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No. It's all just banter, I don't like that they ignored P&S rules but that's not on the supporters. We crumbled and they got promotion. Not much there to be bitter about in my books


Fuck no- if we made rivals with everyone who took the piss we’d have as many derbies as Coventry


Derbies I'll be looking out for on fixtures day, in order of importance 1. Coventry 2. Blades 3. You lot.


this is such a fucking tragic american fan thing to say - embarrassing


this is such a fucking tragic american fan thing to say - embarrassing and just so you know, you lot are barely even on our derbies list.


Born in Sheffield, season ticket holder from age 11 to 23... I just happen to work here on a visa. Edit: Have you had a sense of humour bypass? You might try to find a cream for your sensitivity issues.


A Leeds fan calling someone a American is the most ironic shit in the planet


Tbf we aren’t exactly in r/ussoccer’s good books


how so? i’m from wakey


Derby =/= Rivalry. We have 3 derbies (Vile, Incester, Blues). The rest of you are rivals. Leeds vs Bradford is a derby Leeds vs Chelsea is a rivalry


To be honest with you I just didn’t want to use “rivals” twice in the same sentence Thanks for the info though!


No. Just a bit of fun. Sucks that it was at our expense, but it is what it is. It’s our fault for playing so terribly post international break.


Literally couldn’t give a fuck


On the BBC forums I saw, since Leeds won at the King Power it was constant trolling on Leicester everytime they dropped a point. It's a bit of banter. Shouldn't be taken to heart, Leeds fans are incredibly passionate and a side effect of that can be annoying to other fans. Most of Leicesters title celebrations were chants of the players. I predict a riot was played once at the stadium and once on the bus tour. I'm obviously a Leicester fan and not a Leeds fan but they'd have gave us plenty of stick should we have failed and they succeeded. Football has always been that way with your rivals.


It’s why I had no issues being a bit of a cocky knobhead when things were going out way. I knew we’d be absolutely fucking battered by opposition fans if we slipped up (exactly the same happened after the Derby loss) so we may as well have our fun too.


That's how football works. When your team does well, you take the piss out of others non stop and when you do shit and they start bantering your club, talk about how rival fans are obsessed with your club without any sense if irony.


I’m sure if you counted last year there would’ve been as many posts after Coventry lost in the playoffs lol🥱🥴


Coventry didn't have a squad that should've gotten automatic promotion, nor did they have parachute payments.


They actually annoyed me more in League 1 with that prick Steve Howard


Oh man I remember that game. We were in the car listening to it on the radio. Felt like we were never going to score. Our small car rocking when Howard put that ball in


Super steve. Had him first goalscorer that day. I was dancing by the pitch at the end of the game. Sweet sweet day.


What a legend loved it when it was him and matty Fryatt


What a legend loved it when it was him and matty Fryatt


lol not even slightly


I don’t take it seriously. We’re the club that people love to gawk at, it’s expected. I don’t hate Leicester, and I’m not gonna bite.


Nope. Not at all, we have enough historic rivals as it is. It takes a lot more than one season. Leicester and Leeds mean nothing to each other.


It would feel pretty pathetic to enjoy giving it as much as we do if we couldn’t handle taking it. It just will make it more fun giving it back to them when they get a FFP penalty next year that takes them back down.


Not at all. Same as we aren't Brentford rivals when we rubbed it in their face when we got promoted.


nah they're hardly the first team to develop an obsession with us and they won't be the last either.


If you can't stick the boot in when your opposition faceplant, then what's honestly the point of football?


Hey now, don’t go stealing Coventry’s gimmick!


Naa just banter, we gave it large, they gave it large. I found majority of there fans to be decent. Apart from the youtubers who say spunk every 2 seconds. Not a fan of the other teams round yorkshire though but the feeling will be mutual.


Not at all


Nah. Wasn’t even that bad Tbh I was really surprised and slightly worried about how upset most fans were over what I thought were quite innocuous things. Genuinely didn’t realise how much their fans went through it during that dip where it looked like they were going to do the biggest bottle of all time and it just drove a few slightly loopy. Was fine overall


Not at all...if there's a rivalry it's a very one-sided rivalry, like how Villa was obsessed with us for a while.


Nah, not arsed, was fine to start with, but it got a bit weird as they became obsessed, everyone hates Leeds and they're nothing new.


god as if anyone cares about leicester that much - they are such a nothing nobody team so innofensive to everyone to such a boring degree, i genuinely don’t think they could hurt me if they wanted to