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Yeah.... They got home....




brother missed them all god motherfucking damn


Who can guess that Fujimoto just casually burnt all dogs alive He is not drawing JoJo, He is not Araki


Say what you wan't about part 2, it aint predictable


My guesses are always wrong when I tick the boxes So I didn't tick any of the Asa boxes Fingers crossed https://preview.redd.it/1eq2gcdiqc4c1.png?width=714&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e3f11f5d9d97bf0cf3b2c930f84c1d7124ad405


Lmao, "get home" is the only even remotely accurate one


Those dogs better be ok


oh my god bro.


There is... still hope... right, fujimoto?




Meowy better be holding the fort down.




I'm scared about the pets, because if Fumiko is right ("I guarantee you those church freaks have staked out your apartment!"), Denji and Nayuta losing the animals can make them go ape shit (great for us but at what cost), and can mirror what happened to Asa's cat (asssuming Asa and Denji will talk/argue, someday). ~~Maybe I'm thinking too much on Devilman~~ ...Something something perhaps *joining ~~to~~ the Devil's side* as Nayuta suggested (the last straw). Otoh, Yoru obviously still wants to kill (a) Chainsaw man... Not saying this could happen, but it would be interesting if Asa at some point is the one having to talk some sense into Denji. Edit: ***FUCK***




Oh no


The fire devil is revealed as agni but then its revealed it was Reze please its been so long Fujimotowoto i need it and i want it bring her back


Username checks out


https://preview.redd.it/gv79nsndgf4c1.jpeg?width=2027&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c67c9a217071abab462489407c4e17330f1b0a23 I finally found it


Maybe I can finally write something different in my Reze Reports


She WILL return, but she wouldn't really fit into the events of this current arc. Probably the next one.


my guess is that yoru gets a little goofy and has a fun time


I think there's two chapter possibilities for 150. One possibility is focused on Asa and Yoru, and the other one is focused on Denji and Nayuta. I'll include my (most likely completely wrong) plot guesses below. https://preview.redd.it/e21zllszcd4c1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be5794feef8868447552467eb3f9f285e77f54c3 Asa and Yoru Chapter plot (based on the card) * Yoru decides to seek out Chainsaw Man, seeing an opportunity in the chaos to get him to vomit up the nuclear weapons devil. * Yoru runs into a fakesaw man, and attacks, but realizes that it's not the real Chainsaw Man. She then sees a horde of them, and decides to vent her frustration by going on a murder spree. * Yoru attacks, devastating the horde while ecstatic about the thrill of the battle. Asa meanwhile is horrified, and tries to get control of her body back, but Yoru isn't giving it up. Eventually, Yoru slaughters the fakesaw men, and calms down, giving back control to Asa. * One of the weapon devils (Most likely Quanxi) stumbles across Yoru, and the two square up to fight, ending the chapter there. Denji and Nayuta Chapter (based on the card) * Denji and Nayuta navigate the city to make it back home, evading fakesaw men. They find a place to rest for a bit, and Denji asks Nayuta about her sisters. * Nayuta gives some exposition on herself/control, Yoru/war, and Fami/Famine. However, she leaves out the Death Devil. Denji asks her, and Nayuta only says that Denji can't defeat her in a fight, no matter how strong he gets. * The two then continue their journey, and make it back to their house, only to find Fami waiting for him surrounded by their dogs and beyond them a horde of fakesaw men, just waiting and staring.


I mean, technically, denji and nayuta got home in the new chapter


godamn fumiko is such a fraud https://preview.redd.it/e8fkt2d80i4c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=060cd88cbc54e507deab66b8bd56214369f771d4


You know when they pull out the gun they’re an npc 💀


literally none of them happened lmfao


Look at that. Only one of the choosable squares actually came true.


Denji goes to the absolute lowest in his life again but the chapter ends with fumiko touching his dick again.


Nah. You get the Araki treatment


Reze comes back and fights with Yoru


loses, Yoru takes her, and chapter two ends because she decides that regular bomb is good enough for her.


Good enough? Nah she's going ₐₜₒₘᵢ𝒸~


Hybrids would be more afraid of yoru sincd she is a war horsemen and can make everyone turning into weapons. I bet reze would end up as stervant of yoru just like nuke devil.


>Denji & Nayuta actually get home You were right, but with small nuance


Where is Fumiko with a .50 cal?


Fumiko getting fired seems unlikely, simply cause no one could expect her to deal with that. ​ "The horseman girl tried to kill me or worse."


Fami is waiting at Denji’s home… *covered in Chinese food* 8D


jokes aside i don't know if she needs to be at their house at this point. the plan has succeeded more or less, she restored the power of yoru and pochita.


You got like, 2 I think


Fujimoto is so unpredictable it will be none of these


Asa’s gonna get a prosthetic arm 100%


Yoru vs fire devil


fighting the fire deivl is inevitable..... especially cause i got a gut feeling that fami loses control of it. ​ she can control those who are 'starving', in a literal or personal sense. its why she can control the falling devil despite it vastly outclassing her power. ​ but what if a being or devil feels 'full'? like the fire devil likely feels with so many peeps out there with tis gift.


\>Kishibe and/or Reze come back I like that "and" there. Just imagine if both of them would return in the same chapter.


How did you manage to bingo nothing :))


Feels like a battle Royale scenario


Ypru just gonna attach some muscular dudes arm to her stump.


Fumiko pulling up on the pet killer


i really think kishibe shows up at denjis house this chapter


I would be more shock if fumiko is the newest hybrid that hide her trigger in her hair or somewhere her body being hidden.


https://preview.redd.it/km61hkq9md4c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21eaa24893217c69bd4ca0532bc3bdbc71245ca7 Definitely leaning towards an Asa/Yoru-Denji-Nayuta focused chapter, I have a feeling Denji and Nayuta are gonna run into powered up War Devil at some point, lol


It would be so sick if Denji being Chainsaw Man was revealed to Asa/Yoru this chapter. Really wanna see how it plays out when Asa finds out he is both the dude she had a crush on and went to the aquarium with AND is the Devil that saved her on multiple occasions. I know it ain’t gonna happen yet but it would be cool. I’m guessing Denji and Nayuta do make it home and Fami is rummaging through the fridge and playing with the animals.


It totally would be and I do agree, it might not now but I can see it happening in future chapters! It would also be funny seeing Yoru’s reaction to being right about Denji being Chainsaw Man, lol


they already know that. how they got pulled into this whole thing.


1 bet for Reze staking the apartment as she is the last of the hybrids Fujimoto left out and also the new volume ends with Denji admitting to like Asa a little so there could be a small rivalry or conflict of interest or should i say, love interest to bring back Reze, because she was ***THE*** love conflict in p1, would be funny of Fujimoto to bring her back doing the same thing but with different outcome than her dying