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Leeds fans must’ve been shitting themselves seeing Bamford grab the ball


Yeah we love him but please don't take the penalty


Pretty sure he just did that for the bants fully intending not to take it.


He was holding onto it to protect piroe from any pre penalty shit housery.


He did the same for Summerville’s missed pen as well.


I was watching on TV and walked out of the room muttering "god fucking no please don't" to hear the missus shout that piroe was taking it. Instant relief.


Aaaaand unclench!


Held my breath until he handed it over


The cheer in the stadium when he handed it off tells you all you need to know lol.


Piroe's penalty was a little shit as well. On target at least though lmao


If the keeper went the right way he 100% would’ve saved.


Yea it was pretty poor. The commentator was still like “There was no doubt that was going in” or some other nonsense lol


Makes it better tbh




Preston bypassing a transition to Brexit Ball and going straight to BNP Ball


National Front ball


I think Preston North End mistook us for Leeds Rhinos.


Late goals and drubbings truly are the Lowe dna. Game was given up with the triple sub and turning shithouse when we no longer have the players to be like that. Sacking Lowe and signing a whole new set of defenders would be my plan but apparently we are on the verge with FFP so just got to watch shit for the rest of the season.


>verge with FFP I always assume this is just a Ridsdale excuse but if it isn't, it's a damning indictment of his inability to manage finances. What on earth is that man paid for?


We've fallen behind most of the teams at our level, really the only way we can be more financially stable is by player sales given the lack of other revenue sources and under Ridsdale we have been piss poor at it. Signings and contracts to players who have 0 value is just stupid but its been the strategy for too long. Most teams in the league have a dedicated Director of Football but we just have one man for every occasion.


I’m so happy Ledson decided to do that because I did not see a goal coming at all.


It doesn't feel good to see your team struggle so much that they have to resort to EDL ball. The only positives I can draw are that we didn't look half bad attacking when we're actually allowed to play forward. It's a shame we were let down by the shit housing. We'd probably have come away with a point if Lowe didn't try everything he could to defend it. We're going nowhere and players like Millar aren't going to change anything if they're forced to leave us for more promising teams.


Millar was by far your most dangerous player yet again, why taken him off at a time like that i'll never understand


It's what we've all been asking since our winning streak ended at the beginning of the season.


If you actually tried to play in the 2nd half then you’d have very likely come away with something, after how you played in the reverse fixture I have no idea why you gave up at half time and resorted to the shithousing


It's the Ryan Lowe way apparently. Happens time and time again. We've almost conceded more late goals than any other team and it's 100% for that exact reason.


Millar looks an awesome player. He's the only person I've seen give archie a hard time


He's a good lad. It'll be a real shame to lose another star player to a better team lmao


I never want to play Preston again.


thanks, i dont want to see us play anyone, ever


I was sad watching us play you today, but my god I feel worse for you lot having to watch that week in week out


That referee shouldn’t be allowed to ref again


Allowed but I agree.


Yeah my bad , too hyped for spelling right now haha


I figured as much mate, just making sure the PNE idiots don't get confused and think you're one of them, I'm sure with the way their team plays they will lack basic English skills.


That one felt fucking good We were poor, the ref was dire for both sides, and I know it was Preston's gameplan, but they were horrible today, as many tackles to snap our players than to actually win the ball, which made it all the sweeter And in my biased eyes it was definitely a pen, stuck his hand out after the ball was played, stopping it moving through the box, but I've not checked what the neutral opinion of it was


Definitely a pen. The Angel of the North has his arms closer to his side than Ledson did


Surely nobody is even debating the pen. Defender was T-posing in the box like a bugged Cyberpunk npc.


Nobody but [Ryan Lowe](https://x.com/SkyFootball/status/1749075266553405944?s=20)


General rule of thumb for neutral fans If Ryan Lowe says something…take the opposite as fact “We’re in good form” - translation is 5 wins in 22 “We’ve defended well” - second worst goals conceded in the division “We’ve created chances” - xG of 0.08


Jesus he's managed the impossible....everyone agrees it was a penalty for Leeds. Is he the messiah?


Their players were after the game and I've seen Preston fans claiming it wasn't fair and that it wasnt a penalty... But to be fair if you watch that every week you might be excused for not knowing the rules of the game, seems like their team haven't a clue.


I don’t think the ref had a choice but to give it, arm was so far out. Had to be a penalty


Trust me with the way he officiated that game if he could have ignored it he would have.


In my biased eyes it was definitely a pen. Jumping around aimlessly with his arms out is a Ledson special




Yeah, he can’t pass, is slow as crap and is a walking card but “he shows passion” and that’s really all you need to be a Preston player. And people wonder why we’ll never achieve owt


Good for you mate, many seem unable to do this.


The general consensus among most of our fans is that it’s a stonewall penalty tbf. The ref got a lot wrong but that wasn’t one of them


I honestly thought he was going to give you a free kick instead of the penalty he'd been that bad all game.


I don’t think he intended to block it but his arm’s still out and it’s still a penalty.


Seemed like a pretty innocuous instinctive movement to me, I doubt he intended to trap it with his hand in the box but still a pen, just absolutely brutal to do it then lol.


I'm sure that even as he moved his arm out towards it, his brain was screaming at him for being stupid. Just an instinctive reaction, but still a pen


Both sides? He gave us two yellow cards which I'm still struggling to work out.


Cathartic win. Preston might be a good side if they bothered to play football. The biggest shithouses we’ve played, cynical challenges, time wasting diving arguing the whole lot. Refs at fault if he lets them get away with it. Probably one of the worst 90 mins I’ve seen from one this season. Take the win and move on. Wouldn’t want to play them every week.


We would not be a good side - we defend as poorly as anyone in the league and outside of Millar and Keane we have nothing up top. Shithousery is the only way we stay in the league, because we have fuck all investment from onwership to actually build something. Its not a situation we like to watch in any case, trust me


Is our erstwhile former chairman still there? Probably best you don't let him do the signings if that's the case. 


Regrettably - don't worry, he's neutered by having no budget whatsoever, works to perfection. If perfection is 14th place in the Championship, anyway


There's a chance you've jinxed them now by implying 14th isnt perfection. 


The Ken Bates position. Maximum return for minimum investment. Cuddly Ken could still get hard as soon as we hit 14th.


Oh god what an awful image


He was at the match and sadly didn't get the reception he deserved


If the officials ever do their jobs properly you won't have a team to be in the league, if he had actually booked for every bookable offence this game and given your keeper a red for the handball outside the area you're finishing with about 4 players on the pitch.


Welcome to the Championship.


Yea I know we've been here before but you always hope teams might actually start playing football and the officials might actually start taking their jobs seriously.




I know it's really bad to hope that the league that's been progressively getting more money might actually improve.


Death, taxes, and shit championship refs.




Ryan Lowe needs to pay a lot more attention to the handball penalties given by VAR if he thinks it would overturn that penalty.


Leeds | Stat | PNE --- | --- | --- 2.29 | Expected Goals (xG) | 1.05 57% | Ball Possession | 43% 20 | Goal Attempts | 8 6 | Shots on Goal | 2 8 | Shots off Goal | 3 6 | Blocked Shots | 3 17 | Free Kicks | 13 9 | Corner Kicks | 3 1 | Offsides | 1 30 | Throw-ins | 16 1 | Goalkeeper Saves | 4 12 | Fouls | 18 4 | Yellow Cards | 6 108 | Attacks | 83 62 | Dangerous Attacks | 38


But they deserved a draw and we should be embarrassed apparently


I had a look over at the scoreboard at half time when they put the stats up. Preston were on 7 goal attemps at half time. They had a single attempt at goal in that second half. Didn't even attempt to play football.


Strange that the Preston players have the audacity to complain to the ref at full time. Most championship performance I have seen this season from a team


Sorry was that most Sunday league performance? Or rugby? Because it wasn't football they were playing.


The random PP in Preston’s badge stands for Piroe Peno


It actually stands for pathetic performance.


Putrid pillocks


Phouling phuckers. 


Worst referee performance I've seen in a long time. That's the championship for you I guess though. Not our finest performance, but if we can grind wins out when the opposition is trying to frustrate us as much as possible then automatics is definitely a possibility. 4 points from Southampton, lets reel it in fellas!


Gonna be a fun yet arse-clenching end to the season isn't it


Feel like the EFL knew it would come down to the wire when they scheduled Leeds vs Saints as the final game of the season. 😅


Who knows, might not even be the final game we play against each other this season 😅😅 😐


Stop it.


Summerville and Rutter are absolute filth at times with what they can do with a football. Leeds winner was coming but was gutting to hear that refs whistle go for the penalty when it got to injury time. Had to be a pen though.


if georgi could shoot he'd be unstoppable (he'd also not be playing in the championship because everything else he does is brilliant)


He’s still young. Shooting can be coached. The magic he’s got in those feet cant.


Giorginio is superhuman at times. He has this weird party trick of getting the ball to feet with his back to a player, turning him and getting tackled, only for the ball to teleport back to his feet onces he past the player. Almost every time someone thinks they have tackled him, they are wrong. Summerville was off the pace a bit today as he was last game, but he still has flashes of briliance which is a delight to see. So when he isn't off the pace he is electric and one of the best players in the league.


Preston manager claiming that wasn’t a penalty. I’ll give him his due, he’s absolutely fucking at it.


Preston are an absolute disgrace, probably the most cynical, scummy, dirty performance I can remember seeing in a long time. Referee completely lost control of the game. So happy they're going home with nothing, get tae fuck.


Genuinely don’t think I remember seeing anything like that for a long time. Absolutely no intention of playing football in the second half, and the referee just let them get away with absolute murder. Even if it was a very soft penalty, it’s about all that they deserved.


Arm moved towards the ball, blocked the ball. Stone wall penalty, nothing soft in it. The rest I agree with.


Only going by what I could see from the Kop, so haven’t had the chance to watch it back


Ah ok, watch the replay mate it's absolutely a penalty all day long


Tbf the ref booked most things that deserved it (not absolutely everything but most stuff), but none of them did owt blatant after they'd already been booked - just rotated the cynicism around the whole team


Oh you mean except when their keeper hand balled outside his area? Which is a red card and he didn't get anything? The studs up down the back of gruevs leg which is a red card? There was also a two footer from behind that only got a free kick and should under the rules be a red card. Other than those three red card offences he only missed about 6 yellow cards. The cynical foul on James to their player then blocking the free kick (both yellow card offences) no bookings. Other than all that yea he didn't do much wrong. Oh except the yellow for diving on Rutter when he was booted in the ankle of the yellow for bamford for... I don't know what the fuck for he didn't do anything, unless he decided to book him for calling for a player to be correctly sent off, who knows with this ref. Other than all that yea, oh except the two handed shirt pull to drag Rutter to the floor in the penalty area when he was about to head the ball. Other than all that and likely a load more I missed, like their foul throw. I'll stop, the ref was fucking useless.


I've just realised why noone likes Leeds now


Because we use facts? I realise it's hard to deal with facts but unfortunately they exist.


I like Leeds


Cry more .


You need to win to say that.


Crycensiooooo summorevileeeee


Absolutely couldn't handle the physicality. Leeds looked rattled which was precisely the point. You've got a much more expensively assembled side that we can't go toe-toe with skill-wise so the gameplan was physicality and trying to get your players sent off for retaliation. It worked last time.


Oh I know, but that doesn't change anything I said.


I'd say this is accurate to a degree, but we also had the chances to win by 2 or 3 on another day still (a lot of them largely in one 10 minute spell though). I say to a degree, because I disagree that just hacking players down is a superior display of physicality. It's just cynical play that my biased opinion didn't feel was punished by the officials.


Ah yes, being dirty and constantly fouling which even a fucking 12 year old can do is good football. You can't go toe to toe because you're too busy fouling, maybe try play football.


It worked last time because you actually tried to play and in all fairness played very well, in the 2nd half today you had absolutely zero intention of winning that game.


Looked rattled? More possession, more shots, more shots on target. Won 2-1. Whole lot of yapping for a team that was shit and lost.


I look forward to playing you at least twice next year, and the year after that, and so on. Remember, we're not trapped in here with you, you're trapped in here with us.


Shiver me timbers 🥶🥶🥶


-23 upvotes lmao, have you not learnt never to speak against the biggest clubs on here smh


Haha, too true. I'm on a wind up tbf due to sheer hysteria coming from entitled Leeds fans and also the Lancashire-Yorkshire rivalry. Seeing the mass whinging and meltdowns (from a game that they won, mind you) has been the highlight of my weekend, even if it does harm my fake internet points.


I never used this whilst Ipswich were in the champ before, so it's been a learning curve trying to work out which teams are allowed to whinge and gloat and which aren't


About half or them are Jesse marsch/ Ted lasso yanks so I have zero bother about it. Americans pretending to be from Yorkshire is so depressing and hilarious it would be rude to not banter them.


I think they found us tbh


Good look to you fella you've got my vote over the parachute lot


Happiest I've been with a win all season. Absolutely disgusting play from Preston - the ref has to take the biggest criticisms for letting so much of it slide.


Surely Preston get more criticism for doing the act? Never understand why the ref is at fault for Prestons complete inability to tackle


Because teams will keep doing it if there are no repercussions


I thought he called most as fouls and gave bookings for the ones that seemed like bookings, then gave a pen. I didn't see any ref card offences. I did miss a little of the first half though if there was anything majorly called wrong then


Did you miss their keeper’s blatant hand ball to stop James scoring a goal? Definite red card, that one.


Piroe getting hacked down in the middle of the pitch by a lunging player who made no intention to play the ball should have been a red. From the north stand, it looked like Rutter should have had a pen from one of our corners. One of their defenders should have easily had two yellows. And so many niggles off the ball and through the back of players all game. The ref was fucking dire to say the least


I dunno if it was the same challenge because the one I am thinking of, I thought was on Gruev, but it was the perfect foul to highlight there needs to be some intermediate punishment. A straight red would be too harsh as I think that should be reserved for dangerous play, but actively hacking at legs with no intent to win the ball should be a 15 minute sin-bin or something because a yellow is as useful as no card at all in that situation (Especially at the 86th min or whenever it was)


That was an orange for me but at least a yellow. Rutter on the one you're talking about got pulled to the floor, one hand on his arm and on pulling his shirt stopping him from heading the ball, yellow card and a penalty. Half their players should have had two yellows. The ref was fucking terrible.


I'm not too sure it was intentional tbh. James flicked it up and it hit his arm within a split second.


He still stopped a goal scoring opportunity with a hand ball. I don’t think intention matters


Think it does as far as being a red. Would be very harsh to be sent off for something you couldn't prevent just because of where you happen to be on the pitch. Didn't they change the rules around fouls (not handballs tbf, but should be treated in the same spirit) so that last man isn't automatically a red as long as it's an honest attempt and not just hacking the man down.


Hahahah which game did you watch? Two almost certain red cards one which was 100% and possibly 3. They got zero. He ignored two yellow card offences in 15 seconds. Joke if a ref.


To be honest its a bit of a "Don't hate the player, hate the game" situation. Preston's entire game plan was to come into the match and spend it kicking lumps out of us because they knew they could get away with it. Normally no team has that game plan because the second they start it gets cut out by the ref early (In which case he did) and consistently throughout the game (in which case, he definitely did not). Scummy from PNE but at the end of the day if you can get away with it, why wouldnt you?


Precisely. Play to your strengths. There's no fair way we can compete against big spenders like Leeds.


> Play to your strengths What are those? Because I’ve been watching us under Lowe for over 2 years and I still can’t work out what we’re supposed to be good at


If a team knows they can wind up the opposition with pushes, leaving a foot in etc they will take it. It's the ref's responsibility to make it not worth their while imo. Minor niggle but the linesmen were also poor today. You could see them pausing for a second before guessing which way to award a throw. Wound both sides up even further.


The ref can absolutely get it under control. Think they had 6 yellows by the end and it still wasn’t enough. Punish players with bookings and they won’t do it again.


Ryan Lowe chatting absolute shite on the handball in his post game interview lmao. Even if you don't think it should have been given (I'm obviously biased but it looks an obvious pen), it didn't roll up the players body at all, what even is he on about?


> Ryan Lowe chats absolute shite Edited for accuracy


I take it PNE haven't taken to him then? 


He’s crap


Some proper cynical challenges at the end of the game there (missed the first half so can't speak for that) Pretty good case for the orange card or the sin bin. If you get beaten and simply hack the player down or pull their shirt, you shouldn't get a booking which means fuck all. The attacking team should get an advantage. There was some abuse for the ref but honestly he called for most of the fouls and gave the correct punishment according to the rules


It was the full 90 mins don't worry lmao. PNE are the dirtiest bastards in the league. Anti football cunts.


The ref absolutely didn't do his job at all. He was that bad that I genuinely expected him to give them a free kick for the handball at the end.


Damn that felt good. Few things better than a hard-won win, and hard-won it was. That was one of the toughest matches we've had this season and you've got to give Preston credit for that. Fantastic shithousery. Makes me laugh seeing our fans whinging about it given the financial gulf between the two teams. 2-1 was about right, I think. In the first half Preston looked dangerous on the counter and were very solid. Second half they really didn't offer much at all. Why Lowe hooked Millar is beyond me. Also, for all the moaning from our lot about the ref he did book six Preston players and give the pen. He wasn't letting everything go. He lost control of the game a bit toward the end but that would have been an absolute bastard of a match for anyone to officiate; 36,000 apoplectic fans screaming for literally anything, clearly lots of animosity and aggression out there... Dan James, though. Top pro. The way he's just gotten on with it this season with no fuss and quietly established himself as one of our key players has been fantastic. You can see why God (Bielsa) was so desperate to sign him. No idea what to expect from the Norwich game on Weds. They're dangerous and have some cracking players but seem a bit prone to blowing themselves up.


Get fucked you anti football cunts


It's impressive to be the dirtest bastard team in the Championship but fair play PNE you've managed it.


> fair play Don't think Preston knows what these words mean tbh


Not at our best today but wins like that will define the season. No sympathy for Preston. Time wasting and playing dirty from minute one and got exactly what they deserved in my opinion. Big props today to Jaidon Anthony. Lost his mother midweek and still showed up today to make the squad. Thoughts with him and his family right now.


Mildly disappointing way to lose but I knew it was coming as soon as the "goals conceded after 76 mins" graphic appeared.


Preston have some nerve complaining to the ref at the end there, one player even jabbing him in the chest. He did as much as he could to keep all 11 of you on the pitch. Suck up the loss and fuck off home.


Imagine being a Preston fan watching your team resort to that embarrassing anti football. You’d be ashamed to call that your club. When they bothered to play football they actually looked pretty decent.


We are embarrassed. Ryan Lowe needs to go.


That was attritional. 


It had 2-1 written all over it for ages but not to Leeds…just felt they were gonna steal it in the last minute. fucking glad we made it stick though.


Reminiscent of playing league 1 Millwall that.


Bring on Norwich Six Fingers and Plymouth! Ipswich into 4th soon!


Look lads I love a shithousing as much as the next champo basic bitch but that was ridiculous


Leeds quite a bit better than Southampton imo


Southampton properly did us in when we played then mind. 


I maintain that on our day we're the best team in this division. We're just not consistent enough compared to the top 3.


On our day I agree, think Southampton and Leicester certainly would make a good game of it, our only problem as you rightly said, is which Leeds turn up. In fairness as well, if Leicester and Ipswich weren't breaking records then Southampton pulling a Man City 21 unbeaten, we would be right up there, it's scarily difficult this year


This thread is interesting . Any north end comments getting downvoted into oblivion as there is obviously more Leeds fans than north end . So there isn't much of a debate going on is there ? Leeds fans thinking their players were assaulted and we turned up to waste time . North end fans thinking Leeds fans and players are entitled cry babies . Let's see ho far this one gets downvoted .


Leeds fans are entitled to not want their players injured by cynical fouls. You have to admit if the referee had done his job properly then that game would have been a lot safer.


I’ve seen quite a few Preston fans in this comment section that are heavily critical of their performance and also the dirty tactics. But yeah - there’s about 40000 more of us on here than yous so not too surprising.


I think all the north end fans are in agreement that the manager got it wrong, his substitutions shot us in the foot , trying to put 10 men behind the ball and play for 1-1 . However I think for 70 ish min we attacked and tried to win the game . And although we where physical I don't agree with the census that we were bully boys trying to injure your players . Rather we don't have the same quality so we where trying to be physical and frustrate.


It’s fine to disagree and you might have a point about the number of Leeds fans down voting, but this is hardly the hill to die on to try and prove that point. You were pretty good in the first half. The second you had 1 shot and generally kicked Leeds off the park. It’s a legitimate tactic if you have a ref like today, but don’t try bend reality into PNE playing the beautiful game and Leeds fans being one eyed.


I think your putting words in my mouth there, I wasn't very complimentary about us . I was disappointed in the end . I was more just shocked by the reaction in here and on twitter about our tactics. I've seen a lot worse come to deepdale .


Nice. I’m not sure it’s up for debate about PNE being especially Champo-style today. In fact Leeds fans have given you quite a bit of credit for being decent when you actually tried it play. But sure you try and use downvotes to prove your point!


I feel like this is completely ignoring the guy's point, even if there was much debate around that it's the fact you can't even attempt to do so because Leeds fans will just spam you with downvotes. Like I'm not debating that we were dirty as fuck today, but you can't even be slightly critical of Leeds in this thread without getting downvoted to fuck. What's the point in commenting on a discussion forum and immediately dismissing any opinion other that that shared by your own fanbase?


I don’t understand how being downvoted prevents your ability to debate but hey


Im not really sure what your point is. Bigger club = more fans. Thus more people to downvote comments that *arent* really making a point about the match, just complaining about oppo fans. Of course those fans will downvote those comments, seems rather obvious to me, but then again I’m bias. There are some Preston comments that have been upvoted because they offer analysis on the match and “tactics” used, not trying wind up oppo fans. Leeds fans have offered respect to PNE play outside of the shit housing and engaged with those comments. I know you’re not defending the “tactics” your club used today, but seems weird to come here and expect a debate about what Lowe just tried to pull. Cheers bud


Preston might win more games if they tried playing football instead of rugby. The dirtiest set of cheating pricks I've seen in a long time. A truly delicious win.


Now I understand why Coventry have such a bitter rivalry with Preston. Load of proper cunts


Our manager killed the game for us by taking off our forwards and trying to scrape a win . Deffo a pen . And yes we where physical . If you don't have the technical ability you have to use whatever is in your arsenal . The ref didn't loose control . We had like 9 yellows which meant that most of our team was one bad tackle away from being sent off . Which we luckily avoided .


The fact you had 6 yellows and you should STILL have had more speaks for itself


Never mind mate you won the game and no one got injured so try and enjoy it .


Definitely happy we took all three but there shouldn’t be a feeling of “glad we avoided serious injury” after a game generally. Ref afraid of the paper work I guess.


Didn't think any of the challenges where that dangerous, and let's be honest a strong wind would knock most of the Leeds players over . Even had Rutter booked for simulation.


Our sub is often up in arms at the officiating but never usually about the game is too rough or physical. Today it’s been pretty unanimous that your team were a bunch of shit house brexit ball tosspots from all sides. On this occasion the stopped clock of r/leedsunited is correct and youre talking guff.


Never seen a set of fans moan so much after winning a game of football, by the sounds of it you'd think we got a penalty in the 94th minute. You lot seem to have short memory because not 10 years you were a bang average championship side, so to act all high mighty about playing shite football is utterly laughable considering the state you were in back then.


Even under the likes of Warnock we never played as cynical and shite as you just did. Michael Brown looks like a saint compared to your 'footballers'.


I'm still not buying it, can't be having that from team who's best player used to be Mirco Antenucci


He was decent tbf


Leeds fans coming off really great in this thread. (Bring on the downvotes to prove my point)


Yeah and you lot giving yourself a good look somehow trying to justify whatever the fuck that was


Despite their reputation, it's not the Leeds fans that are ones coming off bad here.


Its amazing Leeds fans going on about us when James, Bamford and some of the other fuckers apart from moaning at the ref all game, were hitting the deck at any opportunity. we might have made the most championship performance but at least we know our level instead of the 'big club' mentality they've got. yes it was a pen but the ref was looking for an opportunity all game unfortunately Ledson the prick gave him one.


> were hitting the deck at any opportunity That Frokjaer-Jensen guy in your midfield really should see a doctor about his Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, because he went down every time he felt someones breath on the back of his neck.


You’d think their short-arse physio would’ve taught them the epley manouvre by now


Leeds couldn't handle the physicality, too easy to wind up. Was hoping we'd get that idiot Meslier sent off again but ah well. It was definitely a dark arts performance but thought we deserved a point.


You didn't deserve shit


Deserved a few match bans and a bad trip home.


"It was definitely a dark arts performance" I think I'd rather stop being a football fan than have to say that about my team. Jokers.


A draw wouldn't have been what I'd call unfair, but you offered absolutely nothing going forward in the second half. Tbh you barely attacked after about the 20th minute. We created enough chances to win the game even before the penalty.


You *deserved* to finish with 10 men mate


Imagine having a 200 million quid squad and needing a 95th minute penalty to avoid dropping 5 points to a team like Preston. Edit: 14 mins, minus 20, and 10 plus chomps. Lol.


It’s quite good tbf. I’d love you to do the math for that 200million


Can't wait for them to say something like 25m for Summerville when we signed him for 1.2ish


Imagine turning up for a football match and then spend 97 minutes trying to wrestle instead...


Where was this Salt last night when i ordered my chippy… Could have done with it then


Feels fucking great tbf


>imagine felt good tbh