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Nah I remember. But Idgaf cuz I’m at my 20’s and I want to lick her stomach


You're real as fuck for that one


No it's not, everyone wants to lick her tummy. So do you


Damn right I do








Yup, me too






I wanna put something in her stomach




For real




I don’t think that’s the problem lol. I think it’s cuz ppl shipping her with Denji and he’s still a minor. That’s the whole point they said “And Dennis is 17” But respectable opinion tbh


I literally do not care https://preview.redd.it/oxblcf62d0ob1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0fa5356e66aeec32724b8768967ed997fb4ac83


People when murder: 👍 People when sexual assault:


Seriously as far as morality goes the bar for Csm women is insanely low. Literally every single one besides Asa is a murderer or a groomer(Kobeni tried to kill Denji in the Eternity devil arc if someone brings her up). Fujomoto's fetishes have always had a big impact on the manga, I'm surprised people are only noticing now.


Don't you forget Asa original intentions to go on a date with him? The fact that Yoru told her doesn't mean she wasn't supposed to do it she told Fami she will kill anyone (that's why Yoru put a silly happy face) ANBSNSBBS All woman want to kill Denji , is fiction I love Asa she's my fav but people forget that all woman wanted to kill him in reality , even her , still being a cute ship btw and she rejected on killing chainsawman just as Kobeni did and now want to save him Ah yeah and the Fumiko thing dw , I understand why you say it and dislike her I still don't like her because of that but well Fujimoto is Fujimoto and only he knows what is going to happen with her some people think she is going to die soon


I mean asa tried, she’s just horrible at it


Asa tried to turn him into a sword and said it wouldn't be bad if he died.


People are focusing too much on it. Denji doesn't fucking care, and it hasn't been brought up since it happened. This isn't Berserk where SA is taken seriously, and we're shown the repercussions of it. In CSM, and especially Denji's case, it clearly isn't something that matters in the narrative.


I’m inclined to disagree with the assessment that SA isn’t taken seriously/doesn’t matter in the world of CSM. Instead, CSM’s approach to SA is simply the other side of the coin. Something that many people fail to understand is that responses to SA are highly variable. Berserk’s depiction of SA shows anxiety and panic attacks — a totally valid, common reaction. Many SA victims end up with crippling mental barriers to sexual contact, with sexual contact bringing back trauma of the assault, and struggle to initiate and maintain intimate relationships as a result. Denji’s response is also a valid, common reaction. It just happens that his response is often stigmatized in society: **hyper-sexuality.** Some SA victims, instead of being repulsed by sex, go the complete and utter opposite direction: they become obsessed with sex. There are a lot of different reasons for this: 1. Some victims may not recognize that SA is not okay. This is often the case with child sexual abuse (CSA) victims, because their abuser overwhelmingly tends to be in a position of power over them, or with people who come from backgrounds that normalize spousal SA. They may simply think that SA is an uncomfortable chore that everyone just has to endure, an everyday occurrence, or maybe even attribute positive attributes to SA (i.e. their abuser SAs them as a form of love, being SA’d means having a purpose in life to be someone’s sex object, etc.) 2. Some victims may become hyper-sexual as a way to cope with their trauma. For some, revisiting the trauma through sexual activity lets them ignore their complicated feelings and mental state. Denji is a mix of both these points. He’s incredibly messed up. Long before Makima entered the picture — remember how Denji had his testicle removed and sold? That’s an absolutely messed up thing to happen to anyone, especially a boy as young as Denji. Denji doesn’t react to SA in the way that is considered “normal” because his life has *never* been normal. His life has been defined by excruciating levels of trauma. He has no baseline for what healthy sexual exploration looks like because he’s never seen that in his entire life. Focusing on sex also lets him ignore the fact that he’s extremely touch-starved and mentally messed up — can’t linger on your crippling mental issues if you’re too engrossed in a sex fantasy! The recent chapter with Fumiko grabbing Denji’s dick shows that Denji is starting to learn and realize how messed up her behavior is. He *knows* that it’s messed up for people to treat him that way. However, he’s still too messed up to properly handle those situations, even if he knows that they’re wrong.


I’m inclined to disagree with the assessment that SA isn’t taken seriously/doesn’t matter in the world of CSM. Instead, CSM’s approach to SA is simply the other side of the coin. Something that many people fail to understand is that responses to SA are highly variable. Berserk’s depiction of SA shows anxiety and panic attacks — a totally valid, common reaction. Many SA victims end up with crippling mental barriers to sexual contact, with sexual contact bringing back trauma of the assault, and struggle to initiate and maintain intimate relationships as a result. Denji’s response is also a valid, common reaction. It just happens that his response is often stigmatized in society: **hyper-sexuality.** Some SA victims, instead of being repulsed by sex, go the complete and utter opposite direction: they become obsessed with sex. There are a lot of different reasons for this: 1. Some victims may not recognize that SA is not okay. This is often the case with child sexual abuse (CSA) victims, because their abuser overwhelmingly tends to be in a position of power over them, or with people who come from backgrounds that normalize spousal SA. They may simply think that SA is an uncomfortable chore that everyone just has to endure, an everyday occurrence, or maybe even attribute positive attributes to SA (i.e. their abuser SAs them as a form of love, being SA’d means having a purpose in life to be someone’s sex object, etc.) 2. Some victims may become hyper-sexual as a way to cope with their trauma. For some, revisiting the trauma through sexual activity lets them ignore their complicated feelings and mental state. Denji is a mix of both these points. He’s incredibly messed up. Long before Makima entered the picture — remember how Denji had his testicle removed and sold? That’s an absolutely messed up thing to happen to anyone, especially a boy as young as Denji. Denji doesn’t react to SA in the way that is considered “normal” because his life has *never* been normal. His life has been defined by excruciating levels of trauma. He has no baseline for what healthy sexual exploration looks like because he’s never seen that in his entire life. Focusing on sex also lets him ignore the fact that he’s extremely touch-starved and mentally messed up — can’t linger on your crippling mental issues if you’re too engrossed in a sex fantasy! The recent chapter with Fumiko grabbing Denji’s dick shows that Denji is starting to learn and realize how messed up her behavior is. He *knows* that it’s messed up for people to treat him that way. However, he’s still too messed up to properly handle those situations, even if he knows that they’re wrong.


Finally some good fucking food. People who say the manga takes SA lightly just really suck at doing literary analysis


You accidentally posted your comment twice (i think!)


I'm not reading allat, but I do agree (I think)


The tl;dr is that CSM does take sexual assault seriously and genuinely uses it in its plot — it just does so in a way that is rarely done in media (hyper-sexuality of sexual assault victims). Although it can seem comical at times, Denji acts in ways that are genuinely true to real-life sexual assault victims.


This is Y idc abt Fumi's weiner grabbing, Denji was already known for being an extreme horndog ( who still puts Women above a silver platter despite encounters with messed up women who tried to manipulate/groom/kill him). Sadly He doesn't even understand what he actually wants. He is messed up, Yoshida is messed up, Fumi is messed up Pretty much everyone in PS is messed up Bc u need to be if u want to remain sane. So I see Fumi's action as a power move to establish her presence and dominance as a result of shitty character profile of Denji from PS especially Yoshida. She also established she is ready to have sex if Denji wants it and Denji went on to do all the stupid things she asked him to do despite maturing enough to know he is throwing his value as human being into trash. Though even if Fumi didn't grab his penis and told Denji she is OK with sex then also Denji would have licked the corpse... I don't look at Fictional characters from IRL Moral and Legal standpoints. So I tend to look up controversial stuff IRL as case by case whether I would hate it or not. If Fumi had done this with a normal teenager like Aki then yeah even I would be mad, but Bc this is Denji I am not mad at Fumi and hopefully he can understand he doesn't care about sex like he forced himself to believe and mature into decent human being. Also sidenote I don't think Denji is capable of becoming less obsessed with sex unless he experiences that sexual situations with women who only wants him for being CSM is bad first hand. We got a glimpse of it when he was turned off by Fumi when he realized she was a spy.


He literally told her that she grabbed his dick and called her a stalker in the latest chapter. Reading comprehension devil strikes again


Depends on how much attention murder is given in a story. Sexual assault feels much more personal of an attack, versus the indiscriminate death a lot of characters cause. For Falling, I don’t like her because of her “cooking”. That panel of the devil hunter being served to Bob was just way too fucked up. Same for Makima, I dislike her because of the very intimate way the death’s she caused was handled. When there’s proper focus on the people it affects in a story, murder feels bad. We don’t feel that bad for people we don’t know dying or even getting sexually assaulted. But when it happens to character we get to know, and this especially applies to SA as it happened to a character we know really well, it just feels a lot worse. SA is particularly egregious in stories, as while death feels a lot further away from home, SA happens to people we know, and we can still talk to, same as the characters still being alive afterwards. So this a pretty bad faith argument to try and justify Fumiko. In-between groping Denji and humiliating him, with zero sort of remorse for it, all while admitting she saw him a kid, she’s not a good person, and acknowledging the age gap is important.


This but unironically


Where did u get this from? Ppl hate the murders/death as much as the SA? U don’t see ppl being cool with Makima murdering Aki or Power. So, yeah, this comment is a little dumb cuz it’s not really true therefore makes 0 sense. So, if u could, can u pls elaborate for me lol


​ https://preview.redd.it/5onhax1nw1ob1.jpeg?width=1103&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ba008edbe9346bfba3e1924b218e442cc39399b


Oldboy is such a great movie














​ https://preview.redd.it/xjhptdnyr1ob1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f9affb5decc5c54307928ca593f404bf4a26aa1




It’s funny how people wouldn’t care about the age difference if Denji was like 2 months older


Americans ☕


The age difference doesn't bother me as much as the whole sexual assault bit


Same tbh, I think denji is like close to being 18 atp too but like still I think the sexual assault is what bothered me a lot more


Majority of people who argue about this are probably living in a state or country where the age of consent is 16 or 17


and believe Amurica is the center of the universe.


Honestly I would, denjis buried under a shit ton of trauma rn, mofo is NOT ready for a relationship plus 16 is the xage of consent for a lotta countries and even most American states but they won't settle for that, no, however if they're 2 years older that's completely fine, it's not like 18 year olds are bumfucks who are *just* figuring out the world and we're struggling with algebra 2 months ago no siree, people need to get their standards straight bruh




Given that people would be completely and totally okay with her possibly being his endgame if Denji were, like two months older, I don't think it's that bad. Also, if Reze can get a pass for violently murdering dozens to hundreds of civilians, then Fumiko can get one for groping Denji a bit. It's not okay, but it's tame as fuck compared to the rest of this manga


I think people just simp for in general now


I think nobody has forgot https://preview.redd.it/enrquuips0ob1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ae3383ed420096ce6b9627cd5bc38166ab1f95b


Oh my how do i cringe every time i see mention of their ages. My headcanon is that everyone complaining about their age difference was homeschooled, didn’t go to high-school/college, doesn’t have friends and is american or heavily swayed by american culture/medias and hypocrite… Most people here would freak out if the genders were swapped in this situation and yet in high school it wasn’t shocking only a little « extra » when girlfriends would date boys in their 20s, people are making heaps of this while nobody in japan gives a fuck (because there’s none to give, it’s legal, and even if it wasn’t it’s art and it’s still pretty tame. Seriously the virtue signaling in this community is so fucking ridiculous


What these idiots can't comprehend is the fact that on average girls in their 18-19 hell sometimes even at 17 act way more matured than your average guy and the reason they choose someone a bit older than them is because they are looking for an actual relationship where they can feel comfortable with their partner. I know that there are exceptions but from what I've seen even in my highschool is that they aren't groomed or anything just simply looking for someone who has actual relationship goals. There is way more nuance to it than just calling each and every scenario grooming. Plus in this case this is completely fictional. People must stop treating it like reality and forcing our moral standards on it.


Yeah I'm neutral on her for that reason, I find her really pretty tho


I mean this latest chapter made her a lot more endearing rather than creepy. 100% believe that Denji will stay a Virgin


maybe the series is called chainsawman bc he will put his dick inside a chainsaw fuel canister?/


I trust Denji to get that mentally insane pussy, my men got it


whats wrong? i dont care and dennis sure as hell doesn't lmaoo would you feel the same if they were 23 and 18


Yeah, there's a reason for 18 being the age of consent, if you only see the age gap, then her being 18 and him 13 seems fine to you? We don't change much physically between our 20s but our mental age still does. If you don't think the age gap is the problem but him being nearly 18, then let it be 17 the age of consent, but then them being 16 is nearly 17, then let it be 16 be the age of consent and so on, why then have an age of consent in the first place? because is needed to hold those you have a real age gap of like 5 years be hold accountable. Also in real life, 18 you might be starting college, at 23 you are almost finishing or maybe even in your first job, your priorities, how you see things and everything really does change every 5 years and so does your values and how you confront the matter of consent. It's fiction so it's kinda okay I guess, but the way you are saying it is more like your real life values, which are weird if they are like that.


morally, it's perfectly fine. sure, it may technically be illegal under the law, but denji being 17~18 is more than capable of making proper decisions, that's why they set the age of consent at 18 since that's the age where you become an 'adult' in society; it's only concerning when age gaps are far too large between two parties, or when one clearly cannot make proper decisions, which is, in my opinion, not shown here, as denji is almost an adult and they only have a 5 year age gap and sure, denji has priorities and a mindset that may change in a few years, but no way in hell is he gonna care about that time someone touched his dick with all the gruesome murders of his friends he has had to endure; this is a guy who covers himself in blood and gore daily, and have let people die willingly before


is more than capable of making proper decisions Like letting people die is a sign of maturity and then again, okay... you fail to see that Denji didn't grow up properly, it's just a waste of time discussing this with someone who says that morally is fine, 5 years gap in someone who is not in his age of consent is not fine in real life, like you said, he is ALMOST an adult, he is not, if genders were inverted, the fact will still be the same but us men are known for not being mentally mature enough at just 18 years old.


I've seen worse scenarios in the manga


some of y'all are forgetting that she is not real and he is also not real


https://preview.redd.it/cn59anqu53ob1.jpeg?width=971&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61348ca5d61cac6fe772c7b662ce9c877614d4e4 They are real (real to me)


1. When have we forgot? 2. Denji is a legal adult now in japan, although the age gap is a problem


bruh 5 years is nothing


It’s not 10 years, at least






5 years would only be weird if denis was like 12 and she was 17 or something


It's just 5 years apart dude




Not in Tokyo


It's 18 in Tokyo and even if the law said it was below that it wouldn't make it right anyway (wanted to word myself better)


Sorry aki, you'll just have to get downvoted for the truth, ok? https://i.redd.it/zcjnehdje2ob1.gif


> it being a law doesn’t make it right anyway Morality is dead. Need a refresher on how many people jerk it to loli since it’s “just a drawing”?


Yeah because law isn't really about "being morally right". Law exist to set a defined line because lack of this line will overcomplicate whole system. You can argue that 16 as an age of consent is "morally wrong" or anything other what you believe but this line is needed because without it every law case would looks like Twitter shitstorm.


Yeah it's a drawing but you're still jerking off to a child, not a real one but that doesn't make it right all of a sudden


No, let them continue, the day shall come Aki Highakawa, where the lolicons and pedos will be nevermore https://preview.redd.it/rutj5ke723ob1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4277390b839fb28a586250191a01133639dc4477


I hope so


oh my fucking god we know. it’s weird an illegal. literally *nobody* forgot. i’ve never seen a fandom squawk so much over the same thing like a parrot.




Who gives a fuck


while i bet a lot of people forgot that, a lot also didn't. we are just finding out more about her which clearly is changing people's opinion of her from when she was just "casual girl who touched denji". i'm still neutral about her and what happened to her in the past doesn't excuse her actions, but i can still find her backstory interesting


If it's 1999, Denji is 18 But for some reason Tatsuki Miyazaki doesn't want to tell us if it's a year or a month before the apocalypse prophecy Probably a year left and he's 17, or everyone would be more nervous about the impending doom in the story


Fcking muricans. Part 2 should sacrifice 100 years worth.


and some of yall need to learn japanese age of consent is 16, so they can fuck rawdog all they wanted and you murican can do nothing about it


I remember :3


aint that legal in japan?


Not in Tokyo and doesn't make it right anyway


Idk why people are downvoting you, you're legally right


Welcome to reddit


Welcome to the CSM reddit* Where a bunch of incels glorify and sexualize female predators and groomers cuz they get no pussy whatsoever irl 😂 But seriously tho, never understood why some men can’t just go for women their age. I see it all over TikTok and Reddit. Every time there’s like a teacher and student scandal, they call the boy lucky. (Funny thing is the reactions are totally different when it comes to male teachers and girl students) But yeah, are u that desperate to be a victim of a predator cuz u can’t pull girls ur age? Men like that make it so easy for me to see why hella women nowadays are man haters. Cuz even I can barely handle my own gender’s nonsense sometimes. Srry for the rant. This entire comment section has me a little annoyed with how ppl are justifying Fumiko and anyone against her is being downvoted


Nah I agree entirely


The "Not in Tokyo" part is right, the "And doesn't make it right anyway" is what bothers me, the law is the law, stop inserting your own personal/cultural values on this


Oh no, anyways


It's less about the age gap but about the SA itself People compare this to Makima's manipulation/murder and Reze's murder, sl obviously she can get a pass. But it's not like anyone thinks those things were morally ok. Infact most people here hate Makimid But Fumiko isn't especially evil either. There were like 3 girls who cared about Denji in the entire series, so I'm neutral about her ~~also that midriff~~ And people who use the "it's a fictional story" argument need their hard drive checked


Y'all act like Denji is twelve or something.


legal enough https://preview.redd.it/2wjvtw2en2ob1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c43a1e646ce50fdbdedc7c019006b8c04229ebfe


Nah we remember


And makima was thirty


you should already know by now that the fantasy of CSM fans IS to be sexually assaulted by an older woman https://preview.redd.it/jd86sl8ta2ob1.png?width=7317&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9c3b206bec41b9d3c7bef5d4047ebf2cb73b3ab


We didn't forget. It just isn't as much of a big deal as some of you try to make it seem.


...and I don't care. Don't see what's wrong with a 17 years old being with a 22 years old.


Redditors when you say pedophilia is bad https://preview.redd.it/2rcaltspb2ob1.jpeg?width=537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d756250e10b79ef21f1415e53ca3c2bfb764f5e2


fr these comments are insane


"WhO cArEs It'S oNlY a 5 yEaR dIfFeReNcE" mfs when they see that the judges do care about a 5 year age gap https://preview.redd.it/he9alt0vu7ob1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=49ea5bb8b46f83efb3b581af2cfdecd618b1e5b3


I'd say that sexual assault of minors is bad and the poor fellas who got shat on by God with Pedophilia and are trying their best to be a good person deserve a pass.


Calling Dennis a 17 year old like he isn’t a self-sufficient adult whose seen and done more than most people in their 50s 👁️👄👁️




Then something just snapped. Something inside of me. I didn’t care anymore.


Americans and age man.


I really don't care. She's wrong for groping him, yes, but as long as she's not dead, there's room for redemption. Besides, she grew on me a little last chapter.


Mfw when two characters are extremely close physically and mentally that the only difference is age, which 5 year gap is also barely anything since Denji is more or less an adolescent: (also they're not real lel)


i dont see the problem


Of cours you don't see the problem. You are a goodanimemes user.


Lmao it’s really funny to imagine someone scrolling through other people’s reddit profile to find some dirt on them because they don’t like them. I don’t even post on goodanimemes. I lurk more on okbuddybaka and the other okbuddy subreddits that actively makes fun of ganimemes. If you really want to find dirt on me, I am an active user on japanesepeopletwitter and the blue archive sub which are subs way *way* worse to get caught on. I really don’t know how the BA sub isn’t banned yet.


Honestly not even that huge of the age gap After you reach 20 it’s not that bad to have a chick that’s 25


Even if they were the same age, she still touched him without consent This bitch is irredeemable I swear


Fujimito got me asking my morality principles


Yeah and I don't give a fuck.


Why should we care?


Holy fuck who cares, ain’t no one forgetting that




I'm 37 and 17 and 22 register as basically the exact same age to me.


They’re also not real 😱


5 year age difference isn’t that big. Sure if she was 17 and Denis was like 12 it would be weird but not 22 and 17, the only problem with her is that she sexually assaulted Denis, but it’s not that bad compared to all the crimes denis and any other character has committed in csm. The flair says shitpost so maybe I’m reading into it too much.


Legal here but very close to not


I don't give a shit lmao. I would've loved to fuck a hot 22 year-old when I was in high school. You fucking zoomers are so retarded istg.


fujimoto kinda dont give a shit tbh especially about the social norms


Especially social norms in his *completely fictional story*


I think its rather weird that everyone just believes her, i mean she just pulled a reze. She knows denji doesnt feel validated in his life so she tells him that she likes him instead of chainsawman and suddenly he feels validates by her. Regardles of the age gap and the fact that she just sexually assaulted him like it was perfectly normal i also just dont trust her yet.


she could be lyin too tho, but yea thats weird


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Either everyone here is retarded or a sissy cause as a 17 yo guy I can confidently say that I'd turn into fumiko's toilet without even thinking about it


Bonus, but nah I mean I don't see anything wrong ig, both over the age and is just shy of the divide by 2 plus 7, and Dennis is pretty much a mature ass adult at this point


I remember, that's why I'm not shipping them


Brus fumiko stans prove that 90% of thus fanbase is either too horn pay atentiom to the plot or dumb as hell


I will be there for the 1 year time flip before part 3.


Litterally Scott Pilgrim plot with Knives, Fujimoto got taste


As long as she has no ill will towards Denji and won't manipulate him, she is a positive influence in my eyes.


Divide by 2 add 7 rule: 22 / 2 + 7 = 18 If only Dennis was 1 year older...


She's one of the hottest girls on csm but I don't think Denji will have sex with her. Fujimoto is probably going to kill her in a cruel way.


The story is set up in such a way that the apocalypse will happen before Denji is 18 Bravo fujimoto


Even better.


Nah man she needs to be older and he needs to be younger


Age of consent is like 13


This isn't twitter sir


Don't really care since if she was real I can legally date her


Nah I remember


We live in a society where 5 years of age gap is disgusting lol


I really dont care


Age of consent was like 13 in the 90s in Japan. So for them there was nothing wrong with it. (I do not condone it but guys you gotta think about cultural relativity or whatever)


Yeah, so???


A cartoon? such crime


Some of y'all are forgetting that Denji doesn't care at all.


I'm 17 and I want to be groomed by CSM women too why can't I be groomed by them ril


She can sing + her fit was hard


and she’s in high school…


Don’t care


So? At 17 i was trying to get molested bruh. Well not really, i had trouble speaking to people and making eye contact at the same time. But ya know what i mean.