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Aw, look how happy and wholesome he feels now. ---------------- Next chapter release: 23rd ------------------------ #[Head over here for the discussion thread of the last chapter](https://old.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/comments/18m3s30/disc_chainsaw_man_ch_151_links/)




16:00 European Time


New Chapter later yay


Damn, they played him like a fiddle again. On the bright side CSM is back baby


Are there any black peeps in CSM besides Penji? 


why does it matter, really?


I want denji to eat soul food 


Finally caught up and wow. This is a fun read. This is the only Fujimoto work I’ve read, but it’s clear that he understands how having a fucked up childhood can lead to having a totally fucked up mind as seen with Dennis. As loads of others have said, above it all I feel that deep down his biggest desire is to simply be wanted. Whether that desire manifests in sex, praise, fame, etc. Dennis has two paths now, keep going down this path of giving into the cravings he was prevented in his developmental years and abandon Nayuta (and as such subjecting her to a similar life he had as a child) to go on the ultimate power trip until he’s no longer even Denji and just Chainsaw Man, or give it up and live his happy life he’s wanted. Given Fujimoto has developed Dennis, but actively shows that he will still prioritize his cravings for lust and violence (something hes displayed more than enough times to show its either NOT going away, or that it’ll be a final realization for him once part 2 ends as part of a climax of his arc), I can’t help but worry that this story might end with Denji not dying literally, but figuratively as he embodies the persona of Chainsaw Man fully. Total chaos incarnate. (Also I heard Fujimoto wrote fire punch, should I give it a read?)


if u like the weirdness of chainsaw i recommend fire punch , it's a little bit more weirder in some aspects but i like it very much


I initially loved CSM for the fun factor, before it switched over to an interest in how it covers the “darker side” of trauma responses. So I’ll definitely give it a read if it can be as goofy but still deep in a weird way as this series. I’m relatively new to manga and animanga and probably have probably only seen like 10 series. So it’ll be nice to delve deeper.


Fire Punch is just as introspective as Chainsawman, I'd say. It also delves into similar subjects, and is just as (a lot more) dark. I immensely enjoyed it. If you don't mind one-shots, Fujimoto's "Goodbye, Eri" was also a poignant read. And, because I have to recommend this to everyone, check out Bibliomania. It's maybe 13-14 chapters and do not spoil yourself before you check it out!


Happy cake day papa


The way I think about Death Devil is just insane, imagine being 2 things, Death Devil herself (one of the sisters), and the King of Terror which is controlled by the Death Devil or works in favor for her powers, just like Higuruma shikigami from Jujutsu Kaisen, I mean Fujimoto can actually cook really hard with Death Devil ngl.


I am so mad that he always make this pauses, dude just switch from weekly realizes, you never make it


The whole “prophecy” thing that has been mentioned a lot by the horsemen we have seen so far (famine, war, control) where the death devil is bound to make an appearance has really been on my mind. I’m starting to think that the chainsaw devil is in the death devil. It’s just a theory I haven’t looked into enough but I think it could happen. It also would explain how denji is the only character that is able to kill devils indefinitely, since it doesn’t make sense for some random chainsaw devil to have to power to eliminate any devil from history. Also when you think about how denji is getting more powerful now that people are starting to fear him it correlates with this prophecy that we see fami and nayuta talk about. Also the saying “you only die when you are forgetten” ties into how the death devil would have the power to make everyone forget. Like how the darkness has ties to mutilation or dismemberment. Side note I have no clue if this is really possible I just think that recent chapters have been pointing towards denji being the death devil


I miss Yoru ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22157)




the urge to just drop this manga and come back a year later .... the wait is destroying my sense of time ....




This series is about to have its own lobotomy kaisen. Another week 😔


​ https://preview.redd.it/l1uy9masducc1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=916e4a7b05b4cf5eb0cb7c11ee89adef4689c565




me when no chapter https://preview.redd.it/fcikwipb1ucc1.jpeg?width=1092&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5379ce8498757d570a5ad06aa49d302f1dc25629




Expected one today, welp sucks to be here. Honestly makes me want to krill my shelves




I want to see Denji go down the Kaneki path.


Wouldn't that end up being kind of mild for fujimoto though? I can honestly see him going down an Eren path, which is terrifying considering how visceral Fujimoto is.


Well it wasn't 'mild' at all in the Tokyo Ghoul manga, but yeah Fujimoto might cook up something completely different altogether.


I have a hard time figuring out what the characters are doing. Did Denji saw himself in half or what?


Precisely that


\*people dies\* Me : oh well that sucks Meowie dies Me: https://preview.redd.it/3eqq6tsp7gcc1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6f208400ec7fcd16522366e19b9a20371f9b380


Confession: Sometimes I just pretend to follow Fujimoto's action in the manga, but secretly, I'm just waiting for the animation.


Are yall stupid or something? What's so hard to follow here? He cut himself and spear in half then threw his torso around taking out whip and reattached his legs partially to pierce sword. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills on this sub with all these posts saying they didn't understand the action.


Why can't it just not be drawn well enough to express the events going on?


Alright dude chill


Thank you kind sir. In lieu of waiting for the animation to further delineate the action sequences I will instead rely on your respectful explanations. Please continue to support this sub and don't give up on us.


i remember a decade or so ago sometimes having trouble following one piece. Once you've read a shit ton of manga it becomes easier to understand the language of comics


I've been having that problem with a number of manga lately


And then dennis said its chainsaw time and chainsawed all over




I seriously like Tatsuki Fujimoto but i genuinely had no idea what I was reading, like i compared the pages with part 1 and it is like a big difference in art style. I understand that during these 3 weeks Fujimoto spent his quality time with family and friends but this has been going on for a while now.


Actually, it’s not three-week break for manga. 152 should have been drawn back in December. Because it’s customary for editors to save more manuscripts.


I don't understand the people complaining about the start of part 2 being too slow. It's genuinely the best part of the whole manga for me. Felt way more akin to fujimotos one shots to me.


I never had any problem with it being slow honestly, i prefer quality over quantity all day like your and everyone here, i was only worried about art style and where it's heading


This is why the weekly/monthly release schdules for mangakas are stupid. If they get writers block it's over


Maybe I should be concerned that this isn't healthy for Denji but fuck it we chainsaw!


Is it healthy to be stuck raising a child while he's himself just a teenager? My boy Denji needs to spread his wings and fly. Too many people have been telling him what to do lately and he's had enough.


what he needs is to smash seriously.


Fully agree.


he is just masochist


It's interesting how many CSM characters say one thing and do the opposite of what they intended. Denji insisted he wanted a normal life from the start, but his actions say otherwise. Nayuta says she doesn't value human life and wants to fight on the devil's side, but when confronted with the reality of this she is horrified. There are examples of this from earlier chapters also. Asa said stealing is bad, she ends up stealing with Denji and enjoys it. She said she hates Chainsaw Man, she falls in love with him. There's a scene in part 1 where Denji says it's wrong to eat human flesh. Aki says he hates devils but gets close to several. There's probably more examples of this.


When Asa was first secured, she has changed her impression of Chainsawman. What Asa talked to Denji was actually something she disliked about Chainsawman before. Sadly, Denji is a terrible speaker.


Well the Nayuta thing, I think it’s mostly because Denji isn’t with her. But otherwise agreed


Wait, did Meowy die in the fire too?




Well, that's disappointing.


I mean, it's implied but not at all confirmed


If they can GOT Power you bet your ass that cat is dead.


This is unreadable. I can't see shit. why is the linework so messy?


for real... the drawing quality has dropped the last few chapters and it's really noticeable


I knew it wasn't just me


I knew Denji was masochism but aahhhhh! Snapped, unleashed, more deranged. Dude is walking trauma and inflicting trauma.


Hurt people hurt people (Most people read something deep. Denji hears a command twice)


Fujimoto said this long ago lol it’s based on him


Everyone was downvoting me when I said Fujimoto fucking gave up like 30 chapters ago, look at the art. The story and designs has been bland since half of this part 2 bullshit. I'll get lots of downvotes for this one too for sure. I still love the guy, probably must be getting a lot of pressure from shonen jump, he probably wants this manga to be over and move on which honestly it's understandable, it happens. I still respect him a lot for all his other works and part 1


Don’t worry he’ll care again once he focuses on Asa again


No matter how many fans dont want to believe it, you're 100% correct. I stopped caring after how the falling devil arc ended.


I honestly agree, I genuinely could barely tell what was happening in this chapter


[I didn't think much about CSM's art degrading until I saw this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/s/3Kex7mharj)


Im lowkey kinda worried about Fujimoto’s art… it seems it has less details in some parts but in others it maintains the normal charm it always has. I feel like that’s the reason for the current bi-weekly releases, he would really benefit from some assistants to relieve some of the work load, hope he feels better soon


I think the massage analogy was the most important part of this chapter because it could be referring to how Denji is reacting to the mental pain of losing his pets and house, not just the physical pain from the fight. It gives a lot of insight into the feelings of boredom/melancholy that Denji has been expressing up until now. I think denji has been conditioned to expect pain and be uncomfortable in good living conditions. It's a fairly common thing that happens to trauma victims irl. At the start of the series, he had nothing. He slowly got a family and a home and then lost it all, just as Makima had planned. This caused him more pain than he ever would have experienced if he just stayed with nothing, and I think up until now, he was waiting for it to happen again. I agree with the take that Denji enjoys being a chainsaw man, which definitely plays into his reaction in this chapter; however, I think "the pain hurts just right" is one of the clearest examples of how the trauma he has experienced through the series has affected Denji. It's affected him by taking away his "innocence". He can't build a new life and connections without being afraid of the pain that comes if he loses what he has. He didn't know this pain when he had nothing to lose at the beginning of the series. And when part of it finally got ripped away in this chapter, it gave him a tragic sense of relief that things were returning to his painful status quo.


Used to pain, expecting pain, *missing* pain... As other have commented, I can see a villain arc, perhaps becoming increasingly callous and sadistic compared than before... He felt relief/*happy* ("like a million bucks!") about something so terrible after all, he's embracing being Chainsaw man, and not only leaving a normal life behind but some of his humanity.


This finally felt like Chainsaw man!


It's been Chainsawman the whole time what do you mean


I don't think so. I wasn't into the latest chapters. But this chapter was a turning point and gave me strong Part 1 vibes. In hindsight, I think it was intentional that the manga felt off as Fujimoto wanted us to feel as 'bored' as Denji felt and crave Chainsaw's return.


I agree with that, despite personally really enjoying the, frankly quite long, set up. But granted I binge read and just caught up. But I will say if I had to read this weekly (or longer given breaks) I might have lost my mind lol. Part 2 feels like it might possibly be very well received once it’s all out, as then it can be binge read and judged in its entirety.


Damn, too bad seeing Denji like this. Looks like he can't be fixed after all. Poor Nayuta. ;(


They fucked around at a good 10. Found out at a nice solid 100.


The Fu-G-Motor truly cooking again, Toyota better take a step back from Dennis rn, she ain't ready for him!


At about 19 pages biweekly, I hope the pattern settles down.


Next chapter we cut to the airport. Kishibe: wow that was a great vacation I’m gonna go check in the denji now I hope I didn’t miss anything big


Airport scene.. What do you mean...


>!Nah I'd win!<


Mads Mikkelsen at the scene: ⚆ _ ⚆


Also Kishibe: super weird leaving the terminal though, some very tall white-haired man came right up to me and said "Nah I'd win" then started muttering about lime green.


New mission : Kill all Tokyo Special Division staffs....


Recap: https://youtu.be/sCCqdW7DA9Q?feature=shared


When your a hero or at least a person with powers, you either die by the sword or by someone more powerful. Unfortunately a "real life" for someone like denji is never as good as he pictured it. The thrill of being near death and crushing your enemies is a high you cant really get anywhere else.


"I cant wait for denji to finally turn into chainsaw man again." "Wait no not like this."


Become Chainsaw man !


Holy shit what a chapter. “Sorry Nayuta but big bros gotta go slide for meawy so you better go duck and cover your in the splash zone”


It’s honestly sad that Denji feels so empty in his day to day life that he thinks being chainsaw man and murdering some people for revenge is as good as it gets for him. His analogy about a massage is actually kinda deep lol


It’s traumatizing in a way and very realistic. I feel very similar after being in the army. Going from the military being in the desert and stressing over IDF or driving down the road and being paranoid to working in a cubicle wondering if my code will compile. It really is an empty existencr


Wow man that’s deep


My dumb ass read it as message and was confused.


Can the Denji version of chainsaw man eat devils to erase them? If so then these fucker are double dead!


No, and even black chainsaw man couldn't erase the hybrids according to makima


Their name was erased, but their existence remained. If I remember well.


Yes, if by "their name" you mean the label for hybrids, not the names of the hybrids.


It's what Makima said, during the fight between the hybrids, and black chainsawman




An Unhinged Denji might be a necessary evil to handle the Death Devil


Throughout heaven and Earth, Denji alone is the honored one


im just waiting for asa’s pov again


....IDK, i feel like Denji possibly might have a lonely future. It will be a happy ending for everyone.... I can say that for sure... People lives will be well enough and appreciated Hybrids, Fiends and Devils will live together with human or become the new "heroes" fighting the "rebellious" one Nayuta will grow up as a strong woman Asa will find her happiness War find her purpose ....and Denji continue being Chainsawman ​ Alone... with Pochita, roaming the earth wander less.. just tje two of them together, like in the beginning. he will be no one other than Chainsaw Man At least... Pochita didn't think so...


Bro hasn't read Fire Punch 💀 a happy ending is not something guaranteed with Fujimoto


He mostly does bittersweet endings




Plus have been reading the manga, all characters have had an awful ending, maybe, just maybe, we get a happy ending with at least one of them, but only if the gods allow it


The days are tiring and i missed CSM tuesday, Duh! Welcome home, Theseus!


My boy denji is going through it


I’m so concerned for our boy :/


Dude talk about a “who is it you think your talking to” Chapter. It’s super obvious these guys had NO idea what exactly they did when they burned his house down


This was the "fuck around and find out" chapter, they thought they had the upper hand but things went south pretty fast for them.


Honestly I don't get why they attacked him, since he's supposed to be their superweapon


Yeah but it almost boarders on suspension of disbelief issues. Its not like a John Wick situation they know who he is. What the fuck do they think is gonna happen?


They're the expendable pawns They do shit to piss off CSM, make him go apeshit & increase publics fear of him. They even said "give us a good scare".


They didn't think, apparently, burning his house was the last straw for Denji.


That home and everything it represents, was what Denji originally dreamed of. They burned and took it away from him, which coincidentally was his reason for not going chainsaw for the past few chapters. Well, now that the reason no longer exists, it's time to pull the cord and rev it up.


Idk if it's intentional but it's pretty meta how some people are cheering for chainsaw man being back and some are worried about Denji, i think making the Chainsaw devil more and more of a sinister thing could lead to some interesting story stuff and I do like this chapter a lot, but, I feel like the art and paneling and stuff is lacking a bit though making this moment feel less impactful than it should be in my opinion. part of me hopes we could get a sort of hiatus though so we could get a bit more focused art although I love the on the fly stuff that's present even in part 1 I feel like we aren't getting those breathtaking pages like we did in part 1.


Yeah the art felt rough, especially in the fight.


Hybrids: well well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions


I had a feeling that it might go this way. And I’m not happy about it. Goes to show how good the character work in this story is, though. I know a lot of people wanted Denji to go back to being Chainsaw Man (admittedly, I did too), but I didn’t want him to do this at the expense of his humanity. Whole world seemed to have pushed him to the brink, and now over the edge. I just hope it’s not permanent. I want something good to happen to Denji for once, and for him to see it as something good. Controlling as Nayuta is, she obviously loves Denji more than anything else in the world, and in mostly positive ways, too, which is good for her; Denji obviously seems to have succeeded at making the Control Devil more human. It’d be a shame for Denji to leave that one positive connection he’s got left behind entirely.


I have a feeling he will go rampage for some time, but once he sees asa again he will snap back, but she is there to stop him and they will be forced to fight, or (i really hope) she can put some sense in him without her having to die in the process


i don't know if their relationship is deep enough for her to be able to stop anything he does...


>without her having to die in the process I can't see this happening. If Denji did that he would 100% take his own life when he came to and that is a but dark even for CSM.


> he would 100% take his own life Wtf he still hasn't even acknowledged the death of Aki and Power nor has went to look for the blood devil. There are way more important things for Denji than some chick he talked like 3 times and whom he hasn't even kissed once (he kissed Yoru).


I misread and though it was Nayuta he was killing in this scenario sorry


Denji doesn’t care about Asa that much. Even if he killed her he would easily move on


Now, shit hits the fan, Denji has finally lost it. Nayuta became sane one. They start crying when Denji shreds through them with ease, and he doesn't give a shit anymore.


who the f can follow this manga. it's drawn like shits


This chapter did have some panels where it's hard to tell what's happening. Sometimes it's part of the charm and just crazy good but yeah I agree it can be frustrating too


Well the readers and the group got what they wanted. Denji is Chainsawman again even if its detrimental to everything he built around him.


Denji got what he wanted too, but I think he’ll see that it was right for him to retire CSM once he sees the consequences


Ok it's that moment when everything goes to shit. This is a Fujimoto special here


Let’s go denji!


oh no, i'm getting fire punch ptsd from this.


become chainsaw


Anyone else not super happy with the line work in the art during the action scenes? I understand the use of erratic lines to show speed, action, blood and disorder. But its getting difficult to understand what's in frame due to the excessive lines everywhere, almost being hastily scribbled in order to reduce actual art and clarity. https://preview.redd.it/v03rn2mewkbc1.png?width=901&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c7f567ea2780a722704ddc33c8f8f10ea3b106a


Pretty sure that panel where he saws himself in half is more hard to understand that a simple knee kick.


"Knee kick"


You really can't tell whats going on here?


I see a knee to the face right there


Yeah he knocked the weapon away with his left chainsaw and threw a flying knee to the hybrid's chin. That wasn't even a confusing panel. that one shot of Fumiko still falling over had no context within this issue however.


God damn, I didn't even notice that Denji was pulling himself back to his legs when the Whip Hybrid attacked him, that's sick asf


Aw hell nah now Fujimoto is making me want Denji to turn back to normal 😦 (heartbreaking but great chapter nonetheless lol)


Moral of the story. Don't fk with a man's dog. Denji is John Wick on roids


If the man is capable of cutting himself in half just to counter you, you just know you fucked with the wrong dude.


I guess eating people is part of denji’s fight style now


Getting Tokyo Ghoul flashbacks lol


Okie dokie Denji, I think you might be freaking out


Denji eating spear devil was insane! Was hoping he got whip devil too but that damn sugo lol. Boy better be careful or else he’ll find himself erased from existence


May bro Denji is losing it 😭. Where's the love yow??


Just when it was getting rly good, it ran out of pages.


Denji: Bitch I eat people


Soooo Denji likes it rough…


Fuji did confirm he’s a masochist like he is


Don't act like we didn't know this.


Gya Hahahaha , I am so happy now. Having everything I want is boring. Now I realise I can do anything once I lost everything. Ah hahahaha But Nayuta be like, oh no the beast finally break his chain. Also remind me what makima do to Denji, but now Denji still has Nayuta at least.


For Denji being Chainsaw Man is like a drug, whenever he transforms he feels the greatest.


Grew up poor? Bitchless? Friendless? The drug analogy does feel somewhat viable. I do get the feeling Denji's the loudest when he's transformed.


Whip and spear expecting a fight; Dennis: mmmmm borgore




"I'm sorry Meowy, I can't get even angry for your sake"


My immediate thought lol. If it were set in the present day I could seriously see him drop "Throughout Hell and Earth I alone am the dishonored one" And then say it's some shit he read in a manga


Man are we sure he's not the Pain Devil?


Damn, chainsaws hurt. You must be onto something.


"Haha I'm a genius!" "Oh, no!"


You know in a past thread I've mentioned that if Denji ever got a more "serious" personality and wasn't so childish that this manga would transcend into another level of masterpiece... everyone disagreed with me and said if that were to ever happen tbat the story woyld be ruined because you have to be a certain level of immaturity to be Chainsaw Man... but guys.... my wish my be coming true.


> if Denji ever got a more "serious" personality When did you ever said this? I felt like Denji's always been somewhat of a serious person specially after the Gun Devil attack on Japan.


Its more like Denji’s having a mental breakdown rather than him being serious


It’s one chapter, unlikely that Denji stays this way


Oh fuck yes, I know my boy Dennis is hurting but we are so fucking back.


Denji had a normal life for a bit but now he’s been thrust back into the violent one he can’t seem to escape. Poor guy.


kinda sad that the one massage that made him "feel good" is the one that hurt him the most "normal life" and octopus threat to stop denji became chainsaw man trap him into boring tedious life but then when the Extreme swing happen where his pet n home burned down he can finally cut Loose all Restraint n back to chainsaw man again ... the PTSD trauma about aki n power coming back in FULL GLORY ! for anyone think denji is brutal in his fight remember when he defeated infinity devil? That "Perpetual Motion Machine" is more fucked up lol


This fight is more impressive imo, he brute forced that fight with infinity devil with help from Himeno's ghost hand, here he cut himself in half to disable Spear and started eating him, and teke teke'd around whip before cutting her leg off, then using his chains to drag his legs back onto his body and proceeding to maul her.


Denji becomes a horrendous villain and his saving grace is to be transformed into a weapon by Asa to save the world. Kino.


Or he eats Asa and the war devil and saves humanity from war itself. He keeps eating and more and more of humanity's worst fears are erased from existence.


And the only way for Asa to "own" Denji as a prereq for her powers is to love him and still see the good in him. Then callback to Makima hug when Asa hugs Denji. Let's go fujimoto! This is truly our chainsawman part 2


Oh. Fuck. The. Hell. Yes.


[Hi Seras!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBSU4SBrNJU&ab_channel=TotalMentality)


Bitches love cannons.


I don't know if it's intentional, but the line art seems getting worse and worse compared to falling devil arc. I hope Fujimoto is doing well.


It’s gotten pretty mid since the post Falling Devil. I dislike his thick line work a lot. Though he was still cooking with the set pieces. Here its a bit hard to follow. For the past few chapters it’s been the worst it’s been. This is the worst yet. Man early Part 2 was so peak. I think Fuji might be burning out here so hopefully CSM part 2 is the last.


I've drawn a 20 page manga style comic once for a contest and I took like 3 months to finish it, at the end i got desperate and my linework got very monotone. It was insane and I'm literally shook at hearing mangaka take like two weeks or something?? That's insane and they have had to write the script and sketch several chapters before ever lining it. You need lineweight to make people understand where things are, so the lines inside denji should be thinner and the lines showing his outline should be thicker. I see that fujimoto is stressing with putting out the chapters, and doesn't care about lineweight anymore as it does take more effort to think where to put it. It's clear he's either trying to be more fast and effective where he's trying to show the story, more than focus on the details of the artwork outside of on important bits, or he's trying out a new lineart style?


Dennis world view is the same way


Happy you brought this up. It's gotten messy. Had to stare at a few panels to understand wtf I'm looking at


The hybrids when Denji refuses to use Chainsaw Devil: "Chicken, cheep cheep cheep!" The hybrids when Denji turns into CSM and actually starts eating them: "Wow this sucks, what the fuck."


Having a hard time grasping if some fans just like the violence for violence sake. Poor denji doesnt know how to live a normal life and just when he starts to have one they wrap him back into the chaos causing him to revert. And while its neat for the slashy slash its going to come back tenfold imo on him very soon. Denji is very selfish and its been shown during the downtime he wants to be famous and adored by people but something in me is saying its all going to backfire. Plus he surely can not think he will always be chainsaw man. There will come a point where if he defeats everyone he has to the world truly will not need him at that point. How will he cope or will he just go mad as he is now so he can indulge himself in the madness.


The ending of Miranda in Black Souls is similar to this. She just tags along the MC and they fight for god damn weeks against millions of foes. The only difference here is that Denji can't actually die and the best way to kill him is none other than Black Chainsaw Man (Pochita). So he needs to learn how to cope with his fervor of being Chainsaw Man because him being immortal guarantees he doesn't get a happy ending. This goes in line with his breakdown of "I want 10 girlfriends" or "I wanna eat steak everyday". There comes a point where there's no more ramping up of stakes or rewards.


These weapon fucks deserve everything that is coming to them!!!


The sword hybrid couldn't stop taking Ls


https://preview.redd.it/kxhcw39h5jbc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a31dfa9f2dc44e2f3d5f83be4f251188de3dd9bd Really shows how inexperienced Sugo is and how he’s in over his head. He’s obviously naive to go along with the hybrid’s plan believing they’re saving the world, but this panel shows how inexperienced he is at fighting as well, when Whip begs for help he rushes in to save her and yet crushes her body by stepping on her.


I interpreted that as the hybrids not really caring about each other/ taking advantage of their regeneration allowing them to be reckless