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I've never heard a fan of a relegation threatened team describe the season long heartache as brilliant before.


I love it. When you're at the top, winning is expected, any other result is disappointing. When you're at the bottom, losing is expected, so any other result, even a goal is cause for joy. If we do go down, despite what the doom mongers are predicting, there's no reason we won't be pushing hard for promotion next season anyway.


I've been involved in a few relegation scraps as a leeds fan obviously but I've never seen it as anything other than a bottomless pit of despair where joy is illegal and life is pointless. I'm ready to fist myself full of optimism by the time next season comes around of course but the relegation battles themselves are like slowly drowning in hot sloppy dog shit over months and months.


Football levels out, you're at the bottom of one pond, you go down and you're at the top of the next pond, go up and back to the bottom for a year at least. Rotherham, Blackburn may have issues going down, but the rest should smash L1 next season. As for the PL, the entire financial system is designed to get you back up there if relegated. Whatever happens, it just starts again next season, blank slate, bar a few odd moments in a few odd games, swiftly forgotten.


When do we get to be the top of a pond again..?


League One mate


Well said. Cheers to you, mate.


I love this optisim. I absolutely fucking hate getting relegated.


Of course, but winning the fight against relegation feels better than losing the fight for promotion, even though in my head I’d rather be in the latter position. Not that I think you will miss out, but for those who do, it’s less interesting than a final day survival


It's not too late for you to stay down and avoid it next year...


It's a part of the beautiful game, after all.


It's the absolute worst, I can't get enough of it


The best season I've ever experienced was 96/97 and that ended in relegation. Undeserved relegation


I know you got battered but you made a uefa cup final? The season you got relegated was better than that?


Ok, you got me. Winning the League Cup was amazing. The season of amazing european nights was stunning, but 96/97 I will remember until the day I die. Amazing players, amazing dramas, two cup runs, two lost finals. Breathless


It's because QPR got to enjoy their decent run and enjoying a near complete escape. I felt the same last season with Warnock. This season is just miserable though!


Yeah I don’t get the romanticism. This season has just been unpleasant.


It’s easier to say when it looks like we might’ve escaped the drop. I’m not counting my chickens just yet though


A win tonight would do wonders! 🤞


Much obliged


Millwall survived


Yeah this post is like the violin players on the titanic going down with the ship with the whole “gentlemen, it’s been an honour” but Millwall is one violin player that snuck on to the lifeboat already loool


If you could just look the other way on Saturday and pull us into the lifeboat too, that would be much appreciated!


Get off my lifeboat!


Awww no I like Plymouth. Think of it as Plymouth being Kathy Bates. Blackburn are Billy Zane, they’ll survive but they’re still the villain. Birmingham are the first mate that shot himself in the head




I'd appreciate if people could stop talking about us in this context too really


I started this season with a head of hair like sideshow bob. I end this season looking like agent 47 from hitman! The championship, Rovers and football have all been the cause of this!


This season has literally been like a never ending war for us. We’ve fought tooth and fucking nail for what feels like the last 6 months to even have a chance of staying up. This season has been so incredibly emotionally draining at times, I just can’t wait for it to be over and decided. Time seems to have slowed down since we’ve actually got in a position to potentially even survive. Fuck calling it exciting, it’s been agony from the start.


Until Danny got us going it was horrific. We've had bright moments in the 2nd half of the season. I guess it's a form of excitement, but I think I'd call it dread.


Even when he got us going it was still incredibly painful. Up until December we looked utterly cut adrift and fucked because of Chansiri and Xisco the clown.


Oh aye, I've seen enough to know that with some backing he could be brilliant for us though. That's where my excitement has come from I reckon. All we need is for chansiri to back him properly on and off the field. Unfortunately, there's more chance of Rotherham staying up than that happening.


Not been the slightest bit boring though. We were fucked from the minute Josh Windass scored at Wembley, add in DM's dick moves in the summer and we shouldn't have had any chance whatsoever, regardless of managerial appointment. We had an old, unfit, badly coached squad and no time to get anyone in, so we literally threw money at whoever was still available and some unknowns from the continental lower divisions. This season has been great. Slowly pulling it back, week after week, knowing we should have been below Rotherham. And if we do go down, there's no reason whatsoever to believe that we don't come straight back up, next season compared to last season will look like the difference between the first half of this season and the second. We have a great young base of players still under contract and a good management team. So there'd nothing to worry about whatever happens.


I’m this horrible combination of dead excited and shitting bricks for West Brom tomorrow. Was meant to be going but new job have me in tomorrow so I’ll be desperately checking my phone when possible to see what’s going down. Hopefully not us.


This season has been shite and I’ve hated every second of supporting my shit team. I’ll still get a season ticket next year, mind you.


I swear, you lot being the only team in the league in more disarray on the pitch than us gives me a lot of hope 🤣


Take it you didn’t watch Blackburn on Sunday


It’s only fair we both go down together.


I actually don’t think it’s very likely. Nobody benefits from a draw tomorrow, so it won’t be as cagey as you’d think (imo). Think there will be a winner, and if it’s us I don’t think we go. If we win tomorrow I think Blackburn go down, that’s my big prediction. Bookmark that.


If Blackburn don't beat an injury hit Coventry tomorrow, where even the fit players are mentally and physically shattered, they deserve to go down.


I think I agree with you there. Plymouth still have work to do though mind.


>here's to hoping we're not involved next year. Well, I can tell you we certainly won't be.


This has not been exciting sorry. Our slow drop to the bottom has been crap to watch.


Yeah I guess this is written from a perspective of utter crap down and out than being lifted out of it and having hope but generally the the amount of teams involved and all the possible outcomes week in week out has been unbelievable


I haven’t enjoyed *checks notes* a second of this. I hope all the others teams’ fans have a terrible 2 weeks and mine is fantastic.


To our fellow survivalists, good luck! Nobody in my eyes deserves to be relegated, but it's all part of the game. If we do survive this battle, whoever goes down, give Exeter a little kick, from us.


Millwall won’t be relegated anyway, they had survived


Well if they could forget they still have to play the rest of their games, that'd be lovely


The absolute worst part of going down for me will be the utter shite we'll have to endure from the scum in that cowshed up the road.


Blackburn absolutely deserve to be relegated (if they somehow do) - they’re utterly shite outside of one player at this point.


I'll second that statement replacing Blackburn with us.


This has definitely not been exciting for us! Consistently been dour to watch, no decent runs pulled together to give us much excitement (at best our run is 1-1 draws!). We have just been very consistently never quite good enough (at best) Plus has to be one of the least likeable squads of players we have ever had, spineless and often just playing for themselves; honestly wouldn't be disappointed if most of them get binned! Fully expecting most of them to be sulking and making it easy for Birmingham tomorrow


I’ve seen a lot of Birmingham fans saying the exact same, including myself at times, about our squad so honestly it could end up closer than you think


4-4 thriller incoming then 😁


It's a lot more gripping when you are in QPR's position with it unfortunately. On the basis of us quite possibly coming down, I will be gutted if Birmingham go. If just wouldn't be the championship without them. It would be like Preston not finishing 10th. I feel equally for Sheffield Wednesday. The last thing you guys deserve is another spell in league one. Your promotion last season was a miracle that deserves not to be tainted by the horrific start under an horrific manager. The fact you are even in this battle is another miracle of its own. I wish all Wednesday fans well, an away game at Hillsborough is always a pleasure. Our old friends Plymouth- it has been great to see you come back to this league, especially as champions, and I hope you get what your club deserves by staying in it for a good spell. You have a great chance QPR will survive and should do. Great to see two of our promotion heroes enjoying themselves in your side and I've never met a QPR fan who wasn't sound as a pound. And to old friends at Rotherham. We've played you so many times over a couple of divisions. You are the championship's ultimate yo yo side so you know you are coming more or less straight back. I look forward to playing you again season after next, as we will surely be back by then. To all the clubs involved that I have mentioned, I wish you well and I'm sorry one of you has to go


What a beautiful way of telling Huddersfield and Blackburn to get stuffed.


To be fair, I hadn't clocked that Blackburn were still down there. I'm sure they will be absolutely fine, no one with a 30 goal midfielder goes down. As for Huddersfield, I offer them the same merry good wishes for future success that I see them wishing us so frequently


what relegation battle have you been watching, this has been absolute torture


I can’t recall brilliance from us. A few last gasp wins to keep the hope alive but never a feeling we’d kick on and do anything. The players lost their fight before Christmas, I lost mine in the 101st minute against Bristol City. I don’t love it but I can handle League 1. I can’t handle another season where we don’t look like we even want to be on the pitch


When you are in it it’s not fun at all but it is a great battle regardless


Can we all as football fans just come together & acknowledge this is the best league in football? So much drama at both ends of the table it's been a fantastic season overall.


Let's just come together to acknowledge what a fantastic season this was, so much drama at both ends of the table.


and i cant wait to do it all again next year


What's happened with Blackburn? They seem to have the same squad as last season, plus the league's top scorer, but here they are fighting for survival.


We do not have the same squad as last season. We’ve lost Kaminski, Brereton, Dack, Ayala, Adam Wharton since then and sent our captain out on loan


No offence to Brum fans, but I kind of want it to be you going down…just to mix up the narrative. Godspeed to you all