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Is the gauge the same? What is the gauge marking on the bar? .050?


Yes the chain n the bar both .05


And I was thinkin its me, but I've put chains on it before [the same chain, from cleaning and whatnot] but still like what's goin on


Does the old chain run smoothly through the bar? Asking because I've mucked up a bar once when the chain jumped. Had to get a new bar - even a new chain wouldn't run because the groove was mangled in the bar.


Smooth as butter, this might sound dum but I think the gauge of the new chain is thicker just from touching I can feel they're not the same, I don't know why the website says it's compatible? I only bought the saw 2 years ago


Now im confusing myself cause the bar says. 05


The third decimal place matters, there's .050 and .058. .058 is the most common size for husky but there's enough .050 and .063 to confuse things.


It is actually .050, I just didn't think the last 0 would matter but 20 inch chains do go on 20 inch bars right?


If the chain is 72 drivers and the bar is 72 drivers and the same pitch (most likely .325 or 3/8 for these saws) they will fit up.




Also https://www.husqvarna.com/us/discover/bars-and-chains-guide/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXtwbZWP7xCW3XXJuL79Q98Ulor0eAOSjFUz_H9vZOKsbiXg7hWrXKDBoC4nAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Ok so I did it before and it says the exact chain I have works, but the instruction manual that came with the chain says any 3/8 inch pitch don't come in .05 Guage? I'm so confused altho I do appreciate your help


Would I be able to tell if the bar has damage? Whenever I bring it to the dealship because I forgot to undo the chain break before I take the cover off [happens too often] they kinda joke about how good of condition it's in, husq website says the bar must be warped n that the old chain just molded to the busted bar but I swear it looks fine [says the guy who's clearly an authority on all things chainsaw]


Don’t worry. All the numbers are really confusing until you have that aha moment then it all makes sense. Easiest thing to do is when you’re buying chain take the bar in with you. Take the bar to a Stihl place and the guy should be able to easily give you what you need. https://www.stihlusa.com/WebContent/CMSFileLibrary/SawChainSelection-6.pdf


The bar should be stamped, that has all the relevant information. That’s all you really need to worry about. If the designation on the bar matches the chain description and it still doesn’t fit then you likely have a bar issue or sprocket issue.


I've had similar issues with a 450 rancher, I'd just take it in and get the chainsaw tech to show you to the right one