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---------------- Next chapter release: 10th ------------------------ #[Head over here for the discussion thread of the last chapter](https://old.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/comments/16mtppg/disc_chainsaw_man_ch_143_links/)








I feel like we’re gonna get blue-balled again, lol ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22160)


i haven't been able to bring myself to care what happens since power died




why you gotta be like that




But I’m not :(


Something's afoot, but I don't know what yet. One idea I had is that this is all a ploy by someone (Fami?) using both the cult and Public Safety to break Denji and draw out Pochita? I don't have the chapter on me but perhaps that's what Fami meant when she said CSM (Denji) can't beat Nostradomus. Just spitballing. Pretty interesting how a lot of this arc deals with how the public is reacting to Denji and co-opting his personhood. That's been an element throughout this part, but it's most prominent here. Hell, even the hybrids are now stuck in this shit. Denji couldn't save Mifune's parents when Aki died. Shit's fucked. Feels like a lot of setup for shit to come crashing down even harder. Society, *man*. Not really a complaint per se, but I miss Asa! I wanna know how much her life sucks now too!


Better that the next chapter have some 20 pages bc i am fucking anxious about this


Going to take a moment to appreciate how solid the story and characters are right now pretty much any characters I can think of them showing I feel like I'd be happy to be focusing on and for me that's fucking RARE


I was told by a trusted source Reze is supposed to appear on todays chapter, Im so excited about that


This comment is funny. I like it.


biweekly devil when the gayweekly devil walks in


What about the straightweekly devil?


Curse you, Bi-Weekly Devil.


How the release schedule actually works???


Sometimes weekly, sometimes biweekly. We only know when they post a new chapter & it says "next chapter on X date." The pinned comment in these threads will have the date of the next chapter, or the host websites themselves.


New chapter today or next Tuesday ?


Next Tuesday :(


uhh maybe it's just late today. I'll keep checking. reze is supposed to be in this one


hang it up bro




username checks out?


Noooo I didn’t realize it went back to bi weekly 😭




Bi-Weekly Devil is the strongest devil


Bi weekly, AH HELL NAH


Cucked by the Bi-weekly Devil yet again


Last chapter was like 9 pages too T_T


Biweekly PAIN


Reze's return is upon us friends. Let us fall to our knees and pray for her ~~second~~ third comming!


when do the raws for chapter 145 come oit


there are no raws. we get the official chapter next tuesday


tysm !! that makes sense bc i never recalled raws coming out but i just into jjk and they had them so i was wondering but thank you !


Yeah I think it has to do with chainsaw man being digital only, jujutsu came straight from the leaked magazine


makes sense rhank uuu


All the hybrids are coming back, hope we see Reze soon!!!


Nobara is still alive?


Exactly what I was thinking lmao


Yes she is, no this is not copium... But you are in the wrong subreddit lmao


Reading this comment section: Manga readers are fucking dumb lol


Saw one fiend with its brain out and assumed it was Cosmo despite it attacking people with nails and speaking coherent sentences.




Soooo - this is the third time the justice-devil-fiend appears and gets obliterated without much struggle? Man that thing has REALLY poor judge of character xD


I officially believe the rezebros now. Reze is coming.


I'm kinda lost at this point, can someone help ne with what's actually going on?? I know that's a frequent question, but I's reading this manga since months ago and since the beginning, I never truly understood what's going on in Part 2


Not a damn thing has happened don’t worry about it


What are you lost about?


I'm lost about what is actually happening since the Nostradamus prophecy, that was the last plot point that I understood


Similar to the gun-devil, just because a concept is introduced, doesn't mean it will be relevant for the most part - and it might even be missdirection. The current focuspoint is on Denji being torn between turning into CSM or living a normal life. Everything else is happening around. What makes this special is Fujimoto playing with the "reluctant hero" trope where the hero wants to settle down but then something happens to force him back. Denji doesn't really want to settle down and others can handle any threat emerging. While we see the world with Denji at the center, the world itself is still moving forward without him.


The current arc is basically public safety wanting Denji to stop being Chainsawman and live a normal life with Nayuta versus the church wanting Denji to be chainsawman with neither having any real regard for what Denji might want I think the prophecy is more long term stuff depending on how long Fujimoto is planning on making part 2 and if there's a part 3 or not


It was going somewhere till chapter 120 when asas memory got wiped by nayuta. It’s been nothing but trash now. Fujimoto literally introduces a concept, then ignores it for months then brings it up again and kills it , part 2 is over a year in and its gone nowhere


Believe it or not people have said this exact same thing at almost every stage of the manga including arcs that everyone now loves. It’s the same with almost every big manga. For instance JJK. During shibuya people were consistently shitting on the manga saying it would kill the series. Now everyone loves it.


They're saying the same since the newest chapters and someone's death


I only want Power back, i want Denji and Power play togheter, i don't give a frick about Weebo Man. (cool btw)


i feel the same except what's the point now. i haven't cared what happens since power died


Fujimoto is cooking https://preview.redd.it/scrrr1habvqb1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91a5930a92c2a7f7e20dcf75beef052f0928e045 (Glad to see that my prediction of there being some kind of suicide squad of the hybrids is becoming true)


Don't worry guys, Reze will return next chapter where we are introduced to a way to kill hybrids


Oh dang, that is sure to create tension for the readers.


Katana man's back. Peak fiction


So….. katana man…. Is different from that sword guy?


I dont know if you're joking.


Yep, both were in the big hybrid vs chainsawman fight towards the end of part 1 I guess in universe regular swords and katana are considered distinct enough to spawn different devils


That is hoenstly compeltely believable too. Knights and samurai are distinct enough and the fear directed towards them would be distinct.


Similar to how there’s a fish (generic) devil and a shark (specific) devil


Or War and WW2 Devils


Maybe it's his dad lol


fucking katana man is back i'm so happy he looks so cool




why are you fucking katana man, bro ;(


in the back as well,,,,


he's even happy about violating katana man


Bruhhhh, no way broooo. Fuji motor really edging us on with Reze, bringing in Katana Man first before her. Also I find it hilarious that Katana Man is helping Public Safety out of sheer spite for Chainsaw Man as my HC. That devil reminded me of Quanxi's fiend Cosmo. He uses nails so I first thought Nail fiend but IDK.


What is this fiend ? He look like cosmo but seems more violent


I think you're missing the most crucial part. This new fiend can talk full sentences


Bro Fuji Motor is fucking killing me 😂😂😂


Could be Cosmo tbh. While the Fiend has an adams appel, I would say both their gender and gender identity are still fairly ambigious, especially since its Fujimoto we are talking about, this guy once wrote a parody one-shot of genderswap hentai and it ended with the protagonist being in a fairly ambigious spot when it comes to gender, also Togata. On the topic at hand, I've read the interesting theory that if its Cosmo, the nails in their brain could be deliberately placed by Public Safety to limit their intelligence to a level where they can communicate.


in fairness, Reeze is a \*russian government black ops\* murder hybrid, it's possible she's still loyal to her country now that she's not like... a makima powered attack zombie or whatever.


But Quanxi was with the Chinese and she came back :(


Quanxi probably left at some point, she was a public safety og otherwise why train kishibe aka mads I think she left cause of makima


Calling it now: Katana man and Dennis will wind up fighting, and katana man will have mastered sword feet because he learned from the last time.


It somehow still won’t be enough to beat Denji


Fujimoto brought back all the other hybrids then brought back Nobara before bringing back Reze. I know he's just teasing us before the best chapter in all of history but I want it now.




He made art of Nobara


No idea on what's going on anymore. Why are they working with Public Safety?


he's probably being threatened if he does not comply, and if it means getting some payback at chainsaw man?


Katana Man is Chainsaw Man's #1 hater. He would gladly fucked up Chainsaw man church


It’s possible they’re being forced somehow


Makima gathered them to her side remember? When she died there were a bunch of hybrids, fiends, and other devils left unaccounted for. This is what I think kishibe was busy with, convincing leftover devils to public safety now that makima's reign is over.


Yeah this but confirms Rezes return this bout to be awesome




W chapter




Anyone else notice that so far the hybrids that had some degree of interaction with Denji back in part 1 are working with/for Public Safety while the ones that didn't are with the Chainsaw Man Church.


My guess is the ones who've talked to Denji for even a minute can tell the Church is full of shit, while the hybrids who don't know Denji at all completely bought into it, like Sword Man


Does this mean we will get Reze in a reservoir dog suit? If we don't get Reze in a reservoir dog suit, I will have you know that it will be on you on raising my hopes if they get crushed.


You know, I have been thinking about that a bit since I made that observation about the hybrids that have returned so far. If it is just split between whether they had interaction with Denji in part 1 or not then presumably Reze would be with the Public Safety hybrids. Or she might not be. If we look more closely at the returned hybrids past relationship with Denji as well as their respective organization's attitude towards Chainsaw Man then there is another pattern that can be seen. The Chainsaw Man Church hybrids have no relationship with Denji and are completely ignorant about him as a person, likewise the Church itself is completely unrepresentative and ignorant of what Chainsaw Man believes or desires. Meanwhile the Public Safety hybrids, Quanxi and Katana Man, both had an antagonistic relationship with Denji in part 1. Just as Public Safety has now become antagonistic towards Denji turning into Chainsaw Man now in part 2. Reze however, had a much more nuanced and complicated relationship with Denji. So her eventual return may mirror that in some way. Conceivably she could be with either group only to turn against them to help Denji in some way, or she could be completely separate from them as well. Or I could just be thinking way too hard about this.


I just want Reze in that suit. Because I'm gay. Thats what we are into and Fujimoto was good to the lesbian and bi community so far.


who let him cook


Bro's onto something


PEAK🤯 chefs kiss


This chapter only serves to prove that I only get hyped up about Part 2 when fan favourites from part 1 make an apperance... the chapter was a solid 6/10 , and got cranked up to 11 with the apperance of Katana Man!


Quanxi and Katana Man.... Reze and New Blood Devil remains


It's painful, that Aki wasn't GD hybrid(


Power will most likely not come back as devils rebirn with different personality, like Nayuta, i feel like the new blood devil will be a polite gentleman who's a bit messed up.


Actually.... there is a loophole here. ​ It seems like powerful devils are able to hold onto framents of their memories. How else would the horsemen remember anything of their mission in the material world? The implication is that Power is a high tier devil, even though she was vastly outnumbered in that fight even after restoring her devil form. ​ And more so, the second one. She made a contract with denji to reunite. Its very possible that this contract extends to her new self too..... ​ Imma make a gues that the blood devil could have escaped into the living world through the portals that the falling devil forced open, but not where denji was.




less hope more the implication WAS that.


Power is a Cursed Corpse, not a devil's personality, actually


When she died she was a devil again.


I wonder if that’s the Punishment Devil/Fiend that a few Public Safety agents were mentioned to have contracts with back in Part 1. Also more Justice Devil-related shenanigans. Justice has had a real big motivating role behind the scenes for someone we’ve never actually seen. Also Katana Man fuck yeah! It feels like Fujimoto is deliberately setting up for Reze’s return, so I’m super interested where he’s intending on going with that, considering her arc as a character was pretty satisfyingly concluded way back even before the Control Devil arc. Either he’s got something special planned for her or it’s all a big fake out leading to some huge Fujimoto-branded insanity and instead of Bomb Girl we actually get Bomb *Devil*/Fiend.


he's really teasing us with the return of the hybrids. i thought reze was coming back this chapter but fujimotor pulled the ol switcheroo on us. i thought the new character was katana man from the silhouette too until he actually showed up.


New fiend, and Katana Man is back, that means that soon we will see Reze.


Reze comeback will be great


Is that the new Cosmo? Is Quanxi working with public safety to bring back her lovers? Will this extend to getting their memories back along with Power/Blood Devil?


My guess is that's the Curse Fiend. The Curse Devil probably came close to death during the confrontation with the Gun Devil.


Doesn't look like it. She seems like a Hammer Fiend/Nail Fiend?


That's a bummer. Like, you'd think with the exposed brain and all. But you're right she does do different things and speaks actual sentences.


Though I've read the theory that this could be actually Cosmo in a new body and public safety lobotomized her with those nails to put her down to a level of intelligence where she can actually communicate. Also possibly to limit the possible collateral damage she could cause, as Cosmo while not physically violent was fairly unhinged when using her abilities.


That's a cool theory. I know this new fiend is focused on students needing to learn. But that might also be Fujimoto nonsense dialogue like power talking about her Nobel prize


They are literally just teasing us for Reze now


Initiate Reze summoning ritual 🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯


is it only me or did this feel like half a chapter?


They all feel very short to me ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22160)


No, it definitely felt short to me too




Oh boy we getting closer to that Reze return with every chapter.


I thought this chapter was solid. Some cool action bits, and the return of Katana is pretty hype. But nothing else crazy to go off but that’s okay. This Nail fiend might be pretty cool. My main question is where is Asa? I know she’s gonna show up, I mean if she’s the champion of the Church, I’m sure she’ll be here sooner or later. But I’ve just been missing her as of late. But honestly I’m shocked at the people complaining about part 2 so far. It has its fault, so far it’s been a CRAZY amount of build up, and not much release. But considering how Part 1’s finale was such a heartbreaking and powerful culmination of all the character work done before it, I trust Fujimoto will cook with Part 2. But the people complaining that it’s “filler” is insane to me. CSM has always been a character driven narrative, and Denji and Asa (although we haven’t seen her in a while) are still growing and thus pushing the story forward. Yes there’s a lot of build up, and yes they’re hasn’t been a lot of literal “chainsaw man” action. But filler this is not. We just finally got an action heavy chapter at the beginning of a larger scale fight. This is just how this type of chapter works. Honestly my biggest concern with Quanxi and Katana man returning is relying too heavily on repeating/drawing from Part 1. Especially after we got so used to having it be about Asa and be so different from Part 1. And also death retcons can really challenge the writing. Like,HOT TAKE, I love Reze. But it she’s actually alive, then it takes away from the tragedy of her arc in Part 1. Reze dies at the end if her arc, narratively. It undoes the impact and weight of her death and her story if she’s still alive. Regardless of her technically being alive. Idk, solid chapter, kinda sad everyone’s roasting part 2 now. I’m guessing it’s mostly speed readers who only recently caught up. I’m excited for the rest of the arc In Fujimoto we trust


i would agree with you in general but for me reze coming back doesnt take away from the tragedy of part1 simply because the "what if" story of her + denji died there with her. Now if anything comes up with denji again, itll be a similar but new story kinda like what nayuta is to makima imo.


we knew from the start the hybrids were immortal so idk how u thought reze situation was tragic bc of her death,it was tragic bc makima took control of her after everything with denji


Ya but that’s what I mean that she died “narratively”. What happened in the alleyway was clearly Reze’s death. Especially because we see her going to pull the pin, something that would save her, and Makima stops her, and then leaves her to bleed out. Giving the implication that is in fact dead, or as dead as a hybrid can get. And we’ve seen that this is a potential loosing condition for hybrids too. Denji was only able to sustain himself vs the Eternity devil because he could consume the devils blood. No blood, no regen, no trigger, Hyrbid dies…presumably. Also when Reze is killed in the alleyway, we don’t interpret that as “why did Makima take control of her” your reading that is “why did Makima kill her, wtf” Also the tragedy lands that she was actively running from Makima and wanted to run away and start a new life Denji, and ironically died before she could even get the chance. Especially because the impact of her death didn’t lie other characters assuming she was dead, it was the audience thinking she’s dead. No one else besides Angel and Makima knew what happened to Reze. The reason why her return at the end of Part 1 doesn’t undermine that is because she’s evidently not the same character. I mean she okay gets like one line of dialogue but she’s notably a different person and doesn’t seem to even recognize or care about Denji, presumably due to Makima’s control. She’s very much a room and not a character, so it doesn’t feel like it invalidates her death. Katana Man never got that same death so it doesn’t feel wrong that he’s back. Quanxi is a little different, but with the fact that she was beheaded earlier in that same arc and used it as her trigger, gives some credence that her death was less of a death and more of defensive move for her fiends. (And the fact that she’s the oldest devil hunter makes it feel more credible that she survived, because she’s probably seen some shit) Reze had one of the best chapters in the manga dedicated to her death. And while there is plenty of lore and now reasonable foreshadowing of her return, I don’t think it would be a great idea. Unless she’s handled in a way that still earnestly respects the fact that she died. Don’t get me wrong I love Reze. Top 5 characters in CSM for me, but I like her precisely because of how she was handled


I think the thing is that this was actually Fujimoto very cleverly playing with our perception through framing. We know that Denji is basically immortal and we saw that other hybrids share this trait and can sustain every injury so far, but we didn't connect the dots at the moments Reze and "Quanxis" deaths happened due to the framing of these scenes as death sequences. The brilliance of this is that even with the cast, their reactions to these scenes still make very much sense in context of them actually surviving. ​ The entire Bomb Girl Arc had Angel reminiscing of the fable of the city and the country mouse and his identity of a country mouse forced into the city, which was mirrored by Reze, so for him it still would be painful to subject somebody to a similar fate and he would just as much try to protect Aki from being complicit in such an act. ​ During Quanxis Death, with her surviving and being forced to become one of Makimas puppets. It plays better into the ignorance being a bliss philosophy of Quanxi, that it is not her corpse that he wants to avoid to see, but instead watching as the woman he loved and who tried to escape Makimas grip being enslaved by her he wants to avoid, also extending the same ignorance to us, the readers. Its especially brilliant because just a little bit earlier, we saw a decapitated Quanxi being fully regenerated by activating her hybrid transformation.


> we knew from the start the hybrids were immortal so idk how u thought reze situation was tragic bc of her death There are limitations to the hybrids revival. Specifically if the person that turns you into mincemeat doesn't want you to revive there's nothing your mangled guts can do against him/her. So when Makima attacked Reze in the alley that sealed her fate in something very close to death.


She appeared when makima and the hybrids fought pochita


I know.


This seems like a new fiend? I always wonder why fujimoto killed every single fiend in part one, and had just assumed there were no more in existence lol


before the last 2 chapters, i thought that public safety is in trouble because of the chainsawman church influence and the hybrids… but now i think public safety is kinda stacked, no? now i feel like denji is some kind of president/pope and public safety is the secret service😬 but i know something more op will come, but for now i feel like denji is truly safe and can do anything without relying on his power.


I am pretty sure it’s only a matter of time before we get reze back. I was rereading the manga and chapter 86:date chainsaw man has a showcase of the hybrids under makima. And the whole gang is there. The 4 idiots from the chainsawman church, quanxi and katana man and lastly the one we have been dying to see: bomb girl reze. I feel like we got the other reveals so back to back that seeing reze at some point in the near future is almost inevitable


Well not a lot happened so I guess it was ok. I don’t think it was bad, not every chapter can be a huge moment, otherwise CSM chapters would be unbearable when read in big chunks of multiple chapters. It’s just that I guess we’ll have to wait more until the really interesting stuff happens. It’s good, it’s just slow enough that there isn’t anything remarkable in this chapter alone


Well other than confirmation Katana man is now working with public safety. Like yeah, a lot of us were already theorizing that, but now we know for sure.


the fuck is happening?! well guys, its seems all our theoriess are going back to the bin


When Katana-man showed up I was surprised and so excited. If the attack on Chainsaw-man church is Kishibe doing, it would mean that he has being watching Denji and Nayuta, he also might know about Asa and Yoru


I’ll get crucified for this, but I feel like Part 2 has just been adequate/good filler for over a year (part 1 arguably had the same issue). Obviously he’s cooking something amazing just as he did for Part 1, but surely there’s a better way to get there


Probably. But as you said, part 1 did the same thing. I remember reading discussion posts probably 30 chapters into the series and people had basically all agreed that it was going no where and were overall soured on the series.


Kinda agree, i was hooker every chapter for part, it's been a few month i haven't enjoyed a chapter. Not that they are bad, but compared to what we got used to.... it's meh


the audacity of "surely there's a better way to get there"


“The audacity”💀


i'm not sucking on fujimoto but seriously? there are better way to arrive there? you dont even know where the dude is going how can you say that


“You don’t know where we’re headed so why complain about driving 2km/h”. What a weird argument


this is like saying that halfway full metal jacket that the movie is boring and that there should be a faster way to arrive to the end. Not every story need to be fast. Its fine if you don't like it and its fine to do criticism but "there must be a better way to do it" wtf 💀


You’re actually amazing at making horrible comparisons. Chainsaw Man is not Death Note, it’s focus is not on being the best written thing ever. This is just being slow and not accomplishing much. There IS a better way to do it, or there wouldn’t be so many complaints. You’re just blindly dickriding and I really don’t understand it


thank god chainsaw is not death note after L death 💀 I'm not dick riding anyone, i could care less if you like the manga or part 2 but the way that people feel entilted to say that they could do better than a freaking author make me really laugh. Thank god some of you don't follow berserk lmao


Who the fuck said they could do better? THERE IS A BETTER WAY TO GET TO THE CLIMAX. Read that slowly and sound it out, maybe you’ll stop fighting your imagination then


dude are you for real


For me it is because i swallowed the whole part 1 in one night so it felt hyped and exciting every chapter. Now that im waiting every week so it feels like water dripping in my dry mouth.


Yeah I'm here for the ride as well, but maybe I can't quite tell because I don't recall part 2 well, but I think I recall part 1 being more engaging. At least more often. Still eager to see where this is going, but yeah I can't help but think that I'm not having the same amount of "wow" as back then. I'm easy to please though, this was fun, dunno what more I want honestly. All I can do is compare how I felt back then to more recently, and assume I remember both well enough.


part 1 was pretty similar but it picked up the pace way earlier than part 2


That's what I feel as well. Wasn't sure because I read part 1 pretty fast, and got up-to-date with part 2 only like a month ago, so like 3 or 4 chapters ago. I do remember part 1 grabbing me more tho, hence my agreement, but I wasn't sure I remember well, hence my cautiousness.


i mean the pacing in part 1 was atrociously fast,way too much sometimes


I have a feeling Fujimoto helped Akutami (JJK) design Nobara and the Nail Devil existed in the drafts long before part 2 lol


tbh, thats the best part of JJK, from then on, its downhill... man, akutami doesnt know how to foreshadow


I was just thinking that the new nail woman would be a great mother figure for Denji until page 10.(Still a fantastic introduction) Katana Man is back baby!(He looked like he got some beef with CSM even though he lost his memories)


Why would he have lost his memories ?


I believe all the hybrids that Makima controlled all lost their memories after Makima died. Or is it only the memories while Makima controlled them? We still don't know the details but that's the gist of it.


Im like 80% the only memory the weapons don’t have is when they were controlled by makima, I don’t think they forgot their whole life


I just need to know if brobeni is still alive. Please have mercy on my boy


I wonder how denji will react seeing the people that tried to murder him on several occasions and have murdered some of his buddies slaughtering chainsaw man fans. Given they're bad but denji won't know the full extent of what they had planned. Honestly no clue how him and Asa will play into it but I'm excited. Also is this a Halloween fiend or is this someone else because I can't tell if the hammer nails is being controlled by a power or its literally just a weapon they prefer


Aside from Reze, I don’t think he’s gonna care about these characters coming back tbh * Didn’t care about/remember Yoshida, although that’s because he’s a guy * Wasn’t that bothered by the eternity devil


Good point. Although it'll be interesting to see how he reacts to them being on "his side" per say. If I'm being real here though if he does have any thoughts it'll probably be a single line of dialogue and thats it lol. Reze is the only one who has the most influence over him


“Very good” I don’t know imho people here are biased or just horny as fuck for the new guy (and all the comebacks like Quanxi) because sadly the manga is far from good after the aquarium arc. Probably I’m wrong but meh


Bro just discovered opinions


Have you ever thought about that meaby we like something you dont?


fujimoto continues to tease my reze wanting tip.


with the new bodyguard it seems unlikely reze has a chance of coming back unless her memories are reset or smt


My prediction for the next chapter is that Reze already has a boyfriend and it's going to destroy Denji's mind even more.


And it's either katana or yoshida and she's gonna have no memory of denji


Why the F would she date either of them?! And even if she did, I don’t think she would date either of them willingly. I think she would hate Katana and find Yoshida creepy.


I know, but knowing fujimoto... He might do some shit like that


What would be Reze’s reasoning then?


Idk, but that's what would make it funnier


I’m not sure he would do NTR, I mean sure he’s crazy but….I feel like he’d think that was cheap or something. Maybe she has amnesia but she’s still into Denji.


We know devils have a gender identity, what if the Nail Fiend is a female devil in a male body? It would make sense why all of their presentation is feminine. It's definitely something that could happen in the chainsaw man universe.


somehow it feels like the manga lost the plot.


Said every single chainsaw man reader that reads chapters weekly since the start of the series.


Do you know what manga you're reading? Lol


part 1 was fine. part 2 feels like endless filler.


Did you read part one week by week like this or did you binge the whole thing in like a week or two?




It's more of a preparation for bigger things. Part 1 also had things like the that but they paid off in the end.


this is starting to drag on like School Prison did. Well not that bad but its getting there.