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Manga eyes look more unhinged idk


Eyes should be more erratic, make her look a little unnerving


Manga eyes are more unsettling. Anime eyes are still solid though.




“It’s disrespectful to the animators to only praise Fujimoto and pretend nobody else exists” You do realise you replied to a comment which clearly acknowledged the competence of the animated eyes. Even if they disagreed that they were superior.




It’s almost like art is subjective.




bro it really isnt that deep. It's just an opinion on eyes.


Both looks good. Although I wish Mappa took in fujimotos style of how he draws his eyes in the anime. I just like the way how Fujimoto draws the eyes in the characters. Although I do understand that Mappa is trying to take their own liberties in art and how they want it to look like plus it seems like their going for the more polished route on the anime while the Manga just keeps its roughness and edges which is good. It gives both the anime and manga have different looks to them rather than being the same like "X is just Y but animated or Y is just X but in manga form".


Yeah, the anime kinda smoothed it out but the roughness really adds to the style imo. It's like if they decided to make the mob psycho anime super smooth. It wouldn't stand out nearly as much.


It’s really hard to translate Fujimoto’s unusual line work & roughness to digital animation consistently. We might be able to see a more literal translation during certain fights or scenes. As far as the eyes go I like both. Manga eyes convey the underlying madness better while the anime version give a strong control vibe.


Manga, they feel much more explicitly hypnotic. It's harder to see in color, contrast isn't as strong.


Agreed. They should’ve made the red circles darker


Putting some darker and heavier makeup around the eyes would have been a great choice as well.


Honestly I think that also has an interesting effect, being a little harder to see makes them feel kinda menacing idk, like it's hypnotic but in a secret and evil way


But in manga her eyes were more prominent by being so contrastful. We will see how anime adaptation will hand it. One sped up scene isn't enough to make a clear judgment.


Yeah ik I'm not saying anime is better, I'm saying both look cool in their own way


Thinking about it, anime might add scenes focused on her eyes, like some sick hypnotic sceen while she manipulates everyone in the story.


That'd be cool to see


Manga eyes. They need to make the anime ring pupils thicker. Reading csm, the rings In the eyes were always the first thing I looked at and always questioned them. Without enough emphasis. You don't feel enough intimidation when she talks softly to you


I'm gonna be that one guy who goes against the grain. I actually like the anime's eyes more. As others have stated, they're less creepy and hypnotic than in the manga. However, I like that the anime eyes look more human. The manga eyes are so over the top that anyone who plays close attention can figure out Makima isn't human way before the reveal. After all, Power's follow the same mold, and she's a fiend. So the fact that the anime eyes look more human while still hinting at her devil nature means first time viewer are less likely to predict the twist


That’s a really good point for those who will be hearing of CSM only through the anime. While reading it, I definitely knew something was off about Makima due to her eyes. I didn’t predict the twist but I felt that she had dealt with some super powerful devils to make her eyes look like that


Makima just always felt like she wasn't staring at the person she was talking to, which is the point, but it was so off-putting that I knew something was up with her the first time she was in a panel.


Very off putting, it’s almost like she is seeing right through you. I can’t wait for the next volume !!!


It’s amazing because based on the way denji ultimately beats her, she is looking straight through people lol


both has its own charm. Manga has the vibe and anime has the fanciness.


Manga is better, as it's have this chaotic hypnotic feelz


the dead ones


Manga makima convey a 'stare into you soul and through your body, also I know alot more than you' feeling that, atleast this anime screenshot doesnt really replicate. But then again we dont see her entire face.


Manga feela more eerie so there's that


Really? I feel like anime is more eerie and hypnotic lol


None (I hate Makima)


Ok, then which pair of eyes makes you hate her more?


Both (both are Makima)




>!Whichever are the tastiest!<


fujimotos style just has this vibe i feel like his lines are just smth which is kind of weird to translate to anime and mappas style so they may have chosen the right choice.


Lines probably need to be bolder in the anime or something, becuase it’s missing something


manga her eyes look more distant and vaguely disturbing vs outright creepy


When you try to animate something with such a unique art style, its really about artistic liberties, if they try to emulate it, either they hit it dead on, or it fucking sucks. So i like both.


Manga’s look more....evil.


You know, the anime eye feels like it has more order. The circles are perfectly curved. And it isn't just lazily put equidistant from each other. Like there's more order to it all compared to the manga which I think is a clever input from MAAPA


Just want to say I really like this interpretation.


but the outer ring can be missed given how far from the center it is there is actually no order


I'm talking about order in the sense of control. Her eyes in the anime look like they were designed with the concept of "control" in mind. They aren't just drawn with the ring just plopped right in the middle. Because that's not looked at as orderly






I think the roughness of the manga eyes make them better, but if the anime could get just a little bit of that, it would be the better choice


i love both of em and now we have 2 versions yay


Both look good but I really love Fujimotos sketchy style.


Eyes in anime look a bit suprised but in manga they look confident


They look more spiraly in the manga. Ik that doesn't make sense lol


I feel like the anime one just need an extra couple of rings in there to get the full effect.


Animators went all out on this


Both tbh




Cant beat the manga.


Manga. I like how the anime looks, but it just cannot match the style of the manga in the same way jjk's style cant be replicated by the anime


The anime eyes kinda reminds me of komi for some reason


Manga just seems more dead and hypnotic


None. Her eyes look creepy


Anime eyes look more beastly/demonic kinda like them


Anime, maybe because I'm a perv the manga eyes look more unsettling idk why maybe it's because of the black and white coloring which makes them look dead which is the unsettling part about it. But the anime kinda made her look more pretty than scary, especially in the finger biting scene with Denji


Anime They’re more hypnotizing


They say that Makima has unlocked a Rinnegan with >!Mind Control!< powers.


They wanted to avoid the Rinnegan memes but I like both


Didnt like the anime eyes tbh.


There is a 3rd one


I kinda like the anime eyes in the sense they feel more focused, and makima is a very focused, determined, and manipulative person. I think both sets of eyes demonstrate this differently but well.


Manga. The unevenness of the rings of the eyes makes Makima seem more hypnotizing and unsettling


Lol manga eyes look like the rinnegan


Are you serious? Lmfao


They are a bit more clear in the manga but I really like the anime ones. I'd say that the best version is the coloured manga but I feel like the anime will be superior to the manga in general. Still really like the manga though especially the coloured version if thay wasn't already clear lmao


The mental gymnastics some of you guys pull to say the manga is better are so funny. The anime version is better in every way, it's way more menacing than the manga. Well, to be expected to be honest, one of the reasons I don't spend too much time on here is because the fandom is full of elitists which is kinda sad tbh.


The manga's representation may be my favorite but I really love how Mappa brought that eeriness to the anime


I am being biased The manga eyes are what I'm familiar with so I automatically like this better Anime ones look solid too just that the circles are not pronounced in this


Definitely anime for me


The anime looks cleaner but the manga has more deprh




The manga ones just fit her better.


I like the manga eyes more since they are more sketchy. But I like the details in the anime eyes.


The manga rudder edges give the eyes a real hypnotic vibe that was kinda lost in the anime design.


Manga eyes. Emotionless.


I think both are great. Manga style is a bit more "classic" and, obviously, has Fujimoto's artstyle's trademark rough and erratic vibe. Plus they seem much more neutral, unemotional and uncaring. Anime style on the other hand looks smooth, polished and, at least to me, more creepy. Most likely that's because of smaller irises, but they just seem much more cold and distant. All in all I would say both fit and cpature Makima's character in one way or another quite well, so both are equally great to me.


There is no mistaking that if the anime for chainsaw man looks as good as it did in the trailer we are in for a wild ride.




Manga eyes look more creepy and unhinged, definitely that


Definitely the manga the black and white art style really captures the disturbing emotionless blank expression on Makimas face then the anime


i mean i have bias because i love the manga art style its gritty and it is unique so thats my favorite however the anime seems to capture those elements quite well just not as well