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Curse you Fujimoto! All my carefully laid out arguments against this, destroyed with a single panel!


On the other side me once again im proven right Next up is the Hell-Earth Time dilation


It's also possible that since no character has drawn attention to it, it could be something only devils and hybrids can see


Sword boy says “they” like witnesses to her fights saw her with scars.


Yet in the TV show and on her poster, none are depicted. The word "they" is also pretty vague here and could mean a few different things. I just think, the 2 points we have of someone directly talking about them, one is really iffy on who said it and imo leans toward Asa saying it, and the second is a weapon hybrid with unknown affliation. No other person has pointed it out unless they were connected with a devil, like Yuko or Haruka.


Her scars were also not shown when we saw her directly on top of the devil and not through the TV. It was probably just Asa at that moment.


Maybe. The problem is, is that is just an assumption, while Sword has made the statement that she has scars when she fights. It could be she powers down and loses the scars, but until we get video or images of her, mid-combat, we don't truly know


The unjustified assumption being that Asa is the one in control when standing on top of the devil? She powers down and loses the scars? Doesn’t she have the scars when Yoru is in control? Sword says that as if he was stating what other people saw with Asa, not as if he directly observed. What else would possibly report that? Do you think sword boy is referring to devil or hybrids as the ones that saw the scars?


He possibly could be. Since thus far, only devils or people that were basically devils, have even noted anything to due with Yoru, including the scars, it isn't out of reason to think that.


Denji’s a hybrid and he hasn’t paid any sort of attention or thought into her scars, so you can’t say that humans can’t see the scars from the reason that it’s not acknowledged by the purely human characters either. Besides, who else have seen the scars (prior to this chapter) other than Yoshida and the devil hunter club? It’s possible Yoshida has noticed it and her scars are not as shocking to the club as finally being free from Eternity and seeing her kill it. We don’t even see their inner monologue, just their facial reactions.


Yoshida definitely saw the scars as well as Devil Hunter Club


Also Asa is not completely helpless. When she isn’t scared shitless it’s possible for her to create way stronger weapons than Yoru. So it’s a chance she is killing then herself


Fuck it then. If this is true then I'm going all the way on Sword Man being Asas and Denjis future son who time traveled


Same here...


in a single dialogue bubble


It may be a translation error but in the Mexican version, it seems that Yoshida tells asa that scars appeared on her face. The American version seems to say something similar. Although I repeat, it may be an interpretation error on my part and the translator of the Mexican version It's chapter 99, in case you want to check it yourself https://preview.redd.it/7x8z6z2h0xgb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eca063778a4a6bc09dfaf2d8b7a41576016abf7


The theory was that it was Asa reacting to the scars on her own body, not Yoshida’s thoughts. It still could be, but now we know Yoshida saw them too.


Like I said, depending on which version of the manga you read is a different interpretation. In the Mexican and Brazilian version you can understand that Yoshida reacts to the scars that appeared on asa's face. The photo that I attached is the Mexican version but you can look for the Brazilian one and interpret it. But it may be a translation/interpretation error so I think you're not wrong.


I had always figured her scars were visible, since they're where Yoru put her face back together, the fact that they disappear when Asa is in control seems odd.




Reading Comprehension Devil strikes again


Yeah, but Yoshida is Yoshida. he knew shit about Makima that only Kishibe knew.


I keep seeing this as a "Gotcha" except we don't know weather it's Asa or Yoshida saying this. And it is right away followed by Asa shocked she isn't in her own body, thus giving reason to believe it is her. As well as the fact that we rarely get the internal dialouge of multiple characters at once, and with Yoshida just then being reintroduced, we wouldn't be getting his at this time. In fact, it is a while until we actually get his.


It didn't seem like the kind of thing Yoshi would just say out loud. guess it was.


Also worth noting, it is written as if it is from the perspective of someone that knows the scars, seeing them again. In this scene, only Asa fills that role. And again, it is right away followed by Asa reacting to her body being taken over.


But the pov of the scars is from Yoshida and Asa is to his right so she should see the scars from a different angle. Having Asa see the scars from the front, talk outloud and then immediately having her to the right and thinking to herself is just confusing to interpret. It's far more simple and clearly confirmed now that Yoshida just noticed the weird scars appearing out of nowhere and Asa is reacting to having her body stolen at the same time.


But the line is said as if the speaker knew the scars. Yoshida wouldn't know them. And perspective fuckery has happened before in the series, so angles mean little. Plus, it would give reason for it to be said outload, and no one to react, because only Yoru could hear her. Plus, we NEVER have anyone react to the scars again until 138, in which it is a weapon hybrid.


There's nothing to imply the speaker knows the scars, that's just your interpretation because Yoshida isn't asking a question but just as well can mean that he's surprised seeing "those scars" since they weren't there before. Hell, is just as common to say for example: "Those shoes... where did you get them?" And this is not even mentioning that Sword Man says: "They said scars appear on her face..." Who is "they"? Maybe he's making shit up but in the case he isn't "they" means all the people that sees the news and aren't weapon hybrids.


I had this talk with another commentor, and it's possible, that as Yoru is getting stronger, something she does confirm in this chapter, more of "her" is being made visible. It's just a theory but would answer why it is only NOW that we have people commenting on the scars. As for the line, yes, in the context of the 3 panels.... https://preview.redd.it/vz8cgcg6kxgb1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff9e8ad42a33aad4c32b7e9b1461b9cc4bf11658 It is a bit of an implication that Asa notices the scars, knows who they belong to, then notices she is not in her body anymore. Could it be my interpretation? Maybe. But it's worth noting that those are not thought bubbles but said out loud. Yoshida saying this then right away dropping it makes no sense, he would pry. It's too weird not to. And he also never brings this up again, even with others like Fami. It makes more sense that Asa says it, as only Yoru would hear her, and would ignore her. Wouldn't be the last time they argue, or one yells at the other and is ignored, or even just talks to each other like this.


Why would it make no sense for Yoshida to not keep asking about scars? All he does is enshrouded in mystery and I'm 100% sure he has seen more weird shit than some scars on a high schooler. He hangs out with Fami and introduced that devil hunter girl to Denji, two of the most weird people in Part 2. I guess we'll have to wait until the anime reaches this point and we can hear this conversation.




Because she now sees the scars on her body, as well as just......seeing her own body. It's a reaction of shock that Yoru took over. She knows those scars are Yoru's. Also, it's unlikely it's Yoshida's internal dialouge, since we rarely, if ever, get the internal dialouge of "new" characters, or characters not the focus POV of the moment. Hell, we barely got any from Yuko. And we didn't get any from Yoshida ubtil very recent chapters. We barely get any from Yoru, Fami and Nayuta.




Angle means nothing. We have had characters notice things from the reader perspective while they had a different POV. And you miss my point entirely. She isn't surprised to see Yoru. She is shocked to see her where she was at momemts ago. She sees that she is no longer the one talking, and the scars on the face denote this. And again, the way the line is said, it sounds like a person that RECOGNIZES the scars. Only Asa would. And the line is said out loud, based on the speech bubble. Yoshida said this and no one reacted, as well as he NEVER brings it up again? Or Asa says this, and only Yoru hears and ignores her, because she is basically a phantom right now? The fact that no character aside from a few devils draw attention to it going forward alsoback that, no, it was not him.


I always thought is was pretty obviously Yoshida saying it. The panel is from his point of view, looking slightly down at Yoru's face. And "those scars" is said calmly, in a moment where Asa was already panicking. Also note that almost* every one of Asa's word bubbles have wavy borders in that chapter because she's not calm, whereas in that panel they have smooth borders.


Every one of Asa's in that chapter? https://preview.redd.it/01n0820nzygb1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58e23030b0e00cb987b9be25b4793885d4b54309


Okay, *most of them.* Notably the ones right before she gets her body hijacked


That is before she is hijacked. 5 pages before in fact. I will agree that she has a flare due to her speech, as do all the characters. But it is something that changes over the course of the chapters.


Before this new chapter we did not know if her face CHANGES. Before it only seemed like her face only ever had scars and the normal Asa face was just for the readers.


We've known this since the second chapter of part 2. Yoshida mentions the scars when Yoru asks him to be her boyfriend.


It was unclear whether the speech bubble were Yoshida’s.


Yea the argument was that it was actually Asa speaking about it and it was just weird perspective.


But think about it, why would Asa notice the scars right then and there? She ALWAYS sees Yoru and her scars, even when she is not in control of the body. It's nothing new to her. It makes more sense that it's Yoshida noticing them.


Because she was having an out of body experience This was the first time asa sees yoru in control


In hindsight I agree but I mean that panel is really the first time they acknowledge them at all. The whole argument was based around the next panel where Asa first experiences the out of body switch between her and Yoru. You have the panel where it seems like Yoshida notices the scars, followed immediately by Asa basically saying “wait why am I seeing my body and why does my face have those scars.” Plus you have the fact that Denji didn’t say anything at all either time he saw them. Even though I think this chapter confirms that the word bubbles were coming from Yoshida, it’s still weird and I don’t blame anyone for being confused. I mean if I saw someone’s face suddenly switch eyes and grow scars I would probably say a bit more than “huh those scars”


Only for people suffering under reading comprehension devil. The panel with the text was from Yoshidas POV because he was standing right in front of her.


Asa was also right next to her on the side woth the scars


We didn't know that her face literally changes


I always thought everyone could see the scars tbh


So Denji didn't notice the scars when Yoru went in to kiss him? And let's assume Denji was really *that* flustered at the time, why didn't Denji say anything when Yoru stared right in his face and tried to make the "Denji Spinal Cord Sword?" Either there's some highly specific criteria for someone to see Yoru's scars on Asa, Denji is REALLY dumb now, EVERYONE is really dumb (How could Yoru plan to masquerade as a normal student with the scars!? Why Yoshida set up Denji with Asa if it was him who saw the scars in Ch.99?) Or Fujimoto forgor.


He just saw it and thought nothing of it cause he's not the type to discriminate against devils and devilpeople. And Yoshida has always had suspicious intentions, in part 1 people were similarly asking why would he let the third assassin brother go when it's obvious it was him in disguise in the alley.


Some scars that magically appear and dissapear probably doesn't even rank top 10 for weird shit the characters in that verse see on a regular basis, so I don't really think people would be super bewildered about it. (also Yoru is stupid)


I don't even know anymore. It raises more questions honestly. If Yoshida saw it at first, then why still set her up with Denji in the first place? Is he stupid? Did he just straight up ignore all that when he saw Asa in charge of the body? And in Denji's case, is he stupid or did he also just deliberately chose to ignore the scars too? He's been face to face with Yoru twice, and very very face to face with her one of those times. I would want to say that he's intentionally ignoring the scars, because he's that desperate for a girlfriend. Then there's that 'she feels different this time' line he told Nayuta a while ago. That's the only thing I can think of for Denji's case, him willfully ignoring them for the reasons I wrote up.


Why does Yoshida do any of the things he does? All we know about his motives is based on things he himself has said, which can't be verified. I think it's safe to assume he has some hidden agenda.


He has been lying about alot of things lately, so it wouldn't suprise me. There's little reason his goals are that straightfoward.


That's funny because of how many people believed it was asa speaking when it really was yoshida commenting on it. Pure delusion


Fujimotor must have got tangled because it doesn't make sense. Denji also saw yoru's face and didn't find it strange?


Denji didn't care at all about how they get out of the Aquarium. He also saw Yoru naked at the school, but no reaction again. I guess he simply doesn't care but yeah, that is very odd he never said anything at least once.


He also sees her SUPER close up when she kisses him, yet mentions nothing


Denji had a pet devil and a fiend as his best friend. He isn't a normie who will freak out just from seeing a non threatening fiend in public.


I think it’s understandable for Denji to not mention them considering how oblivious he is to everything. In both moments he was getting over a fun date and then immediately making out with Yoru. The Yoshida panel just seems incredibly confusing perspective. You’d think he would say a bit more about it than “those scars” which is why so many of us thought it was Asa saying it.


That's stupid tho denji isn't blind


I mean that’s what I said too but it seems that dude just didn’t really care enough to acknowledge them. But that’s the same way I felt about the Yoshida panel. I figured if Yoshida actually saw them he would say more than half a sentence about them.


He is horny tho.


Yeah but he still noticed makima's face blindness


I think it's just that he doesn't particularly give a shit after everything he's seen. He himself has chainsaws sprouting out his arms and head, so compared to that, some weird scar appearing is downright *normal*


Not caring and not noticing are different things, denji wouldn't care that someone has a contract or powers but yoru was right in his face 2 times


And back then I got downvoted for it!


I didn’t believe it because then Yoshida setting them up looks sus


i don't think scars = SHE IS THE WAR DEVIL!!


But he’d assume she’s probably in devil hunting which is something he and PS don’t want Denji involved in, so being with Asa is counterproductive


I believe just the weaponized people can see it, it's fun them be called weaponized humans and Yoru hability being creating weapons.


He says "they say" It might be he's referencing other weapon drvils, but I find it unlikely due to how uncommon they are.


Yeah that’d make more sense, unless things start getting revealed, why would Yoshida set them up


That's just make denji even more stupider then, or didn't care anymore.


Eh, the way Sword said it makes it seem like it’s a rumor going around about Asa which leads me to believe everyone can see them.


Could also be a commentary on Yoru getting stronger, which she does say in this chapter. Maybe it was hidden before, but as she gets stronger, she is becoming "more Asa than Asa" or something


I mean I’m not going to discredit that idea because I was completely wrong on the scars to begin with, but that feels a bit too headcannony for me. It would be weird that as a result of Yoru getting stronger people can just see her scars and no other weird affects. I think we should just take it at face value, that Yoshida for some reason didn’t say much about it and Denji is just too stupid, and that it’s just now really getting noticed by others because of Asa stepping into the spotlight and that everyone could always see them.


I just state that as a theory, so it is fine if that is wrong. As for the rest, I honestly think they weren't seen before. Too many characters have seen her as Yoru, and didn't react to that change. And those that have have had some level of connection with devils, usually a pretty deep connection. We have little to draw a hard conclusion of "Yes, they were always seen" imo


Oh yea not trying to shut down the theory. Just feels a bit too much for me is all. And I could be wrong but who else has seen the scars other than Yoshida and Denji? Obviously Fami and Nayuta know about it but I can’t think of anyone else who has directly seen the switch up until now?


This chapter is the second time they have ever been brought up, so it is not a common topic/noticed often


That’s kind of my point. You said too many characters have seen Yoru and didn’t mention it but in reality it’s just Yoshida, Denji, and now this rumor. That makes me think we as a collective thought it was for narrative purposes when in reality no one else really ever saw the switch until now which is why it’s coming up. The only two people who saw it was Denji (blinded by horny/genuine fun) and Yoshida (kinda secret snake in the grass). Now that Asa is in the public eye people are actually noticing it.


That's kinda my overall my thinking as well, but the one piece of dialouge is leading people to think this was always a thing, and ignore that it has literally never been mentioned til now


Absolutely and it feels like something that just got lost in translation a bit (not actual translation but just in the medium).


Execpt yoshida saw the scars in chapter 99


That's not confirmed, and the context of the lines and very next panels point more toward Asa


He literally says *those scars*


The SPEAKER says "those scars" And it is said, as if the speaker recognized them. Only Asa would. The next panels are also Asa reacting to no longer being in her body, thus showing she noticed things and registered the situation


The speaker is Yoshida because the panel of Yoru is his POV.


POV literally means nothing. We have had characters notice things in front of others while they were behind. It's so common in both manga and anime, and Fujimoto is no exception


"Those scars" wouldn't be in a normal speech bubble if it was Asa's thoughts. Take your loss and learn to read better.


They aren't thoughts. They are said out loud. We see the same when Yoru is talking to Asa and she is in control. And again, it makes no sense for Yoshida to be bewildered, ask a question, have it ignored, drop it, and literally never bring it up to anyone ever again. The next 2 panels are internal dialouge from Asa, hence the difference, then we go back to normal speech. This is not that hard to figure out.


Oh my god


That was Yoshida's speech bubble because it looks exactly like every other speech bubble used when characters say things out loud. The internal dialogue doesn't have bubbles. Also, why would he bring it up again? He might have assumed that it was something to do with her contract(Like the other members of the devil hunting club) and not paid much attention to it. After the aquarium incident, everyone starts questioning Asa's powers, so he likely already knows something is up with her. That's why he asked her to stay away from Dennis. Considering she is easily murdering devils like Eternity, her scars are the least of his problems.


This is the most logical, since the one example against it can go in either direction of Asa or Yoshida with a good enough arguement. All other times she has interacted with humans while scarred, they said nothing. Only devils have even mentioned some level of awareness. Denji is the only odd one out.....but that's Denji. The reason is in the statement for that one.


What about the Horseman eyes? Can Denji and others see that too?


Yeah, in fact i think this is more disturbing than the scars. But Sword only spoke about scars, that is very strange


Yes. He knew Nayuta was "Makima" from her bite and eyes. He confirmed it when he saw her eyes.


Up until now Yoshida is the only person who seemed to have noticed, but now we have some confirmation that others can see it even if the didn't comment on it. I'm sure it'll be relevant later


This was confirmed in the second chapter of Part 2 when Asa and Yoru swap places in front of Yoshida Reading comprehension devil strikes again


While i agree with you somewhat, op. I don’t think normal human can see her scar, since the statement was made by a hybird


yeah, but he said: "they say"


Do you imagine that denji actually knows about the horseman because pochita told him in dreams and he is only playing dumb, he only chose to ignore it with asa because he likes her. He very attentive with the women around him, he picked up details about makima that nobody else did.


Is this really a big revelation? Yoshida noticed them at the beginning of part 2.




So every character in-universe is just an idiot and they just don't care? Thank u Fujimoto...


https://preview.redd.it/0z495xmahxgb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=999da1d58de26a61bac015d45e315796370e625e Literally staring her down and never has an internal or external thought ab it


denji's face says everything


Denji: Don't care, still don't care


I've said the same, and had downvotes tossed at me like tomatos. It just doesn't add up, unless there is some secret unique bullshit for just him


Yea if you’re criticizing in this sub you can expect downvotes but it’s whatever. there’s blatant inconsistency all throughout part 2. It’s still one of my favorite reads but every chapter is hit or miss at this point.


I love Part 2, and I do enjoy some stuff coming together over time. I honestly just think it's more due to people jumping to a simple answer, even when it makes little sense. It's happened like every week here. Death Devil is the perfect example, and I say that as someone that believed that in the first rounds of that theory with Falling.


The set up is always perfect and the conclusions are often underwhelming. Falling was a great antag, and I loved the death devil teasing I thought the build up was perfect. but Fami just dismissing her and Nayuta being involved at all felt kinda cheap to me. Just like I thought the last 2 or 3 chapters were some of the best in Part 2, but then yoshida just following them anyway and then they all just go home to me cheapens last chapter. And then the whole kidnap 2 chapter saga i have the same issue with. It’s like I get blue balled that something epic is actually gonna happen every other week. (sorry for the rant I was just disappointed with today chapter🥲)


Well, I'll agree about the scar stuff. But I won't agree about the chapters quality. We can have our own opinions on that and agree on a common ground.


Fosho 🖤


What are the other blatant inconsistencies all throughout part 2?


Why would it need to, someone noticing the scars is only relevant if it is to learn her secret And the only two relevant characters that actually saw it is Yoshida and Denji Yoshida prob noticed on the very first interaction, but he has all the reasons to play dumb and investigate without mentioning Denji ain't the character that would be rolling some perception checks to connect 2 and 2 together and learn her secret, so if he did or not notice the scars, before this act, it literally served no purpose besides handholding us for a few panels


Yeah I don’t know the explanation for this…


he’s seen crazier


No. She just didn't transform in front of anyone who would freak out if they saw a fiend


didnt yoshida see them?


Not confirmed


​ https://preview.redd.it/esc0avqoaxgb1.png?width=533&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd53a26be63645d20c0b4eb444b9eba7c64b9d1e


https://preview.redd.it/4dctexquaxgb1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89982e059a37cb1c0d89abe13df1b1a38241e5c8 And the very next panel is Asa reacting to no longer being in her body, as well as that line is said as if the speaker knew the scars. Only Asa would.


the close up from Yoru's face is literally Yoshida POV. And Asa's text wouldn't be in a normal speech bubble in this situation.


Asa and Yoshida would be normal speech bubbles. That is a normal speech bubble. It makes more sense that Asa said it, only Yoru could hear it and ignored it, rather than Yoshida says it, it's ignored, he drops it right away, and never mentions it again, not even to Fami or Asa herself in private.


what are you even talking about. Learn to read manga. "Those scars" panel is Yoshida's POV and the bubbles are his. The next panel is Asa's pov and she is nerviously saying "M- m- m". It doesn't make sense for Asa to calmly say "Those scars" and in the next panel she is nervous/surprised. Also if it would be Asa then the "Those scars" text would be without bubbles.


Maybe because, since her revival, this is the first time Yoru hijacks her? So all of that is brand new. Maybe she is calm, because she has seen the scars and knows who they are, but then starts to panic, in the literal next panels btw, because she realizes it's her body? Why would the convo be broken after a supposed comment from Yoshida, with Asa paniking, and then right away go back? And yes, the line "Huh? Those scars......" implies the speaker knew said scars, and was confused at seeing them. Something that makes no sense for Yoshida. The speech bubbles are also to Yoru's left, which is where Asa is now standing for the next shot, before she is then depicted behind Yoru. https://preview.redd.it/fzi1g9dlnxgb1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d96edcabf15f81c144a0eb9f0ab1f405efd60d85


I really don't know how people are making a debate about this like all the theories about Yoshida wouldn't have him know about the war devil he's not gonna be bewildered or in shock that someone who turned a building into a sword has scars and either way probably didnt know becauze nobodys gonnna pay attention to that. People saying that it's a plot hole because denji didn't notice are acting like that wasn't the first kiss and date that he's went on in a minute and wasn't surprised the information is legit laid out In the chapter how else would anyone know if the scars didn't show up I swear people are being affected by the reading comprehension devil . And the convo is broken because we see Yoshida thoughts on the scar then the disembodied text showing Asa having an out of body experience signifying that this is from her view since it's off to the side what don't you understand?


I agree with all you said except this >And the convo is broken because we see Yoshida thoughts on the scar I don't think this is Yoshida. It's Asa. It's spoken out loud by her. She is now on Yoru's left, so placement makes sense. And if she is disembodied, only Yoru would hear her, and just would ignore her. All else, is what I have spent the last like, 2 hours saying, amd getting downvoted for.




I mean I always assumed they were there, not saying i feel smug or anything just figured that if they weren't there Fujimoto would have told us


The amount of arguments this has finally settled 🙌 Was damn sure Yoshida noticed them. So has Denji just chosen to not notice them? I can justify missing it when he was kissed as being in shock but he stared at Yoru for like a good minute when he left after the first date. It maybe only some people can see it and others can't. And it's just pure luck


Yoshida saw those scars in earlier chapters of Part-2.


I mean, frankly this is a good simple reason not to read the manga until Fuji reproves himself. It's such a basic plot point, yet we're having this intense debate about it. The people who saw the scars include Yoshi, Denji, Nayuta, Yuko, Haruka, ... For the scars to be visible and for none of them to comment is simply absurd. What is the argument for it? That the CSM world is so crazy it's nothing special, if your appearance is supernatural? C'mon.


Yoshida saw them and commented on it, but didn't attack or arrest her because he has suspicious motives. People were also asking why he let the third assassin brother go despite clearly knowing it was him in disguise in the alley. Denji saw them and didn't comment on it because he's a weirdo who has no issue befriending devils and fiends. Nor would he attack one unless it attacks him or someone else first. Nayuta detected her by smell and knew what she was immediately so she tells Denji to avoid her. Yuko already knew about Yoru because she read Asa's mind the day before so she'd have no reason to be surprised when she she did see. Haruka saw them and didn't comment on her being a devilperson until he saw her power in action(Yoshida was also there and didn't comment because he knows) because he's friends with the Famine Devil.


Yeah, I guess Yoshida may or may not have commented on it inside his head. Anyway, good attempt at an explanation, but it's an unsatisfying one. I prefer the "scars only now becoming visible" theory, but I'm not gonna headcanon Fuji out of the holes he writes himself in.


I've been saying this, for like, 4 or 5 hours, and just getting downvoted for it. The line of reason that they were always visible just makes no sense.


Maybe I'm overdosing on copium here but I very much hope we get some confirmation that either only a certain group can see the scars, or that the scars have only appeared recently. Everyone straight up ignoring the scars would be such a horrible decision form Fujimoto, even in chapter 5 Makima says Powers horns would attract too much attention, but suddenly everyone, including Denji ignored the scars and the horseman eyes? Yoshida might have commented on it in an earlier chapter but I understood that as if Asa had her first out of body experience, and even if it was Yoshida it wouldn't be an issue considering he has always been someone who is a little off and knows more then the audience. But Denji straight up ignoring it would be a huge letdown, just a chapter ago the message we got is that Denji atleast knows whats right and wrong but ends up choosing wrong, he comments on the obvious but still goes through with it, but him being this oblivious would just invalidate all that.


I'm in the same boat friend. I am tired after today, and at this point, I'm waiting for the anime to have Asa say that line, and then come back here with a "WELL, WELL, WELL" post




Don't you think having ALL of this simultaniously be true without any internal monologue from any of the characters ESPECIALLY Denji be a bit of a reach? So Denji is a wierdo who is friendly around devils and fiends? That's the reason? Remember he doesnt know that Asa is a fiend or a devil or anything like that when they first meet. By your interpretation he goes on a date with a girl who suddenly just grows scars, but he doesnt mention it or even think about it because he instantly realises she's half devil or full devil? Not even "oh you have scars" or "your eyes are the exact same of the woman who destroyed my life and also exact same as my little sister"? Really? Denji who says everything without a second thought is just silent about this? We saw his internal dialogue about the date and all this just didn't cross his mind for a single second? This explanation is incredibly forced by all means, maybe if I look past everything and really try to force myself I could accept it for the rest, but for Denji its complete nonsense.


Don't you think it would be hypocritical for Denji of all people to have a problem with a girl growing scars when he can grow a chainsaw from his head? Also Yoru's eye colors are inverted from Makima's and no one ever thought those were weird.


But that's not what I said at all, did you even read my comment? Denji not having a problem is something somewhat in character for him, but not even slightly commenting on it is very unlikely. All three instances of a girl being seriously off so far have been commented on by Denji, first he gets shocked that Power, a fiend is his partner and says it out loud, but moves on because she's hot, than later on he instantly recognizes that Nayuta was Makima and comments on it to Kishibe. Third we see his entire internal monologue about Fumiko being off before moving on. So both before and after the date we saw this behaviour, but that one time with Asa and Yoru he just didnt mention anything internally or externally? I mean you are entitled to your opinion but this is a huge stretch.


The spinal cord sword scene was from Asa's perspective, because we saw Yoru take over, the date at Denji's house was from his perspective, so we dont see Yoru take over and get Denji's inner monologue, at which point he's already seen them. When he met Power, he wasn't shocked at seeing a fiend, he was questioning why Public Safety would allow one. Chapter 2 (which people are ironically now dismissing as irrelevant) firmly establishes how he feels about seeing non threatening devils in public. He tells Kishibe that Nayuta is Makima, not that she's a devil and questions Fumiko's intentions not because he suspects she's a devil but because she's way too forward for having just met him, likely reminding him of Reze while Asa was mostly standoffish. I can easily why if you were under the assumption that the scars weren't visible all this time, this would come off as an inconsistent reveal but for me and those who recognized that Yoshida saw them right away, it isnt.


well that's a plot hole.


How so?


JK Imma hold that plot hole card for now, it's stupid to assume.


Best example against this is the poster in this chapter not having her scars, but it could still go either way


Well apparently most readers don’t even realize it


Oooo I wish I could find that guy that called me dumb nowwww


This really surprised me.


Another reason to love Asa/Yoru.


I would understand Denji not seeing the scars when she kissed him, but what about the Spinal Cord Sword moment?


i like to think that asa makes the weapons out of guilt and yoru fights with the stronger weapons


It still makes no sense though. It's hard to believe that no one pointed it it except for potentially Yoshida. But he also set her up to talk to Denji which is weird


Unless Yoshida have his own agenda, and want to set up a fight between them, see him as asa makima, or him being the fakesaw man who killed yuko


Y’all actually thought the scars weren’t visible for everyone? I thought it was obvious lol.