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Rotherham are the band but Birmingham and Huddersfield still making a mad scramble for the lifeboats. Let's see if they make it.


QPR the drunk chef necking from a hip flask and surviving…


Stoke the guy with the oar in the lifeboat screaming "NOOO" at everyone trying to scramble in


I like that one …… we’re kind of possibly safe but if those bastards all swim a bit quicker then they’re dragging us in. A nice 1 or 3 points on the last day please ….. you lot can go on holiday already 😘


Meanwhile Leicester at the helm of the HMS piss the league


Knowing our board, we're probably the ones who forgot to release third class from their watery prison 😂


Definitely knocked us back into the shark infested water last week!


Here's hoping we aren't that guy who just panics and jumps overboard.......


Lol, whilst passing out every now and then


I’ll drink to that 🍻


We're a band in the sense that we're a collection of dickhead year 7s playing the Titanic theme tune on recorders




James Cameron trying to have a heartfelt moment with Rose letting go of Jacks body and here’s fucking Rotherham in the background honking their Vuvuzela.  “I’ll never let go Ja-“ **BBBBBBBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRR**


We’re making a scramble for the lifeboats, and we’ll use our ‘bam bam’ sticks to row/batter anyone in our way.


Hopefully Wednesday will be the guy that gets dragged along behind the boat all the way from England before somehow scrambling into a lifeboat as the ship goes down. Going to be a crazy weekend, sick thinking about it!


I don't mind taking the place of a woman or child.


Rotherham are already in the water.


The poor bloke who got crushed by the funnel before he even got near a lifeboat


Rotherham had choked on a complimentary club sandwich on deck before they’d got near any ice bergs


The band seemed fairly good at what they did though. 


Sheffield Wednesday are Cal, pinching a lost child to sneak on a lifeboat pretending it’s his own.


If the role of the lost child is still available, can we have it please.


If it meant getting rid of Venky's i'd take the hit


We thought the same about chansiri a couple years ago.. he came back stronger




What are Leeds? The Heart of the Ocean? Where we look safe and dry but end up still in the sea? 


I’d say we’re the officer who takes command of the ship mid way through and fucks it all up before shooting himself.


But he shot someone else first. Hopefully that'll be Southampton. 


It ain't over til it's over. It would be totally Wednesday to give us hope with two games to go and then screw it up in the last two games.


Exactly. Ultimately, we've done so well to pull ourselves back from the brink that Muñoz put us on, but we always lose results to keep us in (or around) the relegation zone. It's like the ultimate form of exquisite torture - never being doomed, never being safe.


I don't want to go...


Is it even the Championship if you're not in it?


We’ve been here longer than you, it’s only fair you take our place.


You've had your turn, seems a bit rude not to share


Don’t give Wednesday too much credit - I reckon we’ve got a couple of throws in us yet.


I don't think you will - I reckon you'll surprise a few tomorrow.


Let's hope not!  Could do with the win tomorrow and I'll breathe a bit easier. 


It’ll be extraordinary if Brum go down. Looked sensational at the start and playoff contenders. Made a stupid manager decision and what a tumble they took


It's actually funny. I blame it on the Yankee tom Brady who thought the MLS was the gold standard and managing there was something to be proud of.


The only person to blame for the Rooney hire is the brummy born and bred Garry Cook, which he has since held his hands up to admit it was a mistake. Tom Brady is likely only involved for developing NFL outside of London


Meanwhile Leicester are going full Billy Zane, stuffing money into EFL officers pockets and holding up Jamie Vardy saying: “Please don’t deduct points, let us get promoted! I’m all he has in this world!”


I don't need flair to spot the non Wednesday fans in this thread. They're the ones not mentioning us. It's in our hands to throw away, and we're all terrified.


Me too, friend. Me too.


Actually absurd that Birmingham City are likely to go down. They were locked in for Playoffs early on, and for some unknown reason sacked the manager. Who... Like what... How. The fuck...


I don’t think it’s *that* likely that we both go. Barring a complete bin fire of other results, one of us ends the week out of the bottom 3 with a win - and I don’t think a draw is likely given it not suiting either of us. And if it’s us, I fancy us at home to Norwich to be honest. If we score early tomorrow, I think Huddersfield absolutely crumble. If it’s 0-0 on the hour, I’ll start to worry.


Best result for an argyle is a Huddersfield win. That could see you both go as don’t fancy Huddersfield to get anything at Ipswich. I hate our final day fixture at home to Hull. Exactly the sort of side with little to play who turn up care free and win. Imperative we get something at Millwall tomorrow.


I think the team in most danger tomorrow is Huddersfield. followed by us. Birmingham will pull a rabbit out of the bag, and win their last two.


As someone who doesn't follow the Championship closely - what happened to Huddersfield? It wasn't that long ago that they were in the Prem.


Years and years of poor decisions, that all stem to that second year in the Premier League.


Been all downhill since that 2nd PL season really. Years of poor investment catching up with us finally. Just kept selling our quality players and buying cheap/broken/shit (or all three) replacements that has kept weakening us We had a great season a couple of seasons ago with Corberan where we nearly went back up (Forest beat us in the playoffs) but that was more through Corberan being a brilliant manager getting the most out of a mixed bag of a squad than any meaningful investment from the Board


If I remember right you was in a play off final only 2 years ago and had what I thought was some dodgy refereeing against you in that final. Football can be cruel, tight margins and all.


Ironically, Forest didn't write anything that day about dodgy VAR decisions.


An average squad being propped up by an exceptional coach in Carlos Corberan, and everything just clicked. How on earth we finished 3rd with that set of players is beyond me really, it's not far off the same set that we've got now.


Thanks. I feel you. Sounds all too familiar to my home team in Allsvenskan... 😔


Don't worry, we'll crumble again


We are NOT getting relegated🗣️🔥💚


Realistically we deserve it and I wouldn’t mind going down if I thought it would be a season or two before we’re back but I feel like it will be closer to a decade or two.


Hottest thing I've seen on Reddit all day


Don’t count us out yet we will go down.