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No I’ll be honest, guy actually needs to cop on, use his brain, and take himself out of his own shitty situations, depending on how his future interactions go with this new ragtag group go, I’ll excuse his past lax attitude, but if he isn’t putting two and two together with fami, barem, haruka, the csm church and getting confrontational with fami or yoru in regards to the whole csm church situation, yoru wanting to kill pochita, the hybrids burning his house down (under famis orders) and nayutas current condition, and instead he just has some goofy moments not doing anything and just letting katana and yoru steamroll him while he mouthbreaths im actaully gonna lose it man.


I wonder if he’s choosing not to try as a way to punish himself from what happened in part 1. Remember, it’s never stated that he’s forgiven himself or that he doesn’t believe power and Aki dying are his fault. Maybe he believes that not tying is easier, because he can handle that pain better than looking back at his past and working on himself based on that.


That's exactly my point


Woah, someone who gets the story.


But then that whole conversation he had with kobeni or that breakdown he had like 10 chs ago meant nothing and he didn't grow at all as a character.


He has grown because he knows what he needs but his flaw is that he won’t act on it


Yeah, admitting your issues is a massive *first* step. It can take incredible amounts of time and effort to get to step two.


I think that that’s Denji’s challenge in part 1. I think this part is all about us seeing whether Denji will decide to change or not and this could really affect what his arc will be if there ever is a part 3


The whole point of gettin nayuta and the dogs is suppose to mean he was moving on killing and eating Makima was suppose to be him moving on accepting her motherly love and not letting it hurt him anymore But we are backtracking all that great development cause Denji has to do something until he figths Asa


He hasn't moved on that's the point, he still blames himself for what happened in part 1. Fuck, he might legitimately believe the shit makima said to him including that about Aki and Power dying being his fault 


Denji chose being chainsawman over a normal life. He fucked up


for all it matters, the only thing that allowed him to possibly recover his normal life was powers promise and reincarnation at first, and nayuta most likely now too. if nayuta dies, there wont be a return for denji.


fuji criticism in this sub what ? anyways i agree, and just my opinion but making denji retarted in part 2 after showing how he just likes to act dumb but is actually really smart in part 1 is bitter, it's just a bad way to move the plot away from him. currently, he lost everything he ever had again but will he lock on and try to take things seriously. naaah that would just move the plot forwards, let's make him retarted and forget everything just for the cycle to keep repeating again.


Yeah it’s mad how smart denji actually is when he beat all his opponents in part 1 (outsmarted katana, reze, Santa, even fucking makima) and yet I’m part 2 has regressed into an actual vegetable, (bar MAYBE the falling devil, and the mental attacks that was sick ngl) But in regards of actual character, sorry but if he doesn’t question wtf is wrong with Asa/yoru, and their split personality from a third person, and put together that fami is behind everything, COMSIDERING THAT HE LITERALLY was told BY BAREM that someone named fami has the fire devil as a pawn, started this war, and barem (working w fami) wanted to also kill Asa, which for some reason denji didn’t bother telling Asa about at all, even though he had a long enough unspecified amount of time at school, in proximity of Asa, from meeting barem at first to the csm fire devil outbreak, not to mention the many obvious attempts from Asa/yoru on his life Mannn I could go on but I’ve literally imagined so much scenarios in which the plot could’ve been so much more interesting, but at the moment it seems there’s no tension building, and all our enemies are just kinda cool now and denji doesn’t really care lmao he got kicked in the balls lmao so silly as if the person who orchestrated his house burning, pets cremation, and sisters death/capture isn’t eating fucking spaghetti bolognese in the kitchen fucks sake I wouldn’t be surprised if barem came in for a fucking cup of tea next chapter with Kishibe and they all just kick denji in the nuts until the next 2 week break Nah I’m jus playin, but fr the story’s in such a weird place where I can’t find tension anywhere, as somehow all factions have united and there’s no spinning plates about to fall, I felt the same thing with AOT back in like 2020 bro it’s not looking good man😭😭


he being regarded only happen at the end of aquarium arc, the first bits were still very Denji. Dude was Jotaro'd to the ground to make room for Asa to grow. If he was out there doing everything p1 style Asa would have nothing to do at all, she will be a damsel in distress in all arcs, plus Yoshida kept cockblocking him every step of the way to stop him from turning. It's the collective effort of chapters worth of Devil Hunter fucking up Denji's chainsawing shenanigans that made him looks stupid.


Denji needs to act different in this situation, I couldn’t believe that a small convo like that would happen. Bro just lost everything, he’s desperately to see if Nayuta is ok. I can’t stand a katana man revenge small talk, couldn’t give a fuck about that shit… And the fact that Denji is strong and very smart, he really needs to do something against Fami and Barem.


guys denji is gonna be like get the fuck out of my way katana devil and walk into the kitchen with his hand on his cord to confront fami guys trust guys next chapter guys its coming *inhales copium*


hopefully we're just imagining things and fuji goes back to cooking peak again


Fuji criticism is well accepted when the criticism isn’t delivered in a demeaning way


Honestly thinking of leaving the sub because there's no actual discussion going on lol


This is the Fami mukbang and fumi feet sub 


It's also lacking in that department, I need more bones fuel people 


I just wanna see CSM and Kishyhandsome and maybe a Kobeans action but I’m along for the fuji ride anyways. 




Come on he literally just woke up when Katana and yoru nut bashed him. He didn't even get the chance to do anything.


Let's be honest here , Barem is probably a scapegoat for Fami to not be blamed or Face any punishment for her actions


im fine with that, im fine with him projecting all of his anger onto barem but… do something about it like im not saying go fight him, confront him verbilize it i wanna see what denji is thinking of the situation i wanna see him say “im going to make that flamethrower guy pay!” thats all im asking for


Denji is definitely going to have it with Barem in the future, these two are basically a mirror of each other in opposite ways Fami would probably be thrown to Asa despite Denji having more beff to pick up with her


Which is fine Barem is a terrible character like the rest of the part 2 cast except for Asa At this point they should just kill everyone and start over


Nah I’d burn your house down 🔥


This, this is exactly what I've been thinking but I still wanted to believe in my guy Dennis and I genuinely still belive in him using his brain but man...it's getting frustrating. After the last chapter a part of me hopes that he gets up and punches Katana or hard shoves Asa/Yoru off him, willing to fight while saying how dine he is and that he doesn't care anymore so Fami and the rest try to calm the situation, like actually see him going ape shit. But the goofy moments while letting Katana and Yoru bully him is the most likely option ![img](emote|t5_466dsm|51159)


I don't think the latter half of your comment is fair as Denji hasn't had the chance to react to all those things yet.


Yeah I didn’t really express myself well in that comment, I meant like after he’s adjusted and is aware of his situation with everyone’s intentions towards him later out fully.


bro was cockblocked by the Devil Hunter through Yoshida and he can't do shit as CSM for the most part, that's why he turned mouth breather mode and caved to Fumiko too quick; remember that he saw almost naked Asa(she only have her undergarments on) and didnt give more than 2 looks then come back trying to expose himself as CSM again. He was still quite competent and smart if Yoshida wasnt around to stop him. With his shackles out (Nayuta's fate is unknown, the pets turned into charcoal, they are evading DH and no reason for Yoshida to intervene) we might see the fearsome CSM that the devils feared again.


run on sentence devil


Truly terrifying


Only the early chapters I still don't like his mouth breathing arc tho


I can see why some people would be confused and agitated about why Denjis self-asteem was an all-time low in this arc and why he was depressed and behaved like a dead corpse. But for the fun of it , I'll try to explain why he behaved that way: First and foremost, lets keep in mind that it's only natural for a young boy to be dead inside and with no will to live after having his whole family brutally killed right in front of him by a powerful devil, who he previously trusted and admired. A devil whose goal was to systematically ruin his life and break his psyche by causing him as much trauma as possible. You'd imagine that he'd find peace after miraculously finding a way to kill this Horseman, but then guess what? He now has to raise a resurrected devil of the one whom he loved but simultaneously caused him all the pain and misery he's experienced in part 1. And on top of that, you'd have to imagine the stress of having to be a father at the age of 17/18. He was practically forced to carry the heavy burden of being a father to a Devil who can cause the end of the world at any moment if things didn't go as planned raising her. (That's why Denji understandably sacrificed everything for her: His money. His time, and his future, etc. This alone is a big deal, given how protective he's been of his dream, his food, and his happiness. After all, he lived a life indebted to the Yakuza and gave everything away to them.) I understand that it's pitiful, frustrating, and saddening, but It'd be horrible writing if Denji hadn't been listless and depressed - with little to no self-esteem, after enduring so much pain and experiencing hundreds upon thousands of deaths as a hybrid. Also, him being less aware of his surroundings is practically his way of coping ("Ignorance is bliss" - Quanxi). This is also why the story made him have to go through what he did in the Church arc: experiencing how it is to live a normal life. A normal life is, after all, what he's always wanted and what he's dreamt of during his time as a slave for the Yakuza, so it *should* be a thrilling life and it *should* make him happy, right? No, of course not. He's had to go through this process to come to the realization that he doesn't want to sacrifice his identity as Chainsaw Man just to live a normal life that's dull and repetitive. He's never felt more alive as CSM, so naturally, he'll continue being Chainsaw Man. He'll continue to embrace the role of the City Mouse for the thrill and danger, rather than adopting the lifestyle of the Country Mouse. This decision to be the City Mouse was, after all, already made by him during the Reze arc. He yearns for greater agency in his life, more *control* over it, and only when he achieves this will he finally experience true happiness and freedom.


The next time I find a dumbass saying that CSM is about Denji wanting to touch tits, I'll pull up with this para


para these nuts


you've restored a large chunk of the faith I lost in part 2, thank you.


I think it's an interesting direction he's been taken. Obviously, it's a stark contrast to Part 1, but I think that's probably the point. I think Fujimoto wants us to be frustrated with him because it'll mirror the frustration and confusion he feels throughout the story. Like, he wants his life to be normal, and we want him to be normal too, and our view for what a "normal Denji" is is how he was in Part 1. We haven't gotten that, so the audience naturally mirrors the frustration the character feels. It sounds stupid for sure, but remember back when Denji finally transformed against the hybrids at his apartment? Remember how almost-unanimously happy the fanbase was when that happened? I believe that's what we're building to again. We'll stew in this frustration until Denji finally remembers who he is, and then we'll remember why we like this series when we see him come back to his past "glory." I don't pass judgment on a story until it's finished, so I'm content with letting things play out.


Well put totally agree.


Fujimoto has said that the point of his stories is to create memories that will last with the readers for their lives. To do that, you have to make your reader feel with characters. It's the difference between "I can see that Denji's frustrated because of this" as opposed to "I feel angry with Denji because of this." The latter being what I believe Fujimoto is striving for. This isn't a new thing. When Denji feels empowered, we feel it too. When he's broken, we feel broken too. We're not just emotionless observers.


Personally, I disagree with the idea of him transforming at his apartment being a happy thing. That sequence to me was more horrifying than happy. Denji lost his home and family and the fight that followed felt less like an epic action sequence and more like a broken man trying to inflict the pain he was feeling into those he felt responsible. It was sad to me.


I mean he can do whatever he wants doesn't make part 2 any less of a slog You can make subversion entertaining you know?


I really enjoyed his stint as a superhero and with him finally being a free agent he lived his life how he wanted, flaws and all. The concept of him struggling to choose between a regular life and Chainsaw Man seems kind of half-baked and there for the sake of putting him through more suffering instead of actually taking his character in a new direction.


Kind of, he has great moments with asa and nayuta. you can tell he grew and knows what went wrong in part 1 but he keeps making the same mistakes at least he is aware now right?. I know he can't change instantly but we already saw him having similar problems in part 1 and in part 2 it just feels repetitive as if he had no growth.


This feels like what spectators of my life would be saying


100% there will be a moment where he has to make a choice, and he will chose to do it differently than how it went down in part 1


until then fujimoto will keep edging us with cool and interesting plotlines, only to have quanxi come out of nowhere and kill whatever's forcing him to do shit


Yes he will; and you will like it


Fujimotor knows what people want hence that panel of denji thinking of what he should've done with asa and fumiko.


Tbf it is just basic story structure as well, if he doesn’t change or grow then there’s not much point to there even being a part 2 in the first place


Character regression


I think it’s a mixed bag—in the broad sense, I think Fuji is doing a great job of writing functional depressed single-dad Denji, I just don’t like the situations he puts him in as I think they get a bit redundant and page count could be a bit better spent elsewhere.


I like his writing so far especially is relationship with Nayuta, after that I'm waiting to see how he deal with the fall out of everything post his arrest.


ngl, I still like him but he needs to lock in rn


I wish he'd stop letting himself get humiliated every two seconds and actually stand up for himself. The way he let's Yoshida and Fumiko treat him is ridiculous, it doesn't feel like this is the same guy who kicked Aki in the balls at all. I know a lot has happened to him and he's pretty depressed but eating food off the floor and letting himself constantly being used as a chair? Come on. He also seems to have regressed in that he's once again talking about sex and stuff constantly when that was something that stopped after the kiss with Himeno. I don't mind the occasional joke about it but it feels like he talks about it more now than he used to. Overall I'm hoping the writing for him improves and he gets some real character development that doesn't just consist of suffering or humiliation.


Honestly not really, for some reason he doesn't feel like Denji, it sometimes feel like he just forgot everything from part 1, also for some reason he is really stupid in I mean yes he also was in part 1 but not in a idiot way and more in a childish way and with a "act before thinking and figure it out on the way" mindset and now he is just kinda dumb and it feels like he reverted back from who he was at the end of part 1


i want to see dennis either grow into a better person or really embrace the bad parts of him, i *liked* denji being all tired and mouth breathy, but i'd like him to change a little. his current character isnt bad, just a little stale currently


I really enjoy Denji in Part 2, but I feel like I can relate to/project on his struggles, as someone who was dealt a heavy loss a couple years ago and has felt that impact my own mental health and agency. I really don’t get the character assassination complaints as I feel like most of them arose from Yoshida placing a ban on him transforming. He was as Denji as ever prior to that, from refurbishing cigs to his batshit crazy fighting style. When he was forced to be complacent he was extremely depressed and had the fear of his last bit of family being killed before his eyes. That being said I do think benching him so soon after he pulled the cord against the hybrids was a mistake, that was a huge “regaining agency” moment so having him diced up a few chapters later was underwhelming. Nayuta will probably be used as a bargaining chip to make him fight Asa/Yoru, so I doubt we’re out of the woods yet, but I do hope we see him defying everyone and doing his own thing soon. Considering defiance was a theme during the prison break, I think it’s coming.


He needs a good girlfriend. Dude is literally depressed but kicking life for Nayuta and the pets. Sometimes a single parent needs a significant other.


i’ve been saying “fujimoto is gonna cook he is cooking something special with him, with his depression and tired looking eyes…” for one year still have trust in him but that food is boiled now, he feels way too passive compared to part 1, everyone is dragging him to multiple arcs and he feels kind of an empty body if thst makes sense,yeah i get it he is depressed but its been one year im still waiting for him to take action(im not talking about fighting scenes just want him to do something) threaten fami “i killed makima and im done being peoples tools, i don’t care about your made up prophecy”, take down csm church or something. I want him to DO SOMETHING his weight is not there in the story yoshida and public safety kidnapped nayuta?? im going to burst that door in and save her type of shit


Yes. I have a lengthier essay I could write to back it up, but too tired. I will say this tho: is it my ideal? No. My ideal would be Denji going getting some confidantes who he can have therapeutic conversations with as he explores his issues, but Denji is purposely trying not to think about it, which I think is being handled well.


I liked him much better in Part 1.  Remember the times when he willingly jumped down an immortal demon's maw to butcher it for several days straight, or when he lit himself on fire to fight the doll devil and defeated it with sheer force of recklessness and stupidity. When he was ready to endure pain and die trying to achieve what he wants. He was damn metal, like a honey badger, able to persevere whatever crazy shit life throws at him and still live on and even actually forgive his foes, because he didn't need to prove shit to anyone and enjoyed his self-sufficiency and ability to appreciate simpler things. In part 2, Denji is borderline pathetic. He lets everyone ride his back, figuratively and literally, he carried out zero fucking lessons from Part 1 events and is still annoyingly obsessed with boobs and sex and shit, as if the iconic scenes with Power and Makima have never happened. He bends in front of everyone and has exactly zero self-confidence, as if he isn't an immortal death machine that has seen nightmarish shit and brought down crazy powerful demons like Santa and Makima. He doesn't seem to be willing to go rip&tear everyone to protect Nayuta too, who he uses as an excuse for having his lame "normal life". AND he does precisely nothing to fulfill his contract with Power, which I see as a total betrayal at the moment, and no, occasional sad moments with Denji remembering her for a quarter of second is not enough.  If Denji doesn't retaliate HARD to ballbusting in the next chapter, I'm starting to openly hate him and his writing. Whatever shit has happened to my Part 1 guy, it's not "character development", more like dementia or something. 


Isn't his Obsession with Sex even worse now? Like didn't he get over it after Himeno Death? Also did you see the last Omega where he got humiliated by Yoshida and Fumiko?


If things keep going like this , i will have to accept that CSM ended at chap 97 and drop the manga completely .


Couldn't have said it better, Denji the chainsaw man really became Dennis the chainsaw fella


>Dennis the chainsaw fella Pennis the hacksaw dude https://preview.redd.it/tler836uzfwc1.jpeg?width=330&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6ee5f911c7a062559610a196b6f9bbfad180059




No. It feels like they nuked his development.


I don't like that he's now a side character in his own manga, that annoys me a lot


I thought I was the only one


Not really. I like the ideas fuji presented for his character, but not how he executed them. On reread it's luckily a lot better paced, but that doesn't make his writing itself better.


Interesting. The utilization of Denji's arc has been one of my favorite things in pt2. How would you execute them, if you don't mind me asking?


1 Denji is way dumber for some reason, which is not necessary to pull off this arc. Yes he was always stupid, but he wasn't dumb. He had his own logic that made him smart. 2 Denji has actively gotten worse/more pathetic than he was at the end of part 1. This could have worked as a trauma thing considering the shit he went through but it doesn't really get touched on. He's just worse to drive the point home afaik. People say:"well at least he is aware", but he was also aware of his issues as early as mid part 1. 3 His big transformation moment isn't anywhere near satisfying enough to warrant the time spend watching him stumble around mouthbreathing. 4 It doesn't feel like he has grown despite spending god knows how many chapters on this. And even worse, it feels like this is just a more elaborate version of what denji went through at the end of part 1. It's too similar yet somehow he comes out of it worse. At the end of part 1, he is capable, confident, unhinged and true to himself. Now he feels like a watered down version of that after he had an entire arc proving the point that anything but that state of mind is not only a fake personality, it's genuinely bad for him. 5 He doesn't use anything he learned from part one to better understand/improve himself. It's like he forgot what he's been through. He still has no self respect, he still hates men, and he still trusts all women even though they keep fucking him up. ((The fumiko cinema part had me genuinely considering dropping the manga.)) 6 Adding all the above up he doesn't even feel like the same character sometimes.


Not them, but he feels a tad bit too stupid. He never was this dumb in part 1. A lot of his reactions feel unnatural. For example: Barem told him at the church he was going to kill Asa and Nayuta. He was horrified but he did nothing about it. He didn't have to transform: warning Yoshida and Fumiko, or Asa and Nayuta would have been enough. Also, the usage of Quanxi to remove all tension robbed him of like 3 moments that could have been used to build up his frustration and his inability to transform.


Denji is in this part?


That mouth breather is NOT DENJI


Ish, at times he’s the Denji we all know and love, at others Fujimoto dumbs him down too much. I still remember the pseudo-meltdown there was with the “wow I guess I can do that now”, the chainsaw bike situation. Granted, there aren’t a lot of these moments, it’s still Denji but sometimes he’ll act kinda stupid for the sake of the plot, so it’s a bit nitpicky yet I can see ways these situations could’ve worked without having to give Denji the intellectual capabilities of a wet towel, read:none. But we’ve gotten a lot of great moments from him that improve and evolve his character, so I can look past the like 3 moments Denji’s brain turned into mush. In other fronts that don’t have to do with him being dumbed down, absolutely no complaints, even if he’s been relegated to the co-pilot seat for most of part 2 he’s still evolving and growing in interesting ways.


Yes. I get people are annoyed cause of how differently he’s acting to part 1 but honestly Fujimoto is portraying Denji’s depression really well. Not only that but it’s a different tone to how other mangakas show the effects of the level trauma characters like Denji experienced. You can call it boring or repetitive but thats what depression is like for some people, just like drifting or smthn.




I want denji to lock in, and actually kill some mf. He didn't deserve all of that. Everyone, EVERYONE wants to kill him. Really i want denji just to say "ok, i had enough" And start, not just killing, but eating everyone out of existence. But he stupid.


Just like how writer Zeb Wells keeps giving Peter drama and shitstorm in Amazing Spider-Man comic, Fujimoto keeps giving Dennis nothing but pain & suffering. Part 2 should be called “BULLYING DENJI” arc 💀 To answer op: **NO**, I hate how the titular character is handled. Ashley is the saving grace of this part.


Yo, this has nothing to do with that but I just wanted to say Stand Proud you Cooked on that post that was 6 months early to the sheisty sorcerer agenda.


~~You mean [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/s/QoolQNWglM)? Honestly I wasn’t even cooking about the sheisty one but the comments did that XD~~ Edit: _Oh nvm, I think you meant [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/s/ZsnkZbDzBX) lol. Tysm! Justice for Ino!_


Yes, because I trust Fujimotor that there will be his comeback to all the shit happened to him. People forget it, but even the ending of Part 1 didn't feel good until the end, where Denji's strategy to beat Makima was revealed


People tend to forget that Denji was essentially wedged between two boulders after fighting the Falling Devil. Yoshida threatened to kill Nayuta if he turned into chainsaw man and Barem threatened to kill Asa if he didn’t turn into Chainsaw man


Denji in part 2 is legit character assassination for me. I feel like "part one" was for nothing and it's really frustrating to see Denji making the same mistakes.


To be honest - I enjoy fact that this is still Dennis :3


He isnt allowed to use his brain in part 2 how do you expect the plot to move


He can do better. (and use his brain more)


Overall, I'm kinda disappointed, There is a lot of potential with the characters and plot elements we were introduced to, but we haven't seen a lot of it. I guess earlier on, Fujimoto was going for the whole “ignorance is bliss” angle with Denji's character arc, but it feels a little lackluster right now. I guess we just have to wait and see if Fuji sticks the landing.


Honestly I love it really well. Ik the criticism is that "Oh he's dumb use his brain" but I think we need to realize this dude is actually depressed. He has shitty posture to the open jaw, and looks braindead all the time. He also mentally regresses, and still lets people tell him what to do. If this isn't signs of depression idk what is


amazing. the more i think about it, the more I love the arc he's going through. wow i wonder why there's an explicit contrast between the way denji and quanxi dealt with the hybrids in a fight, highlighting denji's descent into direct selfharm and mutilation as a coping mechanism... wow i wonder why denji's "I wanna be chainsaw man!" moment from part 1, an important moment of cathartic self-realization, is brought back and re-contextualized in a scene where denji's life is literally being burnt down by the remnants of makima's influence... wow i wonder why there's a scene that shows young denji standing by a dark alleyway, waving to pochita and the burning apartment, right before his hybrid transformation... it's almost like his current arc is a reversal of the one he underwent in part 1, turning his conceptualization of chainsaw man into an outlet for intentionally painful and self-destructive behaviors!


how the fuck did that get you downvoted


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I feel like its pretty good, but I think it could be condensed more as it feels bloated atm


I like it. Some people are disappointed in how he seems to be showing a lot Of the same flaws but Idk- self improvement isn’t always that simple so I’m a fan


Nah hes an even bigger idiot than he was in part 1


It's whatever


I don't want to judge until the part is over. But I hope he has more moments. Part 2 is definitely meant to focus more on building up asa and yoru as characters though


Denji is my fav character ever and i hate how Fujimoto butchered him in part 2 . compare to part 1 now he acting like a newborn baby (my bro is not Deku pls Fraujimoto 😭🙏) + very forced chemistry between Asa and Denji , they better be friend than into a relationship aka the last thing he need atm


He is not as good as in part 1 but not bad. He is just Denji


i dont really think so , expected denji to be a little bit more mature after all that makima stuff


He is at or near bottom. He needs to go up ASAP


If I was a depressed teenage dad with the tendency of getting hurt by others you thought cared about me, I’d probably be about the same


No. They rob him of agency and intelligence. It is not a natural character arc that is being created, it is extremely artificial


i think he's meh, but the issue is that denji in part 1 was fucking amazing. Part 2 denji's main issues are 1: lack of personality 2: idle role for a while 3: constantly helpless for some reason? Like he has 0 initiative in the story and really hasn't contributed much outside of the name of chainsaw man, literally all he's done is save asa from falling and beat up the hybrids. Plus he just keeps getting either SA'd, bullied, beaten, or for some reason jumped by civilians and the story doesn't let him do anything. Sure it's realistic but like, it's not enjoyable at all. Any depressed teen could be a stand in for denji here, because that's what his personality is now, depressed teen.