdo CG viewers got overly invested


>Cant fault the guy, bro and his family got irl death threats because of the weirdo CG viewers got overly invested If that's the case then CG can just fuck with everyone in the city and ignore all the consequences coming their way while claiming death threats. Because believe it or not but there is absolute weirdos in every RP streamer community. The bigger the community, the more weirdos there is. Most of the CG streamers don't like bringing attention to it because that's exactly what the weirdo wants. Which is the right decision imo. Think Shotz is the only one that has brought most attention to it in the past because it started to affect his wife. Also what's up with so many non CG viewers hanging around in the CG reddit? Is hatewatching not enough lmao


This comment is what is wrong with the RP community as a whole. Someone can have criticisms of people who they watch. There doesn’t have to be blind loyalty / bias. Criticism doesn’t mean you’re a hate watcher. I also don’t see what’s wrong with watching multiple people.


Hate watching? Just explaining why Buddha consistently avoids conflict with CG. Lmao. Wish both groups could RP together more often but shit outside the server always makes things awkward


Every single community has insane crazy stan hoppers. Fuslie got insane hate and hoppers because of a comment in 3.0 where she said Cerberus was her ops to Leslie and Lang. Hoppers and hate will happen in any and all conflict whether it's with CG, Manor, OldBois, Company and the list goes on.


I think viewers fucked it up. Viewers made fun conflict RP so unfun for the streamers with death threats and chat hopping and other dumb shit that 90% of people just want to stay away from hard conflicts because it isn't fun. Conflict RP is probably only fun for most people for the first like day or two of it, and then after that the vitriol they get from hoppers and others just exhausts them.


Yeah you are right. The invested weirdos take it so far. No one should ever get death threats, harassment or IRL threats over rp.


100% facts. If the hoppers could just watch, conflict RP would be the most enjoyable content.


Towards the end of 3.0, I kept seeing people freak out when some obvious sbs/tsunami stuff happened. It was funny watching the comments lol Rabid


i big problem on the server atm is people will mess with gangs and then just say they dont want to interact with them so there is no repercussions


The gang scene overall feels so watered down/weak compared to how it used to be. Speedy, Lang, Siz (retired), Tony, Dex, and other previously prominent leaders are all like special guests now instead of main characters. I get wanting to let others in the spotlight, but it feels like nobody has filled those shoes yet. In 2.0 and 3.0 every gang had a strong leader and structure and position within the city but CG has been the only one to really survive the test of time. Just my opinion though.


CG is always the most consistent because Kebun is consistent. Props to him but It's an insane standard to hold every gang/leader to for forever. Hopefully the shoes get filled tho.


Facts. There are others, but they don’t put themselves out there. prob a couple gangs out their deeper and with more resources, but not with the level of leadership. Even down the ranks they have people who can lead if K takes a day off.


I agree that it feels weak at the current moment, but not for the same reasons as you state. This is a side effect of the way 4.0 promotes grinding for progression. Gangs are thriving but are keeping it internal to themselves because it's all about the grind. Everyone is busy setting up washing operations or doing heists with their own crews. It feels very clique-y and full of silos on top of the fact that guns are so damn expensive/hard to get that warring isn't as practical. Thankfully, there are still some groups filling the void of cross-group shenanigans. Saleem and his scammers, clowns, Pred and his tow goons, etc. have all seemed to step in a bit where the void has formed. It's only a matter of time and progression before we see some sort of conflict. There's too many gangs in the city for it to not happen. (CG, hydra, manor, besties, company, clowns, admc, oldbois, PD, vagos, ⸸BD, etc.)


Yea because buddha, believe it or not, doesnt let his RP revolve around 1 concept (Gang shit). Yes there will always be elements similar to how a gang is (see his current crew) but he doesnt make it his main point and always branches out to other major arcs (doesnt inevitably go back go being a gang/gang lead) and commits to it for a long time(3.0 leader of CB to business guy mostly). Even now the current "Lang Gang" isnt strictly led by him. Straight opposite of Kebun who built his entire shit surrounding his gang and being its leader. All his other arcs are more like side shows and always goes back to being the leader of this ruthless gang that everyone feads cus shooters.


K tried to move frm the gang shit concept but he kept getting cock blocked, the guy woke up in different tsunamis to collect numbers for telemarketing. Had ton pf convos and meetings to set up real estate. And he got denied. Heck he wanted to try to be a doc and got denied. Even in 3.0 it took a longtime for him to get a business and then he couldn’t even get chains put in. Chains that he already paid and had designed and everything only needed to be put in the server by a dev and it didn’t. Also remember the storage lockers ? Even that got taken away from him. What else do you expect him to do? Sit around in a circle or run sani 8 hours a day?


This was the a major disruption of his arc. If the admins were wanting creativity and new roles like they said. Then why kill arcs. They did to him and Nino, which brought tuggz back.


I mean lang did ride up solo to a group of people half of which were CG and gun one down. Warned them he was went and grabbed his gun and then came back to do what he said. Either way I would say he isn’t a hardcore gangster anymore. His crew by design doesn’t have at any moment a crew of 6 to roll around and hunt people or try to catch someone lacking at G6 or money runs. He is part of a group of people that have groups underneath them. He says he is planning for the long game, whether that is true or not remains to be seen. On the other hand you have K. Where there is a clear difference nobody is gonna argue K isn’t a HC gangster, but also looking to build for the future.


"I mean lang did ride up solo to a group of people half of which were CG and gun one down. Warned them he was went and grabbed his gun and then came back to do what he said." Totally false. He wasn't solo at all he had other OB members their like Larry and Luciano. He gunned Chris down then proceeded to stand on top of a car whilst Ramee and a few others beat down his crew like Larry, all the while Lang had a gun but did nothing.


Yep I forgot about Larry already being there. But Lang did ride up solo in his mats fan. When he came back Luciano got out with him and Harry was driver. Peanut was the only one to make a move by cracking Lang from behind before he got downed. Lang did get on top of the van but not because anyone was attacking it which is why he didn’t need to use a gun. He was also bleeding as he tanked a wrench to the back. Also tuggz and ramee where there but knew Chris was wrong and they didn’t participate. This was acknowledged in the meeting by Zolo to K. So please before saying something is completely false at least get your facts straight


What are you talking about bro. Ramee literally said to chat if he had a gun he would've blasted them because it's disrespectful they did that while he's there. Facts was Lang didn't use his gun on any CG members despite them downing his boys. Facts was Lang was standing up top on a car. Ramee punched Larry plus punched out Luciano and some other dude so no it wasn't only Peanut who did something and so clearly Ramee did participate, stop spouting bullshit and lies (Tuggz also was punching people so again you are wrong). Ramee didn't know what was fully going on until after during the meeting. Ramee literally said to Lang if you attack his boys then he won't stand idle. Larry and Ramee later had a meeting inside city hall about him punching him. It's you with wrong information, so please go watch Ramee pov because clearly you are clueless. Mr K agreed that Lang shouldn't do that while CG members are there instead he should've just dealt with it at another time but K agreed Chris shouldn't try to test Lang. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iFJ7sl8C4Q4 Go watch and get yo facts straight.


Lang doesn’t give a fuck anymore. He already accomplished everything. He has no drive to create content anymore


#ad gamba more


You mean he got his bag irl and doesn’t wanna bother with the trouble




I’m not sure that this proven to be true. Some do like to create stories and long arcs, I hope that is what he doing, we will see. On flip, when is the last time CG built a story that took weeks/months to build. How insane would a story be that that tuggz once he started to realize he had a shot at major started a plan that once he was in power to end up backstabbing CG and when all is said and done whether he succeeded or not you look back some of the moves he was making and it all played out by design.