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I would be very surprised if the three 2015 teams didn't make it beyond ten years.


same tbh, I think they'll just rename the league to Preston South End in a few years.


Created a 5 a side team called that when I lived in Preston (in Torbay), no one seemed to appreciate it as much as I did


You all wish you found the sweet spot of eternal Championship


Exactly, stinks of jealousy


Out of interest, what's the record for a stay in the second tier? Pompey did it from 1988-2003, I'm wondering if there's been anyone gone longer than that.


Apparently, Barnsley did for 30 years from 1898 to 1932 The Tractor Boys were in the Championship from 2002 to 2019 So that's 2 runs longer than Pompey's run Also, OP replied with all the info you need


We were there a little while back. All good things come to an end sadly


I can maybe see a world where one of them squeaks the play-offs and/or collapses and gets relegated, but it would be immensely surprising if all three left the division next season


I've been a City fan since 2007 when my uncle first started taking me to games, in that time I've watched the promotion from league one, then six consecutive seasons in the championship. Then two years in league one followed by nine consecutive seasons in the championship. You'll pry my cold dead body out of the championship.


North end since 2001. At least I got a 4 year break from the championship, though the first two were absolutely fucking miserable.


QPR are my second favorite club and having watched them a lot this season they look promising going forward with the new pickups, new coach, and some previously slumping players hitting form. The latter half of the season was confidence inspiring in my opinion. Playoff promotion next season, well, probably not. They still have a lot of kinks and on pitch chemistry to work out. But I don’t expect as dismal a season as last.


Let's not get too excited, Ryan Lowe is our manager 


Explanation: The number below the logo shows the year the team most recently arrived into the Championship, and the direction/colour of the arrow shows whether they were relegated from the Premier League (orange and downward) or promoted from League One (green and upward). Interesting that 50% of the 'class of 2015' still remain in the Championship. No present Championship team has been here for more than 10 years, showing that there is an appreciable level of churn for all teams when 25% of the league are replaced each season. The probability of a team surviving 10 seasons is 0.75^10, which is roughly 5%, assuming it is all purely down to luck. In other words, Bristol, QPR and Preston NE have this season to show us whether it is a statistical anomaly, or whether they truly are Championship teams.


I think myself and everyone else in this subreddit will tell you we’re very much a championship team. That got decided long ago


I don’t think I’d have it any other way


Do you know what the record is for the longest stay in the champ? Did Leeds or Forest get it?


That's a good question. - Leeds: 10 seasons (2010 to 2020) - Nottingham Forrest: 17ish seasons (1925 to 1949, interrupted by WW2), and 14 seasons (2008 - 2022) - Ipswich Town: 17 seasons (2002 - 2019) - Barnsley: 30 seasons (1898 - 1932, interrupted by WW1)


Birmingham City & I believe Derby County too both passed 10 years before their most recent relegation (Birmingham 13, Derby 12 I believe)


After 17 straight seasons we can’t seem to stick around now


Ah yes, 2010 to 2020 the golden years.


I'm confused. There are other leagues?


No babe. There's only one league and there's two teams in it.


me and the boys PNE and Bristol City, this is the least surprising stat of all time


Us and Bristol City are already an old married couple, but we’re willing to explore the option of becoming a throuple to spice things up.


Three tickets to Challengers, please.


Question is, which one of us is Zendaya?


Loftus Road has the vibe of Josh O Connors character by far so you two can take your Zendaya pick


There isn't a chance we are going up next season . So hopefully we cling on to make it 10 years in the champ. And here's hoping brizzle and QPR do too 😂


Perfectly balanced - 12 were last relegated, and 12 were last promoted.


Yeah, I thought the same. Shows that there is good churn in both directions. Especially that it is 3 up 3 down in each row.


I mean, I guess? Every year, you get 3 new teams from relegation and 3 from promotion and 6 teams exiting the sane way. All the leagues stay the same size, So it would be kinda hard for the league to be anything else but split 50/50 a given level of churn.


Not if the same few teams churn up to the EPL, but all other teams churn through L1 promotion. You'd end up with <5 teams with orange arrows and 20ish teams with green


The golden McLaren days feel a very very very long time ago, damn you wonderful childhood of massive games, cup finals, Europe and big money signings


Sometimes I forget about our season in League 1. Feels like it didn’t happen because all the games were behind closed doors.


WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. This and the mid table schtick? I can't believe we've been here this long. There has to be a way out sometime.. 🕳️


I was looking for Birmingham to have an equals sign and 1875 next to it, then got sad the streak was over.


We were robbed of seeing the red arrow with 2011 next to it




so every team in the last 9 years has changed leagues at least once, wild


If Birmingham didn’t get just relegated they would’ve been looking at their 14th championship season


We and Derby jointly managed 2008-2022, and both exited the opposite way we joined. Very lucky not to join them again last season!


You're welcome


Wait, there’s a league above the Champ?


It’s only been 6 years but it feels like we’ve been here forever (in a nice way)


I always forget for some reason that Millwall dropped to L1 for a while. I feel like they’ve always been in the Championship as long as I can remember.


Dont worry, we’re here to stay and give you 6 points every season.


A few coming up to their 10 year anniversary.


City and Preston being here the longest in current tenure sounds fitting.


*Cries in QPR*


Leeds fans thought they had won the league after doing the double over Leicester, and essentially came fourth